


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  sigma, are evident in both intragenomic and intergenomic analyses of rice and sorghum.
2 s the following analytical capabilities: (i) intergenomic and intragenomic comparative analysis of ex
3 Conjugative plasmids are typically locked in intergenomic and sexual conflicts with co-resident rival
4                             Additionally, an intergenomic approach to investigating the mechanical pr
5  plant biology that do not account for these intergenomic associations are incomplete.
6 the requisite genetic variation required for intergenomic coevolution exists in the CYC-COX system in
7                                          The intergenomic coevolution of interacting gene products ha
8                                              Intergenomic comparison found marked differences in cyto
9                                              Intergenomic comparisons identified lineage-specific gen
10 PCR), allows both intragenomic profiling and intergenomic comparisons of cytosine methylation.
11                                              Intergenomic conflict can affect the distribution of gen
12 ordinates expression of enzymes that require intergenomic control.
13 in the assembled linkage map with an average intergenomic distance of 7.5 cM.
14 f orthologous proteins, matrices of pairwise intergenomic distances based on genome-wide analysis of
15 e proportion of these individuals depends on intergenomic epistasis between larvae and nursing adults
16                     Our results suggest that intergenomic epistasis can be the proximate mechanism fo
17 between subgenomes, gene conversion or other intergenomic exchanges that escaped detection by genetic
18                          Although intra- and intergenomic heterogeneities in crossover distribution h
19 ge of allopolyploidy through the fixation of intergenomic heterozygosity.
20                            Models to explain intergenomic incompatibilities incorporate both genetic
21 on of auto- and allopolyploids suggests that intergenomic incompatibilities play the major role.
22 nding animal-microbe mutualism increased its intergenomic network without gaining any new genomes.
23 enes might be dependent on maternal-paternal intergenomic or interallelic interactions.
24 nomic recombination, manifested as extensive intergenomic phylogenetic conflict and patchily distribu
25 overlapping but distinct functions involving intergenomic (primarily DprB) and intragenomic (primaril
26 , MutS2 plays a significant role in limiting intergenomic recombination across a range of donor DNA t
27 iding statistically significant evidence for intergenomic recombination and acquisition of a genetic
28 iversity is generated by intragenomic and/or intergenomic recombination between sequence variants.
29                        Our results show that intergenomic recombination can occur in the structural r
30  results suggest a role for intragenomic and intergenomic recombination in regulating plant mitochond
31 upporting a role for horizontal transfer and intergenomic recombination in the evolution of emm genes
32 Y mutants did not show higher frequencies of intergenomic recombination or greater sensitivity to UV-
33 tween flaA genes of different strains (i.e., intergenomic recombination).
34 e genetic background of the input R5 SHIV by intergenomic recombination, creating an X4 virus with no
35 ons between DNA repeat sequences, as well as intergenomic recombination, facilitated by their natural
36 by the alien genome occurs in the absence of intergenomic recombination.
37 tation, deletion between direct repeats, and intergenomic recombination.
38  semiconserved loci, indicative of extensive intergenomic recombination.
39 alian transgene cassette is inserted into an intergenomic region.
40 nce for varying selection between intra- and intergenomic regions.
41                              Homophila is an intergenomic resource linking the human and fly genomes
42 uent folding to the final dimer state, these intergenomic RNA interactions convert to a high affinity
43                              Construction of intergenomic symmetrical best matches (SymBets) and join
44 that originate in young polyploids (here, an intergenomic translocation) may become fixed in populati
45 nt fragments of maize chromosome 9 including intergenomic translocations and modified maize addition
46 lar karyotype; 76% of the individuals showed intergenomic translocations, and 69% were aneuploid for
47 coding sequences indicates that considerable intergenomic variation also occurs between microsporidia

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