


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                 Our results reveal increased intergenerational and somatic instability of the HD CAG
2        We highlight essential definitions of intergenerational and transgenerational transmission of
3 t instability and fragmentation on seasonal, intergenerational, and evolutionary time scales.
4                               We identify an intergenerational association between maternal exposure
5                      The data also showed an intergenerational association of FM between mothers and
6 PA and FM in adolescents and to describe the intergenerational association of FM between mothers and
7                                              Intergenerational association of PTSD is clearly present
8 characteristics of both parents confound the intergenerational association.
9 yzed Illinois vital records to determine the intergenerational birth weight patterns among the descen
10                             We have detected intergenerational CAG repeat instability in transgenic m
11 e temporal and geographical implications for intergenerational caregiving.
12                    We prospectively examined intergenerational change in BMI and tested the fetal ove
13                             The frequency of intergenerational changes was age dependent for both pat
14 ted cloning via artificial nuclear transfer; intergenerational clonality in nature via parthenogenesi
15  forge interdisciplinary, international, and intergenerational collaborations on behalf of the cultur
16                                              Intergenerational conflict combined with the known benef
17 estriction in a parent's fetal life can have intergenerational consequences in human populations.
18 ological standards provided evidence for the intergenerational continuity of child physical abuse, bu
19 ed anticipation is sometimes associated with intergenerational contraction rather than expansion of t
20                           Here, we report an intergenerational correlation in reproductive success in
21 but in asthmatic families a major element of intergenerational correlation is associated with a mater
22 role of the shared environment in explaining intergenerational correlations in birth weight and lengt
23 cant shared-environment contributions to the intergenerational correlations were identified in biomet
24  moderately but significantly contributes to intergenerational correlations.
25 teractions about math at home help break the intergenerational cycle of low math achievement.
26 udies that explore mechanisms underlying the intergenerational cycle of obesity are warranted to iden
27 urished parents, and these may contribute to intergenerational cycles of malnutrition.
28 onutrient malnutrition and can interrupt its intergenerational debilitating effects on national devel
29                                        In an intergenerational developmental programming model affect
30 ver the mechanisms underlying the direct and intergenerational effect of adiposity on DNA methylation
31                              We examined the intergenerational effect of maternal CM exposure on chil
32                                          The intergenerational effect of treatment was considerable:
33                                   While this intergenerational effect was not passed down to the F2 g
34      Instead, we found a TNF-alpha-dependent intergenerational effect, as mothers with a deficit in T
35 nity during which substantial life cycle and intergenerational effects can be accrued.
36 wever, the proximate mechanisms behind these intergenerational effects have remained elusive.
37             Emerging evidence on the role of intergenerational effects in determining maternal precon
38                                     Thus the intergenerational effects of gestational SS involve epig
39         Here, we test the direct effects and intergenerational effects of jasmonic acid (JA) treatmen
40 er association in mothers is consistent with intergenerational effects on intrauterine growth and wit
41 w severe psychophysiological trauma can have intergenerational effects.
42 peats, and Dnmt1 deficiency in mice promoted intergenerational expansion of CAG repeats at the murine
43 the fourth decade of life is associated with intergenerational factors and various aspects of people'
44                                  Research on intergenerational factors that might also predispose a c
45  we devise a new experimental paradigm, the 'Intergenerational Goods Game'.
46 s in the maternal microbiome just before the intergenerational hand-off of the microbiota.
47 ovide evidence for genetic modifiers of both intergenerational HD CAG repeat instability and striatal
48  nature via parthenogenesis and gynogenesis; intergenerational hemiclonality via hybridogenesis and k
49 ramming in the early origins of obesity, but intergenerational human data are lacking.We prospectivel
50                         We sought to test an intergenerational hypothesis, that the childhood SES tha
51                                 Influence of intergenerational in utero parental energy and nutrient
52 fic influence from fetal environment on this intergenerational increase in adult obesity.
