


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1               The DC3 gene, termed ODA14, is intronless.
2 where the protein-coding region is typically intronless.
3                     Only five P450 genes are intronless.
4 ontains 10 introns whereas the hsp70 gene is intronless.
5 Herpes simplex virus genes are predominantly intronless.
6   In addition, five genes in the cluster are intronless.
7 CR5 mRNA isoform whose open reading frame is intronless.
8           RbTI gene was further confirmed as intronless.
9 ther insect globin genes reported so far are intronless.
10 explanation why most early zygotic genes are intronless.
11 ndicates that it contains an unusually long, intronless, 5'-untranslated leader sequence of 715 bp.
12                                   Unlike the intronless alcohol oxidases from methylotrophic yeasts,
13 coded endonuclease I-TevI, which cleaves the intronless allele 23 and 25 nucleotides upstream of the
14  mobile element capable of inserting into an intronless allele of the ltrB gene.
15 oming by making a double-strand break in the intronless allele within a sequence designated the homin
16 by initiating intron homing into its cognate intronless allele.
17 e site-specific insertion of the intron into intronless alleles ('homing').
18                            They retrohome to intronless alleles and retrotranspose to ectopic sites,
19 ease that initiates intron homing to cognate intronless alleles by a double-strand-break (DSB) repair
20 oelements that insert site specifically into intronless alleles by a process called homing.
21 bility to distinguish intron-containing from intronless alleles while maintaining the same conserved
22  addition to "homing" to unoccupied sites in intronless alleles, group II introns transpose at low fr
23 d downstream of the intron insertion site of intronless alleles, preventing the endonuclease from bin
24  maximize the potential to spread to variant intronless alleles, while minimizing cleavage at its own
25 entered on the intron insertion site (IS) of intronless alleles.
26                          We identified these intronless amphibian IFNs and their intron-containing pr
27                  Histone mRNAs are naturally intronless and accumulate efficiently in the cytoplasm.
28                                     They are intronless and do not appear to encode a protein product
29 opy gene that was mapped to chromosome 19 is intronless and encodes a 92-kDa protein that has 77.5% o
30             One of these genes, aggst1-2, is intronless and has been described.
31 lthough Hpr1p is recruited similarly to both intronless and intron-containing genes, low Yra1p and Su
32  suggests that SR45 differentially regulates intronless and intron-containing SARs.
33 tion as ctt-2beta and ctt-9.1; the fourth is intronless and lies between intron bearing genes.
34 tically enhanced SM-mediated accumulation of intronless and lytic viral transcripts.
35                              In addition, an intronless and presumably non-coding, copy of the mESO3,
36                     The chromosome 2 gene is intronless and would encode a protein 100% identical wit
37 regions from two fungal clones, a Mak1 cDNA (intronless) and a genomic (including three fungal intron
38 revealed by the sequence analysis: (a) it is intronless; (b) it has a single nucleotide deletion in t
39 ants, can rescue the said deficiencies under intronless background.
40 ermits efficient cytoplasmic accumulation of intronless beta-globin cDNA transcripts.
41 ce from an otherwise inefficiently expressed intronless beta-globin construct.
42 d between binding hnRNP L and enhancement of intronless beta-globin gene expression.
43 nd A-rich tract to increase the levels of an intronless beta-globin reporter RNA.
44 ced (i) the efficiency of polyadenylation of intronless beta-globin RNA in a cell-free polyadenylatio
45  completely sequenced and found to encode an intronless BHMT pseudogene (mBHMT-ps).
46                                          The intronless C/EBPbeta gene encodes a single mRNA that pro
47 ated intron-containing rhodopsin (sgRho) vs. intronless cDNA in ameliorating retinal disease phenotyp
48 (S) negatively regulates expression of su(s) intronless cDNA transgenes, and the ARMs are required fo
49 h pre-mRNAs, introns, or mRNAs produced from intronless cDNAs.
50                       The small, compact and intronless chloroplast genome (cpDNA) of V. peltata show
51                             Expression of an intronless ckx1 in Pichia pastoris allowed production of
52              This structure differs from the intronless coding region for a homologous receptor, Edg1
53 nlike other known Kv1 family genes that have intronless coding regions, the protein-coding region of
54 r export, whereas the control reporter is an intronless complementary DNA expression cassette.
