


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 188 patients with coronary disease underwent intravascular ultrasonography.
2 ajor secondary efficacy measures assessed by intravascular ultrasonography.
3  stents, as assessed by both angiography and intravascular ultrasonography.
4  determined by gray-scale and radiofrequency intravascular ultrasonography.
5   A total of 543 patients underwent coronary intravascular ultrasonography and were randomized to rec
6 be classified on the basis of radiofrequency intravascular ultrasonography as thin-cap fibroatheromas
7 velopment of graft vascular disease (GVD) by intravascular ultrasonography at 1 year posttransplantat
8  or matching placebo, and underwent coronary intravascular ultrasonography at baseline (n = 839) and
9 sclerosis progression was measured by repeat intravascular ultrasonography examination in 360 patient
10                          We performed serial intravascular ultrasonography in 1039 patients with coro
11                                 We performed intravascular ultrasonography in 408 patients with angio
12                                 We performed intravascular ultrasonography in 502 patients with angio
13 disease progression was measured by repeated intravascular ultrasonography in 910 patients (77%).
14                                              Intravascular ultrasonography is the preferred means to
15 from baseline to week 78, measured by serial intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) imaging.
16 ex of microcirculatory resistance (IMR); and intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS) of the left anterio
17 que area divided by vessel area) measured by intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS).
18                                              Intravascular ultrasonography provides a unique opportun
19                                              Intravascular ultrasonography showed that the average in
20 dary efficacy variables assessed by means of intravascular ultrasonography showed unfavorable effects
21                                     By using intravascular ultrasonography, the arc lengths of the ou
22 uation, serial quantitative angiography, and intravascular ultrasonography were performed.
23  hospital monitoring led to angiogram and/or intravascular ultrasonography, which confirmed thromboti
24 giographic coronary disease underwent serial intravascular ultrasonography while receiving statin tre

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