53 characterized by genetic anticipation or the intergenerational increase in disease severity accompani
54 several spinocerebellar ataxias, result from intergenerational increases in the length of a CTG.CAG r
55                        Few data exist on the intergenerational influence of calcium intake during pre
56 ults also highlight an apparent long-lasting intergenerational influence of maternal BMI on offspring
57 stnatal growth appears to be under patriline intergenerational influences.
58 in offspring, but mechanisms underlying such intergenerational information transfer remain obscure.
59 y toward expansions over contractions during intergenerational inheritance compared to those in homoz
60  paternal epigenetic factor that may mediate intergenerational inheritance of diet-induced metabolic
61                                        These intergenerational instabilities increased in frequency a
62 xon 1 with 48 CAG repeats revealed only mild intergenerational instability ( approximately 2% of meio
63                      We have observed a high intergenerational instability (46.3%+/-5.1%) of the larg
64                             We have detected intergenerational instability and age-related somatic in
65 C transgenic mice with CAG 45 alleles reveal intergenerational instability at an overall rate of appr
66                                              Intergenerational instability has been described in all
67           As with hairpins, triplex mediates intergenerational instability in 96% of transmissions.
68 ats of certain trinucleotides show extensive intergenerational instability in humans that is associat
69  during germline development contributing to intergenerational instability of CAG repeats in mice and
70    This mechanism involves the expansion and intergenerational instability of stretches of consecutiv
71 ypes in these three genetic backgrounds: the intergenerational instability of the HD CAG repeat and t
72 +) SCA1 counterparts, closely reproduced the intergenerational instability patterns observed in human
73 ic fragment transgenic mice displayed marked intergenerational instability with an obvious expansion
74  this multifamily study, we investigated the intergenerational instability, somatic and germline mosa
75  (HD) gene exhibit striking length-dependent intergenerational instability, typically small size incr
76 dylinositol signaling pathway as a target of intergenerational JA effects.
77                                  Given these intergenerational mechanisms and physical aggression ons
78      Growing up in a county with 1 SD better intergenerational mobility accounts for approximately 20
79 Chetty and Hendren's county-level measure of intergenerational mobility and children's cognitive and
80 ology is not sufficient to implicate them as intergenerational neural mediators.
81                     Here we highlight recent intergenerational neuroimaging studies and provide recom
82 nce supporting the important contribution of intergenerational parental stress in offspring neurodeve
83 lease and limited dispersal of symbionts for intergenerational persistence of mutualisms.
84 demiological studies indeed evidence such an intergenerational predisposition to surgical delivery.
85 for policy interventions designed to sustain intergenerational public goods.
86 aicism that can potentially cause unexpected intergenerational recurrences.
87 ese women, however, there has been a tenfold intergenerational reduction in smoking uptake rates.
88 a common genetic liability accounted for the intergenerational relations.
89 ing potentially significant consequences for intergenerational relationships and caregiving.
90 tability has compromised attempts to measure intergenerational repeat dynamics and infer genotype-phe
91                       Although the basis for intergenerational repeat expansion is unclear, repeat tr
92 ations display earlier disease onsets due to intergenerational repeat expansion.
93 ing epigenetic reprogramming may trigger the intergenerational repeat expansions that lead to disease
94 Mice heterozygous for the CAG expansion show intergenerational repeat instability (+2 to -6) at a muc
95 ion of small changes, are reminiscent of the intergenerational repeat instability observed in human p
96  characterized by marked anticipation due to intergenerational repeat instability with a bias toward
97 While the cDNA transgenic mice showed little intergenerational repeat instability, the genomic fragme
98       The authors conclude that the expected intergenerational rise in birth weight does not occur am
99  circumstances had shorter telomeres, as was intergenerational social mobility, but not accumulated d
100                     Pedigree analysis of the intergenerational stability of alleles of this haplotype
101 rse sample (n = 147) from the Programming of Intergenerational Stress Mechanisms (PRISM) study (Massa
102  over the domestic cycle are smoothed by the intergenerational structure of complex households and ex
103  Here, we report a direct measurement of the intergenerational substitution rate in the human CR.
104 s wealth: over the short run, the life span, intergenerational succession, and in (legal) perpetuity
105 nerations in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans Intergenerational transfer of dsRNA occurs even in anima
106              Although it is unclear how such intergenerational transfer of information occurs, RNAs f
107 tential for early intervention to reduce the intergenerational transfer of obesity.
