


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ion factor Foxp3 develop extrathymically and intrathymically.
2       Finally, we inject skin tissue lysates intrathymically.
3 l of prethymic T cell progenitors as well as intrathymically.
4 lus donor alloantigen given intravenously or intrathymically 21 days before transplantation on the su
5 the question as to whether they are produced intrathymically and the potential role of the thymic str
6 ) differentiation upon immunization occurred intrathymically and was essential for robust tolerance i
7 ll development in DP-BB rats can be detected intrathymically, and thymocytes from DR-BB rats adoptive
8 ive commitment to the DC lineage also occurs intrathymically, as myeloid-primed CD123(+) monocyte/DC
9                    "Natural" Tregs generated intrathymically, based on interactions with a self-pepti
10                 When donor antigen was given intrathymically, both RIB 5/2 and OX-38 resulted in inde
11                T reg cell development occurs intrathymically but a subset of T reg cells can also dif
12                   Such T cells could develop intrathymically, did not show sign of regulatory/suppres
13  Two types of T lymphocytes can be generated intrathymically, distinguishable by either TCR-gamma del
14 ified DN alpha beta TCR+ thymocytes injected intrathymically emigrated from the thymus to the spleen.
15 ts negative selection induced by peptide and intrathymically expressed Ags, resulting in the rescue o
16 Cs) in the normal mouse thymus are generated intrathymically from common T cell/DC progenitors.
17 apoptosis leads to the production of TGFbeta intrathymically from thymic macrophages, dendritic cells
18 ing the thy/hu mouse model support export of intrathymically infected CD8 precursors, while recent in
19 D8 lymphocytes rather than through export of intrathymically infected precursors.
20               In the periphery, T cells from intrathymically injected animals had suppressed prolifer
21 s, suggesting a self-renewal capacity of the intrathymically injected cells.
22  IgM antibody switched to high IgG titers in intrathymically inoculated rats with accelerated or dela
23 olated from animals that had been previously intrathymically inoculated with P5 could induce T-cell t
24     Furthermore, wt progenitors transplanted intrathymically into LN3alphabeta mice proliferated exce
25  and administered by either intravenously or intrathymically into syngeneic ACI recipients of WF card
26                           Graft rejection in intrathymically manipulated recipients that had achieved
27 raft recipients at rejection (7 days) and in intrathymically manipulated recipients that rejected all
28 =5) with acute rejection and allografts from intrathymically manipulated recipients with acute reject
29                            Second, we inject intrathymically peripheral dendritic cells from skin-dra
30         Increasing evidence suggests that an intrathymically programmed process is involved in coordi
31 ly 2 x 104 per day are cells which developed intrathymically, whereas a maximum of approximately 0.8
32                                Rats injected intrathymically with plasmid DNA and treated with anti-l

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