


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  flexible dinucleotides at the center of the integration site.
2 timing of incoming inputs at the axo-somatic integration site.
3  and microRNAs was activated surrounding the integration site.
4 nce of testing for rearrangements around the integration site.
5  by additional methods and sequencing of the integration site.
6 d with changes in chromatin status at the L1 integration site.
7 thereby permitting precise assessment of the integration site.
8 cHI1 plasmids or within multiple chromosomal integration sites.
9 ration sequencing data for retroviral vector integration sites.
10 ged/untagged molecules from distinct genomic integration sites.
11 ration sequencing data for retroviral vector integration sites.
12 ction, yielding a total of 1610 unique HIV-1 integration sites.
13  histones, BET protein-binding sites and MLV-integration sites.
14  repair in macrophages at HIV-1 proviral DNA integration sites.
15 e revealed a proportionally higher number of integration sites.
16  of four HCC patients and identified 255 HBV integration sites.
17  in all chromosomal (attB) and SCCmec (attS) integration sites.
18 ce for contamination during analysis of XMRV integration sites.
19 is important to consider the nature of HIV-1 integration sites.
20  patterns compared with genes more distal to integration sites.
21 urbations of cellular genes at or near viral integration sites.
22 HD finger fusion-directed and LEDGF-directed integration sites.
23 he process leading to the selection of gypsy integration sites.
24 e transgene copies can be beneficial at some integration sites.
25 tion process that favors certain chromosomal integration sites.
26  that is unaffected by the location of HIV-1 integration sites.
27 raftment as determined by analysis of vector integration sites.
28 to allow rapid analysis of retroviral vector integration sites.
29         Here we show that the Abelson helper integration site 1 (Ahi1) gene, whose human ortholog is
30 -cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (BMI1) is a component of the polycomb
31                       The gene ectopic viral integration site 1 (EVI) and its variant myelodysplastic
32       Enhanced expression of ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI-1) occurs in approximately 10% o
33                              Ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) is an oncogenic dual domain zi
34                              Ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1), a proto-oncogene and zinc fin
35                              Ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1), required for normal embryogen
36                      Myeloid ecotropic viral integration site 1 (Meis1) forms a heterodimer with Pbx1
37                        Wingless-related MMTV integration site 1 (WNT1)/beta-catenin signaling plays a
38 ormation by competing with myeloid ecotropic integration site 1 for binding to the common heterodimer
39              Mutations in the Abelson helper integration site 1 gene, which encodes the protein AHI1,
40 the safe-harbor locus adeno-associated virus integration site 1 in human embryonic stem cells.
41 ents (100 droplets/slide) for Pim1 (proviral integration site 1) kinase reactions.
42 riptional signature of EVI1 (ecotropic viral integration site 1)-rearranged (EVI1-r) acute myeloid le
43 al repressor, ETS variant 6, ecotropic viral integration site 1, and homeobox A11.
44 tudies suggest that the human Abelson helper integration site-1 (AHI1) gene on chromosome 6 is associ
45                              Ecotropic viral integration site-1 (EVI1) is an oncogenic zinc finger tr
46  suppressor, whereas myeloid ecotropic viral integration site-1 (Meis1) is an oncogene.
47              Mutations in the Abelson-helper integration site-1 gene (AHI1) cause JBTS in humans, sug
48     The proto-oncogene EVI1 (ecotropic viral integration site-1), located on chromosome band 3q26, is
49 d wingless-related mouse mammary tumor virus integration site 10b (Wnt10b) in 3T3-L1 cells.
50 ess-related MMTV (mouse mammary tumor virus) integration site 3 (WNT3) by ingrowing axons from the th
51 ess-related MMTV (mouse mammary tumor virus) integration site 3 (WNT3).
52 ain clusters of HCCs: the wingless-type MMTV integration site (32 of 89; 36%), interferon-related (29
53 ceptor (2.9-fold), and wingless-related MMTV integration site 7B (2.8-fold).
