


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 drawal but had no specific impact on carotid intima media thickness.
2 latory blood pressure monitoring and carotid intima media thickness.
3  peripheral pulse-wave analysis, and carotid intima-media thickness.
4  defined coronary artery disease and carotid intima-media thickness.
5 acidipine or atenolol on echographic carotid intima-media thickness.
6 tation index, pulse wave velocity (PWV), and intima-media thickness.
7 nocytes was negatively associated to carotid intima-media thickness.
8 was associated with end-of-treatment carotid intima-media thickness.
9 performed across cohorts for CAC and carotid intima-media thickness.
10 l disease, ankle-brachial index, and carotid intima-media thickness.
11 orbidity and mortality and increased carotid intima-media thickness.
12 phate binders weakly correlated with carotid intima-media thickness.
13 me Measure Three-year change in mean carotid intima-media thickness.
14 formance of models for prediction of carotid intima-media thickness.
15 ary artery calcium and common carotid artery intima-media thickness.
16 eft ventricle size and function, and carotid intima-media thickness.
17 long before any measurable change in carotid intima-media thickness.
18 .85], P=0.001), and high-risk carotid artery intima-media thickness (0.75 [0.60-0.94], P=0.01) in adu
19 R( 2) range, 0.37-0.47 for LD; 0.09-0.35 for intima-media thickness; 0.21-0.41 for intima-media-adven
20 .3x10(-4)), stiffness (12.5%, P<8.0x10(-4)), intima-media thickness (10.6%, P<7.9x10(-4)), and wall c
21 jBMI was also associated with higher carotid intima-media thickness (39%; 95% CI, 9%-77% per 1 SD).
22 s who underwent assessment of carotid artery intima-media thickness, 442 patients with angiographical
23 cumference, needed more insulin, had greater intima-media thickness (+5%, P < 0.001 EDIC year 1, P =
24 -performance liquid chromatography), carotid intima-media thickness (a measure of arterial stiffness)
25 fect of improving dietary quality on carotid intima media thickness, a marker of subclinical atherosc
26                                 Mean (+/-SE) intima-media thickness adjusted for age, sex, height, an
27 nge from baseline in the mean common carotid intima-media thickness after 14 months.
28 th left internal carotid artery stenosis and intima-media thickness, after adjustment for measures of
29 ular risk factors are associated with aortic intima-media thickness (aIMT) and carotid intima-media t
30    In multivariate analysis, the increase in intima-media thickness among carriers of two variant all
31 acebo-controlled study (Measuring Effects on Intima-Media Thickness: an Evaluation of Rosuvastatin [M
32 osclerosis (NIMA), i.e., presence of plaque, intima media thickness and ankle-brachial index (ABI), f
33 um-dependent dilatation, arterial stiffness, intima media thickness and blood pressure, indicating im
34 nomic regions associated with common carotid intima media thickness and two different regions associa
35  and without CKD and contrasted with carotid intima-media thickness and ankle-brachial index (two oth
36 ividuals who underwent evaluation of carotid intima-media thickness and arterial rigidity (reflection
37                                      Carotid intima-media thickness and brachial flow-mediated dilati
38                                 Both carotid intima-media thickness and calcification scores showed a
39  with serum phosphorus levels, while carotid intima-media thickness and cardiac calcification score a
40 to moderately hypertensive patients, carotid intima-media thickness and cardiovascular outcomes were
41 mary outcomes included common carotid artery intima-media thickness and coronary artery calcium; seco
42 association between the concept and vascular intima-media thickness and elasticity in adolescence.
43                                       Aortic intima-media thickness and elasticity were measured with
44 ystatin C was associated with higher carotid intima-media thickness and epicardial adipose tissue ind
45                               Carotid artery intima-media thickness and inter-adventitial diameter we
46  (lumen diameter [LD], wall layer thickness [intima-media thickness and intima-media-adventitia thick
47 and measures of cardiovascular risk (carotid intima-media thickness and levels of high-sensitivity C-
48 onary artery calcium and mean carotid artery intima-media thickness and long-term exposure to ambient
49 acetylcholine receptor gene family with both intima-media thickness and plaque score independent of k
50 ltiple SNPs showed marginal association with intima-media thickness and plaque score individually, on
51 ical atherosclerosis, as measured by carotid intima-media thickness and plaque score, in 3665 America
52 d evaluated associations with carotid artery intima-media thickness and plaque.
