


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  from other retroviral genera use tetrameric integrase.
2 ion catalyzed by a large SR, phage varphiC31 integrase.
3 riptase (NtRTI group) and 16 (20%) of 79 for integrase.
4 ally reduced level of inhibition against HIV integrase.
5 bly using site-specific recombination by C31 integrase.
6 nascent DNA combined with detection of viral integrase.
7 ral cellular and HIV proteins, including the integrase.
8 (CCD) and the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the integrase.
9 ith those observed for prototype foamy virus integrase.
10 ystem for understanding DDE transposases and integrases.
11 gether, tDNA) targets, catalyzed by tyrosine integrases.
12                                 The Wingless/integrase-1 (Wnt) family of protein ligands and their fu
13    We report single-DNA experiments for Bxb1 integrase, a model SR, where dynamics of individual syna
14                                   Lack of an integrase-AC40 interaction dramatically alters target si
15      Retroviral integration proceeds via two integrase activities: 3'-processing of the viral DNA end
16 grase mutations were analyzed for effects on integrase activity in vitro and during virus infection,
17 ere necessary for mouse mammary tumour virus integrase activity.
18 nd host attB sites is promoted by the serine integrase alone, giving recombinant attL and attR sites,
19 er of a cell wall biogenesis enzyme, a phage integrase and a death-on-curing protein.
20 a gene cluster encoding for transporters, an integrase and a dioxygenase were involved in BAC biotran
21 inding factor LEDGF/p75 interacts with HIV-1 integrase and directs integration to active transcriptio
22 ecombination reactions mediated by varphiC31 integrase and its RDF, and use these data as the basis f
23 n part determined by the interaction between integrase and lens epithelium-derived growth factor (LED
24 ith HIV inhibitors of reverse transcriptase, integrase and protease.
25  involves intra-subunit contacts between the integrase and RDF moieties of the fusion protein.
26                   DSS3Phi8 also contains the integrase and repressor genes, indicating its potential
27  Here we describe an interaction between Ty1 integrase and the AC40 subunit of Pol III and demonstrat
28 d three predicted site-specific recombinases/integrases and a tetR homologue.
29 logy of multiple mobile DNAs, imprecision of integrases and transposases, and differential activity a
30  integration mechanism similar to retroviral integrases and transposases.
31 cts similar to those generated by retroviral integrases and transposases.
32  applied bioinformatics to identify 34 phage integrases (and their cognate attB and attP recognition
33 otide and 100% protein identity to the VPI-1 integrase, and attachment (att) sites 100% identical to
34 m further insists that each island encode an integrase, and attachment site sequence identity is care
35 rgeting HIV reverse transcriptase, protease, integrase, and coreceptor CCR5 with EC50's ranging from
36 odies against matrix, reverse transcriptase, integrase, and/or protease.
37 ilies of integrases, the tyrosine and serine integrases, and the advantages and disadvantages of each
38 enzymes-reverse transcriptase, protease, and integrase-and have had the satisfaction of knowing that
39 graphy, we determine an unexpected octameric integrase architecture for the intasome of the betaretro
40 s is desirable, and several different serine integrases are available.
41                                       Serine integrases are bacteriophage enzymes that carry out site
42                         Bacteriophage serine integrases are extensively used in biotechnology and syn
43                         Phage-encoded serine integrases are large serine recombinases that mediate in
44                                              Integrases are versatile and efficient tools that can be
45                               The retroviral integrases are virally encoded, specialized recombinases
46 ette carrying attP sites for phiC31 and Bxb1 integrases at the H11 locus by spontaneous or TALEN-assi
47 ions were each bordered by two nonhomologous integrase attachment (att) sites, which together compris
48 y of position effects by developing a PhiC31 integrase-based targeting method.
49 uts: whole-gene deletion and deletion of the integrase binding domain (IBD)-encoding exons.
50  all of PSIP1 or the exons that code for the integrase binding domain.
51 the molecular mechanism underlying the LEDGF integrase-binding domain (IBD) interaction with MLL fusi
52 93T cells lacking LEDGF/p75 or the LEDGF/p75 integrase-binding domain (IBD) showed that LEDGF/p75 con
53 ow, Kessl et al. report a second function of integrase: binding to the viral RNA genome in virion par
54 are thought to attach to the chromosome when integrase binds to LEDGF/p75.
