


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ctroscopy, x-ray interferometry, and neutron interferometry).
2 nd that demonstrate the sensitivity of X-ray interferometry.
3 rmined by noncontact partial coherence laser interferometry.
4 antum information processing and matter-wave interferometry.
5 ctures probed with ultrafast surface plasmon interferometry.
6 g to receptor analogs using surface biolayer interferometry.
7 dius (CR) were measured by partial coherence interferometry.
8 al surface were measured using laser speckle interferometry.
9 the scleral surface were measured by speckle interferometry.
10  aligned with respect to the substrate using interferometry.
11 egic photorefractions, and partial coherence interferometry.
12 e scleral surface were measured with speckle interferometry.
13 ements of changes in fluorophore position by interferometry.
14 er disks that have been recently resolved by interferometry.
15 ly or electrically and detected optically by interferometry.
16 G, using a gravity gradiometer based on atom interferometry.
17 k-focal-plane, low-power (nontrapping) laser interferometry.
18 ntial applications in force sensing and atom interferometry.
19  with values measured in the same eyes using interferometry.
20 nd enable improved signal-to-noise ratios in interferometry.
21 eiades, using long-baseline optical/infrared interferometry.
22 ents in technology such as partial coherence interferometry.
23 monolayer using angle-resolved low-coherence interferometry.
24 sity profile determined previously via x-ray interferometry.
25 rabbit tear film lipid layer was assessed by interferometry.
26 with high spatial and temporal resolution by interferometry.
27    The small changes in OPL were measured by interferometry.
28 chromatography and characterized by biolayer interferometry.
29 zeta Andromedae using long-baseline infrared interferometry.
30 use of an angle-multiplexed spatial-spectral interferometry.
31  regarded as a new type of quantum-dot-based interferometry.
32 ontrolled geometric Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometry.
33 ethod combined with optical frequency domain interferometry.
34 be directly measurable by very long baseline interferometry.
35 try, microscale thermophoresis and bio-layer interferometry.
36  and Vn was 2.2 muM, as revealed by Biolayer interferometry.
37 sted neutron beams are analysed with neutron interferometry.
38  using surface plasmon resonance and bilayer interferometry.
39  as determined from time delays and infrared interferometry.
40 etric and when it is detected through Ramsey interferometry.
41                               By using laser interferometry [10], we show that the nonlinear componen
42 ing study using angle-resolved low coherence interferometry (a/LCI) to assess nuclear morphology and
43                 Angle-resolved low coherence interferometry (a/LCI) uses in vivo depth-resolved nucle
44                 Angle-resolved low-coherence interferometry (a/LCI), a novel light scattering techniq
45 ical technique, angle-resolved low-coherence interferometry (a/LCI).
46 alysis of mutant DNA sequences with biolayer interferometry, allowed the independent quantification o
47 not be discerned by conventional techniques, interferometry allows functional measurements of the ear
48                       We combine matter-wave interferometry and cavity optomechanics to propose a coh
49 members of the FZD family by using bio-layer interferometry and characterized their functional select
50 -risk patients may be facilitated by corneal interferometry and corneal hysteresis measurements.
51       Combining the advantages of heterodyne interferometry and dark-field microscopy, this label-fre
52                                Together, the interferometry and dextran penetration data show that or
53 highly precise, noncontact partial coherence interferometry and Goldmann applanation tonometry, respe
54                       We use satellite radar interferometry and GPS data to show that between 2001 an
55 OCT combines the principles of low-coherence interferometry and heterodyne dynamic light scattering.
56 surface changes were measured by white light interferometry and image analysis.
57 lline hexagonal epsilon-NbN using ultrasonic interferometry and in situ X-ray diffraction, complement
58                               Using biolayer interferometry and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence we
59                Finally, using backscattering interferometry and lipoparticles containing only the CXC
60 s is now possible by combining ambient noise interferometry and multichannel analysis of surface wave
61                           Moreover, biolayer interferometry and NMR indicated a direct interaction be
62 he traps simultaneously via back focal-plane interferometry and only a single quadrant photodiode det
63 er-resolution imaging study using modulation interferometry and phase-sensitive detection that achiev
64                       Here, we used biolayer interferometry and pulldown assays to identify regions o
65  the two lasers is demonstrated via spectral interferometry and second-order field cross-correlation.
