


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 within a U87MG xenograft in nu/nu rats after intravenous injection.
2 s achieved 4 weeks after a single AAV9-R735X intravenous injection.
3 ly reduced AAV2 liver transduction following intravenous injection.
4                   LENK itself is inactive on intravenous injection.
5 m Il10(-/-) or Il10(-/-)Tnfr2(-/-) donors by intravenous injection.
6 stribute to the central nervous system after intravenous injection.
7 lcified elastic lamina when administrated by intravenous injection.
8 ake within vessel wall lesions compared with intravenous injection.
9 lies on cell homing to the bone marrow after intravenous injection.
10 directly into the ossicle marrow space or by intravenous injection.
11  bite but not when they were administered by intravenous injection.
12 uspension through intranasal instillation or intravenous injection.
13 xposure of healthy organs when compared with intravenous injection.
14 which was mostly cleared within 10 min after intravenous injection.
15 on scan, (11)C-nicotine was administered via intravenous injection.
16 sociated virus (AAV) 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9 after intravenous injection.
17 tudied with PET in mouse and in monkey after intravenous injection.
18 igated in immune-competent CD-1 mice via the intravenous injection.
19 persist in the bloodstream of mice following intravenous injection.
20 t-echo MR images were acquired 10 days after intravenous injection.
21 eting peptide and infects LNCaP tumors after intravenous injection.
22  the time-activity curves in tumors after an intravenous injection.
23 ssess the biodistribution of the cells after intravenous injection.
24 SB0010853 was assessed ex vivo at 24 h after intravenous injection.
25 4.1.1 did not affect survival in the lung on intravenous injection.
26 ght on f-MWNT's brain distribution following intravenous injection.
27 magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of tumors by intravenous injection.
28 lly improve drug delivery to the brain after intravenous injection.
29 were carried into the brain after peripheral intravenous injection.
30 ult mouse central nervous system (CNS) after intravenous injection.
31 on scan, (11)C-nicotine was administered via intravenous injection.
32 C3 levels in FH-deficient mice 2 hours after intravenous injection.
33 ssion for at least 10days following a single intravenous injection.
34 tion half-life and are given by intermittent intravenous injections.
35 layed a maximal tumor accumulation 3 h after intravenous injection (22 %IA/g), with an excellent tumo
36 , NIH:OVCAR-3) were injected repeatedly (1-3 intravenous injections 7-10 d apart, allowing bone marro
37 , NIH:OVCAR-3) were injected repeatedly (1-3 intravenous injections 7-10 d apart, allowing bone marro
38 urvival in the lungs of mice colonized after intravenous injection, a feature diminished by TF or ZEB
39                      After a single low-dose intravenous injection and a clearance time of approximat
40 y formation in mice when given repeatedly by intravenous injection and does not induce a secondary an
41 the gastrointestinal tract of mice following intravenous injection and readily transmits to cohoused
42    At present, bortezomib is available as an intravenous injection, and its prolonged treatment is as
43  in human xenograft tumors in mice following intravenous injection, and the retention of particles is
44 ed mice by subsequent daily, high-dose FVIII intravenous injection as a model for immune tolerance in
45 atic nerve injection and intraperitoneal and intravenous injection as well as intrathecal injection.
46 mes was evaluated in adult rats after single intravenous injection at dose of 15.2mumoles of phosphol
47 ity were intramuscular tuberculosis therapy, intravenous injections at hospital A, intravenous inject
48                                              Intravenous injections at hospital B and antimalarials w
49 k factors for HTLV-1 seropositivity included intravenous injections at hospitals C or D and transfusi
50 erapy, intravenous injections at hospital A, intravenous injections before 1960, and injections at a
51 paramagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles before intravenous injection, before and following BBB disrupti
52                                 After saline intravenous injection, cardiac contractility was signifi
53                                              Intravenous injection caused an increase of IL-6 in the
54  Patients were given TPCS2a on day 0 by slow intravenous injection, followed by a fixed dose of 15 00
55 enous glyburide was given as a 0.13 mg bolus intravenous injection for the first 2 min, followed by a
56 approximately 8-12 hours, requiring frequent intravenous injections for prophylaxis and treatment of
57                                    Following intravenous injections, GeRPs containing siRNA against p
58 hermore, in vivo miR-126 upregulation (mimic intravenous injection) improved cardiac vascular density
59 d blood clearance and a low background after intravenous injection in cynomolgus monkeys.
