


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                          One intrathymic (25%) and three perithymic (75%) BM recipien
2 a limits thymocyte emigration, leading to an intrathymic accumulation of mature thymocytes within med
3 ditioning resulted in a reduced expansion of intrathymic-administered donor ETPs.
4         We previously showed that the forced intrathymic administration of histocompatible HSCs can s
5 opoiesis of aged mice improved with a single intrathymic administration of low-dose keratinocyte grow
6 ical to transplantation tolerance induced by intrathymic Ag inoculation.
7            Allele-specific quantification of intrathymic AIRE showed that despite its lower expressio
8                 Thus, androgen control of an intrathymic Aire-mediated tolerance mechanism contribute
9             CsA can prevent the induction of intrathymic alloantigen tolerance.
10 l host alloreactive CD8+ T cells and nascent intrathymic alloreactive CD8+ T cells.
11 , by creating thymic space and/or overcoming intrathymic alloresistance.
12 therefore represents a general phenomenon in intrathymic alphabeta T lymphocyte development.
13 rradiated Ly 5 congenic mice by quantitative intrathymic and intravenous bone marrow (BM) adoptive tr
14                                              Intrathymic and peripheral deletion of 2C+ CD8-single-po
15 factor and essential regulator of late-stage intrathymic and post-thymic T cell maturation.
16 thymocyte depletion was occurring through an intrathymic apoptosis mechanism, also prevented by admin
17          This study describes the successful intrathymic autotransplantation of isolated islets using
18                                     Distinct intrathymic B cell subpopulations were identified, namel
19                                        These intrathymic B cells engender Tregs.
20                                          The intrathymic B cells shared features of adult thymic B ce
21  of T-cell development and the appearance of intrathymic B cells, phenotypes consistent with Notch1 i
22         Thus, we present a mechanism whereby intrathymic B cells, through the provision of cognate he
23 vations demonstrate a specific inhibition of intrathymic B lymphopoiesis, which in turn may explain w
24                        Despite the fact that intrathymic B-cell progenitors are bone marrow-derived c
25                                        Three intrathymic BM recipients rejected after 27, 32, and 54
26           Polymerase chain reaction detected intrathymic but not hematopoietic chimerism in sex-misma
27 ) as their sole antigenic disparity and that intrathymic but not i.v. inoculation of TS1 mice with S1
28 s also been implicated in the development of intrathymic, but not extrathymic, intestinal intraepithe
29 rs was detected in mice transplanted via the intrathymic, but not the intravenous, route.
30  BMT can tolerize preexisting peripheral and intrathymic CD4 cells to xenoantigens.
31 c transcription factor Thpok is required for intrathymic CD4(+) T cell differentiation and, together
32  CD40L, with analysis of distinct subsets of intrathymic CD4(+) T cells revealing a differential cont
33 demethylases, Jmjd3 and Utx, in non-dividing intrathymic CD4(+) T-cell precursors.
34                                      Precise intrathymic cell migration is important for thymocyte ma
35 antigen presentation and the coordination of intrathymic cell migration: for example, major histocomp
36  a surface density similar to that on mature intrathymic cells and peripheral splenic T cells.
37 only marker on emigrants not found on either intrathymic cells or mature spleen T cells was CTLA-4, w
38 cellular expansion to ensure that sufficient intrathymic cellular niches are available to support the
39                                   An in situ intrathymic CFSE injection labeled developing thymocytes
40 ance of regulatory mechanisms in addition to intrathymic clonal deletion for the maintenance of toler
41 ion declines, and is most likely mediated by intrathymic clonal deletion of T cells that recognize an
42                          Our data imply that intrathymic clonal fitness is important during T-cell de
43 loped normally in the thymus, because of low intrathymic complement activity.
44 nt on the functional outcomes imposed by the intrathymic constraints of differentiation and self-tole
45  also by closely regulated responsiveness to intrathymic cytokines such as IL7.
46  positive selection and become responsive to intrathymic cytokines such as interleukin 7 (IL-7).
47 hymocytes, but it is subsequent signaling by intrathymic cytokines that specifies CD8 lineage choice
48 d the development of autoreactive T cells by intrathymic deletion and protected the mice from the dev
49 h the avidity of the interaction involved in intrathymic deletion is significantly lower than that in
50 transplantation antigens is achieved through intrathymic deletion of donor-reactive T cells in mixed
51 more than 145 days) and demonstrated ongoing intrathymic deletion of donor-reactive T cells.
