


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ity to detergent-solubilized alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptor.
2 nd lymphangiogenesis via activation of beta1-integrin receptor.
3 n, inhibits angiogenesis via the alpha2beta1-integrin receptor.
4 ns-activation of IGF-IR induced by the beta3 integrin receptor.
5 raction of endorepellin with the alpha2beta1 integrin receptor.
6 lization partially overlaps with the alpha7A integrin receptor.
7 lls attached to laminin-5 through the alpha3 integrin receptor.
8 ted by blocking antibodies against the beta1 integrin receptor.
9 l docking sites of the RGD-4C ligand and its integrin receptor.
10  agent that is highly selective for a single integrin receptor.
11 C)-modified quantum dots via the alphavbeta3 integrin receptor.
12 y which signals are propagated in the intact integrin receptor.
13 through the interaction with the alphavbeta3 integrin receptor.
14 A (FLNa) and inactivation of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor.
15 ged by soluble fibrinogen that binds surface integrin receptors.
16 igration in part by interacting with beta(2) integrin receptors.
17 nteractions with alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrin receptors.
18 M) is facilitated by microvesicle-associated integrin receptors.
19 hance their accessibility to alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptors.
20 migration through interactions with specific integrin receptors.
21 ronectin and selectively bind to a subset of integrin receptors.
22 ind to human cancer cells expressing various integrin receptors.
23 sembly of inhibitory nerve terminals through integrin receptors.
24 and that binds with high affinity to certain integrin receptors.
25 h high affinity and improved selectivity for integrin receptors.
26 ersial, including the regulatory function of integrin receptors.
27 ifferent conformations can utilize different integrin receptors.
28 ed kinase (ILK) is a cytoplasmic effector of integrin receptors.
29 ng that modulates the signaling threshold of integrin receptors.
30 ish its matricellular mode of action through integrin receptors.
31  the RGD and PHSRN bind competitively to the integrin receptors.
32 duce cell migration through interaction with integrin receptors.
33 otein that directly links actin filaments to integrin receptors.
34 esses, which are independent of RGD-mediated integrin receptors.
35 on, in extracellular matrix proteins, and in integrin receptors.
36  by interactions between FN and cell surface integrin receptors.
37 D-containing peptides, which are ligands for integrin receptors.
38 interaction with alphavbeta6- or alphavbeta8-integrin receptors.
39 ce to the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrin receptors.
40 trix-associated proteins is mediated through integrin receptors.
41 eta1 integrin or with antibodies to specific integrin receptors.
42 ivity in the inhibition of ligand binding by integrin receptors.
43 trix interaction through various subtypes of integrin receptors.
44 development through beta1-subunit-containing integrin receptors.
45 imited by the need for certain RGD-dependent integrin receptors.
46 to alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrin receptors.
47 PB) of endothelial cells upon binding to its integrin receptors.
48 s but also by inactivating their major beta1 integrin receptors.
49 and density of an immobilized ligand for the integrin receptors.
50 multimeric RGD compounds for alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptor (ABIR) showed a remarkable increase re
51 t have recently emerged as key regulators of integrin receptor activation and signaling.
52                               Comparatively, integrin receptor activation requires TM complex destabi
53      We conclude that LMN binding to beta(1)-integrin receptors acts via FAK/PI-(3)K/Akt to inhibit a
54 s clotting function, but lacks the leukocyte integrin receptor alpha(M)beta(2) binding motif (Fibgamm
55 nteraction of the protein with the leukocyte integrin receptor, alpha(M)beta(2).
56 lagen signal that activates and recruits the integrin receptor alpha2beta1 to further amplify collage
57  a key extracellular matrix protein, and its integrin receptor alpha4beta1, expressed on leukocytes,
58 d that FN increased the expression of the FN integrin receptor alpha5beta1 in a dose- and time-depend
59 d that the RGD sequence in COMP/TSP5 and the integrin receptors alpha5beta1 and alphaVbeta3 on the ch
60 Delta5)) binding motif or the host leukocyte integrin receptor alphaMbeta2 (Fibgamma(390-396A)) bindi
61 inflammation in several diseases through the integrin receptor alphaMbeta2, we tested the hypothesis
62 otably upregulated the expression of its own integrin receptor alphavbeta3 (>200 times).
