


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  interactions is revising dogmas about their insular actions and revealing that immune-neural interac
2          During negative encoding, increased insular activation was observed in both depressed groups
3                                 Furthermore, insular activity increased after 120 min in the low-fat
4 ted specifically with right ventral anterior insular activity, which was not detected under the other
5 al correlates of impulsivity in the anterior insular (AI) cortex by measuring both the thickness of,
6  we found that infralimbic (IL) and anterior insular (AI) cortices project densely through ventral-VS
7          This study reveals distinct cingulo-insular alterations for FND and PTSD symptoms and may ad
8 ensity and dietary niche breadth data for 36 insular and 59 mainland lizard species, and estimated co
9  information, as well as lesions in the left insular and adjacent parieto-temporal areas contributing
10                                    Increased insular and amygdalar involvement during negative word e
11 vidence for the respective roles of anterior insular and anterior cingulate cortices in empathetic pa
12 e disorders, notable in the cortical mantle, insular and anterior cingulate cortices, thalamus, corpu
13 test the hypothesis that decreased levels of insular and anterior cingulate GABA would be present in
14 tween thalamus and cortex in the prefrontal, insular and anterior cingulate regions.
15                              Empathy-related insular and cingulate activity may reflect domain-genera
16 ction and magnitude of LDX-induced change in insular and DLPFC activation.
17 executive difficulties include modulation of insular and DLPFC recruitment as well as decrease in DLP
18 ng lateral frontal, dorsomedial frontal, and insular and inferior parietal regions closely similar to
19 sociated with reduced engagement of anterior insular and midcingulate cortex: that is, areas previous
20 er, axonal and myelin integrity increased in insular and occipital cortex projections with maturity.
21  PSH and damaged voxels in right hemispheric insular and opercular areas.
22 ted acoustic information while more anterior insular and prefrontal regions respond to the abstract,
23 tent of anatomical changes in orbitofrontal, insular and striatal structures was related to individua
24  .001) evidence of CBF recovery in the right insular and superior temporal cortex.
25 nly; and in the right hemisphere in both the insular and temporal cortices.
26 atomical localization most likely relates to insular and temporal lobe involvement, cortical regions
27 and pain elicits activations of the anterior insular and the anterior cingulate cortices associated w
28 d expenditure over time may reduce striatal, insular, and Rolandic operculum responsivity to food cue
29  intake and expenditure may reduce striatal, insular, and Rolandic operculum responsivity.
30  variety of resources on islands may prevent insular animals from increasing their niche breadths eve
31 refeeding-activated neurons in the agranular insular area; bed nuclei of terminal stria; anterior hyp
32 roject to the PB were found in the agranular insular area; bed nuclei of terminal stria; anterior hyp
33 ansported label was observed in rostral peri-insular areas orbital periallocortex, orbital proisocort
34 ssical" agranular, disgranular, and granular insular areas were sparse or nonexistent in areas 32 and
35  tonic components, centered on opercular and insular areas, and involving human parietal rostroventra
36 TSD symptoms would map onto distinct cingulo-insular areas.
37 ea, dorsolateral orbital area, and agranular insular areas.
38  2.5 ka, to characterize long-term change in insular assemblages of hemosporidian parasites.
39 o introductions has been comparable for many insular assemblages, suggesting that introductions could
40 he intensity of interspecific competition in insular assemblages.
41                                           An insular auditory field (IAF) has recently been identifie
42  higher oleoylethanolamide levels had higher insular brain activity (P < .001, rho = 0.70); again, th
43 ed on mitochondrial DNA) in order to compare insular butterfly communities occurring over a key inter
44                   We propose that attenuated insular CBF is a mechanism underlying compromised connec
45 tected in cortical areas including piriform, insular, cingulate and somatomotor cortices, the limbic
46 so found within transitional cortical areas (insular, cingulate, and piriform cortices) and hippocamp
47  WS make the observed genetically determined insular circuitry perturbations and their association wi
48 oastal embayment of Norton Sound relative to insular colonies in the northern Bering Sea-Bering Strai
49                                      Because insular communities are depauperate, and guilds are spec
50 la and amygdala, a structure with reciprocal insular connections, in 26 alcohol-dependent patients an
51 nnectivity in FM have demonstrated increased insular connectivity to the default mode network (DMN),
52                          Moreover, increased insular connectivity to the DMN was associated with incr
53 ristics were significantly correlated to the insular connectivity with the dorsal medial PFC in male
54 had a specific influence on ventral striatal-insular connectivity.