60 d-BSA (bovine serum albumin) following their intravenous injection in live rats.
61 onger plasma circulation than free drug upon intravenous injection in mice.
62                                    Following intravenous injection in the tail veins of homozygous M8
63                                         Upon intravenous injection into arthritic mice, tolerogenic D
64 sion to specific neural cell types following intravenous injection into fetal and neonatal mice, usin
65 rbon nanotubes sensors in solution, enabling intravenous injection into mice and the selective detect
66 nd mRNA encoding Cas9, we show that a single intravenous injection into mice induces >80% editing of
67 zed and attached to virus-size particles for intravenous injection into mice that express a CD172a va
68 the native oligourea in the kidney following intravenous injection is consistent with high stability
69 n a human ovarian cancer xenograft following intravenous injection is demonstrated in a live mouse.
70 tration was compared with change produced by intravenous injection (IV), subcutaneous (SC) injection
71 n a mouse xenograft model of HNSCC, a single intravenous injection led to the accumulation of intact
72 s, accumulated in vascular endothelium after intravenous injection, localized in endothelial endosome
73 pe 5 (Ad5) naturally infects the liver after intravenous injection, making it a candidate for hepatoc
74 but still causes brain infection in a murine intravenous injection model, suggesting that the block o
75                        Using heterotopic and intravenous injection models of lung metastasis in mice,
76 eural) injection (n = 4), and systemic MSCs (intravenous) injection (n = 4).
77 boons underwent PET scans of the brain after intravenous injection of (11)C-erlotinib under baseline
78                                        After intravenous injection of (11)C-hydroxytryptophan, a 60-m
79                                        After intravenous injection of (11)C-NOP-1A, 7 healthy subject
80 ual-modality imaging was performed 3 d after intravenous injection of (111)In-DTPA-labetuzumab-IRDye8
81                                  Single-dose intravenous injection of (131)I-CLR1404 significantly de
82 ic small-animal PET imaging for 60 min after intravenous injection of (18)F-AFETP.
83                                        After intravenous injection of (18)F-AZD4694, radioactivity ap
84 roximately 7, 45, 90, 130, and 170 min after intravenous injection of (18)F-CP-18 in 7 healthy human
85  glioma-bearing Fischer 344 rats by means of intravenous injection of (18)F-FBPA-Fr both with and wit
86 rmore, the K1/k2 pharmacokinetic ratio after intravenous injection of (18)F-FBPA-Fr with BBB-D was si
87 rain ratio were significantly elevated after intravenous injection of (18)F-FBPA-Fr with BBB-D.
88 rs and the tumor-to-normal brain ratio after intravenous injection of (18)F-FBPA-Fr with sonication w
89              Acquisition started 1 min after intravenous injection of (18)F-FCH (4.07 MBq/kg of body
90 y) each underwent a 90-min PET scan after an intravenous injection of (18)F-GE-179.
91 iodistribution and radiation dosimetry after intravenous injection of (18)F-MCL-524.
92  whole-body PET/CT scans were obtained after intravenous injection of (18)F-RGD-K5 in 3 rhesus monkey
93              Blood monocytes were labeled by intravenous injection of (19)F-perfluorocarbon emulsion
94  saline (n = 5) by using PET performed after intravenous injection of (64)Cu-DOTA-ECL1i.
95 ody PET scans at different time points after intravenous injection of (64)CuCl2.
96           Patients received a single 150-MBq intravenous injection of (68)Ga-DOTATOC (15 mug of pepti
97 /CT images were acquired 60 +/- 10 min after intravenous injection of (68)Ga-PSMA (mean dose, 176 MBq
98         V/Q SPECT scans were performed after intravenous injection of (99m)Tc-macroaggregated albumin
99 ice (weight +/- SD, 28.2 +/- 2.1 g) received intravenous injection of 0.75 +/- 0.33 MBq of (-)-(18)F-
100 s intravenously administered, followed by an intravenous injection of 1.2 mg/kg lexaptepid or placebo
101                                              Intravenous injection of 1.5 mg/kg ubiquitin or albumin
102 y system before and up to 24 hours following intravenous injection of 10 mg/kg indocyanine green.
