


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r endocytic adaptor, also binds to Eps15 and intersectin.
2  Eps-homology (EH) domain proteins Eps15 and intersectin.
3 ) via interactions with the scaffold protein intersectin.
4 enerated strong binding to the EH domains of Intersectin.
5 e C terminus of RAB/Rip to the EH domains of Intersectin.
6 entified the multidomain scaffolding protein intersectin 1 (ITSN1) as an important regulator of this
7 e report that loss of the signaling scaffold intersectin 1 (ITSN1) in mice leads to defective neurona
8                                              Intersectin 1 (ITSN1) is a scaffold protein that regulat
9          The multidomain scaffolding protein intersectin 1 (ITSN1) is an important regulator of this
10   These phenotypes were rescued by wild-type intersectin 1 but not by a locked mutant of intersectin
11       Mutations in unc-11 (AP180) or itsn-1 (Intersectin 1), which reduce clathrin-dependent endocyto
12  a multi-modular protein, Cin1 (cryptococcal intersectin 1), whose domain structure is similar to tha
13 th the Src homology 3 domain-bearing protein Intersectin 1, an intracellular protein involved in syna
14 ts of SCAMP1 bind to two EH domain proteins, intersectin 1, which is involved in endocytic budding at
15  intersectin 1 but not by a locked mutant of intersectin 1.
16 regulated by an intramolecular switch within intersectin 1.
17 ocytic machinery proteins Eps15, Eps15R, and intersectin 1.
18 Eps15 homology domains of Eps15, Eps15R, and intersectin 1.
19                                  Deletion of intersectin 1/2 in mice alters the presynaptic nanoscale
20  release from infected cells, as the lack of intersectin-1 recruitment leads to a loss of Cdc42 activ
21 th the Epsin15 homology domains of Eps15 and intersectin-1.
22 ous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H', Br140, and intersectin-1.
23 ssion of exchange activity suggests that the intersectin 1L exchange activity is regulated by endocyt
24                                              Intersectin 1L is a scaffolding protein involved in endo
25 by an intramolecular interaction between the intersectin 1L SH3 domain region and the adjacent DH dom
26                      We demonstrate that the intersectin 1L SH3 domains, which bind endocytic protein
27 controlling the actin nucleation activity of intersectin 1L.
28              Herein, we investigated whether intersectin-1s (ITSN) deficiency and prolonged lung expr
29               We now show that a decrease in intersectin-1s (ITSN-1s) expression due to granzyme B (G
30                Here we addressed the role of intersectin-2L (ITSN-2L), a guanine nucleotide exchange
31                                              Intersectin, a multiple Eps15 homology and Src homology
32  160 kDa (dap160), the Drosophila homolog of intersectin, a putative adaptor for proteins involved in
33 ts with the SH3A (Src homology 3A) domain of intersectin, an endocytic-exocytic adaptor protein.
34  GEF activity afforded by DH/PH fragments of intersectin and Dbs are also not altered by phosphoinosi
35                      While the PH domains of intersectin and Dbs promiscuously bind several multiphos
36                    We used dominant-negative intersectin and dynamin constructs to show that SGK1-med
37 t EHSH1 is very similar to Xenopus and human intersectins and to human SH3P17.
38 ytic machinery, including dynamin and Dap160/intersectin, and negatively regulates retrograde BMP gro
39                              Our data reveal intersectin as an autoinhibited scaffold that serves as
40 y the endocytic multidomain scaffold protein intersectin as an important regulator of SV replenishmen
41 ed protein 160 (Dap160; related to mammalian intersectin) as an aPKC-interacting protein in Drosophil
42 ) immunogold labeling studies indicated that intersectin associated preferentially with the caveolar
43                        We named this protein Intersectin, because it potentially brings together EH a
44 /Rip) and two novel proteins, which we named Intersectin-binding proteins (Ibps) 1 and 2.
45 rotein, the GTPase Cdc42, and its activator, Intersectin, biochemically and by solving the crystal st
46 r example, SH3 domains from c-Src, Grb2, and intersectin bound only to the C-terminal half of dynamin
47 pha Gpa1, protein kinase Pkc1, and endocytic intersectin Cin1.
