


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tant integrons and the Vibrio cholerae super-integron.
2 ng St Spc Gen Kan resistance in the 1,600-bp integron.
3 n or clone, some members carried a different integron.
4 (TCP), and genes within the V. cholerae mega-integron.
5 tiple antibiotic-resistance genes on class 1 integrons.
6 of phenotypic resistance in isolates without integrons.
7 segments, such as plasmids, transposons, and integrons.
8 five (40%) of the isolates possessed class 1 integrons.
9  and associated with the presence of class 1 integrons.
10 n PCR method (Int-PCR) for detecting class 1 integrons (1,000, 1,200, and 1,600 bp) in the identifica
11 ) and chloramphenicol (Cm), and the 1,600-bp integron added resistance to gentamicin (Gen) and kanamy
12 the presence of both the 1,000- and 1,200-bp integrons added resistance to ampicillin (Amp) and chlor
13 led similar trends to those displayed in the integron amplicon sequencing pipeline described above, c
14 gdom by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and integron analysis.
15                                      Rather, integrons and associated resistance genes abound in seve
16 ing and examined for the presence of class 1 integrons and bla(CMY) genes.
17  sequencing were used to identify resistance integrons and extended spectrum beta-lactamase genes.
18 termined, and the isolates were screened for integrons and gyrase A gene mutations.
19 ient elements unrelated to plasmids, phages, integrons and integrative conjugative elements.
20  those of mobile genetic elements (including integrons and plasmids), which serve as carriers in the
21 intermediate between the multidrug-resistant integrons and the Vibrio cholerae super-integron.
22 ethoxazole-trimethoprim constins and class I integrons, and common toxin (ctxAB, rtxA, hap, hlyA, tl,
23  determinants interspersed with transposons, integrons, and other mobile genetic elements is a signif
24 e, conferring Amp resistance in the 1,200-bp integron; and the aadA and aadB genes, conferring St Spc
25                                 The 1,600-bp integron appears to have the 1,000-bp intergron as its c
26                                              Integrons are extensively targeted as a proxy for anthro
27                                              Integrons are mechanisms that facilitate horizontal gene
28                             We conclude that integrons are useful markers for epidemic strains of A.
29                                              Integron-associated gene cassettes encode several aminog
30 ess of this method and suggesting that these integron-associated genes may be excellent targets for s
31 is protein (AB57_0094), aphA1, bla(TEM), and integron-associated orfX proving the most helpful in dis
32 lfamethoxazole resistance and a 1-kb class I integron bearing aadA for streptomycin resistance.
33 se levels, only cointegrates between the two integron-bearing plasmids were detectable at all growth
34                                              Integron-borne sulI was present in 16.4% of isolates in
35                                        These integron cassette arrays have been found in other outbre
36                            DNA sequencing of integrons confirmed the presence of the aminoglycoside a
37   Three of the MDR strains harbored a 750-bp integron containing the dfr7 gene.
38 ion and diversity of integron intI genes and integron-containing bacteria.
39 nt to antibiotics and those carrying class 1 integrons decreased in water samples (p-value <0.001).
40 e), SPM-1 (Sao Paulo MBL), and VIM-2 (Verona integron-encoded MBL)) and the identification of suitabl
41 a pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC), and Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase (VIM) were the m
42 nhibiting the clinically relevant MBL Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase (VIM-2).
43 rsity in the genetic compositions of class 1 integrons, especially among isolates belonging to the sa
44 termine the decay rates for ARGs and class 1 integrons following simulated land application of treate
45                                          One integron from a swine isolate contained the sat-1 gene,
46 e report the genetic organization of a super-integron from Pseudomonas alcaligenes ATCC 55044.
47 hat enables characterization of thousands of integron gene cassette-associated reads, and applied it
48  for CPS expression, is characteristic of an integron-gene cassette region, similar to the super inte
49 a(SHV), bla(OXA) and bla(CTX-M)) and class-1 integron genes (int1) in soils from manured (M) versus i
50     The presence of any of the three class 1 integron groupings was associated with four-drug resista
51                                        Three integron groupings were detected: 1,000 bp only, 1,600 b
52                          The larger of these integrons had two copies of the first (orfX) of the gene
53           In particular, the distribution of integrons harboring resistance cassettes for TMP-SMX (df
54        This is the first evidence of a super-integron in a non-pathogenic bacterium, one which is wid
55 resence of the aadAI gene cassette within an integron in these 16 isolates.
56                                     We found integrons in 103 different pathogenic and non-pathogenic
57 yrA mutations and of the presence of class I integrons in a panel of 100 veterinary isolates of Salmo
58 acterized the gene cassettes associated with integrons in Methylobacillus flagellatus KT and Dechloro
59  resistance genes and mobile elements called integrons in poultry house litter from commercial poultr
60 nexpectedly, the major reservoir for Class 1 integrons in poultry litter is not their previously iden
61 e of gyrA mutations and of detecting class-I integrons in Salmonella isolates.
