


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 related with the mIPSC frequency, indicating interdependence.
2 (i.e., group-level traits) and collaborative interdependence.
3 r transport in such systems and their mutual interdependence.
4  have little known mechanistic similarity or interdependence.
5 led multiple distinct patterns of GR and Brm interdependence.
6 he selection of a network design shapes this interdependence.
7 further confirming a Nedd4-1-Alix functional interdependence.
8 myces cerevisiae show a surprising degree of interdependence.
9 own to exhibit a striking level of metabolic interdependence.
10 rporates the concept of enhanced ventricular interdependence.
11 o lines of recent evidence that support this interdependence.
12 ment, but there is nothing known about their interdependence.
13 ms, resulting in their tight interaction and interdependence.
14 raging niche favor specialization and create interdependence [12, 13], thus stabilizing cooperation a
15      These changes in food supplies heighten interdependence among countries in regard to availabilit
16 eriments, however, suggest that there exists interdependence among positions in the binding sites.
17                            Understanding how interdependence among systems affects cascading behavior
18                                 To elucidate interdependence among the NUDIX hydrolases, we pairwise
19                  To emphasize the allosteric interdependence among these subunits, a more detailed in
20                          Note that nonlinear interdependence among variables poses significant challe
21 tructure for the identification of nonlinear interdependence among variables.
22                                              Interdependence analyses revealed that crosslink-specifi
23 dition, we found a distinct loss of cytokine interdependence and aberrant Th1 and Th2 cytokine respon
24 earch on culture focuses on independence and interdependence and documents numerous East-West psychol
25  total fluegas volume isotherms manifest the interdependence and enable manipulation for enhanced env
26 entiation of different cell types, metabolic interdependence and even pattern formation, as the spaci
27                These data establish a mutual interdependence and functional link between two families
28 nderstanding in a world of increasing global interdependence and has implications for modeling cultur
29 s of honeybees, and have concluded that both interdependence and independence are needed for the bees
30 ual tissues to establish the role of complex interdependence and interactions between cells in aging
31 use correctly measured shadow prices reflect interdependence and limits to substitution.
32 ution among species shows a clear pattern of interdependence and rewiring.
33 etween all three enzymes indicate functional interdependence and underscore the importance of examini
34 f the biological embedding, gene-environment interdependence, and remaining challenges.
35  pattern, indicating their co-regulation and interdependence at these stages.
36 he base-of-the-pyramid domain yield a set of interdependence-based collaboration strategies that can
37  Toward a more complete understanding of the interdependence between ATP and DNA binding by RecA, we
38 ffector pathways and sought to establish the interdependence between autophagy and the UPR during HSC
39                      It reveals a functional interdependence between BRCA1 and NF-kappaB, further elu
40                          We observe a strong interdependence between burned area depth, fire frequenc
41 n regulates Ca(2+) responses and vice versa, interdependence between Ca(2+) and the cytoskeleton also
42 dition, our results in HEK 293 cells show an interdependence between CAV-1 and alphaC418W that could
43  therefore be maintained even without strict interdependence between cell subclones.
44                    Here we analyzed possible interdependence between cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesions
45                         Our results show how interdependence between cell-cell and cell-ECM adhesions
46               These results suggest that the interdependence between chromosome partitioning and cell
47 chondrocyte maturation, and point to a close interdependence between cilia and HS-PGs to delimit targ
48                         Here, we studied the interdependence between different layers of the envelope
49                          We investigated the interdependence between dimerization and Thr-446 autopho
50 nked to spatial dispersal by emphasising the interdependence between dispersal through space and time
51 xperimental paradigm, to model and study the interdependence between disputants and third parties in
52 nted and it has been suggested that there is interdependence between excess iron and increased cancer
53                              This functional interdependence between HIF-1alpha and MIF may represent
54 methylations of K9, K27, and K36, suggesting interdependence between histone methylation marks.
55              Our results are consistent with interdependence between HIV-2 RNA dimerization and the c
56                            However, when the interdependence between hosts and parasites was controll
57                 Our study reveals functional interdependence between IL-1 and TNF in enabling Mtb con
58 istically, combination therapy relies on the interdependence between IL-7 and IFN-gamma signalling in
59 sults argue for the existence of an adaptive interdependence between lipolysis and lipid synthesis.