55 the architecture of a canonical three-domain integrase bound to DNA remained elusive.
56 component and then are delivered to the ALB3 integrase by a GTP-dependent cpSRP-cpFtsY interaction.
57                     We show here that serine integrases can be fused to their cognate RDFs to create
58 approved antiviral compound that targets HIV integrase, can inhibit the nuclease function of human cy
59 ers that engage the core structure via their integrase carboxy-terminal domains.
60 e site-preference of integration by the Cas1 integrase (casposase) encoded by the casposon of the arc
61                                         Dual integrase cassette exchange (DICE) mediated by phiC31 an
62                                   Retrovirus integrase catalyses insertions of both ends of the linea
63                                   Retroviral integrase catalyses the integration of viral DNA into ho
64 n was mediated by the mycobacteriophage Bxb1 integrase-catalyzed recombination between attP and attB
65          The universally conserved Cas1-Cas2 integrase complex catalyses spacer acquisition using a d
66 The conserved Cas1 and Cas2 proteins form an integrase complex consisting of two distal Cas1 dimers b
67 oreign DNA into CRISPR loci by the Cas1-Cas2 integrase complex is promoted by a host factor, IHF (int
68 onsequence of the structural symmetry in the integrase complex(2,3).
69       Contrary to the belief that tetrameric integrase components are sufficient to catalyse integrat
70 ering a homologous donor template (either an integrase-defective lentiviral vector or a DNA oligonucl
71                                 We show that integrase-defective lentiviral vectors (IDLVs) can detec
72                                              Integrase-deficient human immunodeficiency virus-1-deriv
73                                  By adapting integrase-deficient lentiviral particles (LPs) as carrie
74          Fourth, malformed cores, typical of integrase-deleted virus, are partially replaced by conic
75 atalysis while another pair of non-catalytic integrase dimers bridge between the two viral DNA molecu
76 ic assembly of integrase, in which a pair of integrase dimers engage viral DNA ends for catalysis whi
77 r of prototype foamy virus, and two flanking integrase dimers that engage the core structure via thei
78 icient to catalyse integration, the flanking integrase dimers were necessary for mouse mammary tumour
79        The structure is composed of two core integrase dimers, which interact with the viral DNA ends
80 e a molecular basis for understanding serine integrase directionality.
81                                       Serine integrases, DNA site-specific recombinases used by bacte
82        Although structures of the tetrameric integrase-DNA complexes have been reported for integrase
83 of structurally distinct, kinetically stable integrase-DNA product complexes, dependent on the presen
84                  We found a novel MLL motif, integrase domain binding motif 2 (IBM2), which binds to
85                                          The integrase domain of Cas1 was necessary, whereas integrat
86 These discoveries reveal mechanisms by which integrases dramatically manipulate bacterial genomes to
87 tionally discuss the latest advances on anti-integrase drug development for the treatment of AIDS and
88 redictable, and we describe a pair of serine integrases encoded by mycobacteriophages Bxz2 and Peache
89 e relative abundance of the class 1 integron integrase encoding gene (intI1) was observed.
90                                              Integrase from HIV-1 and closely related retroviruses sh
91 tegrase-DNA complexes have been reported for integrase from prototype foamy virus featuring an additi
92 port a crystal structure of the three-domain integrase from Rous sarcoma virus in complex with viral
93 eukemia virus (MLV) system consisting of MLV-integrase fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (M
94 he prevalence and persistence patterns of an integrase gene (int1), used as a proxy for integrons (wh
95  near the centre of the genome containing an integrase gene and attP.
96 qnrA, sul1, tet(A), tet(W), and tet(X)], the integrase gene of class 1 integrons (intI1), and 16S rRN
97 e chromosomal location as VPI-1, contains an integrase gene with 94% nucleotide and 100% protein iden
98 peI), and DNases (spd1 and spd3), with phage integrase genes being present at one flank of each phage
99 e ICE integration and to confirm the role of integrase genes intS, intM, and intG in this process.
