


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , three female; eight of these patients were intubated).
2  ICU, and 9 of 98 (9%) ultimately decided to intubate.
3 ey rats were anesthetized and endotracheally intubated.
4 nd pain experienced during the time they are intubated.
5  was 63.2 yrs, 36% were female, and 71% were intubated.
6  ICU, or all bone marrow transplant patients intubated.
7 -two patients were not intubated and 92 were intubated.
8  days of intensive care, and many were never intubated.
9 2]; P = .08) between those intubated and not intubated.
10 heir medical ICU stay, whereas 21 were never intubated.
11 ded patients who had brain death or were not intubated.
12 llent correlation (rs = .96 overall, .95 non intubated, 0.85 intubated, all p < .001).
13                  They were more likely to be intubated (2.0% vs. 0.2%; p < .001), but, overall, they
14 ower among intubated patients than those not intubated: 25022 of 43311 (57.8%) vs 25685 of 43310 (59.
15 r in those intubated compared with those not intubated (411/1135 [36%] vs 460/1135 [41%]; risk ratio
16 ower among intubated patients than those not intubated: 4439 of 41868 (10.6%) vs 5672 of 41733 (13.6%
17 s who were intubated compared with those not intubated: 7052 of 43314 (16.3%) vs 8407 of 43314 (19.4%
18 ervention group infants were less frequently intubated (80 infants [74.8%] vs 103 [99.0%]; P < .001)
19                                              Intubating a trauma patient in halo fixation can be extr
20                               Endotracheally intubated adult male Wistar rats (300-450 g) anesthetize
21                               Group 1: Eight intubated adult patients connected to mechanical ventila
22                                Group 2: Five intubated adult patients with adult respiratory distress
23                                  In patients intubated after NIV failed, patients on heliox had a sho
24 n (rs = .96 overall, .95 non intubated, 0.85 intubated, all p < .001).
25                              The decision to intubate an infant was not affected by the workload in t
26                               A total of 890 intubated and 2,914 nonintubated patients were included.
27  the 170 patients enrolled, 127 (74.7%) were intubated and 43 (25.3%) were treated with high-flow nas
28   One hundred six patients were assessed, 46 intubated and 60 nonintubated, resulting in 424 Adapted
29    Three hundred forty-two patients were not intubated and 92 were intubated.
30                      Forty pigs (30 kg) were intubated and challenged via bronchoscopy with a suspens
31                                Subjects were intubated and connected to a tracheal pressure control s
32                            The patients were intubated and evaluated by mainstream end-tidal carbon d
33 that only 10 pneumothoraces occurred (six in intubated and four in nonintubated patients).
34 d and infused with ethanol (EtOH rats), sham-intubated and given no ethanol (SI rats), or reared as u
35                           Neonatal rats were intubated and infused with ethanol (EtOH rats), sham-int
36 atric patients, ages 4, 10, 12, and 13, were intubated and initially managed with positive pressure v
37   Eighteen domestic swine were anesthetized, intubated and instrumented, including placement of a ste
38                      Swine were anesthetized/intubated and instrumented.
39                                       She is intubated and mechanical ventilation is initiated with a
40 le and well tolerated in patients who remain intubated and mechanically ventilated in the postoperati
41                                              Intubated and mechanically ventilated patients (aged >/=
42 d issue single-unit RBC transfusion in adult intubated and mechanically ventilated patients.
43         Pentobarbital-anesthetized pigs were intubated and mechanically ventilated to normocapnia wit
44                            All patients were intubated and mechanically ventilated.
45 arterial pressure devices in place, and were intubated and mechanically ventilated.
46 escue CPAP; infants in whom CPAP failed were intubated and mechanically ventilated.
47                                              Intubated and nonintubated patients admitted to the ICU
48  difference in the pneumothorax rate between intubated and nonintubated patients was statistically si
49 is optimal range were then explored for both intubated and nonintubated patients, adjusting for the s
50  [95% CI, 0.75-1.02]; P = .08) between those intubated and not intubated.