53 ols, dialysis patients had increased carotid intima-media thickness and pulse-wave velocity.
54 oportional-hazards models were generated for intima-media thickness and risk factors.
55 strong inverse association with both carotid intima-media thickness and the likelihood of angiographi
56 ons between ECAS, carotid plaque and carotid intima-media thickness and the new occurrence of cardiov
57  source of dietary cholesterol, with carotid intima-media thickness and the risk of incident CAD in m
58 ial artery, pulse-wave velocity, and carotid intima-media thickness) and pulmonary (pulmonary artery
59 um score, common and internal carotid artery intima-media thickness, and ankle-brachial index.
60 ncreased aortic pulse wave velocity, carotid intima-media thickness, and circulating markers of endot
61    Measurements included ABI, carotid artery intima-media thickness, and coronary artery calcium asse
62 , insulin, diastolic blood pressure, carotid intima-media thickness, and interleukin-6.
63 ned 5-lipoxygenase genotypes, carotid-artery intima-media thickness, and markers of inflammation in a
64 rs and plaques), improves near-wall, carotid intima-media thickness, and uniquely permits direct, rea
65 cal disease measures, such as common carotid intima-media thickness, ankle-arm index, left ventricula
66 s including coronary artery calcium, carotid intima-media thickness, ankle-brachial index, brachial f
67 ential association of menopause with carotid intima-media thickness as well as with occurrence and st
68 xtent of carotid atherosclerosis measured as intima-media thickness at baseline.
69 s (coronary artery calcification and carotid intima-media thickness) at year 20, after adjustment for
70 s included vascular function, carotid artery intima-media thickness, augmentation index, central bloo
71  confidence interval, 1.02-1.33) and greater intima-media thickness (beta=+0.020, P<0.01).
72  lipoprotein testing did not predict carotid intima-media thickness better than traditionally measure
73 as noted between efflux capacity and carotid intima-media thickness both before and after adjustment
74 imum internal and mean common carotid-artery intima-media thicknesses both predict cardiovascular out
75     Both toxins were associated with carotid intima-media thickness, brachial artery reactivity-glyce
76 e by 24 Agatston units per year (SD 58), and intima-media thickness by 12 mum per year (10), before a
77 ed to lipoprotein results determined carotid intima-media thickness by B-mode ultrasonography.
78  calcium by computed tomography, and carotid intima-media thickness by ultrasound.
79 e performance of several measures of carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT) as predictors of cardiova
80  plaque and for the extent of carotid artery intima-media thickness (CaIMT).
81 5% confidence interval, 0.74-0.98) and lower intima-media thickness (carotid bulb beta=-0.024, P=0.00
82 osclerosis, such as increased carotid artery intima-media thickness, carotid arterial wall stiffness,
83 noglobulin G (IgG) level with carotid artery intima-media thickness, carotid artery distensibility, Y
84 d) intakes slows 12-mo common carotid artery intima media thickness (CCA IMT) progression, compared w
85 luded changes in right common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) and new focal carotid a
86                Data on common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) were available for 846
87 ted the association of common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) with snoring sounds in
88 nd HIV-specific correlates of common carotid intima media thickness (CCIMT).
89 d the association with common carotid artery intima-media thickness (cCIMT) using multivariable linea
90 determined by measurements of common carotid intima-media thickness (cCIMT, >80th percentile), intern
91 ve symptoms, were positively associated with intima-media thickness change.
92  and anger expression were each unrelated to intima-media thickness change.
