


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed (epididymal, subcutaneous, perirenal, and interscapular).
2 et increased the thermogenic capacity of the interscapular and aortic brown adipose tissues, whereas
3 e the expression of key thermogenic genes in interscapular and visceral WAT.
4            The norepinephrine content of the interscapular BAT (IBAT) and the number of sympathetic g
5  SNS outflow to, and receive SS inflow from, interscapular BAT (IBAT) in these separate studies sugge
6 nt increase of [(18)F]-FDG-glucose uptake in interscapular BAT (iBAT) of DIOs upon FGF21 administrati
7 ignaling stimulates sympathetically-mediated interscapular BAT (IBAT) thermogenesis.
8                        We surgically removed interscapular BAT (iBAT, which constitutes approximately
9 s to evaluate (18)F-FDG biodistribution into interscapular BAT and major organs.
10                             However, whereas interscapular BAT in T3-treated mice showed a 3.0 degree
11 dy temperature, with a 2.5-fold elevation in interscapular BAT mass and lipid storage.
12               Our findings indicate that the interscapular BAT of Ucp1 knockout mice exhibits mitocho
13 s underlies some of these effects, although, interscapular BAT temperature (T(IBAT)) has not been mea
14 in uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) expression in interscapular BAT was accompanied by a marked reduction
15                                Blood flow of interscapular BAT was assessed in mice (n=64) with CU by
16  of sympathetic ganglion cells projecting to interscapular BAT were 70% greater in the 18 degrees C-r
17 FDG, in percentage injected dose (%ID)/(g of interscapular BAT) x (kg of body weight), was significan
18 d dose (%ID) per gram of each radiotracer in interscapular BAT, normalized to blood %ID/g.
19 , results in marked increases in the mass of interscapular BAT.
20 d the changes in transcription that occur in interscapular brown adipocytes during development.
21        Importantly, although the ScaPCs from interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) are constitutiv
22 epidydmal and subcutaneous depots but not in interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) in mice fed a h
23 n preadipocyte cell line and to increase rat interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) mass.
24 t increase in the epididymal fat pad weight, interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) weight, and pla
25 tra-abdominal white adipose tissue (WAT) and interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT), causing decrea
26                                   We studied interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) activity in wi
27                         [(3)H]NE turnover in interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) and retroperit
28  of whole-body glucose uptake identifies the interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) as a primary s
29 and uncoupling protein (UCP1) mRNA levels in interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) from F344 x BN
30                  The thermogenic activity of interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) in response to
31                   Energy dissipation through interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) thermogenesis
32 ow markedly increased energy expenditure and interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) thermogenesis
33            The melanocortins (MC) can affect interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) thermogenesis
34                                  Analyses of interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) thermogenesis
35 trol on thermogenesis in skeletal muscle and interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) was investigat
36  and epididymal white fat pad weights, while interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) weight doubled
37                                           In interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT), cold exposure
38 ndrial biogenesis-regulating proteins in the interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT).
39 of UCP2 and UCP3 in white adipose tissue and interscapular brown adipose tissue and in gastrocnemius/
40                   However, they have reduced interscapular brown adipose tissue and intra-abdominal f
41 521(-)/(-) embryos exhibit increased mass of interscapular brown adipose tissue and subcutaneous whit
42 al fat for white adipocytes and brite cells, interscapular brown adipose tissue for brown adipocytes,
43                                 In contrast, interscapular brown adipose tissue of AF2KO mice accumul
44 tiinflammatory M2 phenotype and expanded the interscapular brown adipose tissue volume.
45 ympathetic firing rate of nerves innervating interscapular brown adipose tissue.
46 own adipocytes show an age-dependent loss of interscapular brown fat but increased expression of unco
47 ere preserved even after removal of the main interscapular brown fat pad.
48 r8 knockout mice displayed enlarged but pale interscapular brown fat with decreased expression of gen
49  differences between strains were minimal in interscapular brown fat, large differences occurred in w
50 sistance, and enlargement and "whitening" of interscapular brown fat.
51 mis and epaxial muscle and, unexpectedly, to interscapular brown fat.
52 , perirenal, s.c., and mammary gland) and in interscapular brown fat.
53 he differences between brown adipocytes from interscapular brown tissue (iBAT) and those induced in w
54 ciency and showed that mice tolerated single interscapular doses of Z-LLF-CHO without unacceptable to
55                  Cells transplanted into the interscapular fat pads of isogenic mice formed well defi
56 yonic origin and anatomically located in the interscapular region of mice; and recruitable BAT (rBAT)
57                      Skin temperature in the interscapular region of neonates was lower in uncoupling
58  which supplemental heat was provided to the interscapular region using a thermode and in which BAT w
59 000 IEQ/device) at two sites (left thigh and interscapular region) and were explanted at 2, 6, and 12
60 -1.5% and 94.3%+/-5.71% viable beta cells in interscapular site and thigh in autologous recipients an
61  in autologous recipients and 85.6%+/-4.01% (interscapular site) and 74.1%+/-12.05% (thigh) viable be
62 t, but now exhibited pronounced decreases in interscapular temperature and decreased rates of myoclon
63 ased heat production, maintained an elevated interscapular temperature, and maintained baseline level
64 ession of Wnt10b with UCP1 and PGC-1alpha in interscapular tissue from cold-challenged or genetically
65                                              Interscapular tissue of FABP4-Wnt10b mice has the visual
66                                        While interscapular tissue of UCP1-Wnt10b mice lacks expressio
67 10b transgenic mice, which express Wnt10b in interscapular tissue, lack functional brown adipose tiss

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