108                                              Intergenerational transfer of wealth has been proposed a
109 transfer at the expense of reduced vertical (intergenerational) transfer and vice versa, a key trade-
110 ever, successful reproduction often involves intergenerational transfers as well as fertility.
111        Previous work has shown formally that intergenerational transfers can explain both these patte
112 a unique framework to test the importance of intergenerational transfers of wealth in driving sibling
113 fertility (the classic effect) and remaining intergenerational transfers to be made to others.
114 GAA*TTC)n sequence, which is unstable during intergenerational transmission and in most patient tissu
115   The repeats expand both somatically and on intergenerational transmission and increased repeat numb
116  genetic risk, however, confounds the entire intergenerational transmission in female offspring.
117               We address the hypothesis that intergenerational transmission may begin during intraute
118 ver-represented in caregivers, with possible intergenerational transmission of abnormal illness behav
119                            The extent of the intergenerational transmission of abuse and neglect depe
120 A three-generation longitudinal study of the intergenerational transmission of abuse is also highligh
121 which the effects of early experience on the intergenerational transmission of abusive parenting are
122 ial, the design of studies investigating the intergenerational transmission of child physical abuse.
123 c and environmental processes underlying the intergenerational transmission of childhood conduct prob
124                The mechanisms underlying the intergenerational transmission of conduct problems depen
125 n and measured covariates indicated that the intergenerational transmission of conduct problems for m
126                             In contrast, the intergenerational transmission of conduct problems was n
127  perpetuates health inequalities through the intergenerational transmission of disadvantage.
128  a paucity of data from human populations on intergenerational transmission of environmentally induce
129          Mechanistic examination of modes of intergenerational transmission of exposure during pregna
130 ted States, one that could contribute to the intergenerational transmission of health disadvantage.
131 vanced neuroimaging methods to elucidate the intergenerational transmission of human brain circuitry.
132 ed the role of monoaminergic function in the intergenerational transmission of infant abuse in rhesus
133               These results suggest that the intergenerational transmission of infant abuse in rhesus
134 es of maternal rejection plays a role in the intergenerational transmission of infant abuse.
135 t vitellogenin as a likely key player in the intergenerational transmission of information.
136 minant of human behavior and health, and the intergenerational transmission of knowledge regarding th
137               The strongest evidence for the intergenerational transmission of maltreatment indicates
138 ically well-defined Finnish families showing intergenerational transmission of migraine with aura (MA
139 uss the urgent need and challenges to reduce intergenerational transmission of obesity and diabetes.
140 for their children, thus contributing to the intergenerational transmission of poverty.
141 ial pathophysiologic pathway involved in the intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic inequali
142  The involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in intergenerational transmission of stress effects has bee
143 These observations support our hypothesis of intergenerational transmission of the effects of materna
144 e 3' genomic region significantly stabilized intergenerational transmission of the SCA7 CAG92 repeat.
145                    We estimate the degree of intergenerational transmission of three different types
146 l PTSD suggests different mechanisms for the intergenerational transmission of trauma-related vulnera
147                                 We show that intergenerational transmission of wealth and wealth ineq
148 l aggression are generally the product of an intergenerational transmission process occurring through
149                                              Intergenerational transmission studies suggest that thes
150 ying a potential novel biological pathway of intergenerational transmission that may operate as early
151                         The magnitude of the intergenerational transmission was significant for all o
152 on offspring, a concept we refer to here as 'intergenerational transmission', via changes to gametes
153 od malnutrition, including the potential for intergenerational transmission, remain unexplored.
154 sex-specific changes in allele length during intergenerational transmission.
155 nstable, with frequent length changes during intergenerational transmission.
156 ion and cognition, and limited potential for intergenerational transmission.
157 n repeat predisposes it to expansions during intergenerational transmissions leading to fragile X syn
158 cells, albeit on a smaller scale than during intergenerational transmissions.
159                            Extrapolations of intergenerational variance in spatial position (sigma(2)

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