93 Pollutant exposures were not associated with intima-media thickness change.
94 ere adjusted for common and internal carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) and natural log-transforme
95                               Common carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) and plaque are subclinical
96                                      Carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) and plaque determined by u
97 t to compare vascular reactivity and carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) between Afro-Caribbean peo
98 y on cardiovascular risk factors and carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) in later life in participa
99                                      Carotid intima media thickness (CIMT) was measured and the preva
100 a prospective 3-year study of carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) (AIDS Clinical Trials Grou
101 y end point was the change in common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) after 1 year.
102  of coronary artery calcium (CAC) or carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) among asymptomatic adults
103 red in newborn blood spot tests, and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and blood pressure (BP) in
104 therosclerosis as measured by carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) and coronary artery calcif
105                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and coronary artery calciu
106 linical atherosclerosis, measured as carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and coronary artery calciu
107 particle (HDL-P) concentrations with carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and incident coronary hear
108                            Increased carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and stiffness are associat
109                 We evaluated whether carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) and the presence or absenc
110 alcification (CAC) and common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) are measures of subclinica
111 s underwent baseline measurements of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) as part of the Atheroscler
112                          Trials with carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) as primary end point may i
113 n to estimate percent differences in carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) at baseline (2004) and use
114  years, we report the differences in carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) at baseline between childr
115           Participants with abnormal carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) had higher Lp-PLA2 mass an
116                       Measurement of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) has been validated as a me
117 dence that measurement of the common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) improves the risk scores i
118 ceptibility to arsenic exposure, and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in 959 subjects from the H
119 ic intima-media thickness (aIMT) and carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in adolescents and young a
120 plus lipids for predicting high-risk carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in adulthood.
121 on, risk factors, and progression of carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) in late-middle-aged indivi
122                               Carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) is a marker of coronary at
123                               Carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) is a measure of subclinica
124                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) is a subclinical measure f
125                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) is a widely accepted marke
126                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) measurements have been use
127 ildren's Health Study on whom carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) measurements were also col
128 osclerosis, determined by ultrasound carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) measurements, in young adu
129 point was progression of mean distal carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) over 18 months in the modi
130 ogression and/or cause regression of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) over 2 years.
131                               Carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT) was measured and distensib
132 ood pressure, heart rate, and carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT) were assessed.
133 computed tomography, and common and internal intima-media thickness (cIMT) were measured by carotid u
134                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), a subclinical measure of
135 ed cross-sectional associations with carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), adjusting for subject-spe
136 oronary artery calcium (CAC), common carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), aortic distensibility, an
137 ured by progression of common carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT), in adults with type 1 dia
138                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT), presence of carotid plaqu
139 ome was the rate of change in carotid-artery intima-media thickness (CIMT), which was measured every
140 f niacin over ezetimibe on change in carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT).
141 nd point was annual change in carotid artery intima-media thickness (CIMT).
142 e less impairment of vascular reactivity and intima media thickness compared with UK Caucasian people
143 g: 1) carotid and brachial artery diameters, intima-media thickness, compliance, and distensibility;
144  blood glucose, periodontal disease, carotid intima-media thickness, coronary artery calcification sc
145 e independently associated with carotid bulb intima-media thickness cross-sectionally (P=0.02).
146 ciated with greater 3-year change in carotid intima-media thickness (DeltaR(2) = 0.026, P = .002), ev
147 ociated with the rate of increase of carotid intima-media thickness during adulthood in individuals w
148 ng electrocardiogram, measurement of carotid intima-media thickness, echocardiography, measurement of
149 3 to 6.1 +/- 0.3 m s(-1) (P = 0.03), carotid intima media thickness from 0.43 +/- 0.01 to 0.37 +/- 0.
150               Participants with carotid wall intima-media thickness greater than or equal to 2.5 mm o
151 cal atherosclerosis markers (CAC >0; carotid intima media thickness &gt;/=1 mm) predicted CHD events.
152 ining significant plaque, defined as maximal intima-media thickness &gt;/=0.5 mm, at week 36 (n=220).
153 al-3BP) with carotid plaque formation (focal intima-media thickness &gt;1.5 mm) over 7 years.