52 efects after Ag exposure in the induction of intrathymic deletion of immature CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes, i
53                                      Central intrathymic deletion of newly developing T cells ensued
54 d by a xenogeneic MHC, as well as incomplete intrathymic deletion of thymocytes recognizing host tiss
55 e Ealpha52-68:I-A(b) complex display drastic intrathymic deletion.
56 ewise mild phenotype seen after conditional (intrathymic) deletion of Notch1.
57 at Mtv-17 Sag causes peripheral, rather than intrathymic, deletion of T cells.
58 donor-specific tolerance is due mainly to an intrathymic deletional mechanism in these mixed chimeras
59 thymocytopoiesis is accompanied by a wave of intrathymic dendritic cell formation, these coordinated
60 ce by regulating the frequency and makeup of intrathymic dendritic cells (DCs) required for effective
61 ially, we examined whether AHR activation in intrathymic dendritic cells could mediate TCDD-induced t
62 he enhanced reconstitution capacity of these intrathymic-derived ETPs was corroborated by their signi
63 t for some T-cell functions, but its role in intrathymic development is unclear.
64  transcription factors, is essential for the intrathymic development of CD4+ T cells and for the diff
65               These animals exhibited normal intrathymic development of conventional T cells, but the
66 sly unknown function of costimulation in the intrathymic development of iNKT cells, distinct from tha
67 ls, but they were profoundly impaired in the intrathymic development of invariant NKT cells.
68 MHC class II interaction(s) required for the intrathymic development of long-lived CD4(+) SP cells oc
69 s after in vivo depletion of DCs resulted in intrathymic development of non-T-lineage cells.
70                                              Intrathymic development was blocked within the CD4- CD8-
71                                        After intrathymic development, T cells exit the thymus and joi
72 SP differentiation of thymocytes during late intrathymic development.
73  a mystery, particularly given the rigors of intrathymic developmental checkpoints, successfully trav
74  and MHC class II-induced TCR signals direct intrathymic developmental decisions.
75 on and multiple pre- and post-beta-selection intrathymic developmental defects.
76 ased overall thymic cellularity and impaired intrathymic differentiation at the CD4(-)CD8(-)CD44(+)CD
77 he signal pathways that activate them during intrathymic differentiation from pluripotent precursors.
78 on factors GATA-3 and ThPOK are required for intrathymic differentiation of CD4(+) T cells, but their
79 ly received much attention, but the earliest intrathymic differentiation steps in adult mice have rem
80 eptor (TCR) gene rearrangements during their intrathymic differentiation to become T cells.
81 ction was apparent at the earliest stages of intrathymic differentiation.
82 nd the timing of TCR signaling contribute to intrathymic differentiation.
83                               Persistence of intrathymic donor cells was associated with intrathymic
84 total lymphoid irradiation and perithymic or intrathymic donor-specific BM induced tolerance to renal
85              CTLA4Ig enhances the effects of intrathymic donor-type cell infusion in sensitized rat r
86 d examines why autoantibodies after a single intrathymic drug injection were much more limited in iso
87 anscription in vivo reduced the frequency of intrathymic early T cell progenitors (ETP), but not CTP,
88 ive, c-kit high progenitor cells differ from intrathymic early T cell progenitors (ETPs) by functiona
89 splantation of limited numbers of HSC but to intrathymic events.
90 , but exerts its influence on the subsequent intrathymic expansion and differentiation of iNKT cells.
91 ZF-deficient NKT cells failed to undergo the intrathymic expansion and effector differentiation that
92 dependent, active regulatory mechanism after intrathymic exposure to donor-specific alloantigen and d
93 e show that LTbetaR differentially regulates intrathymic expression of adhesion molecules known to pl
94        Central tolerance is dependent on the intrathymic expression of tissue-restricted peripheral s
95                                              Intrathymic expression of tissue-specific antigens (TSAs
96 henotype, as do adult CD8+ RTE identified by intrathymic FITC injection.
97 -deficient (Tnfrsf11b(-/-)) mice impacts the intrathymic Foxp3(+) Treg pool by enhancing peripheral T
98 C homeostasis is not a rate-limiting step in intrathymic Foxp3(+) Treg production.
99 ase into the blood approximately 1 wk before intrathymic gate opening.