51                                    Pigs were intubated and on mechanical ventilation for 72 hours.
52                                     All were intubated and on prostaglandin, 24 (89%) were inotrope d
53                                    Pigs were intubated and on volume-control mechanical ventilation f
54          Nineteen of the neonates (58%) were intubated and received prostaglandins, and 94% had other
55                            All patients were intubated and receiving multiple catecholamine pressors
56 Mental State Examination were tested on both intubated and tracheostomized ICU patients.
57                                       He was intubated and transferred to a pediatric intensive care
58      Anesthetized, closed-chest piglets were intubated and ventilated for 30 mins with conventional m
59                                 Animals were intubated and ventilated, and their arterial pressures w
60                                 Animals were intubated and ventilated, and their arterial pressures w
61                                       He was intubated and went onto an artificial respirator.
62 lows: Group IS contained sheep that were not intubated and were immediately killed.
63 principal diagnosis, whether the patient was intubated, and by primary insurance type.
64 re anesthetized (30 mg/kg iv pentobarbital), intubated, and cannulated in one femoral artery and vein
65 anesthetized (30 mg/kg pentobarbital, i.v.), intubated, and cannulated in one femoral artery, one fem
66      Young albino rabbits were anesthetized, intubated, and exposed to normoxic, hypoxic, or hyperoxi
67 Rats were anesthetized with isoflurane (2%), intubated, and femoral artery and vein cannulated.
68                      Pigs were anesthetized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated.
69  the ages of 2 and 8 yrs, were anesthetized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated.
70 dium pentobarbital, 30 mg/kg intravenously), intubated, and mechanically ventilated.
71 dium pentobarbital, 30 mg/kg intravenously), intubated, and mechanically ventilated.
72        Animals were anesthetized, paralyzed, intubated, and mechanically ventilated.
73                      Pigs were anesthetized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated.
74 ined both lung volumes in 50 critically ill, intubated, and paralyzed infants (mean age [SEM]), 19.9
75 Piglets with normal lungs were anesthetized, intubated, and paralyzed.
76                 The swine were anesthetized, intubated, and paralyzed.
77 TERVENTIONS: : Animals were anesthetized and intubated, and saline lung lavage was performed.
78 gs, weighing 40 +/- 2 kg, were noninvasively intubated, and the animals were mechanically ventilated.
79 nimals were anesthetized with pentobarbital, intubated, and ventilated, and monitoring catheters were
80        Animals were anesthetized, paralyzed, intubated, and ventilated.
81   By clamping the endotracheal tube of eight intubated, anesthesized dogs, we created repetitive OAs
82                                              Intubated, anesthetized rats underwent normothermic para
83                                              Intubated, anesthetized, hemodynamically stable, spontan
84 s of untreated ventricular fibrillation, the intubated animals were randomized to 8 mins of continuou
85 h high-flow nasal cannula and those who were intubated at acute respiratory distress syndrome onset.
86                                     Patients intubated at any given minute (from 0-15 minutes) were m
87                               Patients being intubated at any given minute were matched with patients
88 imary outcome was the proportion of patients intubated at day 28; secondary outcomes included all-cau
89                   Of these, 72 patients were intubated at some point in their medical ICU stay, where
90 ements, and the decision to keep the patient intubated at the end of surgery.
91 ratory distress syndrome, 106 (23%) were not intubated at the time of meeting all other acute respira
92 s recipient in the intensive care unit (ICU) intubated at transplant.
93           Hypoxic challenges were induced in intubated, awake sheep breathing 100% nitrogen to the le
94                                   Tracheally intubated, awake, and unrestrained patients (group 1, n
95 noninvasive ventilation failure and promptly intubated before a crisis develops.
96  alone in preterm infants who had never been intubated before the study entry were selected.
97            There were no differences in days intubated before tracheostomy (PDT, 12.7 +/- 1.1 days; S
98  torr (< 10 kPa) with an FIO2 of > 0.5 while intubated, bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates on ch
99      In a prospective cohort of consecutive, intubated brain-injured patients, we evaluated daily: in
100 ation were associated with worse outcomes in intubated but not nonintubated patients.