154                      The risk of having high intima-media thickness (&gt;85th percentile) was nearly 2-f
155              Patients with increased carotid intima-media thickness had stiffer vessels and a greater
156                        Common carotid artery intima-media thickness has been associated with the inci
157 n men; 0.80 versus 0.76 mm in women) carotid intima-media thickness, higher coronary artery calcium p
158 (CAC) and common and internal carotid artery intima media thickness (IMT) and whether prior informati
159 and DI-RISK in 152 healthy subjects; carotid intima media thickness (IMT) was assessed as a marker of
160                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and brachial artery flow-me
161 d LDL, are associated with increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and cardiovascular events i
162                                              Intima-media thickness (IMT) and carotid plaques, define
163 ing B-mode ultrasound measurement of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and computed tomography mea
164 on carotid ultrasound to measure the carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and plaque in 631 RA patien
165             Outcomes were changes in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and plaque.
166                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and the presence of carotid
167 to investigate whether NT was related to the intima-media thickness (IMT) and to atherosclerotic plaq
168 etween youth and adulthood on carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) and type 2 diabetes mellitu
169                                              Intima-media thickness (IMT) and vascular stiffness have
170 ound assessment of the common carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) during or after PE has not
171  child and adult BP levels on carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) in adulthood.
172  study was to identify predictors of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in HIV patients at baseline
173 to a standardized stress battery and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in the Kuopio Ischemic Hear
174                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) is a marker of subclinical
175                     Increased carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) is a noninvasive marker of
176 s have provided evidence that carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) is associated with increase
177 ought to determine whether increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) is related to reduced regio
178 (CAC), carotid plaque, and increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) may indicate elevated cardi
179  known clinical atherosclerosis, had carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) measured using ultrasound.
180                                              Intima-media thickness (IMT) measures of the common caro
181  ages 40 to 49 years was conducted to assess intima-media thickness (IMT) of the carotid artery, coro
182                                              Intima-media thickness (IMT) of the common and internal
183 he average yearly change in the mean maximal intima-media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid arter
184  Endothelial Pulse Amplitude Testing index), intima-media thickness (IMT) of the right common carotid
185                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) was acquired and measured b
186                                      Carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) was assessed by ultrasound.
187  In 3 separate analyses, mean carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT) was regressed on tertiles o
188                  Common and internal carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) were measured by B-mode ult
189 lcification, and internal and common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) were measured.
190 e level is associated with increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), a measure of subclinical a
191 d with increased common carotid artery (CCA) intima-media thickness (IMT), a measure of subclinical a
192 pler ultrasound to assess plaque and carotid intima-media thickness (IMT), computed tomography, magne
193 surements included carotid- and femoral-wall intima-media thickness (IMT), flow-mediated vasodilatati
194 rmal carotid artery compliance and increased intima-media thickness (IMT), markers of early atheroscl
195 erosclerosis manifested by increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT).
196 a role in metabolic dysregulation or carotid intima-media thickness (IMT).
197 sclerosis, measured as common carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT).
198 4, was independently associated with carotid intima-media thickness (IMT).
199  SLE to identify carotid plaques and measure intima-media thickness (IMT).
200 GF-AB), body composition, and carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT).
201 rminations of cIMT from the IMPROVE (Carotid Intima Media Thickness [IMT] and IMT-Progression as Pred
202 an established biomarker of atherosclerosis (intima-media thickness [IMT] by echo-color Doppler) in a
203 Moreover, there was no difference in carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood between MHO children
204                             Further, carotid intima-media thickness in adulthood was lower in MHO chi
205  [interquartile range, 0.45-0.56 mm]; aortic intima-media thickness in ART, 0.64 mm [interquartile ra
206                    Findings from the Carotid Intima-media Thickness in Atherosclerosis using Pioglita
207                      Finally, in the Carotid Intima-media Thickness in Atherosclerosis using Pioglita
208 circumference and blood pressure had greater intima-media thickness in both EDIC years (P = 0.02 to <
209 uartile range, 75-94 mm Hg]; P<0.001; aortic intima-media thickness in controls, 0.52 mm [interquarti
210 ated with both the effects of dalcetrapib on intima-media thickness in dal-PLAQUE-2 (P=0.009) and eve
211 ion and childhood blood pressure and carotid intima-media thickness in the Children's Health Study.
