


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           We find widespread interspecific admixture, and detect the genetic signatur
2                                              Interspecific analyses across four Lepidoptera further s
3 next-generation sequencing approaches enable interspecific analyses, methods to visualize and explore
4                                           An interspecific analysis indicates that Heliconius display
5 de the rDNA loci have generated considerable interspecific and even intra-individual variability whic
6 -days and photoperiod reproduces most of the interspecific and interannual variability in the timing
7 ip between mating system, floral morphology, interspecific and interpopulation compatibility and pist
8  however, the impact of these transitions on interspecific and interpopulation reproductive barriers
9                                   We ask how interspecific and intraspecific density-dependent intera
10 bs can adjust to their habitat conditions on interspecific and intraspecific levels in various hydrau
11                          On both continents, interspecific and spatial variation in population abunda
12 the individual contributions of adhesion and interspecific antagonism on the overall outcome of infec
13 ogenic species, may also include elements of interspecific antagonism, such as competition for nutrie
14 and lizards, and with both intraspecific and interspecific approaches, we consistently failed to find
15 ctions to guide future empirical research on interspecific as well as intraspecific cooperation.
16 lay important roles in regulating intra- and interspecific behavioral interactions in varying environ
17 cted how intraguild predation, accommodating interspecific behavioural interactions, might impact the
18 ) using a panel of 104 soybean lines and, an interspecific bi-parental population (F8) from PI483463
19 e, we developed a functional assay utilizing interspecific blastocyst injection and in vitro culture
20  for the maternal and paternal genomes of an interspecific Brachiaria ruziziensis (R.Germ.and C.M.Evr
21 on of six related viperid snakes and compare interspecific changes in the number of toxin genes, thei
22                                   Intra- and interspecific chimera assays with rodent PSC lines were
23    Here, we examine how motorboats affect an interspecific cleaning mutualism critical for coral reef
24  group recruitment as well as an instance of interspecific combat; such aggression is a social featur
25                   This review focuses on the interspecific communication between PWN and its associat
26 lay an outstanding role in intraspecific and interspecific communication systems within and outside o
27              This theory is largely based on interspecific comparisons and has never been tested usin
28        Most of our knowledge is derived from interspecific comparisons between inbreeding species and
29                      In the South China Sea, interspecific comparisons between T. japonicus and T. na
30                                              Interspecific comparisons demonstrate the importance of
31                                              Interspecific comparisons of brain structure can inform
32                                        Broad interspecific comparisons of growth, reproduction, and m
33                                   Similarly, interspecific comparisons suggest that proteostasis may
34 eous function, we have performed large-scale interspecific comparisons to increase confidence in pred
35 at the transition from SI to SC also affects interspecific compatibility.
36 aphic patterns in the intensity of intra- or interspecific competition [4].
37 fe histories lead to variation in intra- and interspecific competition across the annual cycle.
38                Fossil evidence suggests that interspecific competition among carnivores was relativel
39 munities is understudied relative to that of interspecific competition among prey.
40                        Its structure reduces interspecific competition and allows ample but modular c
41  the importance of understanding the role of interspecific competition and disturbance when studying
42  plant performance, changed the intensity of interspecific competition and even reversed whether plan
43  host-microbe interactions, thereby reducing interspecific competition and promoting the coexistence
44  from top-down control, leading to increased interspecific competition at the herbivore trophic level
45 erbivore species such that the potential for interspecific competition at this level was high.
46 havioural interactions are key components of interspecific competition between predators, yet these a
47 ngth of additive and non-additive intra- and interspecific competition by manipulating densities of a
48 ta from a wide range of ecosystems show that interspecific competition can drive variation in ecologi
49                      Yet, whether intra- and interspecific competition can have non-additive effects
50 y shows how ecology can confound taxonomy if interspecific competition constrains size diversificatio
51                      We conclude that either interspecific competition does not affect the sexual siz
52 istently influenced dynamics in systems with interspecific competition for the entire duration of the
53 ment of the relative strengths of intra- and interspecific competition has increased in recent years
54 r guild is a poor proxy for the intensity of interspecific competition in insular assemblages.
55 nomists and likely reflects uniquely intense interspecific competition in the East African carnivore
56                                We found that interspecific competition increased selection on growth
57           Non-additive effects of intra- and interspecific competition influenced some response varia
58  the extent to which this plasticity affects interspecific competition remains unclear.