66      The high sensitivity of back-scattering interferometry and small volumes of microfluidics allowe
67 ractions were confirmed by dual polarization interferometry and visualized by rotary shadow electron
68 maging (modified Quadriwave lateral shearing interferometry) and can be directly implemented using an
69 thcare clinic with gonioscopy, partial laser interferometry, and anterior segment optical coherence t
70  by scanning electron microscopy and optical interferometry, and chemical assessment by x-ray photoel
71 ination of fluorescence anisotropy, biolayer interferometry, and double electron-electron resonance s
72      Here we used NMR spectroscopy, biolayer interferometry, and fluorescence polarization to charact
73 combined an ensemble of satellite altimetry, interferometry, and gravimetry data sets using common ge
74 ical absorption/emission spectroscopy, x-ray interferometry, and neutron interferometry).
75       Using isothermal calorimetry, biolayer interferometry, and peptide array screening, we examined
76 al length with non-contact partial coherence interferometry, and spectral-domain optical coherence to
77           Using photodiode micrometry, laser interferometry, and stroboscopic video microscopy, we ha
78 yses employing filtration, dual polarization interferometry, and tryptophan fluorescence demonstrated
79     We produced elevation models using radar interferometry applied to bistatic data gathered between
80 and microscopic elasticity measured by X-ray interferometry are in striking agreement with values der
81 tandard techniques, such as back-focal-plane interferometry, are difficult to employ in this geometry
82 ing rate up to a factor two, and exemplifies interferometry as a powerful tool to quantify the impact
83               Here, we investigate live cell interferometry as an approach to quantify the biomass an
84 llimeter-wave VLBI (very-long-baseline radio interferometry) as well as multiwaveband observations of
85 two-hybrid assay and in vitro in a bio-layer interferometry assay.
86 lometry was measured with broad-band optical interferometry before and after CO2 laser irradiation.
87 asured with submicrometer resolution optical interferometry, before and after uniform excimer ablatio
88           This technique was used to realize interferometry between two trapped Bose-Einstein condens
89 ISA), affinity chromatography, and bio-layer interferometry (BLI) demonstrated that S. mutans YlxM in
90                                     Biolayer interferometry (BLI) is a well-established optical label
91 ), surface plasmon resonance (SPR), biolayer interferometry (BLI), and backscattering interferometry
92 molecules are discussed, namely Mach-Zehnder interferometry, Breit-Wigner resonances and Fano resonan
93             Here we show that backscattering interferometry (BSI) can accurately quantify ligand-rece
94                         Here, backscattering interferometry (BSI) has been shown to be a convenient a
95                               Backscattering interferometry (BSI) has been used to successfully monit
96 nd quantitative comparison of backscattering interferometry (BSI) to fluorescence sensing by ELISA, w
97   Here we describe the use of backscattering interferometry (BSI) to quantify the binding affinity of
98              Here we employed backscattering interferometry (BSI), a free-solution label-free method
99 yer interferometry (BLI), and backscattering interferometry (BSI), which can facilitate assays withou
100 (AChE) have been screened by back-scattering interferometry (BSI).
101 n within picoliter volumes using backscatter interferometry (BSI).
102 ctive index (RI) sensing with backscattering interferometry (BSI).
103 mers seek to image jet formation using radio interferometry but still suffer from insufficient angula
104  It has recently been shown that matter-wave interferometry can be used to imprint a periodic nanostr
105                                        X-ray interferometry can non-invasively detect refractive inde
106             Looking forward, molecular-level interferometry can provide a general tool for characteri
107       Target identification through biolayer interferometry confirmed binding of all hit compounds to
108                       This work describes an interferometry data analysis method for determining the
109                                     Biolayer interferometry data demonstrate that peptide VVNGIPTR (p
110                                 By analyzing interferometry data taken at many intersurface separatio
111 thod described is applied to the analysis of interferometry data taken with a surface force apparatus
112 ilometers per year, based on satellite radar interferometry data.