212 sted P=0.004) and with common carotid artery intima-media thickness in the Framingham Heart Study (P=
213 sociated with the 6-y progression of carotid intima-media thickness in those with impaired fetal grow
214 ed with a slower rate of increase in carotid intima-media thickness in those with impaired fetal grow
215 gation did not improve prediction of carotid intima-media thickness in young adults and may not be us
216 measures (coronary calcium score and carotid intima media thickness) in an independent sample cohort
217                                              Intima-media thickness increased progressively from the
218 to cardiovascular disease, including carotid intima-media thickness, left atrial volume index, monocy
219 0.54 (SD, 0.12) for CVD, followed by carotid intima-media thickness &lt;25th percentile (DLR, 0.65 [SD,
220  Coronary artery calcium score of 0, carotid intima-media thickness &lt;25th percentile, absence of caro
221  and 52 869 participants with common carotid intima-media thickness measured by ultrasonography withi
222 ry albumin:creatinine ratios, common carotid intima-media thickness, measures of adiposity, and infla
223                                         Mean intima-media thickness (mIMT) > 0.5 mm was used to defin
224 rol and Complications Trial (DCCT) underwent intima-media thickness (n = 1015) and coronary artery ca
225 (n(e) = 1,328); CAD (n(e) = 12,716), carotid intima-media thickness (n = 3,714), and angiographic CAD
226 ardiovascular outcomes, but only the maximum intima-media thickness of (and presence of plaque in) th
227 clerosis, coronary artery calcification, and intima-media thickness of the carotid artery in men aged
228 ernal carotid artery (7.6%, P<0.001) but not intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery (0.0
229                                              Intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery (CCA
230 arbon, a correlate of traffic particles, and intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery (CIM
231                         We measured the mean intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery and
232 lar disease with a 1-SD increase in the mean intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery was
233         Internal carotid artery stenosis and intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery were
234 ex increased significantly after addition of intima-media thickness of the internal carotid artery (7
235 of the common carotid artery and the maximum intima-media thickness of the internal carotid artery in
236      With the presence of plaque, defined as intima-media thickness of the internal carotid artery of
237 e corresponding hazard ratio for the maximum intima-media thickness of the internal carotid artery wa
238                                              Intima-media thickness of the left common carotid artery
239 d Institute HIV-CVD Collaborative to measure intima-media thickness of the right far wall of the comm
240                                              Intima-media thickness of the walls of the common caroti
241          The change from baseline in carotid intima-media thickness on ultrasonography at 6 and 12 mo
242 tid arterial compliance, superficial femoral intima media thickness or endothelium-independent dilata
243 r coronary artery calcium score than carotid intima-media thickness or ankle-brachial index in subjec
244           Compared with inclusion of carotid intima-media thickness or ankle-brachial index, inclusio
245 Carotid atherosclerosis, measured as carotid intima-media thickness or as characteristics of plaques,
246                                   Changes in intima-media thickness or calcium scores were not associ
247 es of change in either common carotid artery intima-media thickness or coronary artery calcium nor di
248  as >/=1 of the following: increased carotid intima-media thickness or stenosis, left ventricular hyp
249       FGF-23 was not associated with carotid intima-media thickness or stroke.
250 oronary disease events, but not with carotid intima-media thickness or stroke.
251 onary artery calcification, internal carotid intima-media thickness, or the ankle brachial index.
252 ther drug had significant effects on carotid intima-media thickness, other cardiovascular markers, th
253 fficacy regarding the change in mean carotid intima-media thickness over 14 months (P = 0.003), leadi
254 , 0.662 to 0.871]) for prediction of carotid intima-media thickness (P > 0.2).
