


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 triggered by sulfhydration of key enzymes in intermediary metabolism.
2 nous compound with well-established roles in intermediary metabolism.
3  NOS may have important implications for the intermediary metabolism.
4 ganisms, carnitine has specific functions in intermediary metabolism.
5  endogenous activator that is a component of intermediary metabolism.
6 s for several cytosolic kinases important in intermediary metabolism.
7 lified by adaptive changes in the enzymes of intermediary metabolism.
8 or encephalopathies associated with impaired intermediary metabolism.
9  cancers with mutations of genes involved in intermediary metabolism.
10 otype provides productive insight into human intermediary metabolism.
11 cial steering function for the regulation of intermediary metabolism.
12 f ATP, and are involved in many reactions of intermediary metabolism.
13  essential cofactors for enzymes required in intermediary metabolism.
14 refore assessed the role of LRH-1 in hepatic intermediary metabolism.
15 circadian clock in the regulation of hepatic intermediary metabolism.
16 ylation regulates mitochondrial function and intermediary metabolism.
17 e cell's regulatory systems and its state of intermediary metabolism.
18  in iron metabolism, cell communication, and intermediary metabolism.
19  autophagy, is at least partially fulfilling intermediary metabolism.
20 obutyric acid (GABA) served as indicators of intermediary metabolism.
21 n-sensing and oxygen-dependent modulation of intermediary metabolism.
22 eses in liver, as well as for modeling liver intermediary metabolism.
23 f virtually all macromolecular synthesis and intermediary metabolism.
24 ute in parallel to an increasingly conserved intermediary metabolism.
25 grates environmental redox signals with core intermediary metabolism.
26  key link between inflammatory processes and intermediary metabolism.
27 phogluconolactonase, are also part of normal intermediary metabolism.
28 thioesters involved in different branches of intermediary metabolism.
29 tance to oxidative stress, iron storage, and intermediary metabolism.
30 ransmission and the short-term regulation of intermediary metabolism.
31 vitamin D handling in the skin or gut or its intermediary metabolism.
32 ed from metabolites that are at key nodes of intermediary metabolism.
33             Pyruvate plays a central role in intermediary metabolism.
34  dehydrogenase complexes that are central to intermediary metabolism.
35 , was postulated to extend life by affecting intermediary metabolism.
36 compartment that are involved in central and intermediary metabolism, a subset of which are required
37 regulates gene transcription associated with intermediary metabolism, adipocyte differentiation, and
38 rs have seen a resurgent interest in cardiac intermediary metabolism and a dramatic increase in our u
39 utaminase suggests a unique reprogramming of intermediary metabolism and a potential therapeutic stra
40 ydrogenase (Lpd), an enzyme central to Mtb's intermediary metabolism and antioxidant defense.
41 zing Cofactor for HNF1) acts as an enzyme in intermediary metabolism and as a binding partner of the
42 constituents, chemotaxis/motility machinery, intermediary metabolism and cellular physiology.
43     Numerous connections between products of intermediary metabolism and chromatin proteins have rece
44 r the hepatocytes express markers of hepatic intermediary metabolism and detoxification, we investiga
45 clones (61/115) encoded proteins involved in intermediary metabolism and electron transport, suggesti
46 geo/+) mice, suggesting preserved control of intermediary metabolism and energy balance.
47                        Their crucial role in intermediary metabolism and energy conversion makes them
48 ansferases, thus representing a link between intermediary metabolism and epigenetic mechanisms of tra
49 monstrate that SIRT3 modulates mitochondrial intermediary metabolism and fatty-acid use during fastin
50  members of the family have defined roles in intermediary metabolism and generally perform these func
51 of the glycolytic pathway and other parts of intermediary metabolism and hence are called glycosomes.
52 ted by the insulin receptor, which regulates intermediary metabolism and its organization in cells.
53 ria play a central role in the regulation of intermediary metabolism and maintenance of normoglycemia
54 s the plasma membranes of organs involved in intermediary metabolism and storage.
55  a surprising number of proteins involved in intermediary metabolism and stress response were observe
56      Surprisingly, representative enzymes of intermediary metabolism and structural proteins do not a
57 o genetic networks, that of the E. coli core intermediary metabolism and that of the yeast protein-in
58 yl-CoA affects histone acetylation and links intermediary metabolism and transcriptional regulation.
59 K), I postulate that the association between intermediary metabolism and tumours varies over time.
60 er formalism describes key pathways of tumor intermediary metabolism and yields dynamic curves for po
61 al tRNA and rRNA genes, 3) genes involved in intermediary metabolism, and 4) an eclectic group of oth
62  Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase is a key enzyme in intermediary metabolism, and children deficient in enzym
63 hepatic functions, including bile formation, intermediary metabolism, and endobiotic/xenobiotic detox
64 ganization, excitation-contraction coupling, intermediary metabolism, and immune response.
65 xpression, transport of sugars and peptides, intermediary metabolism, and pH homeostasis.
66 ternate substrates for energy generation and intermediary metabolism, and remodeling of the cell enve
67 thways in the regulation of eating behavior, intermediary metabolism, and the onset of puberty.
68 available, the flexibility of the organism's intermediary metabolism, and the substrate specificity o
69 bon metabolism, cell wall synthesis, central intermediary metabolism, and transport.
70 recent studies and the relationships between intermediary metabolism, antibody production, and lifesp
71 lthough the metabolism and role of biotin in intermediary metabolism are well established, biotin rem
72  regulation of enzyme substrates involved in intermediary metabolism are well known.