63 in-RGD itself for binding to three different integrin receptors (alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, alpha5beta
64                                          The integrin receptor alphavbeta5 controls two independent f
65                  In vitro, RPE cells use the integrin receptor alphavbeta5 for particle binding.
66 acids and glucosamine, binds strongly to the integrin receptor alphaXbeta2 (p150,95, CD11c/CD18).
67 a new mechanism of crosstalk between a beta1 integrin receptor and a G protein-coupled receptor.
68 n-induced adhesion is mediated through beta1 integrin receptor and is IGF-IR-independent.
69 omptly after light onset via the alphavbeta5 integrin receptor and its ligand MFG-E8, thus generating
70 production by CD4(+) T cells via the beta(3) integrin receptor and Opn inhibited IL-10 production via
71 ied the functional inhibition of alphavbeta3 integrin receptor and resulted in decreased alphavbeta3
72 ring the activation state of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor and suggest that changes in integrin a
73 ealing, which is dependent on binding to the integrin receptor and the NF-kappaB signaling.
74  the synaptic Position Specific 2 (alphaPS2) integrin receptor and transmembrane tenascin ligand are
75                                    Clustered integrin receptors and activated paxillin (phosphorylate
76 ema7A enhancement of axon outgrowth requires integrin receptors and activation of MAPK signalling pat
77 pecialized regions of the cell surface where integrin receptors and associated proteins link the extr
78 oskeleton via adhesion complexes composed of integrin receptors and associated proteins.
79 sidue found in the cytoplasmic tails of some integrin receptors and C. albicans INT1.
80 ate CNS myelination by interacting with both integrin receptors and dystroglycan receptors, and that
81 ival, and differentiation through binding to integrin receptors and heparan sulfate proteoglycans.
82  closely related to it, can still infect via integrin receptors and induce and transmit the disease t
83 vities in vascular endothelial cells through integrin receptors and induces neovascularization in viv
84  the biological events mediated by different integrin receptors and ligands is uncertain.
85 ng to L-arginyl-glycyl-L-aspartate-dependent integrin receptors and prevented vasospasm after SAH.
86 us trophoblast (EVT) invades the decidua via integrin receptors and subsequently degrades extracellul
87 ix via concomitant engagement of alpha5beta1 integrin receptors and syndecan-4, a transmembrane prote
88 ng of the bacterial invasin protein to beta1 integrin receptors and the activation of the small GTPas
89 emonstrate an essential role for alphavbeta5 integrin receptors and their downstream signaling pathwa
90 es FN domains that mediate interactions with integrin receptors and with other FN molecules.
91 tracellular matrix [ECM] signaling by way of integrin receptors) and/or hepatic adaptations that ensu
92                                              Integrin receptors, and associated cytoplasmic proteins
93  from influenza A virus, potassium channels, integrin receptors, and bacterial kinases.
94 lines expressing different levels of GRP and integrin receptors, and their intracellular localization
95                                           An integrin receptor antagonist GRGDSP or mitogen-activated
96 binding of [(125)I]echistatin (a competitive integrin receptor antagonist) to integrin receptors with
97                                              Integrin receptors are dispensable for long-distance mig
98                           Laminins and their integrin receptors are implicated in epithelial cell dif
99 cular, the interactions of ECM proteins with integrin receptors are key mediators of these cellular p
100 ing extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, integrin receptors are likely to be involved.
101 vels of activated, but not wild-type, alpha2 integrin receptors are rapidly down-regulated during cel
102 plays an important role in cell biology, and integrin receptors are the primary molecules involved in
103 ticity are mediated through beta1-containing integrin receptors, are associated with integrin-depende
104 ophils from beta2 null mice identified beta2 integrin receptors as a master switch for NET induction.
105 small GTPases Rap1a and Rap1b, downstream of integrin receptors as miR149 targets, providing an expla
106  identified fibulin-5, a vascular ligand for integrin receptors, as a suppressor of lung cancer invas
107 icient livers had enhanced signaling via the integrin receptor at early times (0.5 to 1 hour) after F
108 ronectin binding to the purified alphaVbeta3 integrin receptor at low nanomolar concentration and sho
109  with the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrin receptors at adhesion sites termed point contac
110 e that neuronal APP colocalizes with beta(1) integrin receptors at sites of focal adhesion, suggestin
111 athways, as well as a 20% reduction in beta1-integrin receptors at the cell surface and impaired fibr
112 types (types A and O) after interaction with integrin receptors at the cell surface.
