


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  high complexity, nonstationarity, and large interindividual differences.
2 n toward the periphery in presence of marked interindividual differences.
3 ts revealed considerable intraindividual and interindividual differences among epitope-specific T-cel
4                               The magnitude, interindividual difference, and tight link to age of the
5 ers, but the neurogenetic mechanisms driving interindividual differences are largely unknown.
6         Yet, the mechanisms underlying these interindividual differences are largely unknown.
7                                        These interindividual differences are often more than tenfold;
8                          Large, reproducible interindividual differences exist in resting sympathetic
9 l be useful for future investigations of the interindividual differences for CPA-induced DNA-DNA cros
10                                          Are interindividual differences, for example in tract latera
11                     These data indicate that interindividual differences in activity of enzymes that
12 ion differentially drive intraindividual and interindividual differences in altruistic behavior.
13 rsion might provide the functional basis for interindividual differences in behavior and cognition.
14 ta(2)-adrenoceptor have been associated with interindividual differences in blood pressure and the di
15 on of drug metabolism genes may explain some interindividual differences in both anticancer drug phar
16 rogen levels and, thereby, may contribute to interindividual differences in breast cancer risk associ
17 etabolism and, thereby, may possibly explain interindividual differences in breast cancer risk associ
18 hether genetic differences could account for interindividual differences in breast cancer risk.
19       A compartmental model that allowed for interindividual differences in cis- and all-trans-lycope
20            There are important and sustained interindividual differences in cognition during aging.
21  a better understanding of the mechanisms of interindividual differences in cognition.
22 onship informs about the biological basis of interindividual differences in cognitive control.
23                                              Interindividual differences in colon DNA adducts levels
24  individuals into 2 distinct groups based on interindividual differences in concentrations of differe
25 EBA); activity in the PMv moreover reflected interindividual differences in congruent arm ownership.
26 its unique features, with stable, meaningful interindividual differences in connectivity patterns and
27 tics, and diet are reported to contribute to interindividual differences in conversion of daidzein to
28 al events mediating the relationship between interindividual differences in cortical surface area and
29 oter sequences that also might contribute to interindividual differences in CYP2C9 expression.
30  in clopidogrel efficacy might be related to interindividual differences in CYP3A4 metabolic activity
31  control, and recent studies have shown that interindividual differences in dACC anatomy are associat
32                   We have observed extensive interindividual differences in DNA methylation of 8590 C
33 ggesting that quantitating and understanding interindividual differences in DNA repair capacity (DRC)
34 y within the oxytocin gene appear to explain interindividual differences in dopaminergic responses to
35 man receptor polymorphisms may contribute to interindividual differences in drug effects.
36 uces a model system that can rapidly analyze interindividual differences in drug metabolism.
37  help to evaluate potential CYP2D6-dependent interindividual differences in drug response in the cont
38 attempts to elucidate the inherited basis of interindividual differences in drug response, with the e
39 in prefrontal-amygdala interactions underpin interindividual differences in economic decision making.
40 ividual variation in the FPC signal predicts interindividual differences in effectively adapting beha
41                                     We found interindividual differences in expression patterns in vi
42  may be the biological basis that determines interindividual differences in extrahepatic microsomal d
43 The first-principles model better quantifies interindividual differences in food intake, shows how as
44 ask-based fMRI data, these two DCS predicted interindividual differences in frequency of behavioral l
45  abnormalities, which collectively determine interindividual differences in GGH activity and influenc
46 , that GM and KM allotypes contribute to the interindividual differences in humoral immunity to MUC1.
47 her candidate genes that are associated with interindividual differences in humoral immunity to rubel
48 only during TLR signalling and contribute to interindividual differences in immune response.
49 rmal range of plasma hepcidin values, 36% of interindividual differences in iron absorption are expla
50 3% increase to a 49% decrease) contribute to interindividual differences in LDL-C levels.
51 dy how experience and genetics contribute to interindividual differences in learned song.
52 duced statin sensitivity is a determinant of interindividual differences in low-density lipoprotein c
53 idual variability in GABA level is linked to interindividual differences in many aspects of visual pe
54                                              Interindividual differences in many behaviors are partly
55               However, there are significant interindividual differences in McGurk perception: some c
56 ) in metallothionein (MT) genes may underlie interindividual differences in mercury biomarker levels.
57                             Furthermore, the interindividual differences in methylation seen across t
58 vary in parallel; clinically, however, great interindividual differences in mitral regurgitation can
59 of plasma CK-M and CA-3 revealed changes and interindividual differences in muscle tissue proteome dy
60                        There are significant interindividual differences in naturally occurring antib
61 sms in HLA-DPB1 are strongly associated with interindividual differences in neutralizing antibody lev
62 e of KIR and HLA genes in disease as well as interindividual differences in NK cell potency.