73  major impact on the hepatic redox state and intermediary metabolism as a consequence of ethanol meta
74 thways of amino acid consumption and central intermediary metabolism as part of its transcriptome res
75 in response, has long been known to regulate intermediary metabolism, but the details are poorly work
76 thodology was used to follow the kinetics of intermediary metabolism by monitoring flux of 13C-labele
77            Additionally, they participate in intermediary metabolism, calcium signaling, and apoptosi
78 n basic cellular physiology, underlining how intermediary metabolism can affect the regulation of vir
79 formation about a whole range of pathways of intermediary metabolism can help to identify biomarkers
80  enzymes that participate in key pathways in intermediary metabolism: carbamoylphosphate synthetase 1
81  of secretory pathway components, enzymes of intermediary metabolism, cell-signaling components, and
82 g number of physiologic processes, including intermediary metabolism, cellular proliferation, and neu
83  contend that this Janus-faced relation with intermediary metabolism contributes to carcinogenesis; i
84 olved in specialized metabolism not found in intermediary metabolism databases, and thus can assist i
85 ides); genes that encode enzymes involved in intermediary metabolism, energy metabolism (tricarboxyli
86 oluble enzymes, amino acid biosynthesis, and intermediary metabolism evolve in a concentrated autocat
87 ctors, the cell envelope, energy metabolism, intermediary metabolism, fatty acid and phospholipid bio
88 )H/(13)C metabolic flux analysis to quantify intermediary metabolism fluxes in both sedentary and tre
89               Histone acetylation depends on intermediary metabolism for supplying acetyl-CoA in the
90  review new information on the regulation of intermediary metabolism gathered from the analysis of MI
91                                              Intermediary metabolism generates substrates for chromat
92  the obvious read out of hypoxia, effects on intermediary metabolism, has not been investigated.
93 o mitochondria represents a critical step in intermediary metabolism impacting numerous diseases.
94 portunity to deepen our understanding of how intermediary metabolism impacts tumorigenesis.
95                                  The core of intermediary metabolism in autotrophs is the citric acid
96                                 The study of intermediary metabolism in biomolecules has been given n
97 ystem, plays an important role in regulating intermediary metabolism in Escherichia coli ("catabolite
98     These findings warrant future studies of intermediary metabolism in patients treated with beta-la
99 pus) to further understand the regulation of intermediary metabolism in protein-rich versus oil-rich
100 idgut, and oenocytes: the principal sites of intermediary metabolism in the fly.
101 nd NADP(+) play a pivotal role in regulating intermediary metabolism in the heart.
102  NAD(+)/NADH and NADP(+)/NADPH in regulating intermediary metabolism in the heart.
103 molog 1 (LRH-1) is an important regulator of intermediary metabolism in the liver, but its role in re
104  convenient "chemical biopsy" for evaluating intermediary metabolism in the liver.
105        Analysis of genes encoding enzymes of intermediary metabolism indicated that low glucose broug
106  synthesis and of gluconeogenesis, such that intermediary metabolism is primarily catabolic; a crucia
107 erations of in vivo flux through pathways of intermediary metabolism leading to the differential prod
108 s identified are all enzymes, mostly serving intermediary metabolism, lipid metabolism, and/or antiox
109        We propose a model whereby defects in intermediary metabolism may be a causative factor of the
110 w metabolic imaging technique that can probe intermediary metabolism nondestructively.
111 ombines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of E.coli.
112 ombines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of E.coli.
113 ombines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of Escherichia coli.
114 glutamate, and thereby has a key role in the intermediary metabolism of glucose and amino acids.
115 raphy-mass spectrometry methodology to study intermediary metabolism of SUR1 knock-out (SUR1(-/-)) an
116         However, little is known about Mtb's intermediary metabolism or antioxidant defences.
117 st dynamic proteins appear to be enriched in intermediary metabolism proteins, cytoskeletal proteins,
118  the human system, including the pathways of intermediary metabolism, regulatory pathways, and signal
119         The data suggest that differences in intermediary metabolism render tumor cells susceptible t
120  and post-translational network that affects intermediary metabolism, ribosomal biogenesis, and prote
121                These results demonstrate how intermediary metabolism serves to connect biochemistry w
122 MV) infection causes dramatic alterations of intermediary metabolism, similar to those found in tumor
123 in complexes, as well as enzymes involved in intermediary metabolism, such as pyruvate dehydrogenase
124 coding capacity for biosynthesis and central intermediary metabolism than do free-living bacteria.
125 ts (e.g. p38MAPK and Rel A), and products of intermediary metabolism that are regulated by oxidative
126 f acute-phase proteins as well as changes in intermediary metabolism that provide substrate and energ
127 rturbations in amino acid, carbohydrate, and intermediary metabolism that were only transiently ameli
128      ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP) couple intermediary metabolism to cellular activity, and may pl
129 y intracellular ATP, allowing them to couple intermediary metabolism to cellular excitability, wherea
130 ination with a mass-balance model of hepatic intermediary metabolism to generate a comprehensive map
131 triking pattern of global underexpression of intermediary metabolism transcripts in BPH.
132 purines and pyrimidine biosynthesis, central intermediary metabolism, transport and binding.
133 nes normally associated with DNA metabolism, intermediary metabolism, transport, cellular redox, prot
134 in cofactor and small molecule biosyntheses, intermediary metabolism, transport, nitrogen fixation, r
135     A survey of selected pathways of central intermediary metabolism was also carried out, and genes
136  wall structure/function, cell division, and intermediary metabolism were also evident.
137                           The fluxes through intermediary metabolism were then quantified by computer
138 adaptations are likely to involve Mtb's core intermediary metabolism, whose enzymes have been little

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