100 c medulla plays an important role during the intrathymic generation of distinct alphabetaT-cell subty
101 atal periods, the medulla is involved in the intrathymic generation of multiple alphabetaT cell linea
102 use models that GVHD results in depletion of intrathymic group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s) necess
103                                    Moreover, intrathymic host immunomodulation combined with administ
104 us in this model, we examined the effects of intrathymic (i.t.) injection of P5-primed alloreactive T
105            These studies suggest that intact intrathymic IL-12 production is necessary for the negati
106 nitial studies we demonstrated that abundant intrathymic IL-12 synthesis occurs during OVA peptide-in
107  mice, and it is hypothesized that decreased intrathymic IL-7 is involved in age-related thymic invol
108                                        Thus, intrathymic IL-7 was required for development of thymic
109 KGF treatment caused increased production of intrathymic IL-7, and the thymopoietic effects of KGF re
110 tered activation of the Th1 response in this intrathymic immune modulation model.
111 B7 T-cell co-stimulation in conjunction with intrathymic immunomodulation on cellular and humoral imm
112 gen, RT.1Aa, we previously demonstrated that intrathymic immunomodulation with donor antigens resulte
113 G alloantibody response seen otherwise after intrathymic immunomodulation.
114 h the "central" immunosuppressive effects of intrathymic immunomodulation.
115 after systemic administration of CTLA4Ig and intrathymic infusion of donor alloantigen, respectively.
116                                     However, intrathymic injection and bone marrow chimera experiment
117 lf-antigen, whereas increasing CS content by intrathymic injection inhibited thymic selection, indica
118                  We have recently shown that intrathymic injection of a combination of immunogenic WA
119 protein tyrosine kinase, ZAP-70, with direct intrathymic injection of a ZAP-70-expressing T cell-spec
120                             We conclude that intrathymic injection of Ag induces apoptosis of immatur
121 This hypothesis is based on the finding that intrathymic injection of allopeptides in the adult anima
122 1a) donors were pretreated (day -14) with an intrathymic injection of alpha(1h)l58-80-RT1.Aa, alpha(1
123 wk-old mice developed thymic chimerism after intrathymic injection of BM cells, and that the levels o
124 n whom gating was synchronized by an initial intrathymic injection of BM cells.
125 on an interventional radiology technique for intrathymic injection of cells or drugs.
126  of T cells to alloantigen can be induced by intrathymic injection of donor-specific antigen in small
127 estine, a pattern of migration visualized by intrathymic injection of FITC and subsequent accrual of
128                                          The intrathymic injection of interleukin-7 prior to irradiat
129                                 We show that intrathymic injection of multipotent hematopoietic stem/
130 hase of acquired thymic tolerance induced by intrathymic injection of myelin Ags.
131                                              Intrathymic injection of OVA leads to apoptosis of thymo
132 T-cell-mediated antitumor immunity following intrathymic injection of progenitor cells harboring a tr
133 (n=4) injection of donor bone marrow (BM) or intrathymic injection of saline (n=5).
134 ins, and NK1.1(+) cells can be obtained upon intrathymic injection of sorted PLZF(+) cells, thus indi
135                                              Intrathymic injection of these progenitors, however, yie
136                                              Intrathymic injection of WF spleen cells (2x10[7]) at th
137                                        After intrathymic injection, donor-derived cells phenotypicall
138                                         Upon intrathymic injection, IL-7R(neg-lo) pro-T cells generat
139                                              Intrathymic injections of DNMAML(-) or DNMAML(+) DN thym
140                                          Two intrathymic injections of procainamide-hydroxylamine (PA
141  Collectively, our findings demonstrate that intrathymic iNKT cell development requires stepwise inte
142           This effect was time dependent, as intrathymic inoculation 60 days before transplantation d
143                             The finding that intrathymic inoculation of an immunodominant WF major hi
144 nor-specific unresponsiveness created by the intrathymic inoculation of donor alloantigen to effectiv
145          These data clearly demonstrate that intrathymic inoculation of donor class I allopeptides in
146 imed thymic DCs isolated from ACI rats given intrathymic inoculation of P5 for 2 days were capable of
147                                              Intrathymic inoculation of splenic T-cells obtained from
148 d reliably in experimental animals following intrathymic inoculation with the relevant donor strain A
149  of studies, we showed that intravenous-like intrathymic-inoculation of in vitro P5-pulsed host myelo
150 ss of thymic ILC3s resulted in deficiency of intrathymic interleukin-22 (IL-22) compared with transpl
151    KGF induced increased numbers of TECs and intrathymic interleukin-7 (IL-7) production and reorgani
152 ted in rodents, and more significantly, such intrathymic islet allografts have been shown to induce r
153                                              Intrathymic islet autotransplantation has been pursued,
154 nine thymus and establish the feasibility of intrathymic islet transplantation in a phylogenetically
155                                              Intrathymic (IT) alloantigen combined with administratio
156  parenchymal fibrosis; isograft controls and intrathymic (IT) animals failed to develop this lesion.