101 common and associated with worse outcomes in intubated but not spontaneously breathing patients with
102                                    Dogs were intubated but spontaneously breathing throughout the exp
103           Thirty-four patients consecutively intubated by the author during the 7-month study period
104  in 104 patients (20 intubated [INT], 84 non intubated) by 59 intensive care unit providers.
105 challenge clearly wrong decisions in a can't-intubate-can't-ventilate scenario.
106 turn to spontaneous ventilation in a 'cannot intubate, cannot ventilate' situation.
107                                A total of 56 intubated children aged between 3 wks and 16.6 yrs who w
108  The most commonly used sedation regimen for intubated children was a combination of opioid and benzo
109 hort (n = 2270), survival was lower in those intubated compared with those not intubated (411/1135 [3
110   Survival was lower among patients who were intubated compared with those not intubated: 7052 of 433
111 s was associated with significantly improved intubating conditions (laryngeal view, p = .014; number
112 a nondepolarizing relaxant provides the best intubating conditions with the minimal potential for adv
113                                  We measured intubating conditions, oxygen saturation during and 5 mi
114                       Seventeen anesthetized intubated control anesthesia patients were also studied.
115 atients with early acute lung injury (n=45), intubated control subjects (n=10), and healthy volunteer
116  between patients with acute lung injury and intubated control subjects.
117                               In chronically intubated critically ill patients, AA successfully eradi
118                                    Other new intubating devices, including the Glidescope, may also p
119 ed and enrolled if they had a written do-not-intubate (DNI) order.
120 documented the patient's code status (do not intubate/do not resuscitate), and one intubated the pati
121 ntrolled ventilation once the effects of the intubating dose of a muscle relaxant have worn off.
122 matic (n = 10) and healthy (n = 10) children intubated during anesthesia for an elective surgical pro
123                             The 112 patients intubated during cardiopulmonary resuscitation were excl
124         A total of 42 patients consecutively intubated during the 15-month study period were studied.
125  the 2294 included patients, 1555 (68%) were intubated during the cardiac arrest.
126 ute severe asthma (n = 10) and from patients intubated electively for nonpulmonary surgery (n = 14).
127 cted within 12 h of intubation from patients intubated emergently for acute severe asthma (n = 10) an
128                    Seventy patients who were intubated for > 48 hrs were randomized.
129                               Among patients intubated for 24 hours or longer, rates of microbiologic
130 lony-forming units/mL or greater in patients intubated for 24 hours or longer.
131         The other 37 patients (27%) remained intubated for a median 3 d (range, 2 to 19).
132 were randomized if: 1) > or = 18 yrs of age, intubated for a minimum of 3 days, and expected to survi
133  was to test the hypothesis that in patients intubated for acute lung injury, lower concentrations of
134 ipients managed in five intensive care units intubated for at least 5 days, and free of invasive cand
135 al lavages were obtained from eight patients intubated for elective surgery and free of lung disease.
136 rom aspirates obtained from patients briefly intubated for elective surgery but were detected by PCR
137                           Five patients were intubated for hypoxemia and four developed the acute res
138 detected by PCR in samples from all patients intubated for longer periods.
139 der than 18 years and were anticipated to be intubated for longer than 48 hours, to spend more than 7
140                       Among the 225 patients intubated for more than 24 hours who experienced a plann
141  and 29 weeks and 6 days' gestation who were intubated for presumed surfactant deficiency and were fr
142 bo (1:1) and treated six times per day while intubated for up to 14 d.
143 ntion: Patients were randomly assigned to an intubated general anesthesia group (n = 73) or a nonintu
144                               Adult patients intubated greater than 36 hours were randomized if they
145 racheal aspirates were performed on patients intubated &gt; or = 48 hrs; 69 patients with newly acquired
146 d decreased significantly if the patient was intubated, had an allogeneic rather than autologous tran
147                     Twelve mongrel dogs were intubated, heparinized and euthanized by pentothal injec
148                            All patients were intubated in the first attempt without major complicatio
149  43314 (60.5%) were matched to a patient not intubated in the same minute.