59  declines in food availability and increased interspecific competition to facilitate first access to
60 cies, and few observed comparisons indicated interspecific competition was an important factor in pre
61 edundant species, suggesting that increasing interspecific competition with decreasing productivity r
62 ll groups along the gradient and manipulated interspecific competition with flies by heating carcasse
63    Moreover, shrub facilitation mediates the interspecific competition within the associated annual c
64  particular host behaviours, cross-immunity, interspecific competition) could be affected by traits t
65  in understanding territoriality, intra- and interspecific competition, and contact rates that influe
66 he trade-off between foraging efficiency and interspecific competition, and underline niche partition
67                             The intensity of interspecific competition, hindering enhanced dimorphism
68                                              Interspecific competition, however, is thought to limit
69 s: whether invasion will result in increased interspecific competition, which would result in negativ
70 corals, as well as coral polyp behaviour and interspecific competition.
71 rentiation and divergence, in order to avoid interspecific competition.
72 oorly matched resources, and the strength of interspecific competition.
73 damentally alter the dynamics and outcome of interspecific competition.
74 vergent selection acting on traits mediating interspecific competition.
75 t alter plant performance and the outcome of interspecific competition.
76 artition soil P, but this does not eliminate interspecific competition.
77                                              Interspecific competitive interactions typically result
78 sses, via the direct and indirect effects of interspecific competitive killing (no consumption of the
79 fferences between sister species, indicating interspecific concordance between biogeography and phylo
80 ities, both models and experiments show that interspecific conjugation from P. fluorescens allowed pQ
81 lar and may therefore be likely to engage in interspecific, consumptive competition.
82 in developing siliques and seeds in three F1 interspecific crosses between Arabidopsis thaliana (Col,
83                                   Intra- and interspecific crosses have provided tantalizing evidence
84 nderlying phenotypic variation in intra- and interspecific crosses we can determine the extent to whi
85            Moreover, a subset of PEGs in the interspecific crosses were also upregulated in the intra
86  genes (MEGs) were shared among all three F1 interspecific crosses, whereas approximately 90% of 272
87 ies (Arizonica Texas, Vitis cinerea) and two interspecific crosses.
88  for addressing evolutionary hypotheses with interspecific data.
89                    The genetic basis of this interspecific difference in memory retention was studied
90  and Tb among different species accounts for interspecific difference in temperature sensitivity.
91 of enzyme activity we demonstrate that these interspecific differences are consistent with allelic va
92 us expression to determine whether there are interspecific differences at the target-site level.
93 a sativa) than others (e.g. Lactuca sativa), interspecific differences depended on the kinetic parame
94 terrestrial artiodactyls, exhibit tremendous interspecific differences in a number of phenotypes, inc
95                                      We find interspecific differences in both overall thermal tolera
96 ociated with mating system divergence, large interspecific differences in flowering phenology depend
97  species respond, which is likely related to interspecific differences in functional traits.
98 on in an ancient neuropeptide contributes to interspecific differences in parental care.
99 tive to that of trophic level, in explaining interspecific differences in polychlorinated biphenyl (P
100                                              Interspecific differences in relative fitness can cause
101 h three additional C4 grass species in which interspecific differences in stomatal behavior could be
102 ic variation is quite similar to that of the interspecific differences in terms of the number, distri
103               We hypothesize that the marked interspecific differences in the hypertrophy of these mi
104                                              Interspecific differences in tissue MC concentrations we
105           Previous work has shown that these interspecific differences result mostly from variation i
106  are still many gaps in our understanding of interspecific differences within a functional group, par
107                                    Levels of interspecific differentiation were lower in parapatry th
108 plify 'developmental system drift', in which interspecific divergence in developmental processes that
109     By comparing intraspecific diversity and interspecific divergence, we estimate that 31% of amino
110 volutionary mechanisms responsible for their interspecific divergence.
111  for a trait and the variation that leads to interspecific divergence.
112 that apomixis displays pronounced intra- and interspecific diversification, but the genetic mechanism
113           The different effects of intra- vs interspecific diversity highlight the underestimated and
114 elationships concerns the role of intra- and interspecific diversity of mycorrhizal fungi, which are
115  those caused by invasion-induced changes in interspecific diversity, is still limited.
116 cally distant, but sharing a need for common interspecific emotional understanding.
117 derstanding the evolutionary transition from interspecific exploitation to cooperation is a major cha
118 sion analysis in the C. maxima x C. moschata interspecific F1 hybrid and their two parents indicates
119 imited by its inflexibility as there is much interspecific functional variation within plant function
120 cular, the drivers of non-random patterns of interspecific gene flow (asymmetrical hybridization) rem
121 ion can select for floral traits that reduce interspecific gene flow and contribute to prezygotic iso
122  may be 'speciation genes' and also restrict interspecific gene flow in secondary sympatry.