100                                    Available integrase genotypic resistance patterns were Y143C/G/H/R
101 examined results of all clinically indicated integrase genotypic resistance tests (GRTs) performed at
102 ve virion assembly protein (gp17), the phage integrase (gp29), the endolysin (gp31), the phage repres
103  Approximately 1 in 6 US patients undergoing integrase GRT for clinical decision making harbors signi
104               Among 224 patients with serial integrase GRTs, 22 with baseline wild-type acquired a ma
105      Within the last 25 years, bacteriophage integrases have rapidly risen to prominence as genetic t
106 e strong human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrase (HIV-1 IN) inhibitors in the low nanomolar ran
107 and a probe for a highly conserved region of integrase in the HIV-1 pol gene (the integrase single-co
108 to the degradation of RT and, in some cases, integrase in the virus particle and this abolishes infec
109 as the main cellular binding partners of MLV integrase (IN) and demonstrated their significance for e
110 been implicated in inhibiting homologous HIV integrase (IN) and influenza endonuclease via metal chel
111 n is catalysed by the virally encoded enzyme integrase (IN) and is facilitated by viral genus-specifi
112                                        HIV-1 integrase (IN) and reverse transcriptase-associated ribo
113  that disrupts the interaction between HIV-1 integrase (IN) and the cellular factor lens epithelium-d
114 rder nucleoprotein complex composed of viral integrase (IN) and the ends of linear vDNA, mediates int
115 al integration is catalysed by a tetramer of integrase (IN) assembled on viral DNA ends in a stable c
116                      A tetramer of the viral integrase (IN) assembles on the two viral cDNA ends, doc
117  evidence indicates that inhibition of HIV-1 integrase (IN) binding to the viral RNA genome by allost
118 s then incorporated into host chromosomes by integrase (IN) catalysis.
119                                          HIV integrase (IN) catalyzes the insertion into the genome o
120             While an essential role of HIV-1 integrase (IN) for integration of viral cDNA into human
121                                   Retroviral integrase (IN) functions within the intasome nucleoprote
122                             Allosteric HIV-1 integrase (IN) inhibitors (ALLINIs) are a promising clas
123 ridine-based multimerization selective HIV-1 integrase (IN) inhibitors (MINIs) are a distinct subclas
124                                              Integrase (IN) inhibitors are the newest class of antire
125                               The retrovirus integrase (IN) inserts the viral cDNA into the host DNA
126       Concerted integration catalyzed by RSV integrase (IN) is effectively inhibited by HIV STIs.
127                                        HIV-1 integrase (IN) is essential for virus replication and re
128 ORTANCE Recent evidence indicates that HIV-1 integrase (IN) plays a key role during particle maturati
129                                    The HIV-1 integrase (IN) protein is responsible for the integratio
130 terations to the murine leukemia virus (MLV) integrase (IN) protein that successfully result in decre
131  replication by binding to the viral-encoded integrase (IN) protein.
132 NA Pol III, requires the Ty1 element-encoded integrase (IN) protein.
133          Target-site selection by retroviral integrase (IN) proteins profoundly affects viral pathoge
134  of selectivity over RT polymerase (pol) and integrase (IN) strand transfer (ST) inhibitions.
135 se transcriptase (RT) inhibitors (NNRTI) and integrase (IN) strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) are ke
136              There are currently three HIV-1 integrase (IN) strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) appro
137 otease (PR), reverse transcriptase (RT), and integrase (IN) variability presents a challenge to labor
138 D overlaps with the binding site for the HIV integrase (IN), and IN was capable of efficiently seques
139 f random, single-amino-acid mutants in HIV-1 integrase (IN), covering >40% of amino acid positions.
140 HIV-1 enzymes reverse transcriptase (RT) and integrase (IN), respectively.
141 viral enzymes reverse transcriptase (RT) and integrase (IN), respectively.
142 ation is catalysed by the retrovirus-encoded integrase (IN), which forms a tetramer or octamer comple
143  and strand transfer (ST) functions of HIV-1 integrase (IN), while 7-aminosubstituted quinolinonyl de
144 ication, specifically interacting with HIV-1 integrase (IN).
145  a principal cellular binding partner of ALV integrase (IN).
146 tion with chromatin and the gamma-retroviral integrase (IN).
147 The structure shows an octameric assembly of integrase, in which a pair of integrase dimers engage vi
148 RN-SR2 with a truncated variant of the HIV-1 integrase, including both the CCD and CTD.
149                                         From integrase-induced changes in TPM in the presence or abse
150  (DTG), a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) integrase inhibitor (INI), would be efficacious in INI-r
151 ymmetric total synthesis of the potent HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 5 is described.