55 he activities of the PAN-ENE are specific to intronless constructs, since inserting the PAN-ENE into
56 rter enzyme activity 40-fold relative to the intronless control by introducing 11 copies of the more
57 nce of processed pseudogenes: nonfunctional, intronless copies of real genes found elsewhere in the g
58 long arm (Yq) carries hundreds of supposedly intronless copies of Ssty, for which no protein has hith
59 ntrons are lost through gene conversion with intronless copies of the gene.
60                          Reexpression of the intronless copy of dE2F2 in B52-deficient cells restores
61 equence M10 strongly inhibited the export of intronless dihydrofolate reductase mRNA.
62 stence of higher synonymous mutations in the intronless divergents of ReCHS.
63 ene 5.3 of phage T3, located adjacent to its intronless DNA polymerase gene, is a homologous homing e
64           Both of these endonucleases cleave intronless DNA polymerase genes at identical positions.
65 g, the intron reverse splices into a cognate intronless DNA site.
66 A encode endonuclease activities that cleave intronless DNA target sites to initiate mobility by targ
67          Certain group I introns insert into intronless DNA via an endonuclease that creates a double
68 homing" endonucleases cleave both strands of intronless DNA; subsequent repair results in unidirectio
69                          Numerous additional intronless eIF4E pseudogenes were found, but unlike EIF4
70 six introns, but the other gene (EIF4E2) was intronless, flanked by Alu sequences and 14-base pair (b
71 nt for cleavage efficiency and distinguishes intronless from intron-containing alleles.
72  but use different strategies to distinguish intronless from intron-containing substrates.
73 haracterised, DNA ligase IV is encoded by an intronless gene (LIG4).
74 n chromosome 10 encodes Supt4h2, a processed intronless gene (with a polyA tail and a tandemly-duplic
75 sequenced in its entirety and shown to be an intronless gene encoding a predicted 130-amino-acid prot
76                Lem1 was found to be a single intronless gene encoding an acidic 102 amino acid protei
77                              C/EBPbeta is an intronless gene encoding three protein isoforms--LAP1, L
78    The cDNA was found to be identical to the intronless gene found in platelets.
79 oftness protein-1 (Gsp-1) is a small, 495-bp intronless gene found throughout the Triticeae tribe at
80 y general transcription factor encoded by an intronless gene identified thus far.
81                       R9AP is encoded by one intronless gene in both human and mouse.
82 data demonstrate expression of the CKIIalpha intronless gene in megakaryocytes and platelets.
83 have also investigated the expression of the intronless gene in several other cell lines.
84           In humans, DAMAGE is encoded by an intronless gene located at chromosome Xq13.1, a locus th
85                                  Cetn1 is an intronless gene located on chromosome 18A2 that encodes
86                                    STH is an intronless gene that encodes a 128-aa protein with no cl
87                   We found that CRIPak is an intronless gene that localized to chromosome 4p16.3.
88 te the cytoplasmic accumulation of naturally intronless gene transcripts.
89                            Expression of the intronless gene was only found in cell line MEG-01.
90 alysis demonstrates that AtZFP1 is a unique, intronless gene which encodes a 1100 nucleotides mRNA hi
91 cture-functional characterization of a novel intronless gene, BRCC2, located on human chromosome 11q2
92                                   Ier5 is an intronless gene, encoding a serum- and growth factor-ind
93 ound to be 99.7% homologous to the CKIIalpha intronless gene, having the same characteristic amino ac
94           Despite the compact nature of this intronless gene, local linkage disequilibrium between a
95 n two primary tumors we found that Alpha, an intronless gene, rearranges with the first intron of TFE
96 236 (Arg --> His), which is not found in the intronless gene.
97 use Insm1 genomic DNA revealed that it is an intronless gene.
98 criptional arrest and is encoded by a 2.5-kb intronless gene.
99 mitrella patens, ADF is encoded by a single, intronless gene.
100  TUSC1 (tumor suppressor candidate 1), is an intronless gene.
101 terrupted open reading frame and is the only intronless general transcription factor identified so fa
102          We also isolated two highly related intronless genes and determined their chromosomal locati
103  both SM-responsive as well as nonresponsive intronless genes and increases the nuclear accumulation
104 ipt- and genome-level DNA alignments between intronless genes and their corresponding intron-containi
105 dition to Pfam domains; (iii) information on intronless genes are now included in the database; (iv)
106                                    Moreover, intronless genes are often associated with promoter-asso
107  the Acam gene is part of a cluster of three intronless genes arranged in a head-to-tail manner.