157          ACI recipients were pretreated with intrathymic (IT) injection of 300 microg of the individu
158 e this hypothesis, we studied the effects of intrathymic (IT) injection of a single immunodominant Wi
159                             The finding that intrathymic (IT) injection of an immunodominant peptide
160 is supported by our most recent finding that intrathymic (IT) inoculation of nonimmunogenic synthetic
161 transcriptional checkpoints that control the intrathymic journey of T cell precursors.
162                                              Intrathymic levels of IL-22 were increased after thymic
163 t alphabeta-lineage thymocytes contribute to intrathymic levels of KGF.
164 re signaled by alpha beta TCR engagements of intrathymic ligands.
165    Importantly, FGF21 overexpression reduced intrathymic lipid, increased perithymic brown adipose ti
166 ell integrity and reducing the generation of intrathymic lipid.
167 inguished by their TCR-signaling pattern and intrathymic location and provide a framework for underst
168 d T cell precursors linking extrathymic with intrathymic lymphopoiesis in adult mice.
169 re CD8(lo)CD4(hi) cells could complete their intrathymic maturation and populate the peripheral lymph
170 aracterized block in post-positive selection intrathymic maturation of CD4 T cells.
171 n of the mouse gimap5 gene impairs the final intrathymic maturation of CD8 and CD4 T cells and compro
172                                        While intrathymic MHC expression influences the specificity of
173 d, the premature TCR alpha beta contact with intrathymic MHC molecules further pronounces the block i
174 e phenotypic changes, calcium signaling, and intrathymic migration in a synchronized cohort of MHC cl
175                        Here, we examined the intrathymic migration of human thymocytes in both mouse
176 entifying the chemokine signals that control intrathymic migration patterns.
177 tional knockout mice do not have a defect in intrathymic migration, thymic egress, T cell survival, o
178 e 6th fraction permitted perithymic (n=4) or intrathymic (n=4) injection of donor bone marrow (BM) or
179 es of autoeffector T cells that have escaped intrathymic negative selection for self-MHC class II Ag
180      Despite the demonstration of functional intrathymic negative selection in I-A(12%) mice, transfe
181                                   A profound intrathymic negative selection occurs in 1H3.1 TCR trans
182                Here, we show the increase in intrathymic niches caused by the proliferation of the ep
183 lobes; gate opening occurred only after most intrathymic niches for prothymocytes had emptied; and th
184 iment as being the result of competition for intrathymic niches specifically supporting the DN3 stage
185 by the thymus; 3) competitive antagonism for intrathymic niches; 4) temporally linked generation of t
186                       The relative number of intrathymic NK T cell precursors decline in a linear man
187 nown NKT regulators, CYLD is dispensable for intrathymic NKT cell maturation but is obligatory for th
188 cription factors, mobilized and modulated by intrathymic Notch signaling.
189                                  The cDCs of intrathymic origin were mostly Sirpalpha(-) CD11b(-) CD8
190  that chromatin-reactive T cells produced by intrathymic PAHA created a B cell population primed to s
191                   Mice subjected to a single intrathymic PAHA injection after receiving splenic B cel
192  anti-chromatin Abs developed after a single intrathymic PAHA injection in Fas-deficient C57BL/6-lpr/
193 milarly primed T cells or of B cells without intrathymic PAHA injection of the recipient failed to pr
194 tion after receiving splenic B cells from an intrathymic PAHA-injected syngeneic donor also developed