103                                              Intravenous injection of 10(6) 5T33 mouse myeloma cells
104 onies were induced in athymic BALB/c mice by intravenous injection of 100 muL of a GW-39 cell suspens
105                   PET/CT was performed after intravenous injection of 132-222 MBq of (68)Ga-DOTANOC.
106                                        After intravenous injection of 193-232 MBq of (64)Cu-DOTATATE,
107 e effects were observed within 90 days after intravenous injection of 250 mg kg(-1) GS-AuNPs.
108                            CP18 uptake after intravenous injection of 250 muCi of 18F-CP18, 24 hours
109 r up to 240 min using a PET/CT scanner after intravenous injection of 299 +/- 22.5 MBq of (18)F-FSPG.
110 ndex 1.3) was performed for 10 minutes after intravenous injection of 2x10(8) lipid microbubbles.
111                                        After intravenous injection of 2x200 microL of a perfluorocarb
112                                              Intravenous injection of 4-[(18)F]fluorobenzoic acid ([(
113 ing a dedicated small-animal US system after intravenous injection of 5 x 10(7) clinical-grade VEGFR2
114 was evident in Purkinje cells after a single intravenous injection of 60 mg/kg.
115 rformed before and after 3 d of treatment by intravenous injection of 7.4 MBq of (18)F-FLT and small-
116 iconductor-based BSGC, starting 10 min after intravenous injection of 740 MBq of (99m)Tc-tetrofosmin.
117  tumor single-cell suspensions in vitro, and intravenous injection of 99mTc-labeled anti-MMR nanobodi
118 milies CYP2D and CYP3A were inhibited before intravenous injection of [(11)C]PD153035 into healthy an
119                                We found that intravenous injection of [Thr(28),Nle(31)]CCK increased
120                   Our data demonstrated that intravenous injection of [Thr28, Nle31]-CCK at a dose of
121 fic-pathogen-free conditions, followed by an intravenous injection of a 0.2-ml suspension of liposome
122  acquisition was performed immediately after intravenous injection of a 5 MBq/kg dose of (18)F-FDG; t
123 y, and the biotin was detected by subsequent intravenous injection of a fluorescent or radiolabeled a
124 the retinal vasculature without the need for intravenous injection of a fluorophore.
125 on of endogenously generated MDA epitopes by intravenous injection of a specific MDA antibody results
126 approximately 2-m-old affected dogs received intravenous injection of a tyrosine-engineered AAV-9 rep
127                                              Intravenous injection of alpha-galactosylceramide activa
128 med 10 d after 5T33 cell engraftment with an intravenous injection of an antimouse CD138 antibody rad
129                                              Intravenous injection of anti-MPO IgG induced glomerular
130 e point, treatment of animals was started by intravenous injection of antithrombin (250 IU/kg body we
131 -negative (n = 2) primary tumors received an intravenous injection of approximately 100 mug ( approxi
132 or growth was significantly inhibited by the intravenous injection of APRPG-miR-499 at such a low dos
133 thelialium-specific activation of miR-195 by intravenous injection of aptamer-agomiR-195 stimulates C
134 ozoites (PfSPZ) inoculated by mosquitoes; by intravenous injection of aseptic, purified, radiation-at
135 fetal liver and thymus tissue (Thy/Liv) plus intravenous injection of autologous liver-derived hemato
136 underwent dynamic whole-body PET/CT after an intravenous injection of BAY 86-7548 (138 +/- 5 MBq).
137                It has been reported that the intravenous injection of bevacizumab leads to an increas
138                                              Intravenous injection of C/EBPalpha-saRNA in a cirrhotic
139                         Here, we showed that intravenous injection of calpain3-expressing vector in m
140 e) than in regular NSG mice 3 weeks after an intravenous injection of CD34 human cord blood cells.
141 t mice); Th1-mediated colitis was induced by intravenous injection of CD4(+)CD45RB(high) T cells.
142 e induced acute hepatitis in C57BL/6 mice by intravenous injection of concanavalin A and then analyze
143                                              Intravenous injection of conoCAP-a in rats caused decrea
144                  From scans before and after intravenous injection of contrast material, we measured
145 nt was observed in the diffuse pattern after intravenous injection of contrast material.
146  this study we investigated the effect of an intravenous injection of corticotropin-releasing factor
147                                 Simultaneous intravenous injection of CXCL9(74-103) with CXCL8 inject
148 a murine model of gout, is highly reduced by intravenous injection of CXCL9(74-103).