108                                              Intronless genes can arise by germline retrotranspositio
109 ic analysis revealed ACTL7A and ACTL7B to be intronless genes contained on a common 8-kb HindIII frag
110 we examined the alternative possibility that intronless genes could be generated by partial DNA-based
111                                              Intronless genes encoding a leucyl aminopeptidase (lap)
112 rease from the 5' to the 3' ends of the four intronless genes examined.
113 mic export, PPE-like elements from naturally intronless genes facilitate polyadenylation as well.
114                                              Intronless genes have often been considered to be retrop
115 the additional genomic clones identified two intronless genes homologous to hPTTG.
116                   Both hFRAT1 and hFRAT2 are intronless genes localized to the same portion of chromo
117 ripts of not only intron-containing but also intronless genes on Drosophila polytene chromosomes.
118                 C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta are intronless genes that can produce several N-terminally t
119             These results suggest that viral intronless genes utilize a similar strategy for intron-i
120 are mobile retroelements that invade cognate intronless genes via retrohoming, where the introns reve
121 dditionally, stop codon-gain variants in two intronless genes were not expressed, an unexpected outco
122 rystallins are encoded in three very similar intronless genes with markedly different 5' flanking seq
123                                 Unlike other intronless genes, 3'end processing of the MC4R primary t
124 ays an unexpected role in mRNA processing of intronless genes, and numerous ABA signaling genes are t
125 ons of intron-containing yeast genes than in intronless genes, and significantly higher folding poten
126          The PRE, PPE and CJE from naturally intronless genes, but not the CTE or RRE from intron-con
127 t of random insertion events into previously intronless genes, on the one hand, or the result of rand
128                                           In intronless genes, the 3' boundary displays gene-specific
129 created four different carboxy ends of these intronless genes, two of which are within the 2q13 locus
130 translated regions [UTRs]) of transcripts of intronless genes.
131 s to the protein-encoding potential of these intronless genes.
132 nes, surprisingly, 340 SARs are derived from intronless genes.
133 ll members of a small gene family are active intronless genes.
134 GeneTack for ab initio frameshift finding in intronless genes.
135 which ORF57 promotes the expression of viral intronless genes.
136          The SS gene sets were enriched with intronless genes.
137  high GC content class is also enriched with intronless genes.
138 tor in expression of these relatively short, intronless genes.
139 re encoded by an unlinked, redundant pair of intronless genes.
140  important for transmission of intron DNA to intronless genomes ("homing"), and are implicated in hor
141 g3 is localized in the 3'UTR of Peg3 with an intronless genomic structure.
142 TP gene in Pan troglodytes and establish the intronless GLTP as a primate-specific, processed pseudog
143                             Orthologs of the intronless GLTP gene were observed in primates but not i
144  by 19 nucleotides, are transcribed from the intronless glutathione S-transferase D21 gene in Drosoph
145 required for the cytoplasmic accumulation of intronless HBV RNAs.
146 ment (PRE) by inducing the expression of the intronless HBV surface message.
147                                 No analogous intronless hDIPP2alpha gene was detected by analysis of
148            Two BACs containing distinct, but intronless, hDIPP2beta genes were cloned.
149 f two endogenous heat-inducible transcripts--intronless heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) and intron-cont
150                          A similar defect in intronless hemagglutinin (HA) mRNA nuclear export was se
151     We identified cis-acting elements in the intronless herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase
152 ter ovary cells showed that expression of an intronless HEXA minigene harboring the frameshift mutati
153 ed for mRNAs from both intron-containing and intronless histone genes.
154 NA sequence polymorphisms, as is the case in intronless homing of free-standing endonuclease genes [3
155  100-fold reduced efficiency relative to the intronless homing site.
156 own three-dimensional structures, which have intronless homologues in bacteria and intron-containing
157 , it was demonstrated that ICP27 bound seven intronless HSV-1 transcripts in both the nucleus and the
158                                          The intronless ht-WNT10B resembles a long non-coding RNA (ln
159 nd megakaryocytes with intron-containing and intronless human vWF promoter-luciferase constructs.
160 in vertebrates and evolutionary dominance of intronless IFN genes in amniotes is a signature event in
161 nes is evident in amphibians, shown by 24-37 intronless IFN genes in each frog species.
