


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ns was seen both in animals trained under an intraoral acquisition procedure and those trained with b
2 f flavorings and detergents and their higher intraoral alkalinity are strongly implicated as the caus
3                                              Intraoral autogenous bone also does not appear to signif
4 ovine bone (n=3 sites), DFDBA (n=2 sites) or intraoral autologous bone (n=1 site).
5  study indicate that bovine bone, DFDBA, and intraoral autologous bone do not promote extraction sock
6                                              Intraoral autologous bone, xenogenic bone, and DFDBA app
7                                           An intraoral biopsy is necessary to confirm a definitive di
8  in each hemisphere, and were implanted with intraoral cannulae.
9                                      Because intraoral capsaicin is reported to reduce the perceived
10 stribution of brainstem neurons activated by intraoral carbonated water.
11                          For determining the intraoral carrier state of patients with periodontitis,
12 due to FRP or administration of multifaceted intraoral chlorhexidine treatments ora combination of bo
13 w of medical history and close monitoring of intraoral conditions are critical for patients with a hi
14 shell were optogenetically stimulated during intraoral delivery of a taste cue signaling delayed coca
15               Recently, we developed a novel intraoral denture system for rodent research.
16  positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines or intraoral devices.
17 ach of 25 subjects was used to determine the intraoral distribution of A. actinomycetemcomitans clone
18 al missile entry points, 7 (38.9%) displayed intraoral entry points, and 3 (16.7%) displayed pericran
19 iterature, demonstrate the need for thorough intraoral examination and investigation of any unexplain
20                            Using genetic and intraoral examination data from 386 children and 706 adu
21                                              Intraoral examination determined hypodontia of right sec
22                                              Intraoral examination revealed a thick biotype with an a
23                                          The intraoral examination was remarkable for numerous painle
24                                              Intraoral examinations to assess oral health were perfor
25                                Surprisingly, intraoral feeding also was dramatically reduced after th
26 he neurologically intact controls, decreased intraoral food intake and had elevated plasma glucose in
27  vivo were subjected to different periods of intraoral function.
28 ghly statistically significant reductions in intraoral halimeter values versus baseline (all P<0.001)
29                             Baseline average intraoral halimeter values were 45.91 and 41.75 for the
30 ndent on integration between the implant and intraoral hard/soft tissue.
31 surgical complications can arise: infection, intraoral hemorrhage, wound dehiscence, postoperative pa
32 itioning occurs using taste delivery through intraoral (I/O) infusions.
33                                              Intraoral immunization also induced IgA and IgG antibody
34 en a single conditioning trial consisting of intraoral infusion of 5 ml 0.15% sodium-saccharin follow
35 en a single conditioning trial consisting of intraoral infusion of 5-ml 0.15% sodium-saccharin follow
36  taste reactivity (TR) was videotaped during intraoral infusion of 7 ml of either quinine (3 mm) or d
37 reased the number of FLI-neurons elicited by intraoral infusion of quinine compared with water-stimul
38 of the solitary tract (NST) activated by the intraoral infusion of quinine using Fos immunohistochemi
39 am-vagotomized rats rejected all of the test intraoral infusion of sucrose.
40     One week after surgery, rats received an intraoral infusion of sucrose.
41       Following recovery, their responses to intraoral infusions (0.23ml in 1min) of dH2O, sucrose (1
42 esponses recorded myographically during 15-s intraoral infusions and during 45-s post-infusion period
43                          Specifically, brief intraoral infusions of a cocaine-predictive flavored sac
44                            A series of brief intraoral infusions of flavored diet was delivered to fe
45              Here, naive rats received brief intraoral infusions of sucrose and quinine paired with c
46 tioned taste aversion (CTA) against sucrose, intraoral infusions of sucrose induce c-Fos-like immunor
47 ere correlated with the oromotor response to intraoral infusions.
48                  In this study, we show that intraoral inoculation of mice with Porphyromonas gingiva
49                                              Intraoral manifestations of MMP feature the formation of
50 putative periodontopathogens at 3 minutes of intraoral manipulation was determined in 42 patients wit
51 s may colonize membranes within 3 minutes of intraoral manipulation.
52 ary for taste aversions conditioned with the intraoral method but not for those conditioned using bot
53 dor (conditioned stimulus, [CS]) paired with intraoral milk infusions (unconditioned stimulus, [US])
54                                           An intraoral model placing enamel pieces onto teeth was use
55 l reconstruction and esthetic improvement of intraoral mucosa and perioral skin tissues.