152 avir has been shown to be non-inferior to an integrase inhibitor and superior to a non-nucleoside rev
153 The findings support guidelines recommending integrase inhibitor based regimens in first-line antiret
154 nhibitor-based, 100% (95% CI, 91%-100%); and integrase inhibitor based, 95% (95% CI, 83%-99.4%).
155 n the plasma drug concentration of the viral integrase inhibitor dolutegravir.
156 appears to be a more favorable effect of the integrase inhibitor EVG over efavirenz on immune activat
157 d virological failure with resistance in the integrase inhibitor group compared with three participan
158                       252 (87%) women in the integrase inhibitor group had plasma HIV-1 RNA less than
159  of adverse events compared with five in the integrase inhibitor group.
160 thesis of a complex chiral atropisomeric HIV integrase inhibitor has been accomplished.
161                    It is unclear whether the integrase inhibitor raltegravir (RAL) reduces inflammati
162 y acquired significant resistance to APV, an integrase inhibitor raltegravir, and a GRL-09510 congene
163    289 were randomly assigned to receive the integrase inhibitor regimen and 286 to receive the prote
164 the safety and efficacy of the single tablet integrase inhibitor regimen containing elvitegravir, cob
165 citabine, and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (integrase inhibitor regimen) or ritonavir-boosted atazan
166                                      Data on integrase inhibitor resistance come primarily from clini
167   When present in certain combinations, some integrase inhibitor resistance mutations increased resis
168 evel replication of HIV-1 in the presence of integrase inhibitor therapy.
169                 The potency of an allosteric integrase inhibitor, ALLINI-2, for rendering produced vi
170 e CYP3A without anti-HIV activity) and a new integrase inhibitor, elvitegravir (EVG).
171  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase inhibitor, was evaluated for distribution and
172  significantly shorter in those receiving an integrase inhibitor- versus a protease inhibitor-based r
173          A total of 56/86 (65%) initiated an integrase inhibitor-based regimen and 30/86 (35%) a prot
174 nd chronic HIV infection, in particular when integrase inhibitor-based regimens were used.
175                             Additionally, in integrase inhibitor-experienced patients, only R263K and
176  genotypes exclude testing for resistance to integrase inhibitors ("IR testing"), although this class
177                                   Allosteric integrase inhibitors (ALLINIs) affect multiple viral pro
178 inding to the viral RNA genome by allosteric integrase inhibitors (ALLINIs) or through mutations with
179 TIs (NNRTIs), protease inhibitors (PIs), and integrase inhibitors (IIs) did not affect HK2, except fo
180 leoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and integrase inhibitors (without cobicistat).
181                               The potency of integrase inhibitors against 3'-processing and their abi
182 e between pre- and post-integration latency, integrase inhibitors are routinely used, preventing nove
183 leoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and integrase inhibitors are used to treat infection with HI
184 need to accelerate the study and approval of integrase inhibitors for use in young children.
185 deficiency virus (HIV) treatments containing integrase inhibitors is unknown.
186 ncy levels described in models that only use integrase inhibitors may be overestimated.
187 virine, ritonavir-boosted lopinavir, and the integrase inhibitors raltegravir and elvitegravir.
188 cleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors or integrase inhibitors.
189 rus harboring resistance to first-generation integrase inhibitors.
190  dapivirine, rilpivirine, maraviroc, and new integrase inhibitors.
191  IN119 is under selection by HLA alleles and integrase inhibitors.
192 cleotide (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus integrase) inhibitors, in applications such as antisense
193 tion is mediated by a non-canonical tyrosine integrase (Int) lacking an N-terminal domain typically a
194 nase encoded by bacteriophage lambda [lambda Integrase (Int)] is responsible for integrating and exci
195   It is known that reverse transcriptase and integrase interact and that some mutations can disrupt t
196 ting preferences are in large part guided by integrase-interacting host factors (LEDGF/p75 for HIV-1
197 lly developed to inhibit the LEDGF/p75-HIV-1 integrase interaction.
198 phaScreen binding assays, revealing that the integrase interacts with the N-terminal half of TRN-SR2
199 EDGF) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) integrase is an important possible strategy for anti-vir
200 d residue Q146 in the flexible loop of HIV-1 integrase is critical for productive viral DNA binding t
201              These observations suggest that integrase is involved in capsid morphogenesis and vRNP p
202 are partially replaced by conical cores when integrase is supplied in trans.