150 acute respiratory distress syndrome were not intubated in their initial days of intensive care, and m
151 ower respiratory secretions obtained from 10 intubated infants (0-24 mo) with RSV bronchiolitis, and
152 heal aspirate samples were collected from 35 intubated infants of 23-31 weeks of gestation between 8
153  that TLC can be measured by both methods in intubated infants, but with limited agreement in obstruc
154                                        Rats (intubated, instrumented with arterial and venous cathete
155 wborn piglets (n=8/group) were anesthetized, intubated, instrumented, and exposed to 45-minute normoc
156 ervations were performed in 104 patients (20 intubated [INT], 84 non intubated) by 59 intensive care
157 ase scenario (i.e. inability to ventilate or intubate) is so rare that it cannot be studied systemati
158 patients breathing spontaneously, whilst the intubating laryngeal mask airway has demonstrated its us
159  such as the laryngeal mask airway, ProSeal, intubating laryngeal mask airway, Combitube, and larynge
160 aryngoscope, flexible and rigid fiberscopes, intubating laryngeal mask, light wand, and techniques su
161 irway remain the same, but the advent of the intubating LMA (ILMA) and Proseal LMA (PLMA) has provide
162                      Rats were anesthetized, intubated, mechanically ventilated and randomized to sha
163                                           In intubated, mechanically ventilated critically ill patien
164                 Surrogate decision makers of intubated, mechanically ventilated patients in the medic
165 therapy with a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) in intubated, mechanically ventilated patients requires ade
166                                All rats were intubated, mechanically ventilated, and anesthetized wit
167                          Seven anesthetized, intubated, mechanically ventilated, and surgically instr
168 1), and were more often awake and calm while intubated (median, 86% [IQR, 67%-100%] of days vs 75% [I
169 was a prospective cohort study of 102 adult, intubated medical ICU subjects in a tertiary care teachi
170 d on anaesthetized, spontaneously breathing, intubated neonatal rats (postnatal days (P) 3-7), divide
171                 Widespread use of O-SH-GA in intubated neonates might prolong their need for mechanic
172 uation and measurement of the airway wall in intubated neonates.
173 y of intubation was reported, 134 (87%) were intubated on the first or second hospital day.
174 icians and 4 of 108 family members would not intubate or perform CPR even if there was a chance of re
175 ients, 46 ICU patients able to speak, and 30 intubated or tracheostomized ICU patients.
176 re approximately 30%-35% of all patients are intubated or ventilated.
177 ed with alcohol in a binge-like manner, sham intubated, or reared normally.
178                                Rat pups were intubated orally three times per day with or without nic
179  rate of 44 of 67 (65.7%) among patients not intubated (p < 0.001).
180 nimals were anesthetized with pentobarbital, intubated, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated.
181  for 10-15 mins; 20 hrs later, all rats were intubated, paralyzed, and ventilated.
182  specificity in identifying the difficult-to-intubate patient.
183  subsequent 2 wks, head-of-bed elevations of intubated patient beds were measured.
184       Between July 2012 and April 2014, 6861 intubated patient deaths at 68 hospitals were listed on
185                                          All intubated patient deaths at contributing hospitals were
186                           Examination of the intubated patient showed a hard, swollen, bluish scrotum
187 We also analyzed serum from non-lung disease intubated patients (controls) and sepsis-mediated ARDS p
188 dian hours of withholding enteral feeding of intubated patients according to training program type fo
189  but is incomplete and cannot be assessed in intubated patients accurately.