149                                       Single intravenous injection of DC nanozymes (5kU of SOD1/kg) i
150 levels of hepatic transgene expression after intravenous injection of dendrimer-coated Ad5-CMV/NIS (d
151         In this study, we show that an acute intravenous injection of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 30 m
152 tial laser to irradiate tumors following the intravenous injection of Dox@PEG-HAuNS (p = 0.002 at t =
153                                              Intravenous injection of DVs caused alternative pathway
154 ation, animals were randomized to receive an intravenous injection of either cholecystokinin octapept
155 erfusion and then 1 d after MCAO received an intravenous injection of either PBS (control, n = 10), P
156                    Bacteremia was induced by intravenous injection of Escherichia coli Bacteremia cau
157 s process, bacteremia was induced in mice by intravenous injection of Escherichia coli.
158 remaster artery laser injury model, a single intravenous injection of exenatide inhibited thrombus fo
159            In vivo experiments revealed that intravenous injection of exosomes harvested after T/HS,
160  stem cells (MSCs) were labeled in vivo with intravenous injection of ferumoxytol (Feraheme; AMAG Pha
161 immunocompetent Sprague-Dawley rats received intravenous injection of ferumoxytol, and 18 Jax C57BL/6
162                           Intramyocardial or intravenous injection of FGF23 in wild-type mice resulte
163 in WT mice was significantly increased after intravenous injection of FHL2(-/-) versus WT EOCs.
164 l models, BRB permeability was quantified by intravenous injection of fluorescein labeled serum album
165 ing, a 2D fundus photograph that requires an intravenous injection of fluorescent dye.
166                                 Furthermore, intravenous injection of FS50 into rats and monkeys elic
167 seudo-metastatic lung mouse model, following intravenous injection of gammadelta T cell, L-ALD or the
168 the preclinical pig kidney transplant model, intravenous injection of GC7 before kidney removal signi
169     T-cell tolerance was induced by means of intravenous injection of hapten conjugated to self-antig
170 ossible way to improve MRCP is using it with intravenous injection of hepatobiliary-specific contrast
171                                     After an intravenous injection of highly purified radiolabeled or
172                                              Intravenous injection of histamine was sufficient to eli
173 ts that did not express NAT, intratumoral or intravenous injection of HSV1716/NAT induced the capacit
174                            The effect of the intravenous injection of IAA on swine rod and cone photo
175                                              Intravenous injection of IL-11Ralpha-CAR(+) T cells into
176                                              Intravenous injection of IL-33 or pulmonary fungal aller
177                                  Remarkably, intravenous injection of IL4I1 into mice with experiment
178                                     In mice, intravenous injection of Lac-GLN containing Cy3-anti-miR
179                  The procedures included (1) intravenous injection of lentiviral TRPC3 channel or non
180                                     A single intravenous injection of LLP2A-Ale increased trabecular
181                                              Intravenous injection of LV12 cells produced more liver
182 The lung metastasis model was established by intravenous injection of MDA-MB-231(HER2)-Luc human brea
183                                              Intravenous injection of MN-anti-miR10b into mice bearin
184  targeting MPO activity were performed after intravenous injection of MPO sensors (bis-5-hydroxytrypt
185                                              Intravenous injection of MPRs into glioblastoma-bearing
186                                              Intravenous injection of MPs from patients with cirrhosi
187                                              Intravenous injection of Ms 9a-1 (0.3 mg/kg) produced a
188                                 Furthermore, intravenous injection of Mvt-1 cells resulted in a great
189                                              Intravenous injection of NAD(+) increased the level of e
190                     C57BL/6 mice received an intravenous injection of nanoparticle-loaded EMPs, free
191                                              Intravenous injection of nanoparticles resulted in non-s
192                                              Intravenous injection of PARPi-FL allowed for high contr
193 /db mice were randomized to receive a single intravenous injection of PBS or 0.5 x 10(6) early-outgro
194                                     A single intravenous injection of PEG-Cp40 resulted in a prolonge
195 ontrolled cortical impact injury received an intravenous injection of PEGylated NP cocktail (20, 40,
196 gen-deficient mice, but could be restored by intravenous injection of plasminogen.
197 st was induced in female large white pigs by intravenous injection of potassium chloride.