60                  This study demonstrates the interdependence between matrix orientation, applied load
61                    Finally, we show a unique interdependence between Mcr and Nrg for SJ localization
62  assay for receptor activation, a functional interdependence between mGluR1 and mGluR5 was demonstrat
63                      One consequence of this interdependence between monomer depletion and network ar
64 d causal mechanisms exhibit a high degree of interdependence between multiple causal effects and when
65      This study uncovers a strong reciprocal interdependence between Nck and PI(4,5)P(2) in promoting
66 produced this behavior only when parenchymal interdependence between neighboring acini was accounted
67 ames and test the hypothesis that mechanical interdependence between neighboring lung units determine
68                         An emerging model of interdependence between neural and vascular systems incl
69                                    MRI is an interdependence between nucleotide choice and base compo
70      These findings demonstrate a functional interdependence between onzin and PLSCR1.
71 ree of life is intimately connected with the interdependence between organisms.
72                               The functional interdependence between p38 and IGF1/PI3K/AKT pathways w
73 all CSN subunits and confirms the structural interdependence between PCI and MPN subunits in function
74          Chemometric evaluation showed close interdependence between PRAC method and FRAP and ACC.
75                        These data suggest an interdependence between RyR and InsP3 R in the generatio
76 n offers new insights into how collaborative interdependence between sectors can enhance the connecti
77                         Our results show the interdependence between social structure and knowledge s
78                               Without strict interdependence between subclones, however, nonproducer
79           The reasons behind this well known interdependence between task- and response-level control
80  modulated signals, and indicate substantial interdependence between temporal and spectral processing
81                        There was significant interdependence between the ASA PS and the other NSQIP r
82 en-channel lifetime, thus revealing a unique interdependence between the detector and actuator domain
83 artments, the present study investigates the interdependence between the direct protein-protein inter
84                             Whether there is interdependence between the effects of PEEP and prone po
85               This result confirms a complex interdependence between the helicase and primase subunit
86 lectively, these results document a critical interdependence between the MEK-ERK MAPK signaling pathw
87 ensional arrangements, with a high degree of interdependence between the position of the axonal and t
88                        These results suggest interdependence between the structure and homeostasis of
89                In this work, we examined the interdependence between the thermodynamics (DeltaG(o)) a
90  the measurement problem by highlighting the interdependence between the time and space dimensions of
91 esults reveal and characterize an unexpected interdependence between the two RNA helicases and eIF4G,
92  a UL5/UL52 subcomplex, indicating a complex interdependence between the two subunits.
93  stereocenters of a potent compound revealed interdependence between the various positions.
94                    Finally, we highlight the interdependence between these categories and discuss the
95  the existence of significant cross-talk and interdependence between these pathways.
96 nce, suggesting a functional and mechanistic interdependence between these proteins.
97  Our results reveal complex dosage-sensitive interdependence between transcription factors and BAF co
98                            We found that the interdependence between two positions decreases with inc
99                              Our data on the interdependence between voltage and direct temperature r
100 underlying persistent activity, establishing interdependence between working memory and inhibitory co
101               Thus, understanding ecological interdependences between land use, ecosystem services an
102 nish evidence in support of gene-environment interdependence, challenging some of the current tenets
103                  In contrast, weak metabolic interdependence drives conflict (exploitation or competi
104                We show that strong metabolic interdependence drives the emergence of mutualism, robus
105 ts of N1, N(6), and N7 demonstrated a strong interdependence during formation of adenine:hypoxanthine
106 docytic and exocytic pathways display strong interdependence during polarity establishment while bein
107                Global interconnectedness and interdependence enable the social and environmental dete
108 mmunities, which emphasize harmonious social interdependence, exhibited greater holistic tendencies t
109 gions and yet vary in their degree of social interdependence: farming, fishing, and herding communiti
110 B or PaoC was absent, revealing a surprising interdependence for export that is not seen for classica
111  of both FXR1 and AGO2 and demonstrate their interdependence for upregulation.
112             It has been proposed that social interdependence fosters holistic cognition, that is, a t
113  This is the first time that such a complete interdependence has been demonstrated for a multifunctio
114                             Respect for this interdependence has biased many studies of reward and pu
115                                NS3-4A domain interdependence has important implications for function
116 ey hallmarks of T-cell activation, and their interdependence has long been recognized.
117 ricular dysfunction, mediated by ventricular interdependence, has been associated with negative outco
118  Earth's surface temperature illustrate this interdependence, having a continuum of variability follo
119 omes, novel proteome composition, and strong interdependence in both domains.
120 re, alphaArg209 and alphaGlu45 show a strong interdependence in both human and mouse AChRs, whereas t
121    Clinicians and researchers must keep this interdependence in mind when drawing inferences from the
122 er, we consider how individuals manage their interdependence in organizations, and review research on
123 oncogenesis, we tested for miR-874 and CCNE1 interdependence in osteosarcoma cells.
