


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d disrupted the interaction between Cx43 and integrin alpha5.
2 pose its otherwise hidden FN synergy site to integrin alpha5.
3 s cell mobility through its interaction with integrin alpha5.
4 owed that IGFBP2 activates the expression of integrin alpha5.
5  we confirmed that IGFBP2 does interact with integrin alpha5.
6  D306E-IGFBP2 had no detectable binding with integrin alpha5.
7 ase, becoming anti-correlated with levels of Integrin alpha5.
8 he ECM protein Fibronectin, and its receptor Integrin alpha5.
9                     Inducible elimination of integrin alpha5 abrogates the epithelial-organizing effe
10  leucine rich repeat domain mutants restored integrin alpha5 abundance and directional cell migration
11 oper expression of focal adhesion kinase and integrin alpha5 adhesion receptor.
12 ut endothelial cells and markedly reduced in integrin alpha5/alphav double-knockout endothelial cell
13 for genetic interaction between mutations in integrin alpha5 and alphav and for overlapping functions
14 formation was inhibited by function-blocking integrin alpha5 and beta1 antibodies, suggesting the inv
15 ox D3 binds directly to the promoters of the integrin alpha5 and beta3 subunits, inducing subunit exp
16  uncoated or fibronectin-coated plastic, the integrin alpha5 and control (vector only) transfectants
17 ell mobility is through its interaction with integrin alpha5 and this interaction is specifically med
18                                              Integrin-alpha5 and integrin-beta1 subunits gave a simil
19 5), and 1.5-fold (P<0.05), respectively, but integrins alpha5 and beta5 increased 2.3-fold (P<0.01) a
20 EGF, IL-6, VEGF-C, HB-EGF, CTGF, tenascin C, integrin alpha5, and Eph receptor A2.
21 ted by FFSS directly phosphorylates Cx43 and integrin alpha5, and Ser-373 of Cx43 plays a predominant
22                                Both Cx43 and integrin alpha5 are directly phosphorylated by AKT.
23 transferase (GST) pulldown assays identified integrin alpha5 as a novel Scrib interacting protein.
24 the N-cadherin-p120 catenin complex excludes integrin alpha5 at the junctions to suppress local phosp
25  most prominent rat basophilic leukemia cell integrin (alpha5) avoids the patterned regions occupied
26 -Ala (RRETAWA) is a novel ligand peptide for integrin alpha5 beta1, which blocks alpha5 beta1-mediate
27 n is initiated by fibronectin binding to the integrins alpha5 beta1 and alphav beta3, and is complete
28         Neurosphere cells express five major integrins, alpha5 beta1, alpha 6Abeta1, alphav beta1, al
29                                Expression of integrins (alpha5, beta1, beta3, beta4 and beta5) was de
30 ng represents a potential mechanism by which integrin alpha5/beta1 exerts its tumor suppressor-like a
31                                              Integrin alpha5/beta1 expression is frequently lost in c
32 l epithelium, and colon cancer cells lacking integrin alpha5/beta1 expression utilize HER-2 signaling
33                             Re-expression of integrin alpha5/beta1 in colon cancer cells abrogated th
34                         Stable expression of integrin alpha5/beta1 in colon cancer cells with little
35 sults also suggest that a novel function for integrin alpha5/beta1 is the control of HER-2 expression
36                   These results suggest that integrin alpha5/beta1 mediates fibronectin-induced epith
37 on cancer cells with little or no detectable integrin alpha5/beta1 protein expression resulted in the
38 line Caco-2 to study EGF receptor (EGFR) and integrin alpha5/beta1 signaling interactions involved in
39                                              Integrin alpha5/beta1 was found to interact with HER-2,
40 ct with HER-2, and the cytoplasmic domain of integrin alpha5/beta1 was sufficient to mediate HER-2 do
41 d secretion of fibronectin and expression of integrin alpha5/beta1, the principal fibronectin recepto
42 y was necessary for both MAPK activation and integrin alpha5/beta1-mediated cell proliferation.
43                                              Integrin alpha5/beta1-mediated down-regulation of HER-2
44 man integrin alpha5 was transfected into the integrin alpha5/beta1-negative intestinal epithelial cel
45                      Decreased expression of integrin alpha5 by small interference RNA in IGFBP2-over
46 ar endothelial growth factor receptor-2, and integrin alpha5 (CD49e).
47                              Simultaneously, Integrin alpha5 clusters and adopts the active conformat
48 on fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, Scrib and integrin alpha5 colocalize at the basal plasma membrane
49 ave similar phenotypes, although, defects in integrin alpha5-deficient mice are milder.