63 s have been described, which may account for interindividual differences in odorant detection thresho
64 h the host genetic background contributes to interindividual differences in other determinants of HIV
65  variants to both disease susceptibility and interindividual differences in outcomes.
66 erential DNA repair activity and may explain interindividual differences in overall survival after th
67 of beta1AR at this locus may be the basis of interindividual differences in pathophysiologic characte
68                             The existence of interindividual differences in personality traits poses
69                                              Interindividual differences in plasma low-density lipopr
70                             This can explain interindividual differences in regurgitation for compara
71                                              Interindividual differences in response to diet exist, b
72                               However, large interindividual differences in responses to rTMS have be
73 ked activity in the pre-SMA was predicted by interindividual differences in risk-aversion attitudes e
74             These results suggest widespread interindividual differences in RNA stability related to
75 STPP as a potential genetic locus underlying interindividual differences in serotonin transporter fun
76 f parietal and occipital cortices related to interindividual differences in size, orientation, and br
77 in amygdala gray matter volume accounted for interindividual differences in social transitivity perfo
78  sequence of activation was identified, with interindividual differences in specific patterns.
79 ect brain development, contributing to shape interindividual differences in stress vulnerability and
80          Furthermore, this activity predicts interindividual differences in susceptibility to novelty
81 ve TAM metabolites play an important role in interindividual differences in TAM metabolism, cell line
82 rks (Delta connectivity lFPN-rFPN) predicted interindividual differences in task performance more acc
83 he human experience of pain and may underlie interindividual differences in the adaptation and respon
84                                              Interindividual differences in the amplitude of this ele
85 "compensation" for underlying genetic-driven interindividual differences in the baseline chromatin an
86 ion-polymerase chain reaction to investigate interindividual differences in the cutaneous expression
87                               We found large interindividual differences in the degree of model-based
88 etic and environmental influences explaining interindividual differences in the developmental course
89                                              Interindividual differences in the effects of reward on
90 ance imaging and tractography, could explain interindividual differences in the effects of rTMS.
91 , and other drug targets have been linked to interindividual differences in the efficacy and toxicity
92       Single-subject analysis revealed clear interindividual differences in the extension of such per
93                                 We show that interindividual differences in the extension of the PPS
94 absorbed in the jejunum but with substantial interindividual differences in the extent of absorption.
95 dence also suggests a potential link between interindividual differences in the gut microbiota and va
96                                              Interindividual differences in the linear change in hype
97 ange in representational similarity predicts interindividual differences in the malleability of subje
98                                       Strong interindividual differences in the microbial conversion
99                 This new evidence hints that interindividual differences in the microbiome may accoun
100 sed on loss aversion with the aim to address interindividual differences in the neural bases of choic
101                               Traditionally, interindividual differences in the population are accoun
102  has become clear that there are substantial interindividual differences in the risk of HIV acquisiti
103  this study were to compare the magnitude of interindividual differences in the severity of liver inj
104 art of the phenotype and explain the intense interindividual differences in the severity of the disea
105 in dopamine clearance that account for large interindividual differences in the steady-state plasma d
106                 Previous work has shown high interindividual differences in the susceptibility to the
107                                              Interindividual differences in the toxicity and response
108                                    Capturing interindividual differences in the translated genome wil
109 A methylation pattern analysis showed little interindividual differences in the WBCs and normal epith
110      Moreover, AhR-deficient mice had higher interindividual differences in their microbiome.
111 amyloid biomarker measurements may be due to interindividual differences in total amyloid-beta produc
112       The aim of this study was to elucidate interindividual differences in trans-resveratrol metabol
113                               We found large interindividual differences in TSP responses, which were
114 N-OH-MeIQx-N2-glucuronide is probably due to interindividual differences in UDP-glucuronosyltransfera
115    Activity assays demonstrated 2- to 4-fold interindividual differences in UGT activity and qualitat
116 als, and this variability is associated with interindividual differences in visual perception.
117 c proactive interference (PI) contributes to interindividual differences in working memory (WM) capac
118 To understand the genetic basis of extensive interindividual differences in xenobiotic disposition, w
119                                 In addition, interindividual differences, including genetic variation
120 netic resonance imaging (fMRI), finding that interindividual differences of glutamate levels in the d
121 tive enhancement has neglected the effect of interindividual differences, such as traits, on stimulat
122  occur periodically in each brain, or marked interindividual differences that may persist throughout
123                                    Examining interindividual differences, we find the benefit of proa
124                                       Strong interindividual differences were also observed for rhyth
125                                     Although interindividual differences were detected, animals prese
126 rains of three other dogs appears to reflect interindividual differences, which are associated presum
127 ism by human gut microbiota shows pronounced interindividual differences, which should be taken into
128                                   There were interindividual differences, with ONL thicknesses at mos

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