190 cheal aspirate samples were obtained from 32 intubated patients and nucleic acid extracted before PCR
191 be plus a mupirocin/chlorhexidine regimen in intubated patients and standard care in the other patien
192        Failure to assess the verbal score in intubated patients and the inability to test brainstem r
193                                      Because intubated patients are particularly at risk for acquired
194                               Critically ill intubated patients are positioned in the semirecumbent p
195 and bronchoalveolar lavage in endotracheally intubated patients before and after coronary artery bypa
196 delines for withholding enteral feeding from intubated patients before scheduled procedures need to b
197 cessary for withholding enteral feeding from intubated patients before scheduled procedures, especial
198 h of time they withhold enteral feeding from intubated patients before seven scheduled procedures: 1)
199 sity in endotracheal aspirates obtained from intubated patients colonized by P. aeruginosa by using 1
200         Cumulative dose of haloperidol among intubated patients did not change their already high lik
201  of the programs withheld enteral feeds from intubated patients scheduled for magnetic resonance imag
202                     Overall, 9 of 48 (18.8%) intubated patients survived compared with a survival rat
203 ortion of patients with ROSC was lower among intubated patients than those not intubated: 25022 of 43
204 Good functional outcome was also lower among intubated patients than those not intubated: 4439 of 418
205                                      The six intubated patients were extubated successfully to contin
206 ind placebo-controlled study, critically ill intubated patients were randomized if they exhibited sig
207                               Critically ill intubated patients were randomized if: 1) > or = 18 yrs
208 trial, we showed that acquired infections in intubated patients were reduced by the combination of to
209                                              Intubated patients were stratified into 5 mm Hg arrival
210 lternative to open surgical tracheostomy for intubated patients who require elective tracheostomy.
211                                        Fifty intubated patients who were transported from the operati
212                                              Intubated patients with ARDS had the highest prevalence
213 , 1.030; 95% CI, 1.029-1.030) was seen among intubated patients with nonprincipal diagnoses of status
214 teins may be useful as adjunctive therapy in intubated patients with P. aeruginosa colonization or in
215 atients with pneumothorax and two of the six intubated patients with pneumothorax needed chest tubes.
216 ronchoscopic cultures were collected from 62 intubated patients with suspected pneumonia.
217 ibosomal DNA from the bronchial aspirates of intubated patients with suspected pneumonia.
218 highest prevalence of delirium compared with intubated patients without ARDS and nonintubated patient
219 aily chest radiographs were obtained for all intubated patients, 1.026 chest radiographs per patient
220 rds were available for 335 treatments (69 in intubated patients, 266 in extubated patients).
221 n the group receiving the uncoated tube (all intubated patients, 3.8% [37/968; 95% CI, 2.7%-5.2%] and
222  reduction of 35.9% (95% CI, 3.6%-69.0%; all intubated patients, 34.2% [95% CI, 1.2%-67.9%]).
223 e fraction was prospectively measured in 179 intubated patients, a mean (+/-SD) of 10.9+/-7.4 hours a
224                            In critically ill intubated patients, signs of respiratory infection often
225                                           In intubated patients, the amounts of virus recovered in na
226                                           In intubated patients, the use of topical polymyxin/tobramy
227                                        Among intubated patients, those receiving peripheral blood ste
228     Other outcomes were VAP incidence in all intubated patients, time to VAP onset, length of intubat
229 ort which reduces the risk of lung injury in intubated patients.
230 he microbial ecology of airway infections in intubated patients.
231 lated with no standards for drug delivery to intubated patients.
232 sed during hand ventilation for transport of intubated patients.
233 ss rate of NGT insertion in anesthetized and intubated patients.
234 lower morbidity and severity of illness than intubated patients; however, mortality at 60 days was th
235 T can be measured reliably and accurately in intubated pediatric patients using a metabolic monitor.
236 urvival and functional outcome in tracheally intubated pediatric patients with Glasgow Coma Score of
237            Future clinical investigations in intubated pediatric patients with pulmonary disease are
238                                        Eight intubated pigs (ventilated with 12 mL/kg tidal volume, 2
239                                Instrumented, intubated pigs weighing 16 to 27 kg.
240                  Isoflurane anesthetized and intubated pigs were randomized after 8 mins of untreated
241 om a previous randomized study in tracheally intubated pigs with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
242 ced for 8 min in anesthetized and tracheally intubated pigs.
