


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                           Here, we show that intracortical administration of NR but not NAD(+) reduce
2 ncreased postsynaptic activity of long-range intracortical afferents or scaling K(+) leak current, bu
3  combined with CSD-MUA coherence to identify intracortical alpha current generators and assess their
4  discharges induced in the limbic network by intracortical and brief arterial infusions of either bic
5 al circuits, they assist in consolidation of intracortical and extracortical circuits.
6 s of synapse formation, and establishment of intracortical and intercortical connections.
7                          In patients, T2* in intracortical and leukocortical lesions was increased co
8 al only seizures when compared to those with intracortical and scalp seizures (50% and 25% death or s
9 l neurons are essential components of local, intracortical and subcortical circuits and are specified
10 evoked potentials (MEPs) and the activity in intracortical and subcortical pathways targeting an intr
11                 How they are integrated into intracortical and thalamo-cortico-thalamic circuits is i
12 suggesting different connectivity models for intracortical and thalamocortical circuits.
13                                              Intracortical and WM injury are concomitant pathologic p
14 yers 2-4 by enhancing thalamocortical, early intracortical, and late intracortical response component
15  reduction in the vessel wall pulsatility of intracortical arterioles and widespread loss of perivasc
16  post-training disruption of piriform cortex intracortical association fiber synapses, hypothesized t
17 g in mouse brain slices, we demonstrate that intracortical axon collaterals and en passant presynapti
18 se of slender-tufted ones display less dense intracortical axon projections (total length, 31.6 +/- 1
19         By reconstructing the 3D patterns of intracortical axon projections from individual slender-
20 ed of 0.1-0.3 m/s, congruent with horizontal intracortical axons speed.
21 ulate incoming sensory information via their intracortical axons targeting the major thalamorecipient
22            Here we report a high-performance intracortical BCI (iBCI) for communication, which was te
23 er, current research into the development of intracortical BMIs has focused on subjects with largely
24 ed using his own cortical signals through an intracortical brain-computer interface (iBCI).
25                    We employed a closed-loop intracortical brain-computer interface learning paradigm
26                                              Intracortical brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) aim to res
27                                              Intracortical brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) may eventu
28                      High ACh levels depress intracortical but facilitate thalamocortical synapses, w
29           Moreover, elevated osteoclasts and intracortical/calvarial porosity is exacerbated by overe
30 hanced tomography we show exemplar data with intracortical capillaries uncovered at sub-micrometre le
31                                We found that intracortical cholinergic inputs to mouse visual cortex
32 ated into the developing thalamocortical and intracortical circuit.
33 the thalamus, with a substantial role of the intracortical circuit.
34  SPNs are an integral part of the developing intracortical circuitry and thereby can sculpt thalamoco
35 required for the developmental refinement of intracortical circuitry or whether this maturation is gu
36 orward inhibition, in concert with recurrent intracortical circuitry, produces tactile suppression.
37 and CMEPs, respectively) and the activity in intracortical circuits (suppression of voluntary electro
38 evoked potentials (MEPs) and the activity in intracortical circuits (suppression of voluntary electro
39 sual cortex has two distinct origins - local intracortical circuits and spontaneous activity in the r
40                   Because during development intracortical circuits are spontaneously active, our res
41 ise from the convergence of thalamic inputs, intracortical circuits could also be involved in thalamo
42 r PAS25 alone, MEP amplitude increased while intracortical circuits did not change.
43 bate is centered over whether feedforward or intracortical circuits generate SM, and whether this res
44  subcortical subsystems, suggesting that the intracortical circuits immediately upstream of spinal co
45 tial (MEP) amplitude, recruitment curve, and intracortical circuits including short-interval intracor
46 ural field simulations based on a scaling of intracortical circuits reproduce our empirical observati
47  we were able to identify cell type-specific intracortical circuits that may encode whisker motion an
48                  We optogenetically silenced intracortical circuits to isolate thalamic inputs to lay
49 and differential recruitment by afferent vs. intracortical circuits, dependent on cell class--suggest
50 ere no specific changes in motor thresholds, intracortical circuits, or recruitment curves.