113                                     Biolayer interferometry demonstrates that the binding was tempera
114 ce pockets using optical microscopy and also interferometry demonstrates that these sharply acute fea
115 asured and compared with a partial coherence interferometry device (IOLMaster; Carl Zeiss Meditec, In
116 tigated the application of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) as a method for the real-time chara
117                 The use of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) as a tool for probing the different
118 al evanescent technique of dual polarization interferometry (DPI) implemented via a dual slab wavegui
119 d (2)H solid-state NMR and dual polarization interferometry (DPI) were used to analyze the membrane i
120   We used a combination of dual polarisation interferometry (DPI), surface plasmon resonance spectros
121 obulins was assessed using Dual Polarisation Interferometry (DPI).
122                     Examples are fibre-based interferometry (e.g., for precise measurement and sensin
123          Optical fiber extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometry (EFPI) was investigated as a noncontact t
124 galactic radio sources by very-long-baseline interferometry enable us to study the evolution of these
125                              Combining X-ray interferometry ensemble data with molecular dynamics sim
126 es, measured up to 12.3 GPa using ultrasonic interferometry, exhibit velocity minima at 1.8 GPa for P
127 will make it a suitable candidate for vortex interferometry experiments demonstrating non-abelian sta
128                                    Our X-ray interferometry experiments reveal an increasing bend ang
129                             Additional X-ray interferometry experiments revealed perturbations to the
130 lized e/4 quasiparticles shows that proposed interferometry experiments to test statistics and comput
131                                  In biolayer interferometry experiments, the optimized design binds I
132 obilized myosin was monitored using biolayer interferometry, factors Xa and Va each showed favorable
133 itative phase method that uses low-coherence interferometry for label-free 3D imaging in scattering t
134                   Here, we develop live cell interferometry for rapid, real-time quantification of ce
135 These mutants were characterized by biolayer interferometry for their pH-dependent binding to a colla
136 eezing have been exploited in the context of interferometry, frequency measurements, lithography and
137 hermodynamic protein binding constants using interferometry from a porous Si Fabry-Perot layer is pre
138 onagraph internal to a telescope and nulling interferometry from formation-flying telescopes--both re
139 ng after a blink was measured using spectral interferometry from the right eyes of 37 subjects.
140                                  Matter-wave interferometry has become an essential tool in studies o
141     An on-chip detector based on backscatter interferometry has been developed to perform subnanolite
142                                      Optical interferometry has been very effective in reading out th
143                                      Optical interferometry has empowered an impressive variety of bi
144                                         This interferometry has potential applications in precise mea
145 btend only a few nano-radians, near-infrared interferometry has recently enabled the spatial resoluti
146                 Small-angle X-ray scattering interferometry has the potential to overcome this limita
147 optical sensing technique, dual polarization interferometry, has been employed for the detailed study
148        Twenty consecutive Very Long Baseline Interferometry images of supernova 1993J from the time o
149 istribution in HSF1 clusters using live cell interferometry images.
150 e nanoindentation method known as mechanical interferometry imaging (MII) with <1-nm displacement pre
151 tions were investigated with back-scattering interferometry in a simple optical train composed of a h
152             We demonstrate Mach-Zehnder-type interferometry in a superconducting flux qubit.
153  experimental techniques by using ultrasonic interferometry in conjunction with synchrotron x radiati
154              Here we show how backscattering interferometry in rectangular channels (BIRC) facilitate
155 d in a weak optical trap by back-focal-plane interferometry in solutions containing different concent
156                              Using dual-beam interferometry in the bullfrog's sacculus, we found that
157                                We used laser interferometry in vitro and optical coherence tomography
158 displacements produced with conventional SAR interferometry (InSAR) and multiple-aperture SAR interfe
159 estern Tibetan plateau using satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) indicate that slip rates on the K
160                                X-ray grating interferometry is a coherent imaging technique that bear
161                       Back-focal-plane laser interferometry is a promising technique for nanoscale th
162 ata analysis and modeling via simulations of interferometry is described in detail.
163  fluctuation spectroscopy technique based on interferometry is described.