198                                              Intravenous injection of ppp-TGF-beta reduced systemic a
199 natal mice (postnatal day 0-1), we show that intravenous injection of rAAV2/9 carrying an eGFP-report
200                                              Intravenous injection of rAAV9 expressing anti-miR-122 o
201                  In this study, we show that intravenous injection of recombinant murine CIRP (rmCIRP
202 stered bleomycin intratracheally followed by intravenous injection of recombinant SCGB3A2.
203                                         Upon intravenous injection of rGluc followed by its substrate
204                                              Intravenous injection of rSV40s, particularly with manni
205                                              Intravenous injection of S1P in anesthetized rats reduce
206                           Following a single intravenous injection of scAAV9-U7ex23 in dKO mice, near
207                            We also show that intravenous injection of singly encapsulated marrow stro
208 high-frame-rate video imaging of mice during intravenous injection of SWNTs and investigated the path
209                                              Intravenous injection of T-bodies reduced tumor size and
210                                              Intravenous injection of tat-cyclotraxin-B dose-dependen
211                                     A single intravenous injection of Tat-N-dimer (3 nmol/g) to mice
212 of external whole tissue radioactivity after intravenous injection of Tc-DTPA represents an accurate,
213 nal radioactivity measurement after a single intravenous injection of Tc-labeled diethylenetriaminepe
214 gnetic resonance imaging was performed after intravenous injection of the activatable MPO sensor (bis
215                                              Intravenous injection of the agent once a week over 2 we
216                                     Finally, intravenous injection of the rAAV-Fkrp vector into a dys
217                                        After intravenous injection of the radioligands in Danish Land
218 biae from the LysM(Cre)/Tgfbr2 KO group, and intravenous injection of the recombinant bFGF to LysM(Cr
219 gnaling in adult Sema3aloxP/loxP mice by the intravenous injection of the recombinant TAT-Cre protein
220 ashout period >/= 4 wk, subjects received an intravenous injection of the same compound (214 nmol).
221                                     A single intravenous injection of the synthetic corticosteroid de
222                                     A single intravenous injection of the synthetic corticosteroid de
223 y reactivate from latency following a single intravenous injection of the synthetic corticosteroid de
224                                        After intravenous injection of the tracer (198.3 +/- 3.3 MBq),
225                                At 24 h after intravenous injection of the tracer (64)CuCl2, the (64)C
226                                At 24 h after intravenous injection of the tracer, uptake was signific
227 ansport a protein to the brain after routine intravenous injection of the transporter-protein mixture
228  The incidence of pulmonary metastases after intravenous injection of TNC knockdown cells was signifi
229                                 In vivo, the intravenous injection of transferrin-bearing dendriplex
230                           However, following intravenous injection of tumor cells, mice lacking PITPa
231                                     A single intravenous injection of VSV-rp30a selectively infected
232                                              Intravenous injection of wheat germ agglutinin lectin an
233                      Six patients received 2 intravenous injections of (223)Ra-dichloride, 6 wk apart
234 TOC (15 mug of peptide) and 2 single 150-MBq intravenous injections of (68)Ga-OPS202 (15 mug of pepti
235           Patients received 2 single 150-MBq intravenous injections of (68)Ga-OPS202 3-4 wk apart (15
236 tee-approved study, healthy rats received 20 intravenous injections of 2.5 mmol gadolinium per kilogr
237 onitored in anesthetized rats in response to intravenous injections of 20% glucose (w/v), 5 U/kg insu
238                                     Multiple intravenous injections of a cDNA library, derived from h
239                                              Intravenous injections of a specific miR-155 inhibitor w
240 illary-associated pericytes were reversed by intravenous injections of adeno-associated viruses (AAVs
241       Anesthetized lambs were embolized with intravenous injections of autologous blood clots or repe
242 onal cholesterol absorption, mice were given intravenous injections of cholesterol D5 and oral choles
243               A discrete cue associated with intravenous injections of cocaine acquires greater contr
244 ring nude mice that received intratumoral or intravenous injections of Dox@PEG-HAuNS, fluorescence op
245           In chow-fed mice, acute or chronic intravenous injections of EDPs induced hyperglycemic eff
246                          Rats received three intravenous injections of either vehicle or IRL-1620 [Su
247 ebral artery occlusion (MCAO) received three intravenous injections of either vehicle or IRL-1620 at
248                                              Intravenous injections of elastin antibody-conjugated BB
