


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  we show here that synaptic vesicle proteins interchange with a large pool on the cell axonal surface
2  and the identity of rat ALDH-PB is commonly interchanged with ALDH1.
3  trapping with TEMPO or CO or by alkyl group interchange with an excess of an alkyl halide of a disti
4  which a nonacidic hydrogen on one carbon is interchanged with an electron-withdrawing group on an ad
5                  Protein foods were commonly interchanged with carbohydrate, and changes in protein f
6 h small fragments were captured by disulfide interchange with cysteines introduced into IL-2 around t
7                       Protein foods were not interchanged with each other (intercorrelations typicall
8 enase, increases the rate of thiol-disulfide interchange with Ellman's reagent [5,5'-dithiobis (Z-nit
9 thiol of two-electron reduced enzyme (EH(2)) interchanges with glutathione disulfide forming two mole
10  decarboxylation and the rate of Schiff base interchange with L-ornithine are partially rate-limiting
11 teine residues involved in dithiol-disulfide interchange with lipoyl substrates and a His-Glu pair in
12 D3L2 as a transcriptional modulator that can interchange with MBD2 as an MBD3-interacting component o
13 dependent transcriptional repressor that may interchange with MBD3 as an MBD2-interacting component o
14 he extensible markup language (XML) for data interchange with other genome information systems.
15 uding applications to polymerase cycling and interchange with other polymerases and factors at the re
16  synaptic and axonal plasma membrane and can interchange with recently exocytosed proteins.
17 d transient hydrogen bonds that are in rapid interchange with solvent molecules are predicted.
18 lysis by an intramolecular dithiol-disulfide interchange with the nascent redox active dithiol.
19 kles, and the nucleolar pool of NHPX did not interchange with the pool in speckles, consistent with a
20 olar requirement for single-nucleotide codon interchanges) with the coding triplet concentrations in
21 ralized transposition, equivalent to a block interchange, with weight two.

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