113 of concept, we imaged the tension exerted by integrin receptors at the interface between living cells
114 owed that MerTK helps control POS binding of integrin receptors at the RPE cell surface as a negative
115 constitute a new mechanism for regulation of integrin receptor avidity.
116 ates hippocampal synaptic physiology through integrin receptors, because integrin function-blocking r
117                                              Integrin receptors bind to adhesion ligand (e.g. arginin
118 embly through its RGD motif, suggesting that integrin receptor binding does not mediate MAGP-2-induce
119 ue since in complementary experiments use of integrin receptor binding ligand, GRGDS peptide, offered
120 h may be of use to elucidate the kinetics of integrin receptor binding to ECM proteins for homeostati
121  and experiments to evaluate the kinetics of integrin receptor binding to hepatic ECM proteins.
122 interaction, and this stabilization required integrin receptor binding to its ECM ligand.
123 creases in intracellular pH (pHi) occur upon integrin receptor binding to matrix proteins and in tumo
124 peting with fibrinogen for alpha(IIb)beta(3) integrin receptor binding.
125  this study is to test if the addition of an integrin-receptor-binding arginine-glycine-aspartic acid
126 muscle degeneration in zebrafish with intact integrin receptors but does not improve motility.
127 duced inside-out activation of heterodimeric integrin receptors by a mechanism involving the recruitm
128                                Activation of integrin receptors by adhesion to laminin-1 or Semaphori
129 nts (FRET), we determined that engagement of integrin receptors by invasin caused elevated levels of
130          Furthermore, force applied to these integrin receptors by magnetic beads activated TACE and
131 n hemostasis and the inactivation of beta(3) integrin receptors by pathogenic hantaviruses suggest th
132                                  A subset of integrin receptors can link to the adapter protein Shc a
133                          A ligand of several integrin receptors, CCN1 acts through integrin alpha6bet
134 n binding motif recognized by the microglial integrin receptor CD11b/CD18 inhibits perivascular micro
135                                          The integrin receptor CD11b/CD18 is normally kept in a low a
136 that forms the alphaIIbbeta3 and alphavbeta3 integrin receptor complexes.
137                                              Integrin receptors, composed of transmembrane alpha and
138 nal force by Muller cells primarily involves integrin receptors containing alpha2 and beta1 subunits.
139  an inhibitor of alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5 integrin receptors, demonstrated minimal toxicity and du
140 ated that an antibody to CD11/CD18 leukocyte integrin receptor did not reduce infarct size in patient
141                  Surprisingly, we found that integrin receptors dissociate streptavidin-biotin tether
142 ward signaling mechanism wherein F-actin and integrin receptors drive contact formation between phago
143 rons modulate the functional distribution of integrin receptors during chemorepulsion induced by myel
144 recently shown that FMDV serotypes utilizing integrin receptors enter cells via a clathrin-mediated m
145 D 121974), which targets the alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptor expressed on neovasculature, could inc
146 high affinity to the extracellular domain of integrin receptors expressed in dendritic shaft and spin
147 lude that reelin binds with high affinity to integrin receptors expressed in SNSs and thereby activat
148 type-IV collagen were shown to interact with integrin receptors expressed on the surface of endotheli
149  and inhibit the adhesion of alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptor-expressing WM-115 melanoma cells.
150          Expression of HGK mutants modulated integrin receptor expression and had a striking effect o
151 R-2 and that lineage-specific differences of integrin receptor expression contribute to the distinct
152 in the GC was inhibited, thus its associated integrin receptors failed to translocate to the cell sur
153 y blocking antibodies to the alpha(5)beta(1) integrin receptor for fibronectin.
154 n of the activation state of the alpha5beta1 integrin receptor for fibronectin.
155                                   As a major integrin receptor for the organs, we compared CD103 expr
156                                              Integrin receptors for cell adhesion to extracellular ma
157                                              Integrin receptors for extracellular matrix are critical
158                                              Integrin receptors for the extracellular matrix and rece
159 CM) adhesion molecules and the expression of integrin receptors for these molecules (termed ECM remod
160 ins specific laminins, and RPE cells express integrin receptors for those laminins.