243 T was inserted with the patient's head in an intubating position.
244            Twenty-five patients who remained intubated postoperatively, were mechanically ventilated,
245 inical trials published in English, enrolled intubated preterm infants (born <37 weeks' gestation), a
246 ance cultures performed (from rectum, and if intubated, respiratory secretions), and without evidence
247 espiratory failure who did not select do not intubate/resuscitate status were evaluated.
248 r patterns included: failure to successfully intubate, secure or protect an airway (16%), delayed ope
249  +/- 8 months) were compared with tracheally intubated, sedated, and restrained patients (group 2, n
250                         Pigs were tracheally intubated, sedated, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilat
251                                              Intubated sham control and nontreated controls were incl
252                  In anesthetized, tracheally intubated sheep with pulmonary and femoral artery cathet
253                                In tracheally intubated sheep, we investigated the effects of gravitat
254       Two control groups were included: sham-intubated (SI) and suckle-control (SC).
255 e teflon particles were insufflated into six intubated, spontaneously breathing, adult sheep, and the
256                                              Intubated subjects had longer length of stay (5.6 vs. 3.
257                                A total of 22 intubated subjects were recruited when weaned and ready
258                         While endotracheally intubated, subjects sat at the edge of the bed in 69% of
259 ntinuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) or intubate-surfactant-extubate (INSURE).
260 ld be given to monitoring cortisol levels in intubated TBI patients, particularly those receiving hig
261 ith respect to initiating CPR, attempting to intubate the patient, and pronouncing the death of the p
262 do not intubate/do not resuscitate), and one intubated the patient.
263 al membrane oxygenation initiation had to be intubated thereafter.
264 zine (250 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg, respectively), intubated using intratracheal cannula, and ventilated (9
265                          The small bowel was intubated, using a blind, bedside transpyloric feeding t
266 iewed once the decision had been made not to intubate/ventilate (n = 105), with the patient under int
267                                      She was intubated, ventilated, and placed on lactulose.
268 rebral and pulmonary feedback mechanisms, 12 intubated, ventilated, single-ventricle patients in SCPC
269 sive care unit (n = 59), or with the patient intubated/ventilated within the intensive care unit (n =
270       New Zealand rabbits were anesthetized, intubated via tracheostomy, and mechanically ventilated.
271 alues within the optimal range was lower for intubated vs. nonintubated patients.
272                                Risk of being intubated was three times higher in patients treated wit
273                     Sprague-Dawley rats were intubated with 5.25 g/kg/day ethanol during the third tr
274                   The animals were initially intubated with a conventional endotracheal tube (2.5-mm
275 up), seven sheep were managed as group C and intubated with a Hi-Lo Evac, Mallinckrodt ETT (CASS suct
276                                   Adult rats intubated with a single dose of ethanol (alcohol; approx
277 up C (control), eight sheep were kept prone, intubated with a standard endotracheal tube (ETT), and m
278   Fifteen mongrel dogs were anesthetized and intubated with a tracheal divider.
279       Three hundred fifty-two adult patients intubated with a tracheal tube allowing subglottic secre
280 On postnatal days (PD) 4-9, pups were either intubated with alcohol in a binge-like manner, sham intu
281                Forty-one patients (16%) were intubated with an inappropriately sized ET tube.
282                        Control macaques were intubated with an isocaloric amount of sucrose water (Ct
283                         Blocks were randomly intubated with cylindrical (n = 26), tapered (n = 24), o
284                  Sheep were randomized to be intubated with either the Mucus Slurper (study group) or
285                                  In patients intubated with endotracheal tubes (ETTs), suctioning is
286 rect laryngoscopy patients were successfully intubated with Glidescope video laryngoscopy, 82% on the
287 urface area of greater than or equal to 15%, intubated with no previous cardiovascular comorbidities,
288                             The animals were intubated with various doses of NaF, ranging from 0.1 mg
289 brain injury or cerebral hemorrhage who were intubated within 6 hrs of admission and who were expecte
290           Of 71615 patients (66.3%) who were intubated within the first 15 minutes, 43314 (60.5%) wer
291  were matched with patients at risk of being intubated within the same minute (ie, still receiving re
292  were matched with patients at risk of being intubated within the same minute (ie, still receiving re

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