124 l and prognostic significance of ventricular interdependence in PAH and its association with LV filli
125 highlighting the significance of ventricular interdependence in PAH.
126 quential nature of translation results in an interdependence in ribosome association either by de nov
127 e-selection, resulting in the characteristic interdependence in task- and response-switch costs in be
128 r mammalian cells, similar to budding yeast, interdependence in the recruitment of type I myosins, WI
129 cts arise only in certain forms of cognitive interdependence, in surprisingly fragile conditions.
130                     A model for modification interdependence, in which one modification is a prerequi
131 e with slow and fast pathway interaction and interdependence (interactive), and those with independen
132 rocognitive architecture giving rise to this interdependence is currently not understood.
133                           Understanding this interdependence is key to exploring the dynamic nature o
134    Insight from research on humans into this interdependence is limited, though.
135 ostases are highly interconnected; yet, such interdependence is not well established in higher plants
136         A common genetic test for functional interdependence is to characterize the phenotype of a do
137 ematopoiesis and skeletal biology, but their interdependence is unclear.
138                                         This interdependence leads to the coevolution of flexible beh
139                                 Despite this interdependence, many empirical studies build largely on
140 which role differentiation and collaborative interdependence may affect cultural evolution.
141 r, we begin with a simple model for how this interdependence may arise in the dense atomic packing of
142 lation coefficient as an example for such an interdependence measure.
143 he results can be readily transferred to all interdependence measures partializing for information of
144                                              Interdependence measures such as a the correlation coeff
145                         For several of these interdependence measures, multivariate counterparts exis
146   We address this gap by using Lewis et al's interdependence model of couple communal coping and beha
147                    Testing the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model revealed that posttraumatic stress
148                                 Applying the Interdependence model to analyse the experimentally meas
149                            The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model was tested using multilevel modeli
150                                         This interdependence of a free-standing endonuclease gene and
151                      Here, we reveal that an interdependence of a protein and cognate mRNA maintains
152 l three subunits were present, suggesting an interdependence of all three subunits for assembly of a
153 e if altered mRNA transcription mediated the interdependence of alpha4 and beta2 subunit expression.
154 both bound MDM2(N) and apo-MDM2 to study the interdependence of binding and folding in the p53-MDM2 c
155                 These findings reinforce the interdependence of bone morphogenetic protein and FGF si
156 use disorganization of lamin Dm0, indicating interdependence of both lamin types for proper lamina as
157                                    The close interdependence of Ca(2+) signaling and cytoskeletal dyn
158                                The intricate interdependence of Ca(2+), Ca(2+)-dependent proteins, an
159  results suggest a model in which the mutual interdependence of Cdx2 and cell polarity affects the cy
160                                         This interdependence of cell-cell and cell-ECM forces has sig
161                                          The interdependence of cellulose disintegration and hydrolys
162 om multiple factors, among which the complex interdependence of circuits and their host is a leading
163 sture in signed language with respect to the interdependence of codes by describing two contexts unde
164 many of the enzymes involved and revealed an interdependence of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial one-car
165               These results demonstrate that interdependence of cytoskeletal organization and chondro
166            Our results uncover an unexpected interdependence of DAPK-1 and the microtubule cytoskelet
167 esult of their functional complexity and the interdependence of dynein and kinesin motor activities.
168 keletal neuromuscular junction to assess the interdependence of effects evoked by an essential synapt
169 ic acids and diol as a result of significant interdependence of fitting parameters.
170                           To investigate the interdependence of gB, gK, and UL20p in virus-induced ce
171                                 To study the interdependence of glutamatergic and GABAergic spontaneo
172               All models showed an extensive interdependence of HCV sites and strong connections (P <
173   Mouse models have demonstrated the complex interdependence of immune cell-keratinocyte interactions
174  pair protein assembly, and demonstrated the interdependence of individual gammaTuSC components for m
175             Together, our data highlight the interdependence of individual Mediator subunits and prov
176 ld serve to enhance our understanding of the interdependence of its catalytic and substrate binding m
177 s can be used to describe quantitatively the interdependence of local conformational fluctuations, li
178 ion modelling to allow us to account for the interdependence of maternal traits, litter traits and en
179 Pick type C disease further corroborates the interdependence of mitochondrial DNA organization and ch
180 t scores TFBS DNA sequences by including the interdependence of neighboring bases.
181 orks in integrated models and to explore the interdependence of network configuration and cognitive p
182 collective effects that lead to a functional interdependence of network links.
