


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing, test beats of altered cycle length were interpose.
2 for 99+/-2% of GP, but with a glycogen cycle interposed.
3 gyri, and the straight bank region, which is interposed.
4  heterocycle, the N-7 and C-8 atoms of G are interposed.
5 r acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), we have interposed a carbonyl group between the phenyl and piper
6                                              Interposing a DNA segment that both bends and twists eas
7 s in MQCM array is effectively suppressed by interposing a polydimethylsiloxane wall between adjacent
8 2.2.2]octane units, we studied the effect of interposing a single aromatic ring in the rod.
9 ry resuscitation (CPR) techniques, including interposed abdominal compression (IAC), active compressi
10 the chest, and Lifestick CPR, which combines interposed abdominal compression and active compression
11                                              Interposed abdominal compression-CPR, active compression
12 sual enzymes for ring reduction and cleavage interposed among enzymes homologous to those catalyzing
13               However, we found a relay area interposed among the IC, the TeO, and the isthmic comple
14 eurons in the rostral contralateral anterior interposed and fastigial nuclei, but did not label cells
15 ciling inconsistencies in the literature and interposing another locus of control in the normal pathw
16      In type C, a venous jump graft could be interposed at bench work to allow direct anastomosis int
17                                       A CDSS interposed at the time of e-prescription nearly extingui
18 d a clinical decision support system (CDSS), interposed at the time of electronic prescription, adjus
19                        Control sessions were interposed between amiloride sessions.
20 t enhancer-activated transcription only when interposed between an enhancer and its target promoter.
21 out the role of CA2, a relatively small area interposed between CA3 and CA1 that forms the nexus of a
22              Because meganeurites were often interposed between cell body and axon, they have the pot
23 l has implications for the dynamic filtering interposed between changes in spike production and foreb
24 ls in which a transient hyperpolarization is interposed between conditioning and test pulses.
25  reveal that the unique 3' exons of CASP are interposed between cut-repeats 2 and 3 of the cux gene.
26 n conjugated polyelectrolyte (CPE) layer was interposed between electrodes and the semiconductor laye
27        Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are interposed between enteric neurons and smooth muscle cel
28 ardiac, oxyntocardiac and intestinal--may be interposed between esophageal squamous epithelium and ga
29 he periphery of the extracellular vestibule, interposed between extracellular loops 4 and 6 and trans
30                A new study shows that sleep, interposed between learning episodes, can mitigate the e
31 ly expressed in the firefly lantern in cells interposed between nerve endings and the light-producing
32 al formation of all specialized basal lamina interposed between other cell types.
33 ible formation of pABA-Glc in the cytosol is interposed between pABA production in chloroplasts and p
34 aN helix of the Galpha subunit is physically interposed between PAR1 and the Gbeta subunit and direct
35 ic 8th helix that is likely to be physically interposed between receptor and G protein.
36                                     They are interposed between sodium channels at the nodes of Ranvi
37 arying presence of epicardial adipose tissue interposed between the ablation electrode and the target
38           Therefore, the VPm is anatomically interposed between the AcbSh and LH, two functionally re
39 lation of such FM selective cells in an area interposed between the central nucleus of the inferior c
40                                Astroglia are interposed between the cerebral vasculature and neurons,
41 oning, in which a stimulus-free interval was interposed between the conditioned and unconditioned sti
42 arge associated with redox-active thin films interposed between the generator and collector electrode
43 ries, a bulged guanine in a G3C2 sequence is interposed between the GG steps.
44                               Moreover, when interposed between the HML alpha genes and the E silence
45 nstrating the presence of a signalling delay interposed between the IR pulse and the action potential
46 A half-ellipsoidal, fluid-filled balloon was interposed between the LD and myocardium in a balloon-me
47 ed and attached to the synaptic basal lamina interposed between the nerve terminal and the receptor-r
48 radigm, a short interval (500 to 1000 ms) is interposed between the offset of the CS and the onset of
49 ave discovered that the alpha-helical domain interposed between the PH domain and the PRD interacts w
50 sequence of unknown functional significance, interposed between the signal peptide and the start of t
51                                     A screen interposed between the spraying capillary and the CR cha
52 strated a sac-like mass of small-bowel loops interposed between the stomach and pancreatic tail and a
53 back control are open loop, where a human is interposed between the suggested intervention and the de
54   In trace conditioning, a short interval is interposed between the termination of the conditioned st
55 nates the effect of the ear-canal air volume interposed between the tympanic membrane and the tip of
56 temporal bone, and a fibrocartilagenous disc interposed between them.
57                                              Interposed between these two postnatal layers is a hybri
58    When a single flash of light is presented interposed between two brief auditory stimuli separated
59 ulin contains a beta-turn (residues B20-B23) interposed between two receptor-binding elements, the ce
60 ormation in which heterotopic gray matter is interposed between zones of white matter.
61 ph node from migrating to the paracortex and interposing between T cells.
