


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 reviated Scale of Intelligence or Wide Range Intelligence Test.
2 t breakfast did not affect performance on an intelligence test.
3 annot show the neural underpinnings of fluid intelligence tests.
4 o 50% of the variance between individuals on intelligence tests.
5 hesized to explain individual performance on intelligence tests.
6 d whether motivation is less than maximal on intelligence tests administered in the context of low-st
7  initial study and at follow-up with the AH4 intelligence test and the Wechsler Logical Memory test.
8 ies at ages 3 and 7 years, and Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test and Wide Range Assessment of Memory an
9  CI: -6.6, -0.3) scores of the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test and with decreases on the visual subsc
10 h slower information processing speed during intelligence testing and with more severe externalizing
11 ured by the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test), and personality traits (measured by
12 ured by the Mayer, Salovey, Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test), and personality traits (measured by
13                                              Intelligence tests are widely assumed to measure maximal
14 inistered the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test as a valid standardized psychometric m
15 ith higher intelligence on the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test at age 7 years (0.35; 0.16-0.53 verbal
16 tive achievement as measured by standardized intelligence tests, but little is known about the underl
17 documented that performances on psychometric intelligence tests decline slightly from firstborns to l
18                                        Fluid intelligence tests give a characteristic pattern of acti
19  trained task is entirely different from the intelligence test itself.
20 vens Progressive Matrices (RPM), a nonverbal intelligence test linked to posterior cortical systems--
21     Fluid IQ measured with the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, normed within the sample by 6-month a
22 lt gained significantly higher scores on the intelligence test on both testing occasions and were les
23 esting the effects of material incentives on intelligence-test performance on a collective 2,008 part
24 ring attention network test performance, and intelligence test scores.
25 telligence (measured using the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition (KBIT-2)) at age 7 yea
26 urements of fluid intelligence, standardized intelligence tests, speed of processing, reading skills,
27 re breastfed as babies gain higher scores on intelligence tests than those who were bottlefed.
28 ivation among 251 adolescent boys completing intelligence tests using a 15-min "thin-slice" video sam
29 of Memory and Learning and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test were administered for assessment of co

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