161                              Analysis of the integrin receptors for VCAM-1 showed that in beta7 integ
162                     Among synaptic CAMs, the integrins, receptors for extracellular matrix proteins a
163                           A unique aspect of integrin receptor function is the transmission of bidire
164 ency of plastin thus separates the classical integrin receptor functions of adhesion and spreading fr
165 MDV) mediates cell entry by attachment to an integrin receptor, generally alphavbeta6, via a conserve
166                  Antagonists of the platelet integrin receptor glycoprotein (gp) IIb/IIIa had interme
167                              The alphavbeta6 integrin receptor has been shown to be overexpressed on
168          Inhibitors of the CD11/CD18 or CD18 integrin receptors have been shown to reduce infarct siz
169 fferentiation, in particular laminin and its integrin receptors, have been identified using mammary e
170 . elegans, we have previously shown that the integrin receptor heterodimer INA-1/PAT-3 promotes netri
171              In this report, we explored how integrins, receptors important for monocyte migration to
172 strate a functional role for the alpha7beta1 integrin receptor in CNS neurons.
173 hat functional modulation of the alphavbeta3 integrin receptor in prostate cancer cells is required f
174 te role for a structural ECM protein and its integrin receptor in the development of the left-right a
175                                  The role of integrin receptors in cell engraftment was analyzed with
176 lphav integrin subunits, we downregulate all integrin receptors in hepatocytes.
177 copy to investigate the pN forces exerted by integrin receptors in living cells.
178 teraction of nanotopographical features with integrin receptors in the cells' focal adhesions alters
179 s point out a novel role of collagen-binding integrin receptors in the control of growth hormone/IGF-
180          The presented strategy of targeting integrin receptors in the retina could be of utmost valu
181 verned by multiple signal cascades including integrin receptors, in particular integrin alphaVbeta3.
182 g through its alpha3beta1 and/or alpha6beta4 integrin receptors, in UB branching during nephrogenesis
183 n response to signals from laminin-activated integrin receptors; in the absence of myosin II activity
184 ine postsynaptic densities and presumably to integrin receptors, including alpha(3) subunits.
185 clin 2 (FAS2) and the position specific (PS) integrin receptors, including betaPS and its alpha partn
186 ling mechanisms can be initiated by a single integrin receptor interacting with the same ligand when
187 e binding of fibrinogen to its alphaIIbbeta3 integrin receptor, internalization of the alphaIIbbeta3
188 incorporating the structures of selectin and integrin receptors into a conceptual framework based on
189                          The alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptor is an important cancer target due to i
190                          The alpha(5)beta(1) integrin receptor is believed to be involved in tumor me
191                                          The integrin receptor is near the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) recognit
192                           The alphaIIb/beta3-integrin receptor is present at high levels only in mega
193                              The turnover of integrin receptors is critical for cell migration and ad
194 ting the gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and integrin receptors is reported.
195  monoclonal antibody known to affect several integrin receptors is unknown.
196                            Cell adhesion via integrin receptors is well known to trigger FAK signalin
197 c-Raf/MEK1/2/p38/ERK1 MAPK pathway in alpha1 integrin receptor knockout ECs.
198  in vivo but failed to do the same in alpha1 integrin receptor knockout mice.
199 al parameters such as matrix ligand and cell integrin receptor levels are held constant, maximal cell
200                     Precise documentation of integrin receptor levels will allow appropriate selectio
201          To understand how variations of the integrin receptor ligation may alter cytolytic activity
202 like receptors, G-protein-coupled receptors, integrins, receptor-like kinases, and caspases have emer
203 attachment to the extracellular matrix where integrin receptors link extracellular matrix to the acti
204 -ECM contact area and enhances engagement of integrin receptors, locally amplifying ECM input to inte
205 lateral mobility, and microclustering of the integrin receptor lymphocyte function-associated antigen
206                 Binding of LtxA to its beta2 integrin receptor (lymphocyte function-associated antige
207 interaction of fibrinogen with the microglia integrin receptor Mac-1 (alpha(M)beta(2), CD11b/CD18) is
208  respect to several proteins, especially the integrin receptor Mac-1, the Fc-gamma receptor I (Fcgamm
209 termediates for growth factor, cytokine, and integrin receptors, many of which have been implicated i
210                                              Integrin receptors mediate adhesive events that are crit
211 -CSNP-RGD system showed increased uptake via integrin receptor mediated endocytosis, triggered enhanc
212 died examples, ECM promotes survival through integrin receptor-mediated activation of focal adhesion
213                We tested the strength of the integrin receptor-mediated linkages to the cytoskeleton
214 tion of fibronectin with beta3 but not beta1 integrin receptors mediates the survival pathway.