255 25(OH)(2)D had significantly greater carotid intima-media thickness (P < 0.0001) and calcification (P
256 ntricular (LV) mass (p = 0.001), and carotid intima-media thickness (p < 0.0001); there was also sign
257 of both mean (P = 0.001) and maximal carotid intima-media thickness (P < or = 0.001 for all compariso
258 pheral arterial stiffness (P = .02), carotid intima-media thickness (P = .04), and reduced ocular per
259 metrics was inversely associated with aortic intima-media thickness (P<0.0001) and directly associate
260 associated with the effect of dalcetrapib on intima-media thickness (P<0.05).
261 e of carotid plaques (P<0.001) and increased intima-media thickness (P=0.01).
262  allele carriers also showed reduced carotid intima-media thickness (P=0.010) and lower prevalence of
263 CAC (P=1x10(-)(12)) and 1.4% reduced carotid intima-media thickness (P=4x10(-)(14)) in carriers compa
264 oronary artery calcium [CAC] scores, carotid intima-media thickness, peripheral arterial disease, and
265                         Truncal fat, carotid intima-media thickness, plasma inflammatory biomarkers,
266        Echocardiography, carotid ultrasound (intima-media thickness), pulse wave velocity, and Dopple
267 y associated with an increase in the carotid intima-media thickness (R = -0.31, P < 0.001).
268 limit of normal (n = 44) had greater carotid intima-media thickness, stiffer vessels, and increased c
269  lipoprotein cholesterol with Carotid artery intima-media thickness strengthened with age.
270 ficant increase in blood pressure and aortic intima-media thickness (systolic blood pressure in contr
271 orted to correlate more closely with carotid intima-media thickness than HDL cholesterol concentratio
272 PA variants were not associated with carotid intima-media thickness, they were associated with the nu
273 ry (low, intermediate, or high) after adding intima-media thickness values.
274 sure, no effect of CNI withdrawal on carotid intima media thickness was found.
275 g/m(3) higher long-term exposure to PM2.5 in intima-media thickness was -0.9 mum per year (95% CI -3.
276                        The rate of change in intima-media thickness was 0.010 mm/year in the placebo
277 024, ankle-brachial index was 0.036, carotid intima-media thickness was 0.102, family history was 0.1
278                                              Intima-media thickness was also higher in males and hype
279                                       Aortic intima-media thickness was assessed at 12 mo by high-res
280                                 Mean carotid intima-media thickness was assessed by B-mode ultrasonog
281                                              Intima-media thickness was assessed by intravascular ult
282                                      Carotid intima-media thickness was assessed in 2001 (at ages 24-
283 iable models, the 6-y progression of carotid intima-media thickness was inversely associated with die
284                                       Aortic intima-media thickness was lower in the low-GI group tha
285                                  The carotid intima-media thickness was markedly decreased, with a su
286                   METHODS AND Carotid artery intima-media thickness was measured at baseline and 3 ye
287                        Common carotid artery intima-media thickness was measured by ultrasound in all
288                                              Intima-media thickness was not related to ADM single nuc
289 significantly higher internal carotid artery intima-media thickness was observed in men with definite
290 s significantly (P<0.001) faster and carotid intima-media thickness was significantly (P<0.0001) grea
291                                         Mean intima-media thickness was significantly lower in the Ja
292 s, coronary artery calcium (CAC) and carotid intima media thickness were each separately added to the
293 lood pressure monitoring and measurements of intima media thickness were performed at baseline and af
294                                   Changes in intima-media thickness were not detected until 2 years a
295                                              Intima-media thicknesses were measured by ultrasound bio
296 clerosis (coronary artery calcium or carotid intima-media thickness) were compared across risk strata
297 n causes a significant regression of carotid intima-media thickness when combined with a statin and t
298 d hyperlipidemia was associated with greater intima-media thickness with intensive but not convention
299 (n = 214) showed a 2.01% decrease in carotid intima-media thickness with statins, compared with 1.02%
300 iastolic blood pressure, and reduced carotid intima media thickness, with changes all on par or great

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