51 interhemispheric projections between S1s and intracortical circuits, probably from somatosensory and
52 fect produced by PAS10 with little change in intracortical circuits.
53 ntaneous activity within thalamocortical and intracortical circuits.
54  defects in axonal growth and in ipsilateral intracortical-collateral formation.
55 attern sensitivities, and how they depend on intracortical connections and contextual inputs.
56  mediated by orientation-specific changes in intracortical connections and further improvement of tha
57 were generated to provide an overview of all intracortical connections and subnetwork clusterings.
58 g are influenced by both the organization of intracortical connections and the statistical features o
59 inhibitory synaptic plasticity of horizontal intracortical connections contributes to functional reor
60 inputs were unaltered by DE, whereas lateral intracortical connections in L2/3 were strengthened, sug
61                          Previous studies of intracortical connections in mouse visual cortex have re
62                               A total of 240 intracortical connections were manually reconstructed wi
63 dundancy of neural representation and sparse intracortical connections-we derive a network architectu
64 bition; and (4) simple spatial properties of intracortical connections.
65 rganization of thalamocortical and recurrent intracortical connectivity.
66 functional maturation of thalamocortical and intracortical connectivity.
67 ss of thalamic and a concomitant increase in intracortical connectivity.
68 , with 42.9% of these seizures noted only on intracortical depth EEG and in some cases lasting for ma
69 prospective multicenter study of surface and intracortical depth electroencephalography (EEG) was per
70 nitoring, including invasive measurements of intracortical (depth) EEG (dEEG), partial pressure of ox
71                                        Using intracortical EEG we show that after selective removal o
72 and fast patterns of inhibitory inputs using intracortical electrical stimulation.
73                                  We analyzed intracortical electroencephalographic (EEG) and multimod
74 imary visual cortex (V1) using fMRI (7T) and intracortical electrophysiology.
75 ls, underlying which are well-matched purely intracortical excitation and inhibition.
76 t was slightly elongated and was expanded by intracortical excitation in an approximately proportiona
77 mic inputs to layer 4 neurons and found that intracortical excitation linearly amplified thalamocorti
78 off-optimal frequencies, while sharply tuned intracortical excitation shortens it selectively at the
79    Attenuation of ascending sensory, but not intracortical, excitation leads to axo-dendritic morphol
80                However, our understanding of intracortical excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs
81                                        Thus, intracortical excitatory circuits faithfully reinforce t
82                                We found that intracortical excitatory circuits preserved the orientat
83                                  We silenced intracortical excitatory circuits with optogenetic activ
84 rm cortex pyramidal cells also receive dense intracortical excitatory connections, and the relative c
85 apses accompanied by a transient increase in intracortical excitatory connections.
86 ons, which also receive temporally prolonged intracortical excitatory input as well as feedforward in
87  with a reduction in the strength of lateral intracortical excitatory inputs to A1-L2/3.
88 genetically isolated the thalamocortical and intracortical excitatory inputs to individual layer 4 ne
89 thin PV interneurons to restrict the loss of intracortical excitatory synaptic input following MD in
90  in rs222747 exhibited larger short-interval intracortical facilitation (a measure of glutamate trans
91 inhibition was accompanied by an increase in intracortical facilitation (P < .01) and motor-evoked po
92 and adolescents is associated with increased intracortical facilitation and excessive glutamatergic a
93                                              Intracortical facilitation and long-term potentiation-li
94 pressed patients had significantly increased intracortical facilitation at interstimulus intervals of
95 bility was assessed with motor threshold and intracortical facilitation measures.
96 osite was seen in women with epilepsy, where intracortical facilitation was greatest and intracortica
97  was greatest in the follicular study, where intracortical facilitation was increased (p<0.05).