215 rin alpha7beta1 is the major laminin binding integrin receptor of muscle cells.
216    These data indicate that Mfge8 binding to integrin receptors on ASM opposes the effect of allergic
217                              alpha(M)beta(2) integrin receptors on myeloid cells mediate the adhesion
218 oping epithelial duct, and binds to alpha(v) integrin receptors on myoepithelial cells leading to MAP
219 s by binding to various molecules, primarily integrin receptors on the cells.
220 of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (alphaIIb/beta3 integrin) receptor on the surface of activated platelets
221  sequence have high affinity for alphavbeta3 integrin receptors overexpressed in tumor cells.
222 ent evidence of a functional interplay among integrin receptors, PKCepsilon, and protein kinase B (PK
223                                Transmembrane integrin receptors play a key role in this mechanochemic
224                              The alpha2beta1 integrin receptor plays a key role in angiogenesis.
225                                              Integrin receptor plays key roles in mediating both insi
226   Thus, the interaction between KSHV and its integrin receptors plays a key role in regulating rapid
227  indicate that partial activation of EGFR by integrin receptors plays an important role in mediating
228 tracellular matrix (ECM) signaling by way of integrin receptors, plays an important role in regulatin
229 ubspecialization of T3 and T4 binding to the integrin receptor pocket.
230 ptidergic targets, such as peptide GPCRs and integrin receptors, possess significantly higher median
231 means by which hantavirus binding to beta(3) integrin receptors prevents platelet activation.
232 eurons that, acting through pyramidal neuron integrin receptors, provides a signal for dendritic spin
233 ments and cell migration and invasion at the integrin receptor-proximal region.
234 1b/CD18 (Mac-1 [macrophage-1 Ag]), a surface integrin receptor, recognized extracellular dsRNA and in
235 ro, consistent with its putative function in integrin receptor regulation.
236 tes (OLs) to fibronectin via alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptors rendered the cells more resistant to
237 e genital tract have been characterized, the integrin receptor required for Chlamydia-specific CD4(+)
238           Furthermore, we have dissected the integrin receptor requirements of CYR61 with respect to
239 tin (FN) through alpha3beta1 and alpha5beta1 integrin receptors, respectively.
240 r targeting of nanochains to the alphavbeta3 integrin receptor resulted in a 18.6-fold greater drug d
241 tors that remodel RPE basement membrane, and integrin receptors sense these changes triggering Rho GT
242                                              Integrin receptors serve as mechanical links between the
243 ay be of value to reveal those GABAergic and integrin receptor signal transduction mechanisms that ar
244 ited to and activated specifically in alpha6 integrin receptor signaling complexes in the lens equato
245 s and suggest that neurotransmitter-mediated integrin receptor signaling may be involved in myelinoge
246 orks, and it is this activity, combined with integrin receptor signaling, that controls neuronal surv
247 tivity to promote synapse remodeling through integrin receptor signaling.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The a
248 sion-independent manner and are comprised of integrin receptors, signaling, and cytoskeletal-associat
249 identified several chemokines and members of integrin receptor-signaling pathways, including CCL3, CC
250                                              Integrin receptor signals are costimulatory for mitogene
251                        Herein, we report the integrin receptor specificity of novel peptide-dye conju
252                                          The integrin receptor specificity of this radiotracer was de
253 es of mice lacking platelets or the platelet integrin receptor subunit alphaIIb established that the
254         Integrin alpha(3) is a transmembrane integrin receptor subunit that mediates signals between
255           Because we detected reelin, alpha3-integrin receptor subunits, and disabled-1 immunoreactiv
256 esion is regulated through the modulation of integrin receptors such as alpha(V)beta(3).