164                                              Interferometry is one of the central organizing principl
165                                       Key to interferometry is the concept of optical delay, which fa
166  +/- 1.0 nM, as determined by backscattering interferometry; KJ-Pyr-9 also interferes with MYC-MAX co
167 rferometry (InSAR) and multiple-aperture SAR interferometry (MAI) techniques were integrated to retri
168                          ELISA and bio-layer interferometry measurements demonstrated that mAbs whose
169                                        These interferometry measurements show that the bilayers are c
170                                    Bio-layer interferometry measurements were also carried out to det
171 on was then instilled; 15 minutes later, two interferometry measurements were performed similarly.
172                                     Velocity interferometry measurements, obtained by reflecting a la
173 ulin (CaM) binding as evidenced by bio-layer interferometry measurements.
174 model is confirmed, very-long-baseline radio interferometry observations can then be used to probe th
175 e deformation in Yellowstone, based on radar interferometry observations from the European Space Agen
176 lated to the Chaiten eruption based on radar interferometry observations from the Japan Aerospace Exp
177                        Using satellite radar interferometry observations of Greenland, we detected wi
178                              Satellite radar interferometry observations of Pine Island Glacier, West
179                              We report radio interferometry observations, at a wavelength of 1.3 mill
180 ith results of previous spectrally dispersed interferometry observations.
181  studies demonstrate the capacity to perform interferometry on 5/2 excitations and reveal properties
182                                 In coda wave interferometry, one records multiply scattered waves at
183                A variety of tear film (e.g., interferometry, osmolality, phenol red thread, meibograp
184 ve travel times was measured with ultrasonic interferometry: partial differential2C11/ partial differ
185        The authors applied partial coherence interferometry (PCI) to estimate the thickness of the hu
186 M the following day, using partial coherence interferometry (PCI), a highly precise, noncontact metho
187 g technology combined with partial coherence interferometry (Pentacam AXL) and 1 using swept-source o
188  counting experiments, such as the intensity interferometry performed by Hanbury Brown and Twiss to m
189                                  Matter-wave interferometry performed with massive objects elucidates
190 rsal solute quantification is possible using interferometry performed within micrometer-sized channel
191   The generalization of optical Mach-Zehnder interferometry, performed in qubit phase space, provides
192                       The very-long-baseline interferometry properties of the superluminal features i
193                           Overall, live cell interferometry provides a conceptual advance for assessi
194 ed at 90 degrees C in situ using phase-shift interferometry (PSI) and ex situ using atomic force micr
195  assumption is that devices based on optical interferometry require coherent light to generate a prec
196 essed with laser Doppler flowmetry and laser interferometry, respectively.
197 aging and monitoring with very-long-baseline interferometry reveal a rich morphology of luminous flat
198        Results obtained with satellite radar interferometry reveal that bottom melt rates experienced
199 ements via dynamic photoelasticity and laser interferometry reveals the rupture mode type, the exact
200                                   Modulation interferometry sets the stage for single-molecule studie
201                      Satellite altimetry and interferometry show that the grounded PIG thinned by up
202     Satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry shows that the magnitude 7.6 Manyi earthq
203                                  As biolayer interferometry studies indicate that IhtA interacts dire
204                            Here we report on interferometry studies of Josephson junctions and superc
205                                     Biolayer interferometry studies showed that unphosphorylated JNK1
206  cytosolic fractions and to confirm biolayer interferometry studies.
207 , to the cellular receptor CD11b by biolayer interferometry, suggesting that in common with other mem
208 omes, we demonstrate a sensitivity in Ramsey interferometry surpassing the standard measurement limit
209  rather than the beam of a broadband optical interferometry system.
210 tion, geo-positioning and very-long-baseline interferometry systems.
211 ion ultrasound biometry or partial coherence interferometry), target refraction, and pupil size had b
212                      Here, we apply an X-ray interferometry technique to probe the solution structure
213 d photon pairs by an inherently phase-stable interferometry technique, facilitating uninterrupted lon
214 rmined by making velocity measurements using interferometry techniques at the rear free surface of th
215 human RBCs by using dynamic full-field laser interferometry techniques.