54 therapy should target a wide range of latent integration sites, act effectively against viral variant
55             Identification of the lentiviral integration sites allowed us to distinguish metastatic f
56                                   Retrovirus integration site analysis before and after drug treatmen
57                                              Integration site analysis by linear amplification-mediat
58                     Inverse PCR strategy for integration site analysis demonstrated integration of at
59                                   Retroviral integration site analysis in 4 animals revealed a polycl
60 f HIV-1-infected cells using high-throughput integration site analysis in a hematopoietic stem cell-t
61                                 Furthermore, integration site analysis revealed selective integration
62                                   Lentiviral integration site analysis revealed that alternative hist
63                  We developed VISA, a vector integration site analysis server, to analyze next-genera
64          Here we present VISMapper, a vector integration site analysis web server, to analyze next-ge
65                 In all seven lines the exact integration site and breakpoint sequences were identifie
66 line, this method can be used to analyse the integration site and configuration of any foreign DNA in
67 gene copy number is estimated, but the exact integration site and configuration of the foreign DNA re
68 either LexA or GAL4 are inserted at the same integration site and paired, the enhancer of one transge
69 brane proteins independent of the downstream integration site and that many membrane proteins can pro
70 m which also provided a comprehensive map of integration sites and chromosomal hotspots for micro-org
71 ivating the search for localized clusters of integration sites and comparison of the clusters formed
72 g experiments confirmed that gammaretroviral integration sites and DNase I cleavage sites are associa
73 ne modifications) in +/-32 kb of these ERVs' integration sites and in control regions, and analyzed t
74 AS-regulated transgenes that differ in their integration sites and in the repetitive nature of the UA
75 ion intermediate between de novo HERV-K(Con) integration sites and older fixed HERV-Ks.
76 ome rescue assay by which we identified rAAV integration sites and quantified integrations.
77 dition, we performed studies to identify HPV integration sites and the relationship of integration to
78 hich required specific DNA sequences and was integration-site (and/or cell-line) specific.
79 me transgenes, independent of the chromosome integration site, and can be recapitulated using a 2.8-k
80 quencing viruses, T cell receptor genes, HIV integration sites, and cellular transcriptomes.
81 ients using 454 pyrosequencing to map vector integration sites, and extensive resampling to allow qua
82              Sequences proximal to transgene integration sites are able to deregulate transgene expre
83 tered out, and then unique retroviral vector integration sites are determined based on the alignment
84               The vast majority (87%) of the integration sites are located within histone H3K4me1 isl
85                                 Although MLV integration sites are significantly enriched at TSS, onl
86 ces of piggyBac by sequencing a large set of integration sites arising from transposition from two se
87  preference for the nucleotides flanking the integration site at the leader-repeat 1 boundary of the
88 athways, including the Wnt (wingless-related integration site)/beta-catenin pathway.
89 eted modulator of WNT (Wingless-related MMTV integration site)/beta-catenin signaling, is both necess
90 ces were detected in the distribution of HIV integration sites between cellular models of HIV latency
91 erences in the genomic distribution of HIV-1 integration sites between TN and TCM cells that accounte
92 us (PFV) retroviral intasome searches for an integration site by one-dimensional (1D) rotation-couple
93                   Our findings show that HIV integration sites can play a critical role in expansion
94            Using a sensitive high-throughput integration site-capture technique and global expression
95                                          HIV integration site characteristics and genes were compared
96                              We compared HIV integration site characteristics between four cellular m
97 on sites than expected in ACH-2 cells, their integration site characteristics consistently differed f
98 odels, there were significant differences in integration site characteristics, including orientation
99 duced cell populations--including diversity, integration site clustering, and expansion of some clone
100       Analysis of previously published HIV-1 integration site data showed that integration density in
101 everal sets of experimentally determined HIV integration sites demonstrates the software.
102 w that paired sites buffer the enhancer from integration site-dependent effects on transcription in v
103 me1 occurs independently of each other in an integration site-dependent manner.