55  not AM251, infusions into the interoceptive insular cortex (a region known to be activated in acute
56 l regions in rats, the agranular/dysgranular insular cortex (AIC) and the ventromedial prefrontal cor
57  foundation for a role of the human anterior insular cortex (AIC) in emotional awareness, defined as
58                  Consistent with an anterior insular cortex (AIC) involvement in storing taste memori
59                           The right anterior insular cortex (AIC) was identified as the principal are
60 l-dependent (BOLD) responses in the anterior insular cortex (AIC), a core hub of the "salience networ
61 atosensory representation in caudal granular insular cortex (CGIC) in the rat, either before or after
62                                 The anterior insular cortex (IC) and the nucleus accumbens (NAc) core
63                                              Insular cortex (IC) contributes to a variety of complex
64 l amygdala (BLA) and the gustatory region of insular cortex (IC) have been implicated in these proces
65 e present study investigated the role of the insular cortex (IC) in morphine-induced conditioned tast
66 strate that partial depletion of 5-HT in the insular cortex (IC) prevents LiCl-induced conditioned di
67 tudies suggest that the anterior part of the insular cortex (IC) serves as primary taste cortex, wher
68  the posterior half of GC in addition to the insular cortex (IC) that is just dorsal and caudal to th
69 a significant increase in ACh release in the insular cortex (IC), a highly relevant structure for tas
70                                          The insular cortex (IC), an area largely studied in rodents
71               Prior studies suggest that the insular cortex (IC), and particularly its posterior regi
72                                 To that aim, insular cortex (IC)-dependent positive and negative form
73  choline has been evidenced in the posterior insular cortex (pIC) of neuropathic animal, which was si
74 r vestibular cortex (PIVC) and the posterior insular cortex (PIC).
75                             The right fronto-insular cortex (rFIC) is a critical component of a salie
76 ls related to subclinical anxiety levels and insular cortex activation.
77 ctivation in both regions; however, only the insular cortex activations are significantly associated
78 ial temporal lobe, with values of 1.6 in the insular cortex and 0.7-1.0 in other cortical regions.
79 D2 receptor binding in the salience network (insular cortex and anterior cingulate cortex [ACC] and t
80 ontrol was associated with reduced volume in insular cortex and increased volume of caudate nucleus.
81 ing of the multiple sensory functions of the insular cortex and of the cortical processing of vestibu
82 lation of neurons in this structure, and the insular cortex and the basolateral amygdala (BLA) intera
83  thalamus, as well as metabolic decreases in insular cortex and the periaqueductal gray, were noted.
84 e posterior insula, that is, in the granular insular cortex and the postcentral insular gyrus.
85 eural activity in the visual, cerebellar and insular cortex areas compared with a resting condition.
86 covery of von Economo neurons within macaque insular cortex by Evrard et al. described in this issue
87                                          The insular cortex cells, which are born later and which are
88 ing seven clusters across frontoparietal and insular cortex comparable to human MD regions and one un
89 essing, they make evident that the region of insular cortex destroyed is not necessary for the normal
90 ene blue increased response in the bilateral insular cortex during a psychomotor vigilance task (Z =
91  regions within the human frontal cortex and insular cortex during food desirability choices, combine
92 alamic activity and the interaction with the insular cortex elicited by fat may contribute to an effi
93 odel of awareness proposes that the anterior insular cortex engenders feelings that provide an amodal
94  propose that inflammation restricted to the insular cortex enhances associative taste memory through
95 terior dorsal insula, such that a portion of insular cortex forms an isolated pocket medial to the Sy
96 g approaches to delineate the likely area of insular cortex given to gustatory function and to charac
97 r-bound protons, within a discrete region of insular cortex implicated in representing internal physi
98 nvestigated the functional properties of the insular cortex in behaving monkeys using intracortical m
99 es have challenged the necessary role of the insular cortex in both awareness and feeling by showing
100 tion, supporting a critical role of anterior insular cortex in empathetic pain processing.
