


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 spectrin mutants was in morphogenesis of the invaginated apical domain, although basolateral defects
2  and gill slits, structures which form where invaginated atrial siphon ectoderm apposes pharyngeal en
3  air collections caused by separation of the invaginated bronchus from the recipient bronchus were se
4 ty of accessory factors, help to generate an invaginated bud at the cell membrane.
5 at assembly process progresses toward deeply invaginated buds, focally synthesized phosphoinositides
6 anar constructions with internal or flanking invaginated buds.
7 ggest that some G protein is associated with invaginated caveolae, but most of the protein resides in
8 , to a collar-like arrangement around partly invaginated CCSs with actin filament barbed ends abuttin
9                     Caveolae are specialized invaginated cell surface microdomains of undefined funct
10        However, the differentiation of these invaginated cells into mesodermal lineage is disrupted.
11 ase dynamin catalyzes the scission of deeply invaginated clathrin-coated pits at the plasma membrane,
12 in self-assembles around the necks of deeply invaginated coated pits at the plasma membrane and catal
13 vitro which also formin vivo at the necks of invaginated coated pits.
14  was found in horizontal cell dendrites that invaginated cones and rods.
15 o 0.02 mN/m, and at the substratum, membrane invaginated, creating transient vacuole-like dilations.
16                                          The invaginated demarcation membrane system (DMS), a hallmar
17 uck behind the nucleus, the center of the IS invaginated dramatically to approach the centrosome.
18     Caveolae are related domains that become invaginated due to the presence of the structural protei
19 ammalian Dynamins causes the accumulation of invaginated endocytic pits at synapses, sometimes also o
20 arly identified group of cells comprising an invaginated epithelial placode.
21 r types of corrugated morphologies: compact, invaginated, evaginated, and wavy.
22 nstrating that the PVM consists primarily of invaginated host cell membrane.
23 e invading parasite and the host cell as the invaginated host plasma membrane is forced inward by the
24 rfacial matrix which separates them from the invaginated host plasma membrane.
25 n the salivary placode cells until they have invaginated into the embryo.
26 ssion electron microscopy showed spirochetes invaginated into the host cell membrane with resultant e
27 that the DNA is condensed on the interior of invaginated liposomes between two lipid bilayers.
28 y of spectrin into tetramers is required for invaginated membrane system maturation and proplatelet e
29 hrough its participation in the formation of invaginated membranes and in the maintenance of proplate
30 C induces some vesicles to form multidomain, invaginated morphologies that differ from the typical tw
31 hallus), which grows from apical cells in an invaginated "notch." The genetic mechanisms regulating l
32    Distinctive features included extensively invaginated nuclei and well-developed Golgi apparati; Fo
33 motoneurons measuring 15 x 5 microns with an invaginated nucleus were also present in both subdivisio
34 nin-immunoreactive population, containing an invaginated nucleus, synapses with nerve fibers, and a s
35 serotonin-immunoreactive taste cells have an invaginated nucleus, synaptic contacts with nerve fibers
36 tility, model epithelia smoothly deform into invaginated or evaginated shapes similar to those observ
37 ccurs inside numerous virus-induced vesicles invaginated or otherwise elaborated from a continuous, o
38                                 Formation of invaginated pits on the plasma membrane and subsequent b
39 rane-connected cisternae, in contrast to the invaginated pits that accumulate in shi(ts1) mutants.
40                                 Caveolae are invaginated plasma membrane domains involved in mechanos
41                  In Inx7a-depleted eggs, the invaginated plasma membrane retracts when basal cell clo
42 1Delta abp1Delta double-mutant cells exhibit invaginated plasma membranes and impaired endocytosis, f
43 membranes of cells that do not or do contain invaginated protein domains called caveolae.
44 s associated with RNA replication from small invaginated spherules to large, karmellae-like, multilay
45  clathrin-coated pits are frozen at a deeply invaginated state, that is, cells that lack dynamin (fib
46 lin microdomains can exist in either flat or invaginated states.
47 RT assembly, we nanofabricated templates for invaginated supported lipid bilayers.
48                               Perforated and invaginated synapses are encountered frequently on thala
49 has remained under debate because the small, invaginated synaptic cleft has precluded measurement.
50 tion from a shallow invagination to a highly invaginated tubular structure.
51 ad 1) vesiculated, spine-like processes that invaginated type I cells and 2) other, elongate processe
52 rus (BMV) RNA replication occurs in membrane-invaginated vesicular compartments.

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