48 otide exchange activities of these synthetic Intersectin constructs can be controlled in a rapid and
49                                      Second, intersectin cooperated with epidermal growth factor to p
50                                 And finally, intersectin cooperated with progesterone to accelerate m
51 mains of three distinct Dbl family proteins, intersectin, Dbs, and Tiam1, selectively bind lipid vesi
52                                We found that intersectin directly associates with synapsin I through
53 al data reveals that the Dbl exchange factor intersectin engages a strictly conserved GTPase residue
54 adaptor complex composed of FCHO, Eps15, and intersectin, ESCRT-0 accumulation at the cell surface is
55                                       Third, intersectin expression was sufficient to induce oncogeni
56               A cell-free system depleted of intersectin failed to support caveolae fission from the
57                                      Indeed, intersectin functions in the intermediate stages of clat
58 t, we provide several lines of evidence that intersectin has the capacity to activate mitogenic signa
59 election experiments with the SH3 domains of Intersectin identified two endocytic proteins, dynamin a
60 er, the results indicate the crucial role of intersectin in the mechanism of caveolae fission in endo
61 phological analysis of ECs overexpressing wt-intersectin indicated a wide range of morphological chan
62                          We also showed that intersectin interaction with dynamin was important in re
63                              We propose that Intersectin is a component of the endocytic machinery.
64                                              Intersectin is a member of a growing family of adaptor p
65                                       Dap160/Intersectin is a multidomain adaptor protein that coloca
66 n glycerol gradients, and cross-linking that intersectin is present in ECs in a membrane-associated p
67                The endocytic protein, Dap160/intersectin, is a major binding partner of Eps15, and ep
68 ed protein Dap160, homolog of the vertebrate Intersectins, is thought likely to act as a molecular sc
69 vered that the endocytic scaffolding protein intersectin (ITSN) cooperated with epidermal growth fact
70                               Members of the intersectin (ITSN) family of scaffold proteins consist o
71 e endocytic and signal transduction scaffold intersectin (ITSN) increased aggregate formation by muta
72                                              Intersectin (ITSN) is a molecular scaffold involved in r
73                                              Intersectin (ITSN) is a multidomain scaffolding protein
74                                              Intersectin (ITSN) is a multimodular endocytic scaffold
75 ave highlighted a role for EH and SH3 domain Intersectin (Itsn) proteins in synaptic vesicle recyclin
76   Based on the interaction between Cdc42 and intersectin (ITSN), a specific Cdc42 guanine nucleotide
77 ion on a recently described adaptor protein, intersectin (ITSN), which provides a link to both the en
78 ne nucleotide exchange factors Elmo/Dock and intersectin (ITSN).
79                                              Intersectins (ITSNs) are multidomain adaptor proteins im
80                                  Full-length intersectin-L exhibited little ability to stimulate nucl
81 specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, intersectin-L, in fibroblasts.
82            Together, these data suggest that intersectin links endocytosis with regulation of pathway
83                  Our data suggest that EHSH1/intersectin may be a novel adaptor protein that couples
84 ound reduced Trio or Tiam1 but not Vav, Lbc, Intersectin, or a constitutively active Rac1 mutant-stim
85                                       First, intersectin overexpression activated the Elk-1 transcrip
86                                    Replacing Intersectin's regulatory domains with the BH3 peptide/Bc
87 lated by orthoIntersectin, but not wild-type Intersectin, showing that the designed interaction can t
88 nd recruited the scaffold proteins eps15 and intersectin, which in turn engaged the adaptor complex A
89 gy to the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Intersectin, which is a selective activator of the GTPas
90 rther, the structural determinants unique to intersectin, which permit selective recognition and conc
91 ver, Cdc42(Y32F) is exclusively activated by intersectin, while virtually unresponsive to other Cdc42
92 antially increases the affinity of Cdc42 for intersectin, yet severely cripples interaction with Dbs,
93 e embryo cDNA library with the EH domains of Intersectin yielded clones for the Rev-associated bindin

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