98 F of active MS subjects, and correlated with intracortical facilitation, an accredited TMS measure of
99 es, short-interval intracortical inhibition, intracortical facilitation, and long-interval intracorti
100 ng-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI), intracortical facilitation, and short-latency afferent i
101 mine short-latency intracortical inhibition, intracortical facilitation, and the contralateral silent
102 ortical inhibition, accompanied by increased intracortical facilitation, indicating cortical hyperexc
103 nalyses did not reveal group differences for intracortical facilitation.
104  short-interval intracortical inhibition and intracortical facilitation.
105 ativity, caused by either thalamocortical or intracortical fast AMPA-receptor excitation, leads to mo
106  amplitudes of event-related fluctuations in intracortical field potentials at the time of the impera
107 lity of the corticocortical axons and normal intracortical gamma-aminobutyric acid inhibition in cont
108            Finally, we identified a possible intracortical homolog of the "object-related negativity"
109  conduit were inserted in the vicinity of an intracortical human U87MG glioblastoma xenograft, a sign
110                         The authors compared intracortical (IC) and leucocortical (LC) lesion counts
111       Cortical GM lesions were classified as intracortical (IC, only involving GM) and leucocortical
112                                          The intracortical implant occurred on Dec 1, 2014, and we ar
113 r microarrays that can be used as monolithic intracortical implants, fabricated from an optically tra
114                                              Intracortical infusion of nAChR antagonists showed that
115 or posterior parietal cholinergic inputs, by intracortical infusions of the cholinotoxin 192 IgG-sapo
116 tracortical inhibition (SICI), long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI), intracortical facilitat
117 P = 0.46) or GABA(B) activity (long-interval intracortical inhibition (LICI); Experiment 1: r = -0.47
118                               Short interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) of motor cortex, measure
119 xamine inhibition by means of short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) of the contralateral pri
120 ls, input-output (IOcurve) and short-latency intracortical inhibition (SICI) recruitment curves, as w
121           After acute stroke, short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI) was reduced over both mo
122 racortical circuits including short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), long-interval intracort
123 asured the effects of a CS on short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI).
124 inter-stimulus interval (ISI) short-interval intracortical inhibition (SICI); Experiment 1: r = 0.33,
125 s of neural processing, including changes of intracortical inhibition and cortical excitability.
126 hreshold, input/output curve, short interval intracortical inhibition and cortical silent period.
127  active motor thresholds, and short-interval intracortical inhibition and facilitation.
128  magnitude and time course of short-interval intracortical inhibition and intracortical facilitation.
129 e demonstrate increased active long-interval intracortical inhibition and prolonged cortical silent p
130 ures probably involving GABAB (long-interval intracortical inhibition and the cortical silent period)
131                                Short-latency intracortical inhibition can be considered as a paramete
132 sode patients showed a reduced short-latency intracortical inhibition compared with healthy control s
133 strating that the topographic arrangement of intracortical inhibition contributes to the speed of hum
134                                              Intracortical inhibition decreased and F-wave amplitude
135                                              Intracortical inhibition decreased during precision grip
136 hase of the response, as a signature of fast intracortical inhibition detectable with VSD imaging, in
137 A transporter expression, these findings put intracortical inhibition forward as an important regulat
138 essing to dynamic changes in the strength of intracortical inhibition from parvalbumin-expressing (PV
139           While in rat somatosensory cortex, intracortical inhibition has been demonstrated to declin
140                         Since GABAA-mediated intracortical inhibition has been shown to underlie plas
141 ant with recently reported deficits in short intracortical inhibition in ADHD and suggests a GABAergi
142 d significantly with age, confirming reduced intracortical inhibition in elderly subjects.
143 etween signs of spasticity and long-interval intracortical inhibition in patients with SCI.
