


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 NA long terminal repeat (LTR) ends termed an intasome.
2 l DNA ends in a stable complex, known as the intasome.
3 ng dimer in the crystal structure of the PFV intasome.
4 orts to preferentially stabilize an excisive intasome.
5 ome but inhibits formation of an integrative intasome.
6 DNA bridged by integrase within the excisive intasome.
7 rge nucleoprotein complex, which we call the intasome.
8 factor is required for reconstitution of the intasome.
9 he native structure of the HIV-1 protein-DNA intasome.
10 ravel the functional mechanisms in different intasomes.
11  simultaneously with IN and viral DNA within intasomes.
12 gher order recombination structures known as intasomes.
13 perly arranged protein-DNA structures termed intasomes.
14                                          The intasome, a higher-order nucleoprotein complex composed
15 uired for the production of a recombinagenic intasome, a mutant attP DNA deficient in binding of the
16              This process is operated by the intasome, a nucleoprotein complex composed of an integra
17       The cleft between IN dimers within the intasome accommodates chromosomal DNA in a severely bent
18                                              Intasomes are capable of integrating the DNA termini in
19 l/target DNA substrates have indicated these intasomes are composed of IN subunits ranging from tetra
20      Herein we present a model for the HIV-1 intasome assembled using the PFV structure as template.
21  work highlights the diversity of retrovirus intasome assembly and provides insights into the mechani
22                                      But how intasome assembly is controlled remains unclear.
23 s suggest that these may be intermediates in intasome assembly.
24 ualize the functional maedi-visna lentivirus intasome at 4.9 angstrom resolution.
25 ent, which promotes assembly of the excisive intasome but inhibits formation of an integrative intaso
26 d, TNPO3 effectively bound to the functional intasome but not to naked viral DNA, suggesting that TNP
27 edicts further ways in which the role of the intasome can be explored.
28 stituting nucleoprotein complexes possessing intasome characteristics.
29 he formation of specific integrase-mIHF-attP intasome complexes.
30 ecombination, demonstrates the importance of intasome components on the directionality of the reactio
31                                          The intasome, composed of a tetramer of integrase bridging a
32                                          The intasome comprises a homo-hexadecamer of IN with a tetra
33 ure shows the organization of the retroviral intasome comprising an integrase tetramer tightly associ
34 residues are critical for the assembly of an intasome containing IN octamers but not for an intasome
35 tasome containing IN octamers but not for an intasome containing IN tetramers.
36 ers to assemble two viral DNA molecules into intasomes containing IN tetramers in contrast to one pos
37 ight how HIV-1 can use the common retroviral intasome core architecture to accommodate different IN d
38 ing critical carboxy-terminal domains to the intasome core that cannot be provided in cis because of
39  tetramer, and it is generally believed that intasomes derived from other retroviral genera use tetra
40 arious proteins and DNA binding sites in the intasome determine not only whether recombination can oc
41                                          The intasome engages chromosomal DNA within a target capture
42 or acquires a dependence on supercoiling for intasome formation and recombination.
43 ave begun to categorize the requirements for intasome formation in the site-specific recombination sy
44 e intramolecular Int-mediated bridges during intasome formation.
45 and Int-L5, readily recombines with a second intasome formed by Int-L5, mIHF and attL DNA (intasome-L
46  we have shown that the assembled complexes (intasomes) formed in vitro with linear 3.6-kbp DNA donor
47     Here we report crystal structures of the intasome from prototype foamy virus in complex with targ
48 essed ends were protected by IN in assembled intasomes from DNase I digestion up to approximately 20
49 ization of integrase-viral DNA complexes, or intasomes, from the spumavirus prototype foamy virus rev
50 stal structures of the prototype foamy virus intasome have shown that all three FDA-approved drugs, r
51                                        HIV-1 intasomes have been refractory to high-resolution struct
52                                         Both intasomes have similar catalytic activities.
53 ed to form the native structure of the HIV-I intasome in infected cells.