203                   A useful feature of serine integrases is the simple regulation and unidirectionalit
204 ltegravir, the antiretrovirus drug targeting integrase, is effective against various herpesviruses.
205  actively transcribed euchromatin, where the integrase-LEDGF/p75 interaction drives integration into
206       Here, we show for the Listeria innocua integrase (LI Int) system that the CC domain promotes se
207 on-coordinating residue within a novel viral integrase-like zinc finger domain.
208 ites within the COL1A locus to enable phiC31 integrase mediated introduction of transgenes has been g
209                                          C31 integrase-mediated assembly is highly efficient, allowin
210 sed to generate Drosophila strains by PhiC31 integrase-mediated site-specific integration.
211 nding protein that determines the outcome of integrase-mediated site-specific recombination by redesi
212          The individual domains of the eight integrase molecules play varying roles to hold the compl
213 taining plasmid and in vitro-produced PhiC31 integrase mRNA.
214            We have characterized ALLINIs and integrase mutants that have the same phenotype.
215                                              Integrase mutations can reduce the effectiveness of the
216                              S119A and S119T integrase mutations significantly altered base preferenc
217                                     Thirteen integrase mutations were analyzed for effects on integra
218                                          The integrase octamer solves a conundrum for betaretroviruse
219 m(B), sul1, tet(A), tet(W), and tet(X)), the integrase of class 1 integrons (intI1), 16S rRNA genes,
220 ecognition of NSD3, LANA of herpesvirus, and integrase of MLV, which involves formation of an intermo
221 istently HIV-1-negative for Gag (P = 0.007), Integrase (P < 0.001), Vif (P < 0.001), and Nef (P < 0.0
222                        The retroviral enzyme integrase plays an essential role in the virus replicati
223 ng site of known LEDGF/p75 interactors-HIV-1 integrase, PogZ, and JPO2.
224 e direct interaction between TRN-SR2 and HIV integrase predominantly involves the catalytic core doma
225                                       Serine integrases promote recombination between two different D
226                                          The integrase promotes unidirectional DNA exchange between a
227 ntibodies against p24, matrix, nucleocapsid, integrase, protease, and gp120, but low levels of antibo
228 re of each complex consists of a tetramer of Integrase protein (Int), which is a heterobivalent DNA b
229 s that focus on cellular components of viral integrase protein interactions can be used to combat the
230                            We found that the integrase protein of IDLV mediated the highly efficient
231 s seem to be governed by the ability for the integrase protein to locally bend the DNA duplex for pai
232 ped a replication-competent MLV in which the integrase protein was tagged with a FLAG epitope.
233        Integration is catalyzed by the viral integrase protein, and recent research has demonstrated
234 ic process is catalyzed by the virus-encoded integrase protein, which is conserved among retroviruses
235                 We have found that subtype C integrase proteins have a low enzymatic cost associated
236               Unlabelled RAP1 GTPase and HIV integrase proteins were selectively detected from variou
237 amino acid residue networks in the different integrase proteins, caused by polymorphic residues, whic
238 efficiency and single-protein convenience of integrase-RDF fusion proteins make them potentially very
239 or changes in the length and sequence of the integrase-RDF linker peptide did not affect fusion prote
240 n directionality factor (RDF) in addition to integrase; RDF activates attL x attR recombination and i
241 ese results explain how the Cas1-Cas2 CRISPR integrase recognizes a sequence-dependent DNA structure
242 ys258 were identified here as analogs of PFV integrase residues Ala188, Arg329 and Arg362, respective
243                                        HIV-1 integrase residues Ser119, Arg231, and Lys258 were ident
244 led a network of prototype foamy virus (PFV) integrase residues that distort tDNA: Ala188 and Arg329
245 ients, only R263K and other previously known integrase resistance substitutions have been reported.
246 gion, and test year were not associated with integrase resistance.
247                                Patients with integrase-resistant viruses were older and more likely t
248 V) encodes four essential enzymes: protease, integrase, reverse transcriptase (RT)-associated DNA pol
249     T-cell responses to HIV-1 Gag, Protease, Integrase, Reverse Transcriptase, Vif, and Nef antigens
250 y of the promoter without having to coinject integrase RNA.
