


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                      The magnitudes of these intracomplex bindings are confirmed by theoretical (ab i
2 the equivalence is attributable to gating by intracomplex conversion among a conformational ensemble.
3 sh bridging interactions, a set of strategic intracomplex distances from FRET experiments, and the mo
4 e findings add the unprecedented function of intracomplex electron shuttling to large-scale domain mo
5                                              Intracomplex electron transfer (ET) occurs most often in
6 differs by approximately 1000-fold and rapid intracomplex electron transfer (ET) occurs only at the h
7               We report rapid photoinitiated intracomplex electron transfer (ET) within a "charge-dis
8             Redox titration of flash-induced intracomplex electron transfer also showed the associati
9 e different docking configurations (DCs) for intracomplex electron transfer between cytochrome f and
10  rapid photooxidation of heme c, followed by intracomplex electron transfer from cytochrome c1 to hem
11                        The rate constant for intracomplex electron transfer from heme c to Cu(A) was
12 sidue, Trp(143), to Phe or Ala decreased the intracomplex electron transfer rate constant k(a) by 450
13 dissociation below 150 mM ionic strength and intracomplex electron transfer to the oxyferryl heme at
14                                              Intracomplex electron transfer was studied using a cytoc
15 rsible binding between partners that undergo intracomplex ET and found to encompass the full range of
16 t) >> k(off), and both mutants exhibit rapid intracomplex ET from the triplet excited state to Fe(3+)
17                                          The intracomplex ET rate constants for both CS and CR are in
18 , in turn, could orchestrate the sequence of intracomplex ET required for substrate reduction.
19 oxyl group and two water molecules and in an intracomplex hydrogen bond between the other hydroxyl gr
20 ave on average more interactions, especially intracomplex interactions, than its non-essential protei
21 xchange pathways allowing the most efficient intracomplex interactions.
22 elated progression in the rate constants for intracomplex (k(et)) and bimolecular (k(2)) ET.
23  complex 1 and mTOR complex 2 via inter- and intracomplex loops, new mTOR regulators, and new inhibit
24                         It further modulates intracomplex motions of the two partners.
25 odular property, we found that the number of intracomplex or intraprocess interactions that a protein
26 st the gating hypothesis with studies of the intracomplex oxidation of Fe(red) by MoFe protein in the
27 e ionic strength is raised above 100 mM, the intracomplex phase disappears, and a new phase appears d
28 However, this excited complex may undergo an intracomplex proton transfer from one urea N-H fragment
29 complex which in the excited state undergoes intracomplex proton transfer, to give the poorly emissiv
30 er from photoreduced heme c to Cu(A) with an intracomplex rate constant of k(a) = 4 x 10(4) s(-1), fo
31                               The respective intracomplex rate constants are k(uni) (1.2 +/- 0.1) x 1
32                           The aforementioned intracomplex reaction is not a simple electron-transfer
33 ugh conventional analysis procedures because intracomplex singlet ET quenching causes the triplet-gro
34 e likely arose from an IFT-B-like complex by intracomplex subunit duplication.

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