101 olinergic neurotransmission in the posterior insular cortex in neuropathic pain condition and the inv
102 onnectivity, and fALFF converged in the left insular cortex in patients with FXS.
103 ior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the posterior insular cortex in the anxiodepressive, sensory, and affe
104 nversely, we report a signal in the anterior insular cortex in the highest earners that precedes the
105 suggests a prominent role of dorsal anterior insular cortex in the parasympathetic control of cardiac
106 pite numerous studies suggesting the role of insular cortex in the processing of gustatory and olfact
107 uroimaging studies in humans have implicated insular cortex in these phenomena.
108 tion on visual awareness and the role of the insular cortex in this process remain unclear.
109                                       As the insular cortex is a well-established region in pain proc
110  We suggest that fusion between temporal and insular cortex is an example of a relatively rare neuroa
111                                          The insular cortex is fundamentally involved in the processi
112                   QR2 mRNA expression in the insular cortex is inversely correlated with mAChR activa
113                                          The insular cortex is involved in the perception of interoce
114                                          The insular cortex is required for CTA memory formation and
115 e processing of interoceptive signals in the insular cortex is thought to underlie self-awareness.
116 ces of pain remained present after posterior insular cortex lesion, even though the mechanical allody
117                 Patients with focal anterior insular cortex lesions displayed decreased discriminatio
118  findings reveal that only discrete anterior insular cortex lesions, but not anterior cingulate corte
119                          Volume reduction in insular cortex may constitute an important neuropatholog
120                                              Insular cortex neurons demonstrate food-cue-biased respo
121 roach to monitor visual cue responses in the insular cortex of behaving mice across hunger states.
122             In the hypothalamus and granular insular cortex of mice with type 1 diabetes, bone marrow
123  analyses of the neuronal connections of the insular cortex of the macaque monkey using modern high-r
124                                 The anterior insular cortex of the right hemisphere, in particular it
125 ns whose locations matched with the anterior insular cortex or anterior cingulate cortex clusters ide
126 on of others' pain in patients with anterior insular cortex or anterior cingulate cortex lesions whos
127 nd they suggest that discrete modules within insular cortex provide the basis for its polymodal integ
128                       In contrast, bilateral insular cortex responded to pain stimulation regardless
129 fic VMpo projection area in dorsal posterior insular cortex that provides the basis for a somatotopic
130 ptic glutamatergic projections from anterior insular cortex to central amygdala is critical to relaps
131 ardiac nervous system, from the level of the insular cortex to the intrinsic cardiac nervous system,
132 e studied the auditory thalamic input to the insular cortex using mice as a model system.
133 tions uncover a pathway from AgRP neurons to insular cortex via the paraventricular thalamus and baso
134 r performance for both the angular gyrus and insular cortex was reliably enhanced by the addition of
135 using high-resolution fMRI revealed that the insular cortex was sensitive to both visible and invisib
136               Furthermore, fALFF in the left insular cortex was significantly positively correlated w
137 nd other areas of the frontal cortex and the insular cortex with hypothalamic, ventral, and dorsal st
138           We hypothesized that the right mid-insular cortex, a central recipient of viscerosensory in
139 ral and functional abnormalities in the left insular cortex, a region also implicated in individuals
140 d to be expressed across the olfactory bulb, insular cortex, amygdala, and dorsal hippocampus.