62                    Cephalic vein grafts were interposed bilaterally in the carotid arteries and excis
63                                              Interposed boundaries or insulators are able to block th
64 ession linked to reporter functions that are interposed by a deactivation-activation unit in such a w
65 inding domain and a C-terminal kinase domain interposed by an unstructured approximately 80-residue i
66 bers contain anti-parallel beta-sheet motifs interposed by extended regions, homologous to adhesins o
67                                           By interposing catch trials in which a different object was
68 or vehicle was bilaterally injected into the interposed cerebellar nuclear.
69 more, deep brain stimulation directed to the interposed cerebellar nuclei reduced dystonia-like postu
70  imaging (fMRI) of the cerebellar cortex and interposed cerebellar nuclei simultaneously during delay
71 geminal nucleus and dorsolateral hump of the interposed cerebellar nucleus to the transition area bet
72 rotypic cell-cell contact is prevented by an interposing filter.
73                                           An interposed G, C, or T base between A and 2AP effectively
74 tary regions located at each terminus and an interposed generic PCR primer binding region.
75              Podocyte foot processes and the interposed glomerular slit diaphragm are essential compo
76 the spatial clustering of GC currents in the interposed hilus and project them through the open side
77  GFP reporter gene and is not blocked by the interposed HS5 site, which has been reported to have ins
78 heses: (1) TMS can activate cortical neurons interposed in a transcortical long-latency loop leading
79 ectomized aorta (EA) and vascular graft (VG) interposed in arteriovenous femoral shunts increased in
80 ectomized aorta (EA) and vascular graft (VG) interposed in arteriovenous femoral shunts.
81 ing ECs on segments of collagen-coated graft interposed in chronic AV shunts decreased the accumulati
82 ttached ECs (tarnsduced versus untransduced) interposed in exteriorized arteriovenous femoral shunts.
83 s or thrombogenic segments of vascular graft interposed in exteriorized long-term arteriovenous (AV)
84 rafts are exposed to hemodynamic stress when interposed in the arterial circulation and mechanical st
85 M myosin) increased within the media of SVGs interposed in the carotid arteries (P < .001).
86 diameter in a tubular perfusion chamber were interposed in the shunt and exposed to flowing arterial
87 m in diameter in a tubular perfusion chamber interposed in the shunt and exposed to flowing arterial
88                          Because the soma is interposed in the signal conduction pathway, these speci
89 ing tracts and motoneurones or interneurones interposed in the spinal pathways.
90 dback control of motor output via a class of interposed inhibitory interneurons.
91 ntermediate between disynaptic output via an interposed interneuron seen in nonprimates and the fast
92  exert disynaptic effects on motoneurons via interposed interneurons.
93 ction using a model in which human artery is interposed into the abdominal aorta of immunodeficient m
94            Pig coronary artery segments were interposed into the infrarenal aorta of severe combined
95                            We found that the interposed lac operator/repressor complex blocked the el
96 perfusion in deep cerebellar nuclei (medial, interposed, lateral), thalamus (ventrolateral, midline,
97  aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes with interposed nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide sheets.
98          Recent studies that inactivated the interposed nuclei (IN) demonstrated that blocking the in
99 n of the cerebellar cortex or the cerebellar interposed nuclei (IN) during learning is known to preve
100                                          The interposed nuclei (IN) of the cerebellum play a crucial
101                                          The interposed nuclei (IN) of the intermediate cerebellum ar
102 sion and neuronal activity in the cerebellar interposed nuclei (IN) were examined.
103 radiation therapy included the fastigial and interposed nuclei (NF and NI).
104 akes place within the cerebellar cortex, the interposed nuclei, or both.
105 of eyeblink circuits, such as the cerebellar interposed nuclei, the middle cerebellar peduncle or the
106 unced in, but not limited to, lobules VI and interposed nuclei.
107 r (foot to face) gradient in the dentate and interposed nuclei.
108 premotor structure, is a major target of the interposed nucleus (IN), and has also been described in
109 ons in two of the DCN, namely, the posterior interposed nucleus and the lateral nucleus.
110 ed in the lateral vestibular nucleus and the interposed nucleus of the cerebellum ipsilateral to the
111 r nuclei, retrogradely labeled somata in the interposed nucleus, and putative collateral branches ter
112 ctions mainly from the regio intermedius, an interposed region of cells lying at a caudal level betwe
113  courses of outpatient-based therapy with an interposed rest period.
114                                The effect of interposed ribs on stiffness measurements was tested.
115                                     Ex vivo, interposed ribs reduced shear wave amplitude but did not
116 to four different solvent-exposed beta-turns interposing secondary structural elements.
117 d foot processes of kidney podocytes and the interposed slit diaphragm form the final barrier to prot
118  pigs (n=10) had a reversed segment of bowel interposed to induce bowel dilatation.
119 nt transfection assays, we further show that interposed viral repressor sequences completely inhibit
120 PII helices of 4, 5, and 6 residues that are interposed with an unordered, and presumably flexible, s
121                             These sites were interposed with extensive regions of close membrane appo
122 nsists of initial and delayed bouts of spasm interposed with paralysis and followed by recovery of ac
123 previously an increased number of astrocytes interposed within the adjacent ependymal lining.
124                 A membrane gas exchanger was interposed within the arteriovenous shunt, and blood flo
125 in series, although interneurons may also be interposed within the NTS.

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