144                 Further, there was increased intracortical inhibition in primary motor cortex under h
145 on of corticospinal axons and short-interval intracortical inhibition in the first dorsal interosseou
146  Interhemispheric inhibition between S1s and intracortical inhibition in the S1 modulated the amplitu
147 red pulse paradigms: short and long interval intracortical inhibition in the same hand muscle as abov
148              The magnitude of short-interval intracortical inhibition increased in controls but not i
149              Previous proposals suggest that intracortical inhibition is responsible for surround sup
150 his result suggests that a potential role of intracortical inhibition is to reduce information redund
151                                 We show that intracortical inhibition of mammalian target of rapamyci
152                       Reduced short interval intracortical inhibition on the side of the lesion may r
153 was measured with cortical silent period and intracortical inhibition paradigms.
154 modeling further revealed that broadly tuned intracortical inhibition prolongs the integration time f
155 n increased the amplitude of the P25/N33 and intracortical inhibition reduced the amplitude of the P2
156                   In all sensory modalities, intracortical inhibition shapes the functional propertie
157                               There was less intracortical inhibition targeting the first dorsal inte
158 e of baclofen decreased active long-interval intracortical inhibition to similar levels as controls b
159  proprioceptive input to reduce GABA(A)ergic intracortical inhibition using paired-pulse transcranial
160              The reduction of short-interval intracortical inhibition was accompanied by an increase
161                               Short-interval intracortical inhibition was decreased during voluntary
162  intracortical facilitation was greatest and intracortical inhibition was least in the luteal studies
163                                              Intracortical inhibition was more reduced during power g
164                                     Notably, intracortical inhibition was more reduced during power g
165 esponse was almost absent and short-interval intracortical inhibition was reduced compared with norma
166         In secondary dystonia short interval intracortical inhibition was reduced on the affected sid
167                     Mean (SD) short-interval intracortical inhibition was significantly reduced in pa
168 ched controls, whereas resting long-interval intracortical inhibition was unchanged.
169  To further examine the origin of changes in intracortical inhibition we assessed the contribution of
170 ntracortical facilitation, and long-interval intracortical inhibition were unchanged.
171 cal silent period) and GABAA (short-interval intracortical inhibition) receptors, which are inhibitor
172 1s (interhemispheric inhibition) and within (intracortical inhibition) the iS1 at rest and during ton
173 ) and GABAa-ergic inhibition (short-interval intracortical inhibition), which are seen in dystonia, n
174              In addition, (1) short-interval intracortical inhibition, (2) nonlinear complexity of th
175 ot occur in adolescence because of increased intracortical inhibition, a phenotype that was mimicked
176                               Short-interval intracortical inhibition, a TMS-EMG measure of synaptic
177 matic reduction or absence of short interval intracortical inhibition, accompanied by increased intra
178                      A startle cue decreased intracortical inhibition, but not CMEPs, during power gr
179 matic carriers, a decrease in short-interval intracortical inhibition, compared to presymptomatic car
180 tributed this functional decline to weakened intracortical inhibition, especially GABAergic inhibitio
181                                              Intracortical inhibition, in the motor cortex where iMEP
182 r cortex was used to determine short-latency intracortical inhibition, intracortical facilitation, an
183           Recruitment curves, short-interval intracortical inhibition, intracortical facilitation, an
184 nscranial magnetic stimulation, paired-pulse intracortical inhibition, spinal motor neuron excitabili
185 tability variables, including short-interval intracortical inhibition, were measured in patients with
186 ity within cortical motor areas, and altered intracortical inhibition.
187 d this positively correlated with changes in intracortical inhibition.
188  inhibition, as quantified by short interval intracortical inhibition.
189 d this positively correlated with changes in intracortical inhibition.
190 ively, L3 neurons receive substantially more intracortical inhibition.
191                            The importance of intracortical inhibitory circuits in setting the feature
192 tical excitability with particular regard to intracortical inhibitory networks in antipsychotic-naive
193 .027) or the cortex of mice that received an intracortical injection of zymosan A (0.62 +/- 0.22 %ID/
194 rcase-reaching task and then received either intracortical injections of AAVshPTEN to delete PTEN or
195 c silencing, we show that the recruitment of intracortical input, rather than olfactory bulb input, l
196 put relayed from the periphery and recurrent intracortical input.