141 er volume in medial prefrontal cortex (PFC), insular cortex, and subgenual anterior cingulate regions
142 hes, including viral vector transfections of insular cortex, arc fluorescence in situ hybridization (
143 satiety-related visceral signals converge in insular cortex, chemogenetic activation of hypothalamic
144 ed by anterograde tracer injections into the insular cortex, corticothalamic projections in the VPMpc
145 h the thinness of the anterior region of the insular cortex, in which highly impulsive (HI) rats expr
146 thalamus, putamen, and pallidum), as well as insular cortex, is associated with greater change in bel
147 the left IFG and left pallidum, putamen, and insular cortex, is associated with reduced change in bel
148 the gustatory cortex, including parts of the insular cortex, is crucial for the processing of food it
149 an assemblage of taste-responsive neurons in insular cortex, is widely regarded as integral to condit
150 eral areas, including the prefrontal cortex, insular cortex, olfactory bulb, amygdala, and hippocampu
151 n including the nucleus accumbens, striatum, insular cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and medial forebra
152  in the medial and lateral frontal cortices, insular cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, a
153 ices received extensive projections from the insular cortex, primarily from its agranular areas.
154 approximately 20% less c-fos ir-cells in the insular cortex, retrosplenial cortex, and dentate gyrus.
155 reward and emotion encompassing the anterior insular cortex, the nucleus accumbens, and the amygdala.
156 lum together with the anterior and posterior insular cortex, the putamen, as well as subcortical whit
157 pendent on glutamatergic transmission in the insular cortex, to investigate the behavioral and cellul
158 n the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the insular cortex, two regions that have been shown to be r
159  in the amygdala, frontal operculum-anterior insular cortex, ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and the
160                                          The insular cortex, which receives sensory inputs from both
161 rkers of myeloarchitectural integrity of the insular cortex, while affective empathy was predicted by
162 ucture enclosed between the striatum and the insular cortex, with widespread reciprocal connections w
163 s that this is dissociable from the adjacent insular cortex-dependent taste aversion memory.
164                   We identified the anterior insular cortex-to-central amygdala projection as a new a
165 rs the signature of autonomic arousal in the insular cortex.
166 taste memory and AMPA receptor expression in insular cortex.
167 he parabrachial nucleus, and projects to the insular cortex.
168 , subgenual anterior cingulate, and anterior insular cortex.
169 ns, like the putamen with connections to the insular cortex.
170 NMDAR-dependent CaMKII- AMPAR pathway in the insular cortex.
171 he lateral pallium at the site of the future insular cortex.
172 gating of cardiac-related information in the insular cortex.
173 mapping of vestibular responses in the human insular cortex.
174 ecially within adjacent posterior regions of insular cortex.
175 th low-fat meals on the hypothalamus and the insular cortex.
176 y portion of the thalamus, and the gustatory insular cortex.
177 he pial surface to form layers (2-6a) of the insular cortex.
178 lose to the external capsule and deep in the insular cortex.
179 tatory responses to stimulation of the human insular cortex.
180 y covered by the Nr4a2-negative cells of the insular cortex.
181  to restore hunger-like response patterns in insular cortex.
182 ecting that of long-term potentiation in the insular cortex.
183 ng signal (prediction error) in the anterior insular cortex.
184 signated histogenetic unit gives rise to the insular cortex/claustrum and should therefore be conside
185 al component of the functional topography of insular cortex; such an approach could have general appl
186  also has a role in this process, we studied insular cortical memory representations for conditioned
187 em, to show that CREB levels determine which insular cortical neurons go on to encode a given conditi
188              Overall, diverse prefrontal and insular cortical regions projected to the basal and acce
189 e effect for visual and auditory sensory and insular cortices (h(2) approximately 0.45).
190 ecific oscillatory activity at the bilateral insular cortices as well as connectivity patterns that r
191 inding in bilateral parietal, cingulate, and insular cortices as well as in the thalami, amygdalae, a
192                       Also, the piriform and insular cortices displayed strong PIST labeling.
193 s reported that the temporal and heteromodal insular cortices have a central role in propagating thes
194 d from the frontal, parietal, cingulate, and insular cortices in the rhesus monkey by using high-reso
195 the perirhinal, piriform, orbitofrontal, and insular cortices suggests that these regions can integra
196       Although ventral temporal and anterior insular cortices supported valence codes specific to vis
197 nd the salience network (i.e., cingulate and insular cortices) and the pattern of elevated LA coincid
198 ally in the frontal, temporal, parietal, and insular cortices, and in some subcortical regions, inclu
199 , but not its ion-impermeable mutant, in the insular cortices.