104  Tat-transactivating protein levels generate integration-site-dependent, stochastically-driven phenot
105  Gene expression data showed that genes near integration sites did not show significant changes in ex
106                     These findings show that integration site differences exist among the commonly us
107 ll lines generated with PhiC31 into a single integration site displayed nearly identical, enhancer-sp
108          CPSF6 complementation rescued HIV-1 integration site distribution in CPSF6 knockout cells, b
109 blast growth factor (Fgf)-Wingless type MMTV integration site family (Wnt) genetic module in the ante
110 t activation of canonical Wingless-type MMTV integration site family (Wnt) signaling is pathognomonic
111 ngless-type MMTV (mouse mammary tumor virus) integration site family (WNT) signaling pathway in the r
112                       The wingless-type MMTV integration site family (WNT)/beta-catenin/adenomatous p
113                           Wingless-type MMTV integration site family (WNT)16 is a key regulator of bo
114 ed causative mutations in wingless-type MMTV integration site family 1 (WNT1).
115 morphogenetic protein and wingless-type MMTV integration site family member (Wnt) superfamilies, are
116 e by wingless-type mouse mammary tumor virus integration site family member (WNT)/beta-catenin signal
117 SP7 transcription factor, wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 1 (WNT1), trimeric intrac
118 des the Wnt family member wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 16B (WNT16B).
119 rotein, which retains the Wingless-type MMTV integration site family member-ligand-binding domain, bu
120 ers to the wingless-type mammary tumor virus integration site family of proteins), that are regulated
121 onic hedgehog pathway and Wingless type MMTV integration site family were validated by immunohistoche
122 ymal Wingless-type Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus integration site family, member 10B (Wnt10b)/beta-cateni
123       The serine/threonine-specific proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus (PIM)
124                                 The provirus integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus (Pim)
125                                     Proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus (Pim)
126 ptosis (PUMA) and downregulation of proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus 1 kin
127 enic, serine-threonine kinase PIM1 (Proviral Integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus 1) ha
128 on of the NFkappaB-dependent kinase proviral integration site for Moloney murine leukemia virus-1 (PI
129  transport, the use of YidC as an additional integration site for multispanning membrane proteins may
130 his approach has applications for sequencing integration sites for gene therapy vectors, transposons,
131                                              Integration sites for many retrotransposons and retrovir
132                 int-6 is one of the frequent integration sites for mouse mammary tumor viruses.
133        We also characterized a set of PhiC31 integration sites for their ability to support transgene
134                                          The integration sites form approximately 60,000 tight cluste
135 were near the mir-341 locus, the common rAAV integration site found in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma
136 r models of HIV latency and in comparison to integration sites found in patient samples.
137  a useful graphical interface to analyze the integration sites found in the genomic context.
138 ide integration map of more than one million integration sites from CD34(+) hematopoietic stem cells
139 thod for fast identification of viral vector integration sites from long read high-throughput sequenc
140       For the discovery of hepatitis B virus integration sites from probe capture data, the verified
141                   However, the corresponding integration sites have not been mapped.
142                         Interestingly, among integration sites identified, Evi1 seemed to collaborate
143 fer strategy to show the importance of viral integration site in cellular immortalization.
144 BAC) clone, RP364B14, corresponding to viral integration site in CRL2504 cells, reverted their immort
145 ortantly, these iPS cells have only a single integration site in each cell line.
146 al fragment (exons 8-11) 3' to the transgene integration site in R6/2.
147 1 locus is frequently found to be a proviral integration site in retrovirus-induced lymphomagenesis,
148 ors and keratinocyte clones identified viral integration sites in a variety of chromosomes, with some
149                           Additionally, XMRV integration sites in cancer tissues were associated with
150  technology have made it possible to analyze integration sites in cells from HIV-infected patients.
151 investigated the efficiency of gap repair at integration sites in different HIV-1 target cell types.