56  to brief noxious heat during quiet wake and intraoral NaCl ingestion.
57                                              Intraoral observation revealed a 9x4-mm area of exposed
58 dy has examined the single-unit responses to intraoral odorant presentation.
59 pithelium significantly reduced responses to intraoral odorants but not to tastants.
60 nt finding that can occur because of various intraoral or extraoral etiologies.
61 s (CLN) were compared with those found after intraoral or subcutaneous (in the neck) administration o
62            Mandibular torus (MT) is a common intraoral osseous outgrowth located on the lingual surfa
63 ere calculated from digitalized standardized intraoral periapical radiographs obtained from natural t
64 raphic alveolar bone loss (ABL), measured on intraoral periapical radiographs with a modified Schei r
65 dard clinical measurements, radiographs, and intraoral photographs were taken over prescribed time po
66 re identified from in-person dental exams or intraoral photographs, and case-control differences were
67                                              Intraoral photographs, study models, and a gingival biop
68 tified from in-person dental examinations or intraoral photographs.
69 garding medical histories, dental histories, intraoral photos, probing depths (PD), calculated clinic
70                        The association of an intraoral piercing with localized periodontitis is not w
71                                              Intraoral plasma cell granuloma is exceedingly rare, alt
72      Patients with chronic periodontitis and intraoral Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis) and T
73 me-resolved expansion rate was combined with intraoral pressure recordings to calculate the instantan
74 e 1 describes the non-surgical management of intraoral psoriasiform lesions and the use of a free gin
75 oral pharmacology, we examined the effect of intraoral quinine administration on nucleus accumbens do
76 decreases in the number of gapes elicited by intraoral quinine stimulation that recovered, but only s
77 l outcome was assessed based on clinical and intraoral radiographic examinations at the recalls after
78                                              Intraoral radiographs (IRs) provide a two-dimensional vi
79 fects when comparing efficacy of CBCT versus intraoral radiographs (IRs).
80 of the present investigation were to analyze intraoral radiographs and to study 1) the distribution o
81  alveolar crestal height (ACH) measures from intraoral radiographs and tooth loss and 2) Centers for
82       Alveolar bone levels were studied from intraoral radiographs of 24 non-hospitalized patients wi
83 tomy (OVX) (n = 6) or sham-operation (n = 6) intraoral radiographs were made at 4-month intervals and
84                                              Intraoral radiographs were taken at baseline and 12 to 1
85                                    Magnified intraoral radiographs were used to assess the distance b
86 that most dentists identify as trabeculae on intraoral radiographs.
87                                     Although intraoral radiography suggested bone fill at the defect
88                                              Intraoral sarcoidosis was confirmed by histologic findin
89 ce every 3 to 4 months without recurrence of intraoral sarcoidosis.
90 ypically considered a dermatologic disorder, intraoral signs of neurofibromatosis occur quite commonl
91 recovery of C. dubliniensis from subgingival intraoral sites and confirms the presence of Candida spe
92        Samples were taken from the following intraoral sites in 35 patients with untreated chronic pe
93                The mean mucosal pH for seven intraoral sites was higher in the transplant group (P=0.
94 isms are consistently isolated from the same intraoral sites, yet S. gordonii fails to be excluded an
95                              The piercing of intraoral structures to accommodate different types of j
96 provided input to the representations of the intraoral structures.
97                                 In contrast, intraoral sucrose and suckling did not increase hindpaw
98 digastric muscle contractions in response to intraoral sucrose infusions.
99  the effects of paroxetine on EMGgg using an intraoral surface electrode during eupnea or room air br
100                               Using a custom intraoral surface electrode to record genioglossal activ
101           OBJECTIVES/METHODS: Using a custom intraoral surface electrode to record pharyngeal dilator
102                               Using a custom intraoral surface electrode to record pharyngeal dilator
103 liva is simple and contains pathogens of all intraoral surfaces.
104 There are limited reports on the outcomes of intraoral surgical therapy in patients with HIV, such as
105 edicine-containing patches and adhesives for intraoral use have led to a new approach for topical ane
106                 It is an approved drug whose intraoral use is an unlabeled indication.
107                                              Intraoral use of ultrasonic scalers may generate aerosol
108 ented with daily use (20 min) of a removable intraoral vibrational device (AcceleDent; OrthoAccel Tec
109 wild-type mice exhibited complete closure of intraoral wounds, while IL-1R1(-/-) animals had only par
110 ntal changes in dentition were analyzed with intraoral X-rays with the use of DIGORA System 2.1.

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