200 ncluding the anterior cingulate and anterior insular cortices.
201 n measured as the sum of both left and right insular cortices.
202  as well as secondary (S2) somatosensory and insular cortices.
203  in perirhinal, orbitofrontal, piriform, and insular cortices.
204               The present findings highlight insular disintegration (ie, compromised salience network
205                  A common assumption is that insular diversity is at a dynamic equilibrium, but for r
206 work, comprising regions of lateral frontal, insular, dorsomedial frontal, and parietal cortex.
207 ution: very large decreases (such as extreme insular dwarfism) can happen at more than 10 times the r
208 or understanding long-term biotic changes in insular ecosystems.
209  to a very isolated and ecologically simple, insular environment.
210 igh evolutionary distinctiveness and inhabit insular environments.
211 in fossils occur alongside the remains of an insular fauna and a simple stone technology that is mark
212              We found 236 native terrestrial insular faunal species (596 populations) that benefitted
213 ippocampus; cingulum; and temporo-occipital, insular, frontal, and parietal cortices.
214 oth of which are known to be associated with insular functioning.
215                   Among those with TMD, left-insular Gln levels were related to reported pain, left p
216 tter volume and relatively increased temporo-insular gray matter volumes.
217  granular insular cortex and the postcentral insular gyrus.
218 epeated philopatry to specific overwintering insular habitat.
219 that link the midline frontal, parietal, and insular hub regions.
220               That most impacted species are insular indicates that management of invasive predators
221  increased activity in the left PFC and left insular (INS).
222 articularly to neocortical regions including insular, lateral frontal, posterior temporal and opercul
223 ders showed prominent hypogyria at bilateral insular, left frontal, and right temporal regions when c
224 ed lubrication remained associated with left insular lesions after adjustment for bladder or urinary
225 ns associated with impaired arousal and left insular lesions associated with decreased lubrication.
226 oes not affect the sexual size dimorphism of insular lizards and carnivores (i.e. character displacem
227                            We tested whether insular lizards have broader dietary niches than mainlan
228 neuropathic pain, and suggest that targeting insular M2 receptors using central cholinomimetics could
229 he functional significance of this change in insular microstructure was demonstrated by correlation w
230 regions in the frontal, occipital, temporal, insular, middle cingulate cortices, and putamen; naloxon
231 ere related to reported pain, left posterior insular NAA and Cho levels were significantly higher at
232 on of striatal connectivity with the cingulo-insular network during early withdrawal may be associate
233 network interfaces with the anterior-cingulo-insular or "salience network" demonstrated to be transdi
234 atrophy of inferior frontal gyrus, alongside insular, orbitofrontal and temporal cortex in our patien
235 mbic cortex (i.e., orbitofrontal, cingulate, insular, parahippocampal, and temporopolar cortices) and
236  task difficulty was represented in anterior insular, parietal, and prefrontal cortices.
237 rting was associated with FA in parietal and insular parts of left IFOF.
238  ventral medial prefrontal (mPFC), agranular insular, piriform, retrosplenial, and parahippocampal co
239 ancy and N-mixture methods for monitoring an insular population of grass snakes (Natrix helvetica) an
240 ifetime fitness, using data from a pedigreed insular population of wild house sparrows.
241 ure and demographic parameters in viviparous insular populations and ovoviviparous coastal and interi
242 re compared with those of mainland and other insular populations of S. suzukii and of the isomorphic
243  The island rule describes a graded trend in insular populations of vertebrates from gigantism in sma
244                  The results revealed highly insular populations, depauperate of genetic variation an
245 l mapping of gustatory representation in the insular posterior short gyrus and the first detailed des
246             Decreased fALFF in the bilateral insular, precuneus, and anterior cingulate cortices also
247  brain regions, including the somatosensory, insular, prefrontal, and cingulate cortices.
