


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 f the predicted beta-propeller domain of the integrin alpha subunit.
2  existence of limiting factors that bind the integrin alpha subunit.
3 genomic clone encoding ITGAD, a novel beta 2-integrin alpha subunit.
4 d binding by the neighboring I domain in the integrin alpha-subunit.
5 es cellular functions differently from other integrin alpha subunits.
6 nct from that of the A-domains found in some integrin alpha subunits.
7 unusual structural motif is prototypical for integrin alpha subunits.
8                                              Integrin alpha-subunit A-domains are known to be major l
9                   To assess the roles of two integrin alpha subunits (alpha6 and alpha8) in the devel
10 ng inherited mutations on the ability of the integrin alpha-subunit, also termed glycoprotein IIb (GP
11 the extracellular or transmembrane domain of integrin alpha subunit and suggest that this process is
12 e recently proposed beta-propeller model for integrin alpha subunits and is adjacent to a loop contai
13 phaIIbD224 is not well conserved among other integrin alpha subunits and is located in a region of si
14 hat similar I domains exist in several other integrin alpha subunits and non-integrin proteins, and p
15 reviously demonstrated contrasting roles for integrin alpha subunits and their cytoplasmic domains in
16 that surface expression levels of particular integrin alpha subunits are important determinants of NC
17                   The Ca2+-binding motifs in integrin alpha subunits are on the lower face of the bet
18                     The results suggest that integrin alpha subunits are required for cranial neural
19 b in model constructs and relate it to other integrin alpha subunits by mutagenesis.
20 f a coordinate increase in expression of the integrin alpha subunit CD11b, the CD14 lipopolysaccharid
21           Chordates developed VWA-containing integrin alpha subunits, collagens, and other extracellu
22                                  A subset of integrin alpha subunits contain an I domain, which is im
23       The N-terminal approximately 440 aa of integrin alpha subunits contain seven sequence repeats.
24       The predicted beta-propeller domain of integrin alpha subunits contains seven beta-sheets arran
25                   The N-terminal half of all integrin alpha-subunits contains seven weak sequence rep
26 ata to identify PDZ recognition sequences in integrin alpha subunit cytoplasmic domains and found tha
27  Finally, we have also observed that certain integrin alpha subunit cytoplasmic splice variants diffe
28                                     Although integrin alpha subunit determines mechanosensitivity, th
29 lity of ECM binding motifs by their specific integrin alpha subunits determining the biophysical mech
30 iphosphatase, and/or down-regulate INA-1, an integrin alpha subunit, during migration.
31                    Finally, we find that two integrin alpha subunits encoded by mew and if are requir
32 chanisms by which the cytoplasmic domains of integrin alpha subunits enhance migration and inhibit ce
33                                      Several integrin alpha subunits have an inserted sequence of abo
34                                          The integrin alpha subunit I domain, which is structurally h
35                                     Although integrin alpha subunit I domains exist in multiple confo
36                   Overexpression of specific integrin alpha subunits improves neuronal regeneration o
37 on is associated with upregulation of select integrin alpha subunits in a proteoglycan-specific manne
38 ation was addressed by ectopic expression of integrin alpha subunits in primary quail skeletal muscle
39 servations demonstrate (1) a specificity for integrin alpha subunits in regulating myoblast prolifera
40 in vitro We identified one of four planarian integrin-alpha subunits inhibition of which phenocopied
41                 In general, the sites on the integrin alpha subunits involved in ligand binding are n
42 ID), a ligand binding domain shared by seven integrin alpha-subunits, is a critical region for integr
43 we stained muscles with antibodies to the 10 integrin alpha subunits known to form dimers with beta1,
44                                          The integrin alpha subunits play a major role in the regulat
45 orhabditis elegans homologs of the mammalian integrin alpha subunit plays an essential role in the cl
46 addressed the mechanisms by which changes in integrin alpha subunit ratios regulate this decision.
47 993 to be fully conserved among all 18 human integrin alpha subunits, suggesting that their unusual s
48  functions as a membrane adaptor to link the integrin alpha subunit to the tyrosine kinase Fyn.
49 nucleotides (aONs) against various mammalian integrin alpha subunits to functionally "knock out" inte
50           We tested the ability of different integrin alpha subunits to substitute for each other dur
51 vel mechanisms involved in the processing of integrin alpha subunits underscore the significance and
52 f is also present in the I domain of certain integrin alpha subunits, where it constitutes a portion

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