


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1       There was extensive destruction of the internal elastic lamina.
2 ronounced changes involve the intima and the internal elastic lamina.
3 eointima area divided by the area within the internal elastic lamina), adjusted for injury score, by
4  muscle cells forming a neointima inside the internal elastic lamina and luminal compromise, affected
5      To effect permanent vasodilatation, the internal elastic lamina and medial elastin fibers must b
6 ex (ratio of plaque area and area within the internal elastic lamina) and as the percent of vessel su
7 obstructing intima, the fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina, and the presence of multinuclea
8                Lipid was layered against the internal elastic lamina as in human transplants.
9 tion, inflammation, thin fibrous cap, severe internal elastic lamina degradation, and excessive expan
10 itW-sh mice had reduced aortic expansion and internal elastic lamina degradation; decreased numbers o
11 promotes thinning of the fibrous cap, severe internal elastic lamina fragmentation, and extracellular
12 s correlated positively with the severity of internal elastic lamina fragmentation.
13  activity of MMPs and cathepsins, and severe internal elastic lamina fragmentation.
14 ,CD68+ macrophages in close proximity to the internal elastic lamina frequently coproduced matrix met
15                      Marked expansion of the internal elastic lamina (IEL) occurred in plaque hemorrh
16                             Holes within the internal elastic lamina (IEL) of blood vessels are sites
17 igating whether interface changes, including internal elastic lamina (IEL) rupture, and medial and ad
18                          The degeneration of internal elastic lamina (IEL), media thickness and CA si
19 s bordered by endothelial cells (EC) and the internal elastic lamina (IEL).
20 on hyperinflations sufficient to disrupt the internal elastic lamina in a carotid artery of minipigs
21 er (inward remodeling) and shortening of the internal elastic lamina in the ligated vessel.
22                          The area within the internal elastic lamina increased with plaque area in th
23 al artery wall dissection, fracturing of the internal elastic lamina, intimal hyperplasia, and eyelid
24 tted to the supporting basement membrane and internal elastic lamina macromolecules with minimal defo
25 00) is characterized by calcification of the internal elastic lamina of muscular arteries and stenosi
26  orphan disease in which infants calcify the internal elastic lamina of their medium and large arteri
27 que surfaces or in thin layers overlying the internal elastic lamina, often at the edges of atheroscl
28 of choroidal arteries with disruption of the internal elastic lamina, patchy choroidal inflammation,
29 ence, and considering the expected degree of internal elastic lamina tapering, remodeling was classif
30 al membrane domains that project through the internal elastic lamina to adjacent smooth muscle membra
31  absent than the stent wire sites, where the internal elastic lamina was intact with underlying norma
32 f type VI collagen and fibrillin adjacent to internal elastic lamina was observed.
33 6+/-14%, P:=0.0001), and the area within the internal elastic lamina was significantly less in healed

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