257 esion is regulated through the modulation of integrin receptors such as alpha(v)beta(3).
258     Further experiments suggested that beta2 integrin receptors such as complement receptor 3 (CR3) a
259 -Asp through which it interacts with several integrin receptors, such as the alpha(V)beta(3)-integrin
260 e data provide direct evidence that uPAR and integrin receptors synergistically regulate the levels o
261 f integrin beta1, a major constituent of the integrin receptors targeted by decidual laminins, also i
262 spreading is regulated by signaling from the integrin receptors that activate intracellular signaling
263 ic RGD peptide selectively binds to alpha(v) integrin receptors that are highly expressed in metastat
264 affinity ( approximately 10 to 30 nmol/L) to integrin receptors that are overexpressed on the surface
265 ecular imaging agents to detect cell surface integrin receptors that are present in human cancers.
266 ) is a PET tracer binding to alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptors that are upregulated after myocardial
267 ation of CD11b, which is a CD18 subfamily of integrin receptors that is highly expressed on APCs, abo
268 s present in the oligosaccharidic portion of integrins, receptors that interact with extracellular ma
269                    After in vivo blocking of integrin receptors, the imaging signal after the adminis
270 or, uPAR, can form functional complexes with integrin receptors thereby modulating integrin activity.
271 udies have examined the contribution of this integrin receptor to cancer progression and they have re
272 e number of cells adhering via their beta(1) integrin receptor to collagen type II or chondroadherin
273 high-affinity "OA02" peptide against alpha-3 integrin receptor to improve the tumor-targeting specifi
274 s is mediated by the binding of cell-surface integrin receptors to peptide ligands from the extracell
275 ogenic inducer that functions as a ligand of integrin receptors to promote cell adhesion, migration,
276                We hypothesized that IECs use integrin receptors to recognize pathogens and initiate i
277 teins that interact with each other and with integrin receptors to regulate cell growth and movement.
278  affinity of a cell-adhesive peptide to cell integrin receptors to study dynamic cell adhesion and ce
279 se (Ilk) is a scaffold and kinase that links integrin receptors to the actin cytoskeleton and to sign
280 rin-linked kinase and is involved in linking integrin receptors to the cytoskeleton.
281  regulated by the ligand-binding activity of integrin receptors, transmembrane proteins that bind to
282 the associated transmembrane receptors (e.g. integrins, receptor-type tyrosine kinases).
283 ite numerous reports suggesting that beta(1) integrin receptors undergo differential glycosylation, t
284 ell as NC1 domain binding to alpha(V)beta(3) integrin receptor via modification of critical arginine
285 rus (FMDV) initiates infection by binding to integrin receptors via an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence fou
286  that the binding of gB via its RGD motif to integrin receptors was not responsible for the observed
287 binding of fibronectin to its alpha 5 beta 1 integrin receptor, we examined the effect of inhibiting
288 l expression and the involvement of specific integrin receptors were assessed by immunodetection, RT-
289                Loss of activity of the beta1-integrin receptor, which controls adhesion to collagen,
290 d, retargeting the virus to the alphav beta3 integrin receptors, which are overexpressed in tumor vas
291 he alphavbeta3, alphavbeta5, and alpha5beta1 integrin receptors, which play important roles in human
292 t activation and binding of additional beta1 integrin receptors, which promotes cytoskeletal remodeli
293 competitive integrin receptor antagonist) to integrin receptors with a K(i) of 22 pM and with a Hill
294 hesive force generated by the interaction of integrin receptors with extracellular matrix (ECM) at th
295 t of the binding affinity to alpha(v)beta(3) integrin receptors with respect to the monovalent RGD pe
296                                Engagement of integrin receptors with the extracellular matrix induces
297    The linkage of heterodimeric (alpha/beta) integrin receptors with their extracellular matrix ligan
298  shown to be inhibitors of ligand binding by integrin receptors, with cyclization and N(alpha)-methyl
299  membranes, and visualize the arrangement of integrin receptors within endoplasmic reticulum and adhe
300  (LeukoArrest), an antibody to the CD11/CD18 integrin receptors, would reduce infarct size in patient

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