54        Treatment with high salt disrupts the intasome in parallel with loss of intermolecular integra
55  protein-DNA interactions that form the attP intasome (intasome-P) or the capture of attB, but acts l
56                                      How the intasome interfaces with chromosomal DNA, which exists i
57 of U3 suggesting that a transient structural intasome intermediate was identified.
58 n of specific protein-DNA architectures; the intasome is constructed by the formation of intramolecul
59 ggest that the integrase tetramer within the intasome is different from the integrase tetramer formed
60 we show that the prototype foamy virus (PFV) intasome is proficient at stable capture of nucleosomes
61                                          The intasome is the basic recombination unit of retroviral i
62        Formation of such complexes, known as intasomes, is required for site-specific recombination c
63 ntasome formed by Int-L5, mIHF and attL DNA (intasome-L) to generate the attP and attB products of ex
64                 Structures of drug-bound PFV intasomes moreover elucidated the mechanism of inhibitor
65 troviral integrase (IN) functions within the intasome nucleoprotein complex to catalyze insertion of
66 yo-electron microscopy reveals a multivalent intasome-nucleosome interface involving both gyres of nu
67            The octameric architecture of the intasome of mouse mammary tumour virus provides new insi
68 ted octameric integrase architecture for the intasome of the betaretrovirus mouse mammary tumour viru
69                                 However, the intasomes of orthoretroviruses, which include all known
70 NA interactions that form the attP intasome (intasome-P) or the capture of attB, but acts later in th
71 ion of IN in higher order oligomerization of intasomes, potentially informing future strategies to pr
72                                   Retrovirus intasomes purified from virus-infected cells contain the
73 NA bend, and facilitates the formation of an intasome-R complex.
74 igher-order multimers, can form a functional intasome, reconcile the bulk of early HIV-1 IN biochemic
75                 Formation of attR-containing intasomes requires only Int and Xis, distinguishing Puko
76                          The majority of PFV intasome search events were non-productive.
77 t the prototype foamy virus (PFV) retroviral intasome searches for an integration site by one-dimensi
78 uirement for detailed understanding of HIV-1 intasome structure and function.
79          In parallel, the native protein-DNA intasome structure detected at the ends of HIV-1 by Mu-m
80 nucleoprotein complexes displayed the native intasome structure detected in wild-type preintegration
81 rences that could be important in quaternary intasome structure.
82 laces constraints on models for the excisive intasome structure.
83 g and stabilizing a DNA bend that alters the intasome structures formed during recombination.
84  substrates and in forming higher-order attL intasome structures.
85           The self-association properties of intasomes suggest that the integrase tetramer within the
86  in the buried interior of the modeled HIV-1 intasome, suggesting that even very subtle fitness effec
87 mes with structures of Prototype Foamy Virus intasomes suggests a binding mode for target DNA prior t
88 ly truncated IN (residues 1-269) produced an intasome that contained tetramers but failed to produce
89 e construction of higher-order nucleoprotein intasomes that integrate and excise the genome of phage
90 ation, and will allow modelling of the HIV-1 intasome to aid in the development of antiretroviral dru
91 e nucleoprotein structure, which we term the intasome to distinguish it from the greater preintegrati
92 these contacts impinge on the ability of the intasome to engage nucleosomes in vitro and redistribute
93 nd BET proteins for MoMLV) that tether viral intasomes to chromatin.
94                             Although several intasome/transpososome structures from the DDE(D) recomb
95     Under suboptimal assembly conditions for intasomes using U3 att DNA, DNase I probing demonstrated
96 tion of IN at the att sites in reconstituted intasomes was similar to that observed in PIC.
97 otein-DNA interactions within the functional intasome were lacking.
98 into a recombinationally active complex, the intasome, which is capable of attB capture and formation
99 ttL, producing SarA-DNA complexes similar to intasomes, which consist of bacteriophage lambda integra
100 contained tetramers but failed to produce an intasome with octamers.
101 etically stabilized Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) intasomes with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 stran

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