123 this concept as "good species." Nonetheless, interspecific gene flow involving their tetraploid forms
124               We find extensive evidence for interspecific gene flow throughout the radiation.
125 ing vectorial capacity may be gained through interspecific gene flow, including between nonsister spe
126 riation in sympatry, indicative of pervasive interspecific gene flow.
127                    With the use of genetics, interspecific gene transfers, and time-lapse imaging, we
128                                          The interspecific genetic distance of the stored-product pso
129 a set of a backcross (BC) population from an interspecific hybrid between cultivated rice, Oryza sati
130 riety (i.e. Tenta) was demonstrated to be an interspecific hybrid cross.
131 l glycerides of crude palm oil obtained from interspecific hybrid Elaeis oleiferaxElaeis guineensis,
132                                              Interspecific hybrid endophytes of the genus Epichloe (A
133 udy, we explored gene expression patterns in interspecific hybrid F(1), and synthetic and natural all
134 ied to analyze stem radial growth data of an interspecific hybrid family derived from two Populus spe
135 two species of Saccharomyces yeast and their interspecific hybrid in order to assess the relative con
136 of heterozygosity and hybrid vigor, but some interspecific hybrid seeds are aborted shortly after fer
137  red grape pomace (RP) on the composition of interspecific hybrid wine was studied using the Vitis sp
138 ur, the phenolic and volatile composition of interspecific hybrid wine.
139 uced gametes are also frequently involved in interspecific hybridisation events as well as being prod
140                          The hypothesis that interspecific hybridisation promotes invasiveness has re
141                               One outcome of interspecific hybridization and subsequent effects of ev
142 tic parthenogenetic RKN species and probable interspecific hybridization as critical steps in their s
143 e not consistent with balancing selection or interspecific hybridization, but they are consistent wit
144  (Populus spp) varieties are created through interspecific hybridization, followed by clonal propagat
145                           Recent evidence of interspecific hybridization, high levels of strain heter
146 sses from the tribe Triticeae have undergone interspecific hybridization, resulting in allopolyploidy
147 , to dissect early and late events following interspecific hybridization, we examined the epigenome a
148 to the female gametes, a critical barrier to interspecific hybridization.
149 ansposon-mediated dispersion, or possibly by interspecific hybridization.
150 ations, shared ancestral polymorphism and/or interspecific hybridization.
151  numerous microchromosomes and propensity to interspecific hybridization.
152  fertilization and can result in barriers to interspecific hybridization.
153 ultivars of white, red and pink grape, as 28 interspecific hybrids and 2 Vitis vinifera L. popularly
154 ficantly, methylation changes induced in the interspecific hybrids are largely maintained in the allo
155 study of allele-specific expression (ASE) in interspecific hybrids has played a central role in our u
156 t with this notion, 12 PEGs in the infertile interspecific hybrids matched MEGs in fertile intraspeci
157 ls, and anthocyanins in two the most popular interspecific hybrids of red grapes, Rondo and Regent, n
158                                              Interspecific hybrids often increase the levels of heter
159 to affect metabolic and biomass heterosis in interspecific hybrids or allotetraploids.
160 nt roles in the postzygotic seed abortion in interspecific hybrids or neo-allopolyploids.
161               This disruption of PEGs in the interspecific hybrids was consistent with the upregulati
162 lf-tetrad-derived individuals (from Brassica interspecific hybrids) using a high-density array of phy
163 6 polymorphic markers between cultivated and interspecific hybrids, and 15 897 polymorphic markers wi
164  by comparing allele-specific splicing in F1 interspecific hybrids, because differences in allele-spe
165 disation events as well as being produced by interspecific hybrids, facilitating allopolyploidisation
166 mbucus cerulea, Sambucus javanica) and seven interspecific hybrids.
167 wn as nucleolar dominance (ND), is common in interspecific hybrids.
168 the parasites' evolutionary origins: (1) the interspecific hypothesis proposes an allopatric speciati
169 ures, enabled us to test for both intra- and interspecific identity and richness effects, and transgr
170                              Both intra- and interspecific identity and richness of ECM fungi regulat
171                                   Intra- and interspecific identity had modest but significant effect
172                      This indicates that the interspecific in vitro chimera assay is useful in evalua
173                                   Unilateral interspecific incompatibility (UI) is a postpollination,
174  rearrangements were probably not a cause of interspecific incompatibility at the scale that could be
175 arblers (39% of species), suggests that this interspecific interaction is more stable, ecologically a
176 y are used both in camouflage and a range of interspecific interactions [1, 3-5].
177 o be essential performers or partners in new interspecific interactions after environmental change.