183                          This emphasises the interdependence of nuclear and cytoplasmic processes in
184 hermodynamic additivity cycles analyzing the interdependence of P(1) and P'(2) substitutions and scaf
185                                          The interdependence of p53 and MDM2 is critical for proper c
186                   The findings emphasize the interdependence of pericytes and endothelial cells in tu
187 gulation of epithelial function, through the interdependence of pH, bicarbonate concentration, and cu
188  immune sensing and demonstrate the critical interdependence of phagocytosis and pattern recognition
189   Together, these observations delineate the interdependence of phagocytosis with pattern recognition
190 the wild, and underscore the flexibility and interdependence of physiological, behavioral, and life h
191 or system was used as a model to analyze the interdependence of plastic alterations within the inhibi
192 cyte behaviors are identified, revealing the interdependence of podocyte mechanotransduction and main
193 axis can be fixed--the mechanisms behind the interdependence of polarization and cell cycle progressi
194  of both protein and DNA, reminiscent of the interdependence of protein and RNA in the ribosome.
195 ion in protein export, we have described the interdependence of protein folding energetics and the ad
196 examine the neurobiological evidence for the interdependence of receptive and expressive language pro
197         These results underscore the kinetic interdependence of reversible steps on an enzymatic reac
198 ot taking into account interconnectivity and interdependence of risks.
199                                   This novel interdependence of rod and cone pigment regeneration sho
200    This study underscores the importance and interdependence of sample site selection, sampling proto
201             The analysis reveals the complex interdependence of sarcolemmal, cytoplasmic, and mitocho
202 site-specific phosphorylation as well as the interdependence of signal transduction and trafficking p
203 ing alpha-domain truncation demonstrates the interdependence of SK domains in stabilizing the SK-Pg/P
204 PH Utah (CEU) population, by considering the interdependence of SNPs, we could reduce the total numbe
205 ial constructivist perspectives focus on the interdependence of social and individual processes in th
206      Community ecology involves studying the interdependence of species with each other and their env
207            Analysis of the complex catalytic interdependence of specific residues identified three en
208 rast to the previous model reveals a complex interdependence of subcellular systems that mediates opt
209                                              Interdependence of substrate-protease interactions might
210 luminating a mechanism that helps to explain interdependence of substrates, and suggests a model in w
211 nt to facilitate resolution of the order and interdependence of such steps.
212 in culture has been hindered by the inherent interdependence of syntrophic associations, their dynami
213 ophila model of tauopathy to investigate the interdependence of tau kinases in regulating the phospho
214                  Further, we demonstrate the interdependence of TbCentrin3 and TbIAD5-1 for maintaini
215                         We have explored the interdependence of the binding of a DNA triplex and a re
216 mponents of the 70S ribosome and uncover the interdependence of the biogenesis of the two ribosomal s
217 te chains in order to understand the complex interdependence of the Bloch phase and the amount of the
218       Moreover, we demonstrate an unexpected interdependence of the Ca(2+)-dependent and Ca(2+)-indep
219           We investigated the importance and interdependence of the canonical D126 and the noncanonic
220 Purpose To explore the prognostic impact and interdependence of the cell-of-origin (COO) classificati
221 , designated compound 1 (C1), to examine the interdependence of the chlamydial T3SS and development.
222 is framework emphasizes the adaptability and interdependence of the components of the system.
223 sing organics with different D/H ratios, the interdependence of the D(-)/H(-) and (16)OD(-)/(16)OH(-)
224 sk in a linear fashion fails to consider the interdependence of the diverse components of asthma risk
225 ression framework, which directly models the interdependence of the expression values in a gene set u
226 lar health promotion, focusing on: 1) mutual interdependence of the family system; 2) shared environm
227 and Ets1 expression and helps to explain the interdependence of the IL-2R subunits and Ets1 for NK ce
228                      A re-examination of the interdependence of the known early-expressed transcripti
229                        This study tested the interdependence of the maize enzymes starch synthase IIa
230    In the current study, we investigated the interdependence of the mitochondrial respiratory chain a
231 iochemical studies to examine the functional interdependence of the NS3 protease and helicase domains
232                       Our findings reveal an interdependence of the p53 response in cancer cells and
233 e activity, thus underscoring the functional interdependence of the proximal promoter elements.
234 ovide a redox tuning mechanism, in which the interdependence of the redox state of QA and the binding
235                                          The interdependence of the rhythmic variations of both linea
236                                 A pronounced interdependence of the structures of the anticodon and D
237         Overall, such examples highlight the interdependence of the three processes--regulatory evolu
238  regulation of ATP hydrolysis as well as the interdependence of the two functional active sites.
239                                          The interdependence of the two structures is highlighted by
240                 In this study, we tested the interdependence of the tyrosine kinases focal adhesion k
241   Despite significant effort to quantify the interdependence of the water and energy sectors, global
242 l membranes and in promoting a compositional interdependence of their two lipid leaflets.