50 r, in contrast to fibronectin, the ligand of integrin alpha5, directional migration on collagen media
51    Moreover, AKT phosphorylation on Cx43 and integrin alpha5 enhanced their interaction.
52 ling, visceral endoderm survival, as well as integrin alpha5 expression and its downstream signaling
53                              We generated an integrin alpha5-floxed mouse line and ablated alpha5 int
54   Analysis of the intracellular mediators of integrin alpha5/Fn1 activity focal adhesion kinase (FAK)
55                                      Loss of integrin alpha5/Fn1 does not affect the fate or viabilit
56 expectedly, endothelial-specific knockout of integrin alpha5 has no obvious effect on developmental a
57 Mesp1(Cre) knock-in strain of mice to ablate integrin alpha5 in the anterior mesoderm, which gives ri
58 atin 8 expression and reduced Twist1-induced integrin alpha5, integrin beta1 and MMP9 expression.
59         We have recently shown that Cx43 and integrin alpha5 interact directly with each other, and a
60 ay results by showing that the expression of integrin alpha5 is indeed up-regulated at the protein le
61                                              Integrin alpha5 (Itgalpha5) and alphaV (ItgalphaV) are t
62 Cdh2 acts with the fibronectin (FN) receptor integrin alpha5 (Itgalpha5) to promote somite boundary f
63 at fibronectin1 (Fn1), an ECM component, and integrin alpha5, its cellular binding partner, are requi
64 fibronectin assembly is somewhat affected in integrin alpha5 knockout endothelial cells and markedly
65 ly relevant role for TbetaRIII in regulating integrin alpha5 localization, reveal a novel crosstalk m
66      In the normal human colon, we show that integrin alpha5 localizes to the lateral membrane of ter
67 nd migrate into the heart in fibronectin- or integrin alpha5-mutant embryos, however, the hearts in t
68      Myoblasts ectopically expressing alpha5 integrin (alpha5 myoblasts) move normally when not in co
69                                              Integrin alpha5-null embryos die in mid-gestation from s
70 chyme reveals a physical association between Integrin alpha5 on adjacent cell membranes.
71                    Ectopic expression of the integrin alpha5 or alpha6A subunit in primary quail myob
72 e its ligand, cells were plated on mAbs anti-integrin alpha5 or anti-integrin alpha3.
73  D3 expression in endothelial cells enhances integrin alpha5 protein and message expression, whereas
74            Thus, concurrent re-expression of integrin-alpha5, radixin, and RhoA abrogates miR-31-impo
75  explained by miR-31-mediated suppression of integrin-alpha5, radixin, and RhoA.
76 are abrogated by concurrent re-expression of integrin-alpha5, radixin, and RhoA.
77             Mechanistically, Scrib supported integrin alpha5 recycling and protein stability by block
78 rminally differentiated colonocytes and that integrin alpha5 staining may be reduced in colorectal ca
79                        Overexpression of the integrin alpha5 subunit in RIE1 cells conferred protecti
80 ferentially to the cytoplasmic domain of the integrin alpha5 subunit, inhibits cell motility, and alt
81 in the presence of an inhibitory antibody to integrin alpha5 subunit.
82 eport that deletion of the gene encoding the integrin-alpha5 subunit (Itga5) using the Pdgfrb-Cre tra
83  neutralizing antibody to either TGF-beta or integrin alpha5, this increased basal promoter activity
84  confirm that IGFBP2 interacts directly with integrin alpha5 through the RGD domain, we created an RG
85 upport a model in which lens fiber cells use integrin alpha5 to migrate along a Fn-containing substra
86 esence of the EGFR antagonistic mAb 225, the integrin alpha5 transfectants and controls were signific
87 ted growth inhibition on fibronectin for the integrin alpha5 transfectants correlated with activation
88   However, when cultured on fibronectin, the integrin alpha5 transfectants were not growth inhibited
89 R with SHC could be demonstrated only in the integrin alpha5-transfected cells.
90 ugh EGFR activation occurred when either the integrin alpha5-transfected or control cells were cultur
91                Scrib is a novel regulator of integrin alpha5 turnover and sorting, which is required
92                                        Human integrin alpha5 was transfected into the integrin alpha5
93 ed, and discovered that both fibronectin and integrin alpha5 were required for cardiac morphogenesis,
94 the protein amount and surface expression of integrin alpha5 whereas surface expression of integrin a
95 egulation of TGF-beta1, fibronectin (Fn) and integrin alpha5, which was associated with decreased vis

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