162  we show that the emergence and expansion of intronless IFN genes is evident in amphibians, shown by
163               In contrast to MCHR1, which is intronless in the coding region and is located at the ch
164 analysis suggests that ORF57 recruits PYM to intronless KSHV mRNA and PYM then facilitates the associ
165  which raises the intriguing question of how intronless KSHV transcripts are efficiently translated.
166  directly with PYM to enhance translation of intronless KSHV transcripts.
167 RIPD genes identified here were enriched for intronless loci, with a non-uniform distribution that in
168  of which contain novel ORFs, were typically intronless, <2 Kb in length, expressed early during vira
169 tive effect on the cytoplasmic expression of intronless luc RNA, and ribosomal profile analysis demon
170 criptionally activates expression of certain intronless lytic EBV genes.
171  we described several members of a family of intronless mammalian genes encoding a novel class of zin
172 ired for cleavage and polyadenylation in the intronless melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) pre-mRNA.
173        Contrary to the prevailing concept of intronless mitochondria, here we present evidence that m
174 ype of the cox24 mutant in the background of intronless mitochondrial DNA, however, suggests that in
175 ta suggest that the CAR-E promotes export of intronless mRNA by sequence-dependent recruitment of the
176            Surprisingly, two other described intronless mRNA transport elements (from the herpes simp
177 ompt us to suggest that a general feature of intronless mRNA transport elements might be a collection
178 -E) functions in cytoplasmic accumulation of intronless mRNA, we multimerized the most conserved CAR-
179 taining whereas Sp1 preferentially increases intronless mRNA.
180 nds U2 snRNP, although it is derived from an intronless mRNA.
181 e requirements for export of three naturally intronless mRNAs (HSPB3, IFN-alpha1, and IFN-beta1).
182 nd cytoplasmic localization on the naturally intronless mRNAs and a cDNA transcript, which is normall
183 nts SRm160 or RNPS1 boosts the expression of intronless mRNAs but not of spliced mRNAs.
184                   We conclude that naturally intronless mRNAs contain specific sequences that result
185  is essential for stable accumulation of the intronless mRNAs in the cytoplasm.
186 e required for accumulation of the naturally intronless mRNAs in the cytoplasm.
187 led that nuclear export of a large number of intronless mRNAs is impaired in Drosophila-cultured cell
188 ciated herpesvirus (KSHV) expresses numerous intronless mRNAs that are unable to access splicing-depe
189 omplexes showed that dU2AF50 associates with intronless mRNAs.
190 cing factor dU2AF50 in the nuclear export of intronless mRNAs.
191 rotein ICP27 facilitates the export of viral intronless mRNAs.
192 in the nucleus, mediates RNA export of viral intronless mRNAs.
193  factors results in nuclear retention of the intronless mRNAs.
194 inding motifs that promote nuclear export of intronless mRNAs.
195 ccharomyces cerevisiae with either normal or intronless mtDNA background.
196 cause disruption of MNE1 in cells containing intronless mtDNA does not lead to a respiratory growth d
197  homologue of the yeast gene, from which the intronless mUtp14b has been derived by retrotranspositio
198                     AC115 is a small, novel, intronless nuclear gene which encodes a protein of 113 a
199  aba1 gene was found to consist of a single, intronless open reading frame (ORF) of 34,980 bp, encodi
200                                    The 40 kb intronless open reading frame (ORF) predicts a single po
201    Its eyes are supported by highly diverse, intronless opsins expanded by retroposition for broadene
202 ces or neighboring genes are included in the intronless paralog.
203 posed copies (RPCs) of genes are functional (intronless paralogs) or nonfunctional (processed pseudog
204 ng locus, EEF1B2, which maps to 2q33, and an intronless paralogue expressed only in brain and muscle
205 inguishing between processed pseudogenes and intronless paralogues.
206 the two stimulated both intron-retaining and intronless PNMT mRNA and PNMT protein, but to different
207 nt cis-acting element, the ENE, which allows intronless polyadenylated transcripts to accumulate to h
208 cated 3.7 kb upstream of sid1 and encodes an intronless polypeptide of 3,947 amino acids with three i
209  at least in part, by directly recruiting to intronless PPE-containing RNAs cofactors normally recrui
210       4) in the human genome, containing the intronless protein coding sequence of Rac1.