178 usion, such as growth, or whether intra- and interspecific interactions among individuals of differen
179 structure that cannot be explained by direct interspecific interactions among native and exotic speci
180                                              Interspecific interactions and competitor sensing are am
181 r the 2008 ice storm in China, combined with interspecific interactions and foraging behaviours, we d
182 de applications, in mediating the outcome of interspecific interactions and produce rapid unanticipat
183  ecological focus, the regulatory effects of interspecific interactions are rarely considered in clim
184 re an important tool for studying changes in interspecific interactions because they record interacti
185                These results illustrate that interspecific interactions between closely related speci
186 nteraction networks constantly reorganize as interspecific interactions change across successional st
187                                              Interspecific interactions contributed to productivity p
188 ximum potential growth, (2) the intensity of interspecific interactions for some species, and (3) spe
189 sized predators that IGP rates are high, and interspecific interactions in the shared prey community
190 of intertidal fauna such that the balance of interspecific interactions involved in community structu
191         Furthermore, we suggest that current interspecific interactions may influence snake occupancy
192 approach and found that heterogeneity in the interspecific interactions or the presence of strongly i
193    Theoretically, the physiological costs of interspecific interactions should likewise alter CUE, ye
194 s in relative arrival of offspring can alter interspecific interactions through a mechanism called si
195 cience data, to estimate the contribution of interspecific interactions to range shifts and to quanti
196 vioural types are related to the strength of interspecific interactions, an invasion by a biased subs
197 autocorrelation structures can emerge due to interspecific interactions, and that accounting for the
198                                Understanding interspecific interactions, and the influences of anthro
199                                        Other interspecific interactions, however, such as parasitism
200 based on host traits (i.e. habitat patches), interspecific interactions, priority effects and chance
201 er the past 50 years, but key areas, such as interspecific interactions, remain underexplored.
202 on plant evolution but have large effects on interspecific interactions, such as competition.
203 r of abundance and body size than intra- and interspecific interactions, we measured the density and
204 tion, behavioural rhythms can be affected by interspecific interactions, which can ameliorate or exac
205 this species pair were influenced by current interspecific interactions.
206 cilitated primarily by low diet overlap, not interspecific interactions.
207 likely as a way to reduce the probability of interspecific interference.
208                                        Using interspecific introgression hybrids, we examined the gen
209 mmonly steal food from other species, termed interspecific kleptoparasitism, but why animals engage i
210 sing recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from an interspecific lettuce mapping population derived from a
211 riation is relatively well documented at the interspecific level, the prevalence of cytonuclear inter
212 ctomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi at the intra- and interspecific levels affect ecosystem multifunctionality
213 cts asymmetrically favoring A. albopictus in interspecific matings support a role for satyrization (a
214  range of metabolites, setting the stage for interspecific metabolic interactions.
215 are survival and performance reductions when interspecific microbiota transplants are conducted betwe
216 crobiota variation is consistently less than interspecific microbiota variation, and microbiota-based
217                                              Interspecific mixtures outperformed the most productive
218 uasi-absent, making it unlikely that lack of interspecific mtDNA differentiation results from ongoing
219 tem attributes, but we poorly understand how interspecific network structure affect population demogr
220                         However, stabilizing interspecific niche differences can promote local divers
221 riation in niche position, niche breadth and interspecific niche overlap of these species through tim
222                                   Reciprocal interspecific pairings of all species in the study showe
223                     Quantitative analyses of interspecific patterns of variation and covariation amon
224 ngle nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for the interspecific Petunia recombinant inbred line (RIL) popu
225 n, but when alternative hosts are available, interspecific plasmid transfer could counteract this and
226 creted into the extracellular matrix inhibit interspecific pollen tubes.
227 e, smaller flowers, and weakened (or absent) interspecific pollen-pistil barriers.
228 bidopsis halleri during self-pollination and interspecific pollination and during infection with Fusa
229  in the clade, underlining the complexity of interspecific pollination barriers.
230                                              Interspecific pollination of A.thaliana significantly up
231 ia and highlight the power of using multiple interspecific populations to elucidate genetic determina
232 cies were included for use in cultivated and interspecific populations.
233 ors consume prey species of different sizes (interspecific prey responses) or consume different size
234 strong genetic divergence, a small number of interspecific reciprocal introgression events are found
235 itional cloning approach in a mouse model of interspecific recombinant lines, a candidate gene, ALPP,
236 recombination, this study showed that recent interspecific recombination is an important factor shapi
237 als, with strong evidence of both intra- and interspecific recombination.
238  and cropland expansion) can destabilize the interspecific relationship and lead to biodiversity loss
239                             Given the unique interspecific relationship between dogs and humans, two
240  predators, leading to an disturbance of the interspecific relationship.