152 tions occur in the same intron as retroviral integration sites in gene therapy-induced T-ALL, suggest
153 on of genes located in the vicinity of viral integration sites in human cancers may be helpful in dev
154                              The majority of integration sites in latently infected cells were in int
155              Transgene expression and common integration sites in lymphoid and myeloid lineages sever
156 aches to reconstruct transgene structure and integration sites in models of Huntington's disease, rev
157 lications, and they predict biases in intein integration sites in nature.
158 sites in the host genome; we identified 2410 integration sites in peripheral blood lymphocytes of fiv
159  transgenes inserted at commonly used phiC31 integration sites in the Drosophila genome.
160 usSeq, for detecting known viruses and their integration sites in the human genome using next-generat
161 e regenerated myocardium showed common viral integration sites in the human genome.
162  carried out a genome-wide analysis of viral integration sites in the prostate cell line DU145 after
163 gh-throughput sequencing to analyze proviral integration sites in these tumors.
164                             Analyses of XMRV integration sites in tissues from prostate cancer patien
165                                          HIV integration sites in Tpr-depleted cells are less associa
166 onformations independent of their chromosome integration site, including insertions within centromeri
167 llection of genomic perturbations near viral integration sites, including direct gene disruption, vir
168    Our mutagenesis screen identified several integration sites, including oncogenes Gfi1, Myb, and Ra
169 ng gene regulatory elements with the unique, integration site-independent ability to transfer the cha
170 n lysozyme locus (cLys-Cox-2), which directs integration site-independent, copy number-dependent tran
171  of endogenous genes nearest to the proviral integration site, indicating that its effects may be sel
172                                        Their integration site influences genome stability and gene ex
173 ses were determined in the mouse genome, and integration site information was used to analyze the dis
174 use mammary tumor virus (MMTV) at the common integration site Int6 occurs in the gene encoding eIF3e,
175 mic DNA junction is sequenced and the unique integration site is mapped to the genome.
176  both are significantly higher than when the integration site is moved near the terminus, consistent
177 oinjection of a Cre transgene construct, the integration site is random and in most cases not known.
178                Identifying retroviral vector integration sites is also important for retroviral mutag
179                              High-throughput integration site (IS) analysis of wild-type adeno-associ
180                           A total of 534 HIV integration sites (IS) and 63 adjacent HIV env sequences
181 cription units, we sequenced 1 million HIV-1 integration sites isolated from cultured HEK293T cells.
182  stably marked at the clonal level by vector integration sites (ISs).
183 er mutations affecting WNT (wingless-related integration site), JAK-STAT (Janus kinase/signal transdu
184                                          The integration site known as AAVS1 is located in chromosome
185 fects: the regulatory environment of genomic integration sites leads to variation of expression patte
186 hed at TSS, only a small fraction of the MLV integration sites (<15%) occur in this region.
187                          The distribution of integration sites mapped by Illumina sequencing confirms
188 tion of these microbial signatures and their integration sites may provide biomarkers for OCSCC/OPSCC
189 a homeobox (PBX) and myeloid ecotropic viral integration site (MEIS) proteins control cell fate decis
190 ox (KNOX) and animal Myeloid ecotropic viral integration site (MEIS) proteins share a TALE homeodomai
191                  Through analysis of Steamer integration sites, mitochondrial DNA single-nucleotide p
192                         Cancer SVs and viral integration sites must be discovered in a genome-wide sc
193 f genotoxicity, indicated by numerous common integration sites near proto-oncogenes and by increased
194 ent descending projections to vocal-acoustic integration sites, notably the hindbrain octavolateralis
195 subpopulations, and use this to identify the integration site nucleotide motifs of five retroviruses
196 ng, respectively, the R231E mutation altered integration site nucleotide preferences while K258E had
197  cell clones that differ only in the genomic integration site of an identical constitutively expresse
198 e TLA method to not only efficiently map the integration site of any transgene, but also provide addi
199  further identified MAPK ERK as one possible integration site of both signals, because its phosphoryl
200 ing the target gene and replacing it with an integration site of phiC31.
