


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng region to a 2474-nucleotide region of the intergenic sequence.
2 oughly proportional to the ratio of genic to intergenic sequence.
3  replace, or enhance transcription from, the intergenic sequence.
4 meric signaling motif, originally called the intergenic sequence.
5 t sites, one of which was located within the intergenic sequence.
6 ic fusion sites, none possessing a canonical intergenic sequence.
7  to that of randomly selected, untranscribed intergenic sequences.
8 cleosomes at the interface between genic and intergenic sequences.
9 nes, pseudogenes, repeats, and nonrepetitive intergenic sequences.
10 nant analysis model to distinguish PETs from intergenic sequences.
11 ut the genome, including both the coding and intergenic sequences.
12 Cs are then extended to account for flanking intergenic sequences.
13 ession for 41% of the probes in intronic and intergenic sequences.
14 e-wide codon bias may also be predicted from intergenic sequences.
15 h of these parameters may be calculated from intergenic sequences.
16 introns contain significantly less SNPs than intergenic sequences.
17 lar protein and to reflect the extent of the intergenic sequences.
18 the tricross logic is inherently specific to intergenic sequences.
19 and tools, much remains to be discovered in 'intergenic' sequences.
20 enic sequences have a higher GC content than intergenic sequences (52% vs. 47% GC).
21  bind in vitro to the negative strand of the intergenic sequence, a cis-acting element found in the l
22 ice MULEs capture guanine-cytosine (GC)-rich intergenic sequences, albeit at a much lower frequency.
23 cetyltransferase (CAT) gene placed behind an intergenic sequence and a 3'-end sequence with various d
24 lication of an HPIV3 minireplicon, while the intergenic sequence and N gene start signal (IS/Ngs, bas
25      gapdh and pgk are separated by 19 bp of intergenic sequence and pgk and tpi are separated by onl
26 tified clusters of conserved region-specific intergenic sequences and have verified our assembly by g
27 th 1.2 kb of 5' flanking sequence, 1.1 kb of intergenic sequence, and the whole TNF-alpha gene with 3
28 equences of a single gene or multiple genes, intergenic sequences, and pseudogenes.
29 We used a fine mapping approach to show that intergenic sequences approximately 58-69 kb 5' to the tb
30 es aimed at detecting regulatory elements in intergenic sequences are becoming more prevalent.
31  show that substitutions in long introns and intergenic sequences are clustered, such that there is a
32 which occurs in no more than six chloroplast intergenic sequences, are significantly shared by promot
33 downstream mRNA synthesis, thus defining the intergenic sequence as an essential sequence element of
34 ingle nucleotide intergenic sequences, or no intergenic sequence at all.
35 t sequence almost as efficiently as from the intergenic sequence between genes 6 and 7.
36 ransformed Arabidopsis plants harboring this intergenic sequence between head-to-head oriented green
37               Further analysis of the 2.5-kb intergenic sequence between SKI2W and RP1 led to the dis
38 n that there is a functional promoter in the intergenic sequence between spaS and sicA.
39  of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) repeats and the intergenic sequence between the locus encoding the secon
40 y four residues (U4 tract) and a 22-base M-F intergenic sequence between the M gene end and F gene st
41  A region of high acetylation located in the intergenic sequences between HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQA1 was d
42 cale comparative analysis of slowly evolving intergenic sequences can provide valuable insights into
43 ns: Our results show that most NETs resemble intergenic sequences, casting doubts on the quality of s
44                                   Unexpected intergenic sequence conservation between human and mouse
45 uirements for the search, tricross found 101 intergenic sequences conserved among the three organisms
46                                         This intergenic sequence containing the putative promoter reg
47        Tricross has been used to examine the intergenic-sequence content of the three archaeal Pyroco
48 the researcher to query gene data as well as intergenic sequence data based on a number of criteria.
49     I apply the method to recently collected intergenic sequence data from humans and the great apes.
50             Many genome analogs with altered intergenic sequences directed abundant synthesis of a re
51                                              Intergenic sequences display a behavior closer to the ra
52 tions in cancer have identified mutations in intergenic sequences encoding regulatory elements-and in
53 ta suggest that the polymerase "samples" the intergenic sequences following polyadenylation and termi
54                                  Analysis of intergenic sequences for purposes such as the investigat
55 ulation occurred preferentially at conserved intergenic sequences, frequently near genes regulating p
56 ctive interfering (DI) RNA that contained an intergenic sequence from which subgenomic DI RNA is synt
57                     Using 345 coding and 143 intergenic sequences from the African great apes, we wer
58 14), which contained a different foreign M-F intergenic sequence, grew to similar or slightly higher
59 rrounding region, either a protein coding or intergenic sequence, has diverged considerably.