211                 We used transformation of an intronless-psbA strain (IL) to test whether these intron
212 forms, we isolated the mouse PAP gene and an intronless pseudogene from a mouse liver genomic library
213                      In addition to ESO3, an intronless pseudogene highly homologous to ESO3 was foun
214 f PPP1R2 on chromosome 5 is identified as an intronless pseudogene.
215         One such locus, GGTA1P, a processed (intronless) pseudogene (PPG), is present in platyrrhines
216                     In addition, three other intronless pseudogenes of Rac1 on chromosomes 4, 13 and
217  maps to human chromosome 17, with candidate intronless pseudogenes on chromosomes 2, 12, and 20.
218 he td intron endonuclease I-TevI cleaves the intronless recipient 23 and 25 nucleotides upstream of t
219 ay (NMD) factors Upf1, Upf2, and Upf3b to an intronless reporter mRNA.
220                          These sequences are intronless retroposons, which appear to be paralogues of
221 ded locus and several X-linked and autosomal intronless retroposons, which, apparently, comprise both
222 1 expression does not alter the abundance of intronless RNA transcripts or suppress the Ts phenotypes
223  and that Aly/REF stimulates export of viral intronless RNAs but does not cross-link to these RNAs.
224 he histone H2a gene to promote the export of intronless RNAs in both mammalian cells and Xenopus oocy
225 otes expression of a selection of KSHV viral intronless RNAs, it is not a bona fide export factor.
226 0, previously shown to promote the export of intronless RNAs.
227  recruits Aly/REF from spliceosomes to viral intronless RNAs.
228  factor that promotes the transport of HSV-1 intronless RNAs.
229                                     Rh1, the intronless rod opsin gene, first emerged in ancestral Ac
230  with genomic sequence showed that PKDREJ is intronless; sequencing the mouse orthologue revealed a s
231                              The mRNA of the intronless, single-copy CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-b
232      We observed this effect particularly in intronless small genes, many of which are expressed retr
233 otein was produced by a strongly transcribed intronless Ssty transgene, raising doubts as to the prot
234 associated with the COX1 mRNA even within an intronless strain.
235 ing substrates, but efficiently cleaves only intronless substrate.
236  stretch of TS-encoding DNA and cleave their intronless substrates in very similar positions.
237           I-BmoI binds intron-containing and intronless substrates with equal affinity but can nevert
238      We report the identification of a novel intronless SUMO gene, SUMO-4, that encodes a 95-amino ac
239                        The enzyme cleaves an intronless sunY gene near the exon I-exon II junction, t
240 e assay and scanning deletion mutants of the intronless target site, the minimal recognition site was
241 ave one strand on both intron-containing and intronless targets at different distances from their com
242 serted via homologous recombination into the intronless thrombomodulin locus of murine embryonic stem
243             An evolutionary link between the intronless TM/C module of the glycoprotein hormone recep
244             PURG-A mRNA consists of a single intronless transcript of approximately 3 kb.
245                               Strikingly, an intronless transcript, HSP104, also accumulates in nucle
246 he RSL was essential for its activity on the intronless transcript.
247                      Unspliced pre-mRNAs and intronless transcripts are thus inherently poorly expres
248 ting element that increases RNA abundance of intronless transcripts but inhibits assembly of an expor
249  facilitates the cytoplasmic localization of intronless transcripts.
250        I-Ssp6803I cleaves each strand of the intronless tRNA(fMet) gene adjacent to the anticodon tri
251  intron IS, binds both intron-containing and intronless TS-encoding substrates, but efficiently cleav
252 e kinetics of nucleocytoplasmic export of an intronless variant of adenovirus major late leader regio
253 ranscripts synthesized in CV-1 cells from an intronless variant of the human beta-globin gene when pr
254  identified here, to enable expression of an intronless variant of the human beta-globin gene.
255  essential for the homing of Ll.ltrB into an intronless version of ltrB are found exclusively at posi
256                             Expression of an intronless version of sororin and depletion of the cohes
257 sed more effectively in human cells than are intronless versions of the same gene.
258  ICP27 dramatically stimulates the export of intronless viral mRNAs, but has no effect on the export
259 HV) ORF57 facilitates the expression of both intronless viral ORF59 genes and intron-containing viral
260                                  The gene is intronless which may facilitate transcription during cel
261 c level they show differences with one being intronless, while others contain two introns.
262 protein alpha (C/EBPalpha) and C/EBPbeta are intronless, yet can create various N-terminally truncate
263                                          The intronless ZNF127 gene is expressed ubiquitously, but th

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