249      Mice were given acetaminophen gavage or intravenous injections of fluorescently labeled Escheric
250 not appear to affect adverse event rates for intravenous injections of iopamidol 300 of less than 6 m
251 contrast material warming (37 degrees C) for intravenous injections of less than 6 mL/sec at Duke Uni
252  the last 3 weeks, a subset of rats received intravenous injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 3 mg/
253     Colitis was induced in Rag2(-/-) mice by intravenous injections of naive CD8(+) T cells isolated
254 ging was performed before and 17 hours after intravenous injections of PGC-Gd-DTPA-F, followed by his
255      Long-term prophylaxis with twice-weekly intravenous injections of plasma-derived C1-inhibitor (p
256 andomly assigned (2:1) to receive either six intravenous injections of radium-223 (50 kBq/kg) or matc
257                            Patients received intravenous injections of radium-223, 50 kBq/kg (current
258                                              Intravenous injections of RGD-targeted ECO/sibeta3 nanop
259                  Mice were then given single intravenous injections of T cells engineered to express
260                                They received intravenous injections of TF2, followed by 10 MBq of (11
261                                        Three intravenous injections of the Fcmu-drug conjugate over a
262  in the placebo group) were given one or two intravenous injections of the study drug (1000 units eac
263                                  Three daily intravenous injections of therapeutic siRNA and Dox (1.2
264   Mice with established arthritis received 3 intravenous injections of tolerogenic DCs, mature DCs, o
265 ce with orthotopic mammary breast carcinoma, intravenous injections of well-tolerated bolus and fract
266 Cln3(Deltaex7/8) mice received one systemic (intravenous) injection of scAAV9/MeCP2-hCLN3 or scAAV9/b
267  dose (MTD) of EC145 administered as a bolus intravenous injection or 1-hour infusion in patients wit
268  The radiotracer was administered as a bolus intravenous injection or bolus plus constant infusion (t
269 available cyanide antidotes must be given by intravenous injection over 5-10 min, making them ill-sui
270 howed that after subchronic therapy of three intravenous injections over 5weeks at 2mg/kg, antimiR-14
271  precisely with lower background noise after intravenous injection, owing to the multifunctional resp
272 hritic control joints at 1-720 minutes after intravenous injection (P < 0.05).
273 ficantly after intraperitoneal compared with intravenous injection (P<0.01).
274                                Compared with intravenous injection, pdC1-INH SC injection with CSL830
275                                        After intravenous injection, RCA I bound strongly to tumor ves
276  of nanoparticle contrast agent required for intravenous injection relative to absorption-based x-ray
277             The longer, clinically preferred intravenous injection scheme is sufficiently accurate fo
278  the intervention group, patients received 5 intravenous injections spaced 12 h apart during the firs
279                                    Following intravenous injection, strong MR signal enhancement was
280                           In contrast, after intravenous injection, targeted PEGylation at HVRs 1, 2,
281 are, and are significantly more likely after intravenous injection than after intramuscular injection
282                                        After intravenous injection, the probe was rapidly cleared fro
283                             Through a single intravenous injection, these materials can image microme
284 the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure via intravenous injection to the mothers on open field behav
285 ion-competent vaccinia virus administered by intravenous injection, to target the tumor vasculature,
286                                        After intravenous injection, up to 90% of lipid nanoparticles
287 e 5TGM1-GFP syngeneic tumors generated after intravenous injection via the tail.
288 ighest tumor-to-muscle ratio at 60 min after intravenous injection was found in the untreated animals
289 rves showed a biexponential decrease for the intravenous injection, whereas a slow increase followed
290 retention of GC-PEG-PpIX were realized after intravenous injection, which ensured its effective imagi
291 ctional for systemically delivered siRNA via intravenous injection, which would subject siRNA to seve
292          Four days later, surviving mice had intravenous injection with Candida albicans.
293 ndividuals were inoculated by intradermal or intravenous injection with cryopreserved, isogenic NF54
294                     All subjects received an intravenous injection with lipopolysaccharide.
295                                              Intravenous injection with preformed fibrils from islet
296                                  Here, daily intravenous injections with an alphavbeta3-binding pepti
297  by BCR-ABL1-expressing stem cells following intravenous injection, with leukemogenesis restored by d
298 B-D was significantly higher than that after intravenous injection without BBB-D.
299 used for amyloid plaque detection in vivo by intravenous injection without the need to co-inject an a
300 quid-lipid nanoparticle system (CPA-LLP) for intravenous injection would have desirable pharmacokinet

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