201  Two knock-in mouse lines that differ in the integration site of the hCD2-LCR within the mCD8 gene co
202                           Genes close to the integration sites of expanding clones may be associated
203                                              Integration sites of expressed viral transcripts frequen
204  number (often > 10(4)) of distinct proviral integration sites of HTLV-1 in each host that is greatly
205 It has been known for a number of years that integration sites of human immunodeficiency virus type 1
206 sensus sequence is not present in individual integration sites of human T-cell lymphotropic virus typ
207                   Therefore, the analysis of integration sites of retroviral vectors is a crucial ste
208 tide sequences are also found at the genomic integration sites of retroviruses(2-6) and other transpo
209                                              Integration sites of viral genes and oncogenes were dete
210  nucleosomes in vitro and redistribute viral integration sites on the genomic scale.
211  we identified four transcriptionally active integration sites, one being in the TNFRSF6B gene.
212 ter an acute XMRV infection and compared the integration site pattern of XMRV with those found for mu
213                       This suggests that the integration site per se is not responsible for the outgr
214 describe improved methods for characterizing integration site populations from gene transfer studies
215      The methods described here should allow integration site populations from human gene therapy to
216  extensive efforts have focused on analyzing integration site populations from patient samples, but t
217 58, and NUP153 for infection and altered the integration site preference of HIV-1 without any discern
218 nents of nucleocytoplasmic trafficking alter integration site preference, not by altering the traffic
219 nown cofactors for nuclear entry, and alters integration site preference.
220                             To determine the integration site preferences of XMRV and the potential r
221  (MLV)-based vectors and the vector-specific integration site preferences played an important role in
222 xic, well below what was expected from their integration site preferences.
223  a command-line pipeline designed to map the integration sites produced by this assay and identify th
224 er, rapamycin did not significantly alter LV integration site profile or chromosomal distribution in
225 ancer Cell, Lau and colleagues report an HBV integration site recurrent in HCC that generates a chime
226     Tethering KAT7 to an ectopic alphoid DNA integration site removed heterochromatic H3K9me3 modific
227 he reporter gene from its unique chromosomal integration site resulted in no discernible genomic inst
228 uses are relatively promiscuous in choice of integration sites, retrotransposons can display marked i
229 g sites analyzed using ChIP-Seq data and MLV-integration sites revealed significant positive correlat
230 r analysis on the distribution of retrovirus integration sites (RIS) relative to proto-oncogene trans
231       In contrast, nucleotide preferences at integration sites seem to be governed by the ability for
232 rtance of retroviral structural proteins for integration site selection and the avoidance of genomic
233  that indirect sequence recognition dictates integration site selection by favoring deformation of th
234 ublications advance our understanding of HIV integration site selection by focusing on the localizati
235 is available for integration, the process of integration site selection is not random.
236               We discuss approaches to alter integration site selection that could potentially improv
237                          These findings link integration site selection to virulence and viral evolut
238 native splicing contributed significantly to integration site selection.
239                              Analysis of the integration-site selection of these chimeric viruses sho
240 directly contact tDNA bases and affect local integration site sequence selection.
241                     We characterized 160,232 integration site sequences in 28 tissue samples from eig
242 allows convenient and consistent recovery of integration site sequences in a form that can be analyze
243  applicable algorithm to sort the individual integration site sequences into plus-strand and minus-st
244 c murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) integration site sequences previously identified from hu
245 ty and T-cell repertoire, measured by vector integration site sequencing and T-cell receptor beta-cha
246                                  Analysis of integration sites showed that cancer genes were preferen
247  five parameters previously found to predict integration sites showed that intron density is the stro
248 li), thereby affecting Wnt (Wingless-related integration site) signaling and regulating smooth muscle
249 activator in canonical Wnt (wingless-related integration site) signaling.
250 pressor of canonical WNT (wingless-type MMTV integration site) signaling.