195                 Furthermore, data suggest an intrathymic pathway of CD4+ Valpha24 NK T cell developme
196                                              Intrathymic peptide inoculation was associated with a do
197 R with an optimal affinity for the selecting intrathymic peptide-MHC complexes.
198 tiated NZB T cell precursors included in the intrathymic pool of CD4(-)CD8(-) cells also exhibited no
199 rrow-derived progenitors to reconstitute the intrathymic pool, these processes facilitate continuous
200                    Compensatory expansion of intrathymic populations can account for at least a part
201 CXCR4 is dispensable for the maintenance and intrathymic positioning of CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, and
202                                              Intrathymic positive selection matches CD4-CD8 lineage d
203 ce self-peptides play a critical role in the intrathymic positive selection of the mature TCR reperto
204  a consequence of the peptide specificity of intrathymic positive selection, mice transgenic for a re
205  These observations suggest that, similar to intrathymic positive selection, the maintenance of the m
206 rtoire diversification occurred by a gain in intrathymic positive selection.
207 al persistence in irradiated hosts and their intrathymic positive selection.
208                                      Whether intrathymic-positive and -negative selection of conventi
209 ion of newly formed T cells does not require intrathymic preactivation, is cell-intrinsic, and correl
210 itor (ETP), which appears to be the earliest intrathymic precursor defined to date.
211 ors constraining new progenitor recruitment, intrathymic precursor expansion, and thymus size remain
212 t was disturbed with a block at the earliest intrathymic precursor stage.
213                                              Intrathymic precursor transfer experiments and the ident
214                                 The earliest intrathymic precursors were CD4(lo)CD8(-)CD25(-)CD44(+)c
215                                     Immature intrathymic precursors were insensitive to an emigration
216 We have investigated the effects of flt3L on intrathymic precursors.
217 ceptibility to type 1 diabetes by regulating intrathymic preproinsulin expression.
218  intrathymic donor cells was associated with intrathymic presence of cells resembling long-term hemat
219 se chain reaction analyses demonstrated that intrathymic production of IL-7 was significantly decreas
220 ipotent progenitors (MPPs), and the earliest intrathymic progenitor (DN1), using 2 in vitro assays an
221 ly in the CD4(-)CD8(-)CD3(-) triple-negative intrathymic progenitor cell population 24 h after exposu
222 mo-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation in specific intrathymic progenitor cell populations.
223                     These data indicate that intrathymic progenitor cells are direct targets of TCDD
224 with reduced progenitor input to the thymus, intrathymic progenitor niches remain unsaturated for at
225 ing experiments using RNA isolated from four intrathymic progenitor populations in which the AHR was
226 e, we study the subpopulation of early human intrathymic progenitors expressing the type IA BMP recep
227 ch1 and Notch3 are coexpressed on some early intrathymic progenitors, the relatively mild phenotype s
228 e compelling evidence that c-Myc mediates an intrathymic proliferation wave immediately after agonist
229 t NKT cells all underwent a phase of intense intrathymic proliferation, whereas adaptive CD4(+) and C
230 populations are efficiently expanded through intrathymic proliferation.
231 on of the cortex for about the first 10 d of intrathymic residence; this region virtually overlaps th
232 he CXCR4-mediated chemorepellent activity of intrathymic SDF-1 contributes to SP thymocyte egress fro
233  the alphabeta fate upon separation from the intrathymic selecting environment, those that express CD
234 nce between these two lineages occurs during intrathymic selection and is thought to be irreversible
235 sary for T cell function is a consequence of intrathymic selection during which T cell antigen recept
236  changes in CXCR4 expression as a marker for intrathymic selection events, and show its role in T-cel
237 s that a reciprocal loss-and-gain pattern of intrathymic selection exists between H-2Kb and H-2Kbm8.
238                                              Intrathymic selection generates a peripheral repertoire
239  multiple self-peptide/MHC complexes directs intrathymic selection of T cells.
240 lly autoreactive CD8 cells that have escaped intrathymic selection.
241 t relied on coexpression of a second TCR for intrathymic selection.
242 nue to express Fezf2 and Aire, regulators of intrathymic self-antigens, and support T-reg development
243                                              Intrathymic self-peptide-major histocompatibility comple
244 role for CD4(+)3(-)RANKL(+) inducer cells in intrathymic self-tolerance.
245 tudy identifies costimulation by CD28 as the intrathymic signal required for clonal deletion and iden
246  TCR on DP thymocytes appears to result from intrathymic signaling, as in vitro culture of these cell
247 ate into CD4+ or CD8+ T cells in response to intrathymic signals that extinguish transcription of the
248 tes is important for self-tolerance, but the intrathymic signals that induce clonal deletion have not
249 tenin expression is stringently regulated by intrathymic signals, it is expressed at the highest leve
250 regulated NF-kappaB DNA binding activated by intrathymic signals.