60                                          The intergenic sequences (IGS) between the first nine genes
61                       The first three 3'-end intergenic sequences (IGSs) are single nucleotides (nt),
62 ence time in the coding sequences (CDSs) and intergenic sequences (IGSs) is the same between human an
63                The points of fusion occur at intergenic sequences (IGSs), loci on the genome that con
64 ite inserted in place of, or adjacent to, an intergenic sequence in the MHV genome.
65 is study we further assessed the role of the intergenic sequence in the transcriptional regulation of
66 ficial sequences that are modeled after real intergenic sequences in terms of composition, complexity
67  frequencies of NETs are similar to those of intergenic sequences in the genome, and they differ from
68 hly diverse, complex assemblies of conserved intergenic sequences (including genes hicA and hicB) wit
69 re also distinctly nonrandom with respect to intergenic sequences, including a strong bias toward mic
70 ived from the 5' prophage whereas most of an intergenic sequence, intergenic region 1, is always deri
71                                          The intergenic sequence is the presumed crossover region (fu
72 duction near genes compared with the rest of intergenic sequences is greater in a species with larger
73  distribution of insertions between ORFs and intergenic sequences is roughly proportional to the rati
74 n gene organization, and the presence of the intergenic sequences is verified by reverse transcriptio
75 t is positively correlated with intronic and intergenic sequence length and is generally remarkably s
76 enome sizes were mainly due to variations in intergenic sequence length.
77 directs human meiotic crossover hot spots to intergenic sequence motifs, whereas budding yeast hot sp
78 y developed to facilitate the examination of intergenic sequences, none of the tricross logic is inhe
79 ded that there are unlikely motifs shared by intergenic sequences of most of chloroplast genes, indic
80                              We compared the intergenic sequences of the HoxA clusters of human, horn
81 roteins tend to be partially duplicated, and intergenic sequences or neighboring genes are included i
82 dinucleotide combinations, single nucleotide intergenic sequences, or no intergenic sequence at all.
83                             Hybridization to intergenic sequences resulted in evidence for new EBV RN
84 utative mammary-specific enhancer within the intergenic sequences separating the two Stat5 genes.
85 d gene starts, gene stops, and trinucleotide intergenic sequences similar to those in paramyxoviruses
86  to unicellular eukaryotes due to the larger intergenic sequence space and the increased complexity i
87                 Alteration or removal of the intergenic sequence such that the U tract responsible fo
88  gapless coverage over gene space as well as intergenic sequences such as centromeres, telomeres, tra
89 ng patterns and regions of protection on the intergenic sequence, suggesting that MsvR may play a rol
90                                  An archaeal intergenic sequence (t(mcrA)) that conforms to the bacte
91 uit fly Drosophila melanogaster relies on an intergenic sequence termed the IRER (irradiation-respons
92 s susceptible to intrinsic termination at an intergenic sequence that conforms to a bacterial intrins
93 ato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) contains a 5' intergenic sequence that includes the overlapping AL61 p
94 eubacteria and archaea may be predicted from intergenic sequences that are not translated.
95  (76%) of the insertions were distributed in intergenic sequences that contained 31% of the promoters
96 TTTT (T(8)) and was reduced >70% by archaeal intergenic sequences that contained oligo(T) sequences.
97 t retrotransposons, MuDR DNA transposons and intergenic sequences that contribute to the 47.8-kb size
98                                  To identify intergenic sequences that function as TFBSs, we calculat
99 f genomic loci (encompassing both intra- and intergenic sequences) that are required or beneficial fo
100 des with gamma1 and gamma2 loci separated by intergenic sequences (the fifth clade being the cebid ma
101 cognized by Rap1 is found in both coding and intergenic sequences, the binding of Rap1 to the genome
102 s within the plasmid-encoded ureRp and ureDp intergenic sequences to regions of 68 bp and 86 bp, resp
103 contains a sequence resembling the consensus intergenic sequence (UCUAAAC).
104 d tRNA(Leu) transcripts with a 59-nucleotide intergenic sequence were identified by reverse transcrip
105                                           If intergenic sequences were truly random, we would expect
106                                              Intergenic sequences were typically short, resulting in
107 fragmented, lacking skewed GC and repetitive intergenic sequences, which are gaining importance due t
108 ntiation, the preferred targets are intronic/intergenic sequences with enhancer-like activity.

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