251 ugh SecYEG most likely constitutes the major integration site, small membrane proteins have been show
252                                          Low integration site specificity was discerned.
253 xts in which it is important to identify DNA integration sites, such as insertional mutagenesis scree
254  increased transcription of Wingless-related integration site target genes.
255 n HIV-1 infection, we analyzed virologic and integration site targeting properties of a CPSF6 variant
256 as reverse transcription, nuclear entry, and integration site targeting.
257      Despite a greater diversity of minority integration sites than expected in ACH-2 cells, their in
258                                        Viral integration sites that contribute to oncogenesis are sel
259 associated DNA viruses and identifying viral integration sites that may unravel novel mechanisms of c
260 omally integrated copy of STB confers on the integration site the capacity for Cse4 association as we
261                  Moving the native bacterial integration site to different locations on the genome an
262 ed in serially transplanted mice, linked the integration sites to global hepatocyte gene expression,
263  PFV and macaque simian foamy virus (SFVmac) integration sites toward centromeres, dampening the resu
264            This article presents the Genomic Integration Site Tracker (GeIST), a command-line pipelin
265                                              Integration site tracking also documented that chemother
266 ted virus (XMRV), and isolated 32,585 unique integration sites using ligation-mediated PCR and 454 py
267 igh-throughput clonality analysis via vector integration site (VIS) sequencing, which is particularly
268 tween the extent of clonal expansion and the integration site was apparent.
269                       Remarkably a conserved integration site was found in over 50% of the cases.
270 es 17p13.3, 18q23, and 22q13.3, and that the integration site was identical among members of the same
271                                     A common integration site was identified in isolated CPCs, cardio
272 d reporter assay and the causative gene trap integration site was identified using molecular techniqu
273                           A single transgene integration site was observed for five of the six founde
274 throughput method for identifying AAV vector integration sites was developed and used to clone 1029 i
275 uence-independent preference for nucleosomal integration sites was observed, in distinction to the pr
276                                        Viral integration sites were also detected in expressed transc
277                                          The integration sites were characterized for their genomic d
278                                              Integration sites were clustered even at early time poin
279               Cells were randomly cloned and integration sites were determined in individual clones.
280 sed on searching the analogous human genome, integration sites were found on all chromosomes except Y
281                              The SNPs of two integration sites were identical to those in cell lines
282 tients, whereas the data on the remaining 12 integration sites were inconclusive.
283                   Twenty-six unique proviral integration sites were mapped between 46 and 3,552 nucle
284                              Tol2 transposon integration sites were spread throughout both the macro-
285                Gene expression levels at HPV integration sites were statistically significantly highe
286 D locus, almost no signal was scored at this integration site when the transgene was inherited from t
287 erns were analyzed, revealing 127,386 unique integration sites which conformed to previously publishe
288 eletion of a prophage region that removed an integration site, which has been used for genome enginee
289 us sizes as well as translocations and viral integration sites with high sensitivity and low false di
290 curately detects the known viruses and their integration sites with high sensitivity and specificity.
291 dentified 14 and 66 transcriptionally active integration sites with potentially activating integratio
292 by local treatment with a Wingless-type MMTV integration site (Wnt) antagonist, Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1).
293  1 but higher expression of wingless-related integration site (WNT) family pathway components charact
294 ing wingless-type murine mammary tumor virus integration site (WNT) pathway subtype, Sonic Hedgehog p
295  (FST), ecodysplasin (EDA), wingless-related integration site (Wnt), and beta-carotene oxygenase 2 (B
296 oblast growth factor (FGF), wingless-related integration site (WNT), and bone morphogenetic protein (
297 e control and activation of the Wingless and integration site (Wnt)/beta-catenin pathway.
298         The vital role of Wingless-type MMTV integration site (Wnt)/beta-catenin signaling in the mod
299                             Wingless-related integration site (WNT)/beta-catenin signaling regulates
300 erging to dysregulate the Wingless-type MMTV integration site (Wnt)/beta-catenin signaling, a key reg

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