62               Metagenome sequencing revealed integrons in the gut meta-mobilome that were associated
63      In conclusion, the persistent nature of integrons in the infant gut microbiota makes it a potent
64 c-resistant gene cassettes between different integrons in the same cell, facilitating the persistence
65 abilization) on the fate of ARGs and class 1 integrons in wastewater solids-amended soil microcosms.
66                      The discovery of 'super-integrons' in Vibrionaceae suggests a greater impact of
67 on of 1.0 kb, in contrast to the typical two integrons (InC and InD) of 1.0 and 1.2 kb, respectively,
68 sence of other elements such as transposons, integrons, insertion sequence (IS) elements and the 'new
69 obacteriaceae are spread by plasmid-mediated integrons, insertion sequences, and transposons, some of
70 ect on the relative abundance of the class 1 integron integrase encoding gene (intI1) was observed.
71 VSP-II, MSHA, HlyA, type IV pilin, PilE, and integron integrase, IntI4) with no notable difference in
72 nalysis of the distribution and diversity of integron intI genes and integron-containing bacteria.
73 et(W), and tet(X)), the integrase of class 1 integrons (intI1), 16S rRNA genes, 16S rRNA genes of all
74 , and tet(X)], the integrase gene of class 1 integrons (intI1), and 16S rRNA genes were quantified us
75 teria (HF183), the integrase gene of class 1 integrons (intI1), and five ARGs representing a cross-se
76 is suggests that the present distribution of integrons is due to multiple losses and gene transfer ev
77 some also carries a gene capture system (the integron island) and host 'addiction' genes that are typ
78  active site-specific integration of related integron-like elements (ILEs) found in six environmental
79 istance gene, termed qnr, and found it in an integron-like environment upstream from qacE Delta 1 and
80                                        Super-integrons may contain more than 100 gene cassettes and m
81 les and were found to carry only one class I integron of 1.0 kb, in contrast to the typical two integ
82 n-gene cassette region, similar to the super integron of V. cholerae.
83 nes may suggest that the selective impact of integrons on genomes is variable, oscillating between be
84                The diagnostic accuracy of an integron PCR method (Int-PCR) for detecting class 1 inte
85       The gene cassettes present within each integron ranged in size from 0.6 to 2.4 kb, although a 1
86 n, repair of double stranded DNA breaks, and integron recombination.
87  and 27 isolates carried class 1 and class 2 integrons, respectively.
88 esulted in an increase of class 1 resistance integrons (RIs) and the introduction of Pseudomonas spp.
89                     Sequence analyses of the integrons showed that they contained aadA, which confers
90 he multiresistance in DT104 is related to an integron structure designated SGI1, but factors underlyi
91  Multiresistance in DT104 is conferred by an integron structure, designated Salmonella genomic island
92                              Until recently, integrons (systems for acquisition and expression of new
93 conferring St Spc resistance in the 1,000-bp integron; the beta-lactamase gene, conferring Amp resist
94 or epidemic strains of A. baumannii and that integron typing provides valuable information for epidem
95                                    A class 1 integron was found in 25 (93%) of 27 TMP-SMX-resistant C
96                           While a particular integron was usually associated with a strain or clone,
97         Furthermore, the presence of class 1 integrons was detected in 15 CCF isolates, all of which
98 y relevant levels, and an element of Class I integrons, was not detected in any community.
99 Es such as the aadA5-dfrA17-carrying class 1 integron were identified on an assembled scaffold of chi
100                                         Some integrons were associated with more than one strain.
101                                              Integrons were detected in 16 of the 42 isolates; a frag
102 line resistance and the integrase of Class 1 integrons were enumerated using quantitative PCR from ae
103                                      Class 1 integrons were found in all of the outbreak isolates but
104                                   No class 2 integrons were found.
105                                  Two or more integrons were generally present in these isolates.
106                                        Three integrons were identified among the main outbreak strain
107                                              Integrons were sought in Acinetobacter isolates from hos
108            The cassette arrays of two of the integrons were very similar, both containing gene aacC1,
109                                              Integrons were widely scattered, and their presence was
110 n integrase gene (int1), used as a proxy for integrons (which often carry multiple antimicrobial resi
111      The integrase gene (intI1) from Class 1 integrons, which has been associated with multidrug resi
112 n isolates, representing four serotypes, had integrons with genes conferring resistance to aminoglyco
113                                    The third integron, with a cassette array containing gene aacA4, w
114       Thirty-four isolates contained class I integrons, with 71% of the S. enterica serovar Typhimuri

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