197  which neurons in the granular layer receive intracortical inputs from nearby cells, whereas supragra
198 lar layers of cortex may combine with other, intracortical inputs to drive their postsynaptic target
199 forward (FF) processing and also strengthens intracortical inputs to primary visual cortex (V1).
200 nsory cortices integrate thalamocortical and intracortical inputs.
201 tions suggests the involvement of long-range intracortical interactions in this D1 effect.
202                                              Intracortical interactions play a major role in all aspe
203  that Sip1 is essential for the formation of intracortical, intercortical, and cortico-subcortical co
204 e the chemotactic cytokine CXCL12 to promote intracortical interneuron migration and growth of thalam
205             In patients, we measured, T2* in intracortical lesions and in the intracortical portion o
206  studies, we focused on mirror properties of intracortical LFPs recorded in the PMv and M1 hand regio
207 onse function through recurrent polysynaptic intracortical loops and for the surround suppression thr
208 ent-related potential (MRP), investigated as intracortical low-frequency LFP activity (<9 Hz), was mo
209                                              Intracortical M1 excitability was measured using paired
210 illation can be counteracted by compensatory intracortical mechanisms and that the sleep slow oscilla
211 l amplification and disamplification provide intracortical mechanisms for prioritization, Mather and
212 cortical (TC) afferents, as well as indirect intracortical mechanisms.
213 keys (Macaca mulatta) were implanted with an intracortical microelectrode array in the leg area of th
214              We used a chronically implanted intracortical microelectrode array to record multiunit a
215                              He received two intracortical microelectrode arrays in the hand area of
216 s with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis who had intracortical microelectrode arrays placed in motor cort
217 overed that rats with chronically indwelling intracortical microelectrodes exhibited up to an incredi
218                                              Intracortical microelectrodes have shown great success i
219                  We implanted two 96-channel intracortical microelectrodes in the motor cortex of a 5
220                High-frequency, long-duration intracortical microstimulation (HFLD-ICMS) is increasing
221 he delivery of high-frequency, long-duration intracortical microstimulation (HFLD-ICMS) to primary mo
222                              This study used intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) and electromyograp
223 ession of forelimb movement responses during intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) and movements of t
224                                              Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) and recording of e
225 phic activity into proportional subthreshold intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) during hours of un
226       Consistent with this general function, intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) in the PM of suffi
227                                              Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) is a powerful tool
228 lling of artificial tactile feedback through intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) of the primary som
229                                              Intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) studies have provi
230 ed circuit analysis combining layer-specific intracortical microstimulation (ICMS), CSD analysis, and
231 d smaller maps derived using high-resolution intracortical microstimulation (ICMS).
232 hing cortical areas of a "decoder" rat using intracortical microstimulation (ICMS).
233  an artificial tactile sensation produced by intracortical microstimulation (ICMS).
234 ontact events can be signaled through phasic intracortical microstimulation at the onset and offset o
235 ity coactivation by GCaMP3 were confirmed by intracortical microstimulation but were more difficult t
236 (RWA), based on its differential response to intracortical microstimulation compared with the caudal
237 ility for the difference in effectiveness of intracortical microstimulation is that long trains activ
238 mals were randomly selected for perilesional intracortical microstimulation mapping and tissue sampli
239 inished as a result of NPT, as revealed with intracortical microstimulation mapping.
240 tact location, pressure, and timing--through intracortical microstimulation of primary somatosensory
241                              Single stimulus intracortical microstimulation of the primary motor cort
242  to use an initially unfamiliar multichannel intracortical microstimulation signal, which provided co
243          We used paired-pulse protocols with intracortical microstimulation techniques in sedated fem
244 vement domains within M1, we used long-train intracortical microstimulation techniques to evoke movem
245                                      We used intracortical microstimulation to map motor cortex in tw
246                                              Intracortical microstimulation, Micro-PET and histologic
247  rats respond to both whisker deflection and intracortical microstimulation, suggesting that the infr
248 ensor to their somatosensory cortex (S1) via intracortical microstimulation.