248 n in the thalamus; cerebellum; cingulum; and insular, prefrontal, and parieto-occipital cortices (clu
249 sical perception of itch, including anterior insular, primary somatosensory, and prefrontal (BA44) an
250          Our results show that interoceptive insular processing affects visual awareness, demonstrati
251 al periallocortex, orbital proisocortex, and insular proisocortex following all prefrontal injections
252               Previous studies reported that insular projections do not target any of the subdivision
253 y arise, in part, from claustrum and/or peri-insular projections to the anterior cingulate and medial
254               A comprehensive description of insular projections to the latter region is lacking.
255 he topographical and laminar organization of insular projections to the parahippocampal region in the
256 tions and clear rostral-caudal topography of insular projections.
257           Two fMRI experiments show that the insular region is sensitive to this cardio-visual synchr
258  could be obtained during stimulations of an insular region that partially overlapped with the gustat
259 racers to map projections from the claustrum-insular region to the medial prefrontal and anterior cin
260 rication correlated with lesions in the left insular region, contributing to mapping and generating v
261    A small network incorporating neighboring insular regions and the anterior cingulate cortex showed
262                                      Cingulo-insular regions are implicated in the biology of both co
263 of DA signaling in striatal, prefrontal, and insular regions as key neurochemical mechanisms underlyi
264 ced gray matter densities in the frontal and insular regions in the C allele carriers.
265 riatal, temporal, hippocampal/amygdalar, and insular regions in the CU group compared with the HCs.
266 te loss is associated with hypoactivation of insular regions that support monitoring the body's physi
267  bilateral frontal, parietal, cingulate, and insular regions.
268 Drosophila sechellia, a genetically isolated insular relative of D. yakuba whose intensely studied sp
269 nge in liking was associated with changes in insular responses to this beverage.
270 rk interactions, with IPS and VS influencing insular responses.
271  frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and insular segments) and attention by means of structural e
272 akes (Thamnophis sirtalis) from mainland and insular sites where they do and do not occur with ophiop
273                                              Insular species are predicted to broaden their niches, i
274 are associated with atrophy in a left fronto-insular-striatal network previously implicated in speech
275  with OCD showed larger and hyperfunctioning insular-striatal regions that may be poorly controlled b
276 nd underfunctioning ventrolateral prefrontal/insular-striatal regions whereas patients with OCD showe
277                                              Insular strokes turned out to be strongly associated wit
278                Acute vascular damage of this insular subregion might lead to autonomic dysbalance and
279 alysis to examine connectivity between right insular subregions and central executive/default mode ne
280 dbrain-and across motor, premotor, posterior insular, superior prefrontal, and cerebellar cortices.
281 SIC1a in long-term depression (LTD) at mouse insular synapses.
282 strate the involvement of an ASIC1a-mediated insular synaptic depression mechanism in extinction lear
283  of taste aversive memory led to the reduced insular synaptic efficacy, which precluded further LTD i
284 ignificantly reduced amygdalar, hippocampal, insular, temporal, and inferior frontal GM relative to T
285 arietal network and decreases in a posterior insular/temporal network predicted placebo analgesia.
286 e sclerosing variant, tall cell variant, and insular thyroid cancer.
287 VIP), medial superior temporal area, parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC), areas V6 and V6A, and
288 was also possible in the vicinity of parieto-insular vestibular cortex, possibly in a homolog of maca
289 etrosplenial, dorsal and posterior agranular insular, visceral, temporal association, dorsal and vent
290 ciations were observed between left anterior insular volume and functional neurological symptoms as m
291 lth impairments showed reduced left anterior insular volume compared with controls.
292 led cortical atrophy with subtle frontal and insular volume loss.
293 rior insula showed that the reduced anterior insular volume may be associated with a population of vo
294 functional neurological symptoms and reduced insular volume was identified.
295 een childhood abuse burden and left anterior insular volume.
296  that patients with FND would show decreased insular volumes compared with controls.
297 ometry method to quantify total and regional insular volumes.
298 ning correlated with decreased left anterior insular volumes.
299 rlapping anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and insular volumetric reductions, and that FND and PTSD sym
300  Wilson's article, 'An equilibrium theory of insular zoogeography', was a recent milestone for this t

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