243 tant for the development of cancers, but the interdependence of these aberrations is poorly understoo
244 ver, the molecular basis for the biochemical interdependence of these associations remains poorly und
245                             To elucidate the interdependence of these binding events, cadherin adhesi
246 aired, suggesting a nearly global functional interdependence of these coactivators.
247                    Without understanding the interdependence of these contributing factors, it is dif
248                                          The interdependence of these currently uncultured microbes r
249 ell lines; however, the in vitro and in vivo interdependence of these cytokines, and their significan
250 s to human in vitro models and delineate the interdependence of these different cytokines in their im
251 ferent functions of TCV CP and evaluated the interdependence of these functions.
252                                The potential interdependence of these mechanisms and their temporal r
253                                   To examine interdependence of these pathways, ErbB1 pharmacologic b
254 xpression, further supporting the functional interdependence of these proteins.
255                                          The interdependence of these proteolytic activities provides
256 brain A2A receptors highlight the functional interdependence of these receptors.
257 the posterior foregut endoderm, however, the interdependence of these two cell types during their for
258 resent evidence of significant interplay and interdependence of these two pathways as well as potenti
259 twork of lipids, proteins and chromatin; the interdependence of this network poses a challenge to def
260 found to attenuate periostin, suggesting the interdependence of two common genetic alterations with p
261  This study demonstrates the interaction and interdependence of Vangl2, VAMP1, aPKC and the stable mi
262      However, the complexity of urban forms, interdependence of variables, and temporal and spatial v
263                               The functional interdependence of vFLIP and vCyclin explains why they a
264 uctance properties; this was attributable to interdependence of voltage-gated potassium channel prope
265 orth Atlantic provides striking evidence for interdependence of water mass conversion in both hemisph
266    These data reveal a complex interplay and interdependence of Wnt/beta-catenin and EDA/EDAR/NF-kapp
267 e persistent FEF activity as a basis for the interdependence of working memory and selective attentio
268 repetitive measurements that illustrated the interdependences of applied potential, concentration of
269 h oligonucleotide, and characterizes kinetic interdependences of the reaction steps.
270                                          The interdependence on one another of all three factors is s
271 under etiolated growth conditions, extensive interdependence/overlap occurs between BR- and Glc-regul
272                          Through ventricular interdependence, pulmonary hypertension (PH) induces lef
273                          Through ventricular interdependence, pulmonary hypertension (PH) induces lef
274 cardial restraint and heightened ventricular interdependence, reflected by increased ratio of right-
275 thesis, and their functional association and interdependence represent some of the most significant e
276                              This functional interdependence results in homeostatic stabilization of
277 bor positions (P2, P2') and their positional interdependence revealed FRRV as the optimal peptide wit
278                                        Their interdependence should be apparent in the evolutionary r
279 y not only effectively reveals the nonlinear interdependence structures among variables but also outp
280                                       Domain interdependence studies using active site mutants reveal
281                                         This interdependence suggests that changes in amplitude and i
282 studies, do not address the adaptability and interdependence that characterize the medical ecoculture
283                     In order to exploit this interdependence to aid motif discovery, we extend the PW
284 environment and propose a theory on how such interdependence underlies the formation and use of the c
285 ggesting how their structural and functional interdependence underpins Nbs1 adaptor functions in the
286 al measures successfully distinguish between interdependence (viewing oneself as embedded in relation
287 n tended to cluster within couples, and this interdependence was accounted for by couples' drug-injec
288                                              Interdependence was enhanced as pulmonary artery pressur
289  Fderecruited and Frecruited when mechanical interdependence was included, while its exclusion gave F
290 metastasis to the lungs, but their potential interdependence was not evaluated.
291                           Despite this clear interdependence we have little understanding of parasite
292 e that there is compelling evidence for such interdependence, we suggest that Pickering & Garrod's (P
293 gesture is likely characterized by a nuanced interdependence with language whether signed, spoken or
294 rounding chromatin in a manner that requires interdependence with mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 1
295 community (OR, 0.76; 95% CI, 0.60-0.97), and interdependence with other ethnic groups (OR, 0.71; 95%
296 ally derived epithelial cells, that it shows interdependence with other SJ proteins for SJ localizati
297 fter cardiac surgery and explore nutritional interdependence with other system functions.
298       All of these molecules share a complex interdependence with regards to their dynamics and subce
299 inputs onto sensory relay neurons, and their interdependence with thalamocortical (TC) axon developme
300                        Mitochondrial-plastid interdependence within the plant cell is presumed to be

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