241 ely mediated by differential resource use or interspecific relationships.
242                       This suggests that the interspecific reproductive barrier may be linked to the
243        Previous studies have shown that some interspecific reproductive barriers (IRBs) are related t
244                                              Interspecific reproductive barriers are poorly understoo
245 m SI to MP were not associated with weakened interspecific reproductive barriers or loss of known pis
246 pecific sexual communication that reinforces interspecific reproductive isolation.
247 ot tips but decreased hyphal length, whereas interspecific richness had no effects.
248 ecific, species-specific, and 'global' (i.e. interspecific) scaling exponents for several allometric
249  were consistently significantly higher than interspecific scores (1.193 to 1.624), with the exceptio
250 Tb and lowest Tc germinated fastest, and the interspecific sensitivity of the germination rate to tem
251 incide with previously identified intra- and interspecific sex comb QTL, but such overlap can be expl
252 are commonly involved in sexual, social, and interspecific signaling [1-8] and are largely produced b
253                                         This interspecific social behavioral plasticity suggests a me
254     These entomopathogenic nematodes display interspecific social behavioral plasticity; experienced
255                                              Interspecific social information transfer can play a key
256                           The net effects of interspecific species interactions on individuals and po
257  song are the only significant predictors of interspecific territoriality besides syntopy (fine-scale
258 d, which combined with the high incidence of interspecific territoriality in wood warblers (39% of sp
259 c, ecological and phylogenetic correlates of interspecific territoriality in wood warblers (Parulidae
260                                              Interspecific territoriality may play an important role
261 ot support the long-standing hypothesis that interspecific territoriality occurs only under circumsta
262 te and boreal zones, decreasing the ratio of interspecific-to-intraspecific competition by 0.25% for
263 re of the relative extent of ITV compared to interspecific trait variation in plant communities is st
264                                              Interspecific transfer allows plasmid survival in host s
265                                 In contrast, interspecific transmission from bobcats to mountain lion
266 we demonstrate a shift from intraspecific to interspecific transmission that along with reassortment,
267 ll study sites, suggesting relatively common interspecific transmission.
268                            The intersite and interspecific variability in growth patterns before mort
269 ed at small scales, but the high spatial and interspecific variability in leaf phenology has preclude
270                                    A general interspecific variability in other parts of the eye is a
271 hese community shifts are likely a result of interspecific variability in response to increased pCO2
272 g data below detection limits as well as the interspecific variability of delta(15)N and PFAS levels
273 aphic variables that predict this intra- and interspecific variation can guide our projections of how
274 in mammals and birds shows remarkably little interspecific variation compared with other taxa.
275 tic sex-determination system explains 24% of interspecific variation in ASRs in amphibians and 36% in
276 re more strongly influenced by trait-related interspecific variation in average survival than trait-r
277                           We also quantified interspecific variation in biomass distribution among pl
278 ative evidence from ungulates [9] shows that interspecific variation in countershading matches predic
279 ndances and functional traits are related to interspecific variation in density-dependent effects.
280 taxonomic dimension, which is insensitive to interspecific variation in ecological or evolutionary ch
281 sus the proximate effects of temperature for interspecific variation in embryonic development time re
282                               The drivers of interspecific variation in escape strategy are poorly kn
283 y explain large parts of the wide intra- and interspecific variation in insect chilling tolerance.
284 itivity among woody species can be linked to interspecific variation in leaf morphology.
285 ivity among woody plants can be explained by interspecific variation in LMA and that large-scale ozon
286 Our results did not reveal any evidence that interspecific variation in migration response is predict
287 ariation in response, substantial intra- and interspecific variation in migratory response remains to
288 aternal care is by far the best predictor of interspecific variation in proactive prosociality.
289 only be used with great caution to delineate interspecific variation in Psittacosaurus and likely oth
290 ore, the model was used to explain intra and interspecific variation in reproductive output based on
291  traits and life stages to better understand interspecific variation in responses and costs.
292 ive size of sensory neuropils closely mirror interspecific variation in sensory ecology, with G. zava
293                             Furthermore, the interspecific variation in slopes of ozone flux-response
294 experimental design, we detected significant interspecific variation in stoichiometry, macromolecule
295                               There is large interspecific variation in the magnitude of population f
296 tive to interannual rainfall variability but interspecific variation in these responses was large, ov
297               Our findings show considerable interspecific variation indicating that the chemosensory
298 ical and geographic predictors of intra- and interspecific variation.
299  results provide insights into mechanisms of interspecific vocal perception in a domesticated mammal
300 ated with intraspecific barley diversity and interspecific weed diversity, respectively.

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