


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1   Another specialized type of astrocyte, the interlaminar astrocyte, abundantly populates the superfi
2 imates are additional populations of layer 1 interlaminar astrocytes that extend long (millimeter) fi
3 ere consistently found in the subpial area ("interlaminar" astrocytes), the deep isocortical layers,
4 on and further thickening of the retina with interlaminar bridges.
5 stack design, on the basis of the concept of interlaminar carbon-nanotube forests that would provide
6              The extension of this theory to interlaminar circuitry also accounts for a sub-class of
7 nd dendritic fields support the concept that interlaminar communication is mediated in part via conta
8       Specifically, our results suggest that interlaminar communication within human temporal neocort
9 al horn, and that suggest a critical role in interlaminar communication.
10 s of lamina I form intersegmental as well as interlaminar connections and may govern large numbers of
11 emerge requires a precise description of the interlaminar connections and the quality of information
12  are discussed with reference to the role of interlaminar connections in mediating physiological inte
13  and detection studies necessary to decipher interlaminar connections involved in systems-level conso
14 all is unknown but essential for deciphering interlaminar connections involved in systems-level memor
15 iological correlations support the idea that interlaminar connectivity is mediated via translaminar d
16                                  Strength of interlaminar correlations in Arc expression and modulati
17                                              Interlaminar correlations in Arc expression modulated by
18 patterns for distribution of strong and weak interlaminar correlations.
19                       One hypothesis is that interlaminar cortical processing might be dedicated to a
20 mory recall, we studied multiple profiles of interlaminar coupling.
21                        Furthermore, although interlaminar differences were encountered, the pattern o
22  these synaptic connections display the same interlaminar directional preference as those observed in
23 ransforaminal ESIs are more efficacious than interlaminar ESIs, and that fluoroscopy can improve trea
24               These layers receive intrinsic interlaminar excitatory and inhibitory relays from layer
25 e demonstrate remarkable improvements in the interlaminar fracture toughness, hardness, delamination
26                   An integrated treatment of interlaminar, horizontal, orientational and endstopping
27                                       Strong interlaminar inhibitory inputs are found, particularly f
28            We suggest that these reciprocal, interlaminar interactions may represent a "Helmholtz mac
29                             These "PGN-like" interlaminar interneurons innervated restricted regions
30                  Pharmacologically, PGN-like interlaminar interneurons were also similar to PGN neuro
31 To retrospectively evaluate flow patterns of interlaminar lumbar epidural steroid injections and comp
32                                     However, interlaminar mapping experiments demonstrated a phase re
33                     Thus, neurons within the interlaminar microcircuits participate in various functi
34 formed by PGN cells and allowed the PGN-like interlaminar neurons to participate in the generation of
35  LGNd revealed that both PGN and a subset of interlaminar neurons were parvalbumin-positive.
36 lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), the medial interlaminar nucleus (MIN), the lateral posterior nucleu
37 btype, except for patchy label in the medial interlaminar nucleus and the ventralmost C laminae.
38 geniculate nucleus (the C laminae and medial interlaminar nucleus).
39 geniculate nucleus (the C laminae and medial interlaminar nucleus).
40 ject more heavily to the C layers and medial interlaminar nucleus.
41 gnated the parvocellular, magnocellular, and interlaminar pathways.
42 ed recently that theta to high-gamma PAC and interlaminar phase coherence at theta frequencies can be
43 pressed only by neurons in the S laminae and interlaminar plexuses of the dorsal lateral geniculate n
44 ed by neurons in principal and S laminae and interlaminar plexuses.
45 y all neurons in principal and S laminae and interlaminar plexuses.
46 , two subdivisions of the claustrum, and the interlaminar portions of the lateral geniculate nucleus,
47                           This suggests that interlaminar prefrontal cortical microcircuits are playi
48 e from cortico-cortical interactions between interlaminar prefrontal cortical microcircuits, whereas
49 red or stereotypical spatial organization of interlaminar relations in neuronal activity distribution
50                     Detailed organization of interlaminar relations in neuronal activity underlying r
51 ory recall, changes in strength of analogous interlaminar relations occurred largely in parallel but
52 d disorganized patches with no corresponding interlaminar spaces in the LGN.
53                                         Both interlaminar spike and field correlations revealed a seq
54 cial SC evoked a pattern of intralaminar and interlaminar spread that was distinct from the spread ev
55 h the nanotube forests providing much-needed interlaminar strength and toughness under various loadin
56 ing co-localization of RCL1 with the layer 1 interlaminar subclass of astrocytes found exclusively in
57 ocortex, hippocampus, striatum, midline, and interlaminar thalamic nuclei, hypothalamus, brainstem, P
58  were instead strongly excited by descending interlaminar (vertical) input from layer 2/3 pyramidal n
59 ratification according to type of injection (interlaminar vs. transforaminal) likewise showed no sign
60                Our results indicate that the interlaminar zone in between laminae A and A1 and A1 and
61 hout the PGN and are concentrated within the interlaminar zones (IZs) of the dLGN, regions distinguis
62 aminae, and denser staining was found in the interlaminar zones and the C laminae.
63                                          The interlaminar zones contained RFd cells, RFb cells, or bo
64 leus (LGNd) contains interneurons within the interlaminar zones situated between the laminae correspo
65 bsent in the PGN and sparsely present in the interlaminar zones, but were numerous in the A and C lam

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