251 ong five distinct components of the earliest intrathymic stage (DN1, CD25(-)44(+)).
252 and influences the balance of early and late intrathymic stages of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell develop
253 up-regulated between the first two stages of intrathymic T cell development (double negative 1 and do
254 se data suggest a role for CD7 in regulating intrathymic T cell development and in mediating CTL effe
255 ecause thymocytes are seemingly short-lived, intrathymic T cell development depends on continuous imp
256                                              Intrathymic T cell development depends on signals transd
257 hymocytes, the possible role of CD205 during intrathymic T cell development has not been studied.
258                                              Intrathymic T cell development is a complex process that
259                                              Intrathymic T cell development is predicated on the Notc
260 ur data identify novel roles for CCR7 during intrathymic T cell development, highlighting its importa
261 nation according to distinct programs during intrathymic T cell development.
262 ic beta chain, we address several aspects of intrathymic T cell development.
263                                Understanding intrathymic T cell differentiation has been greatly aide
264 s, there is a severe block in all aspects of intrathymic T cell maturation, although both positive an
265 recapitulates critical intermediary steps in intrathymic T cell maturation.
266                                    Decreased intrathymic T cell precursors and decreased generation o
267  genes that are specifically up-regulated in intrathymic T cell precursors as compared with myeloid p
268 pose that intrinsic developmental defects in intrathymic T cell precursors do not contribute to age-r
269                   After our observation that intrathymic T cell precursors expressing a human CD25 re
270 nt models postulate that irradiation affects intrathymic T cell precursors.
271 e influence of MHC molecules, key drivers of intrathymic T cell selection and naive peripheral T cell
272       While analyzing gene expression during intrathymic T cell selection, we found that Zfp67, encod
273 ell receptor (TCR) signals are essential for intrathymic T cell-positive selection, it remains contro
274 elopmental steps linking multipotent HSCs to intrathymic T lineage-committed progenitors is important
275 as seen on double negative thymocytes and on intrathymic T progenitor cells.
276 oietic progenitors in the bone marrow and on intrathymic T progenitor cells.
277  (extrachromosomal DNA circles formed during intrathymic T-cell development) to assess thymus-depende
278 hematopoietic system, HH signaling regulates intrathymic T-cell development, and it is one of the sur
279 d joining gene segments, suggesting abnormal intrathymic T-cell development.
280 at the CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive stage of intrathymic T-cell development.
281 ) homozygotes were fertile, and no defect in intrathymic T-cell differentiation was detected.
282 ages, including T cells, but its function in intrathymic T-cell precursors has been poorly defined.
283 T-cell progenitors (ETPs), the most immature intrathymic T-cell precursors, harvested from the involu
284                                        Thus, intrathymic T-cell production is intimately linked to th
285 n elevated because PI-resistant virus spares intrathymic T-cell production.
286   Double-positive (DP) thymocytes respond to intrathymic T-cell receptor (TCR) signals by undergoing
287 ency in hematopoietic cells earlier than the intrathymic T-progenitor cell stage, despite the depleti
288                                              Intrathymic tolerance to vascularized grafts in large an
289  leading to permanent marrow engraftment and intrathymic tolerization of T cells that develop subsequ
290 -specific generation of Foxp3(+) cells using intrathymic transfer of TCR-transgenic thymocytes expres
291                                     By using intrathymic transfer, we found that the CD25hi subset is
292                                        Using intrathymic transfer, we show that the immature CD8(lo)C
293                                 In contrast, intrathymic transfers after in vivo depletion of DCs res
294 ular barcoding and reporter mice, as well as intrathymic transfers coupled with DC depletion.
295                                     However, intrathymic transfers into nonmanipulated mice, as well
296                                              Intrathymic transplantation and in vitro colony-forming
297 on of specific unresponsiveness secondary to intrathymic transplantation will not be impaired or limi
298                                           In intrathymic-transplanted mice, ongoing thymopoiesis was
299                                              Intrathymic TSHR expression was decreased in individuals
300                                A majority of intrathymic Valpha24 NK T cell progenitors are CD4+, whe
301  histocompatibility barriers is modulated by intrathymic vs intravenous administration of HSCs.

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