251                                              Integrase sequences and demographic data were compiled w
252 (HIV-1) protease, reverse transcriptase, and integrase sequences-three genes that are commonly sequen
253                                          The integrases share only 59% amino acid sequence identity a
254 gion of integrase in the HIV-1 pol gene (the integrase single-copy assay [iSCA]), and increasing the
255 re, the database also serves in the study of integrase site-specificity and its evolution.
256 d with outcomes in the iPrEx trial, Vif- and Integrase-specific T-cell responses were associated with
257 core, we have designed and synthesized a new integrase strand transfer (INST) inhibitor type featurin
258 metal binding pharmacophore required for HIV integrase strand transfer inhibition represents a vibran
259 d single or boosted drug, which should be an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (dolutegravir, elvit
260        Dolutegravir (DTG), a next-generation integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI), was recentl
261      The base case prevalence of transmitted integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI)-resistant (I
262                            The prevalence of integrase strand transfer inhibitor (INSTI)-transmitted
263 rse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) plus an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (InSTI).
264                 In phase 1 trials, the HIV-1 integrase strand transfer inhibitor cabotegravir (GSK126
265                 Dolutegravir is a once-daily integrase strand transfer inhibitor with no need for pha
266        Cabotegravir (GSK1265744) is an HIV-1 integrase strand transfer inhibitor with potent antivira
267 , and tenofovir alafenamide is a once-daily, integrase strand transfer inhibitor-based regimen approv
268                                              Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are highly
269                                              Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are recomm
270    All recent treatment guidelines recommend integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) as compone
271                                              Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) coadminist
272 iveness of the first-generation FDA-approved integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs), raltegrav
273  present the discovery of a new class of HIV integrase strand transfer inhibitors based on the 2-pyri
274  reverse transcriptase inhibitors [NNRTIs]), integrase strand transfer inhibitors, and virus entry in
275                    GSK1265744 (GSK744) is an integrase strand-transfer inhibitor that has been formul
276  more detailed account of recent analyses of integrase structure follows, as they have provided valua
277 el, extended coiled-coil (CC) domains in the integrase subunits are proposed to interact in a way tha
278                                       Serine integrases such as that from varphiC31 and its relatives
279 NHL) superfamily, also called the retroviral integrase superfamily, groups together numerous enzymes
280 er between bacteria such as transposases and integrases) syntenic with ARGs were rare in soil by comp
281     Moreover, we demonstrate that a modified integrase system can also be used for the detection of e
282 e embryos with a plasmid bearing a varphiC31 integrase-targeted attB element and two dual beta-globin
283                 The allosteric inhibitors of integrase (termed ALLINIs) interfere with HIV replicatio
284 he viral DNA ends and structurally mimic the integrase tetramer of prototype foamy virus, and two fla
285  prototype foamy virus revealed a functional integrase tetramer, and it is generally believed that in
286 inor" polymorphisms and substitutions in HIV integrase that are associated with these subtypes can in
287                          Using the Cas1-Cas2 integrase, the CRISPR-Cas microbial immune system stores
288  the mechanisms of the two major families of integrases, the tyrosine and serine integrases, and the
289 e chromatin, and upon interaction with HIV-1 integrase, their complex is locked on chromatin.
290   CRISPR-Cas systems depend on the Cas1-Cas2 integrase to capture and integrate short foreign DNA fra
291 ces a sharp DNA bend, allowing the Cas1-Cas2 integrase to catalyze the first integration reaction at
292 antibody mimics the effect of binding of HIV integrase to LEDGF which is crucial for HIV propagation.
293                  Molecular modeling of HIV-1 integrase, together with biochemical data, indicate that
294      Previous structural characterization of integrase-viral DNA complexes, or intasomes, from the sp
295  exchange (DICE) mediated by phiC31 and Bxb1 integrases was used to insert genes of interest flanked
296 ta for the complex of TRN-SR2 with truncated integrase, we propose a molecular model of the complex.
297 le that are involved in the interaction with integrase were identified using AlphaScreen binding assa
298 02_AG) clonal viruses encoding G118R-bearing integrases were severely restricted in their viral repli
299     In addition, the G140S-Q148H (SH) mutant integrase, which has a reduced 3'-processing activity, b
300            The leukotriene (LT) and wingless/integrase (Wnt) pathways have been implicated in remodel

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