216  with single-photon, simultaneous multiphase interferometry that provides sub-20-nm 3D protein locali
217 s Islands, constructed using satellite radar interferometry, that might help explain this dichotomy.
218                     Here we study by in-situ interferometry the drying of agarose gels of various com
219 ar LS900; Haag Streit) and partial coherence interferometry (the IOLMaster optical biometer; Carl Zei
220           In view of the application to atom interferometry, the condition to split the cloud into ma
221                                   With radar interferometry, the next-generation Surface Water and Oc
222 que based on cross-polarized spectral-domain interferometry to achieve ultra-high dynamic range elect
223 ntly, there have been clinical studies using interferometry to assess lipid layer thickness (LLT).
224 used in place of the previous method of Gouy interferometry to avoid perturbations to sloution struct
225  Psychophysical measurements employing laser interferometry to bypass the eye's optics suggest that h
226  that uses separable states and basic photon interferometry to demonstrate the locally-correlated qua
227 s Octet optical biosensor harnesses biolayer interferometry to detect and quantify molecular interact
228 mbined with Compton scattering, and velocity interferometry to determine shock pressure and mass dens
229 r beam epitaxy made it possible to use x-ray interferometry to determine the profile structure for th
230 correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and biolayer interferometry to develop a systematic understanding of
231 ed an ultrasensitive force probe and optical interferometry to examine the thickness compressibility
232 LIM exploits a special case of low-coherence interferometry to extract phase information from the spe
233                 A general approach utilizing interferometry to measure cell shape and volume was deve
234                   Using homodyne matter-wave interferometry to measure first-order correlation functi
235 ovel biophysical approach based on bio-layer interferometry to measure the balance of the activities
236 hilla's cochlea and then used scanning laser interferometry to measure vibrations of the basilar memb
237 ts establish and validate the application of interferometry to quantify cell volume and osmotic water
238                 Here we use light-pulse atom interferometry to realize quantum interference with wave
239  trajectory of a free-falling mass and laser interferometry to track the falling object was performed
240 s cluster that uses very long baseline radio interferometry (VLBI).
241 odes (UMEs) by white light vertical scanning interferometry (VSI).
242                                              Interferometry was also applied to measure the apical pl
243                                     Spectral interferometry was used to measure the thinning rate of
244                                Using optical interferometry we imaged red blood cell (RBC) topography
245 nsfer and optical standing wave fluorescence interferometry, we characterize the nanometer-scale topo
246                  Using optical long-baseline interferometry, we constructed a near-infrared image of
247                      Using dual-polarization interferometry, we demonstrate a strong relationship bet
248                                 Using Ramsey interferometry, we directly measure a spin coherence tim
249                               Using biolayer interferometry, we found that the association rate of Pi
250          Using the method of back-scattering interferometry, we have measured the binding of various
251 ay, site-directed mutagenesis, and bio-layer interferometry, we identified several conserved tryptoph
252                                Using plasmon interferometry, we investigated losses in graphene by ex
253 nalytical ultracentrifugation, and bio-layer interferometry, we present novel structural and function
254 tomic force microscopy and vertical scanning interferometry, we quantify the difference in reaction r
255                                 Using Ramsey interferometry, we studied coherent evolution of the res
256                                  Using laser interferometry, which effectively bypasses the demodulat
257                        More generally, X-ray interferometry will provide powerful benchmarks for test
258 ensitive motion detection via scanning laser interferometry with high spectral and spatial resolution
259 lls, and the undesired dephasing may prevent interferometry with massive objects.
260  onto a BEC of sodium atoms, and matter-wave interferometry with spatially resolved imaging was used
261 oles have been obtained by Earth-based radar interferometry with the 3.5-centimeter wavelength Goldst
262          Refractive indices were measured by interferometry within intact GVs isolated in oil.
263 ate with HIV-1 TAR RNA that X-ray scattering interferometry (XSI) can be used to determine RNA confor
264                             X-ray scattering interferometry (XSI) is based on site-specifically label
265 day timescales, and very long baseline radio interferometry yields an angular size of less than 1.7 m

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