249 the insular cortex in behaving monkeys using intracortical microstimulation.
250 imb movements in motor cortex as assessed by intracortical microstimulation.
251 endent reduction in the number of functional intracortical microvessels (radii of 20-80 mum) has been
252 ections into the cortex, but also on dynamic intracortical modulations by specific forms of inhibitio
253 as, whose initial territory is determined by intracortical molecular determinants.
254                                 However, how intracortical myelin content evolves during development,
255 in-mapping technique thus seems sensitive to intracortical myelin content in normal development and a
256  mainly indicating that the higher degree of intracortical myelin is associated with greater performa
257                      The results showed that intracortical myelin maturation was ongoing until the la
258 e used MRI to measure cortical thickness and intracortical myelination in 297 population volunteers a
259 st GABA type B (GABA(B))-mediated inhibitory intracortical networks.
260 that obtains safety information regarding an intracortical neural interface device, and investigates
261                             Here, we studied intracortical neuronal dynamics leading to propofol-indu
262  the background EEG and worse for those with intracortical only seizures when compared to those with
263    Lesions were classified as leukocortical, intracortical, or subpial.
264 f 0.007-0.014 m/s, suggesting a polysynaptic intracortical origin.
265 , to map in vivo the spatial distribution of intracortical pathology in multiple sclerosis.
266 ith 3 days of MD, and then the influences of intracortical polysynaptic inhibitory and excitatory syn
267 red, T2* in intracortical lesions and in the intracortical portion of leukocortical lesions visually
268 mphasizing the importance of state-dependent intracortical processing in hearing.
269 gonists showed that enhancement of CF-evoked intracortical processing involves alpha4beta2*, but not
270 ved sensory cortices to shift between FF and intracortical processing to allow adaptation.
271 were strengthened, suggesting a shift toward intracortical processing.
272 in favor of FF information at the expense of intracortical processing.
273                            Results show that intracortical projections across the hand-face border ar
274 lts from the coordinated action of layer six intracortical projections to superficial layers and deep
275 ns despite the presence of the more abundant intracortical projections.
276 e kinematics that were being generated using intracortical recordings from two people with tetraplegi
277                                          How intracortical recurrent circuits in mammalian sensory co
278 um show characteristic signatures of altered intracortical relationships compared with those at the o
279 alamocortical, early intracortical, and late intracortical response components.
280 sponses, nicotine suppressed shorter-latency intracortical responses to spectrally distant (non-CF) s
281 eceptor subtypes regulate non-CF-evoked late intracortical responses.
282 al features of sensory processing such as an intracortical reverberation during the processing of vis
283                                              Intracortical seizure-associated increases in global bra
284                                              Intracortical seizures were accompanied by elevated hear
285                                              Intracortical seizures were seen in 38% of patients, and
286  disorganization related to inhomogeneity of intracortical signal intensity.
287 em is less feedforward and more dominated by intracortical signals than previously thought, (2) inter
288                                              Intracortical somatosensory interfaces have now entered
289                                 In contrast, intracortical stimulation of L2/3 evokes strong inhibiti
290  by auditory or electrical (thalamocortical, intracortical) stimulation while randomly varying the in
291 x and hippocampus through dorsal and ventral intracortical streams, but this has not been shown direc
292 t cortical areas are organized into distinct intracortical subnetworks.
293                    Furthermore, we find that intracortical synapses dominate odor-evoked excitatory t
294 uring postnatal development, many excitatory intracortical synapses switch from strong depression dur
295 ical synapses, whereas low levels potentiate intracortical synapses.
296 e to explore the role of thalamocortical and intracortical synaptic cooperativity (the number of coin
297 ntrinsic and synaptic mechanisms that divide intracortical synaptic excitation from L2/3 to L5B into
298  we investigated the spatial distribution of intracortical synaptic inputs to SPNs in vitro in mouse
299  leaving meningeal Cxcl12 intact, attenuates intracortical TCA growth and disrupts tangential interne
300 ssessing the number and size distribution of intracortical vessels.

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