


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 owing actin polymerization to drive membrane invagination.
2  septal peptidoglycan synthesis and membrane invagination.
3 ation as monitored by ScxGFP, and interdigit invagination.
4 is conserved throughout the entire course of invagination.
5 ugh cell division, cell differentiation, and invagination.
6 ession and increased variability of mesoderm invagination.
7 nd actin to control the extent of epithelial invagination.
8 ays a critical role in regulating epithelial invagination.
9 ker and hair follicle epithelium rather than invagination.
10 s, thereby reducing epithelial curvature and invagination.
11 shes the minimal mechanical requirements for invagination.
12 3 pathway is required for AC during lens pit invagination.
13 t might depend on MVB functions for membrane invagination.
14  in shape and showed no evidence of membrane invagination.
15 a hemisphere at the tip of a plasma membrane invagination.
16 l tension that can explain ascidian endoderm invagination.
17 red to prevent apical expansion and for deep invagination.
18 s embryos are small and gastrulate by simple invagination.
19 ynamin GTPase activation at sites of vesicle invagination.
20 vide the forces required for plasma membrane invagination.
21 na as these structures undergo a coordinated invagination.
22  eliminates placodal thickening and lens pit invagination.
23  the presumptive retina during optic vesicle invagination.
24 Toca-1), and drives membrane deformation and invagination.
25  domain mouth suggesting a flattening of the invagination.
26  tissue-level myosin cable contributes to SG invagination.
27 elongating or shaping the endocytic membrane invagination.
28  from cytokinesis to epithelial extension or invagination.
29 gh such manipulations affect the geometry of invagination.
30 ntal mesenchymal condensation and epithelial invagination.
31 ged in a deep narrow pit created by membrane invagination.
32 a to fully surface, losing the deep membrane invagination.
33 strates membrane and peptidoglycan cell wall invagination.
34  but is abolished in the absence of endoderm invagination.
35  negatively curved annulus at the rim of the invagination.
36 he flat membrane is efficiently nucleated at invaginations.
37 t-bound CTB separately from BCR into tubular invaginations.
38 imaging and electron microscopy of endocytic invaginations.
39 he formation of cristae-like plasma membrane invaginations.
40 ; specifically, the formation of cytoplasmic invaginations.
41 sed electron density, abnormal linearity and invaginations.
42  scaffold around furrow-like plasma membrane invaginations.
43 pidermal cells, or enclosed within epidermal invaginations.
44 161/167 cooperate to drive formation of deep invaginations.
45 around cristae or crista-like inner membrane invaginations.
46 otypic deviations of tip swelling and apical invaginations.
47 uster specific proteins at sites of membrane invaginations.
48 er sphaeroides cells contain curved membrane invaginations.
49  similar mechanisms may operate during other invaginations.
50 formation of large peroxisomes with membrane invaginations.
51 sely associated with SAP102 in photoreceptor invaginations.
52 ghly concentrated protons within the cristae invaginations.
53 Ps keep cilia submerged within deep membrane invaginations.
54 morphogenesis, including extensive cell wall invaginations.
55 tion (AC) in epithelial sheets drives tissue invagination [1, 2] and is required for diverse morphoge
56 ay of three different types of force driving invagination: 1), forces perpendicular to the membrane,
57 oordinated apical constrictions that mediate invagination [5, 6].
58 s feature numerous and deep nuclear envelope invaginations, a hallmark of cellular stress.
59 determines cell shape, tissue curvature, and invagination activity in the model epithelium of the dev
60 s cell rearrangement in this tissue to drive invagination all the way to bud formation.
61 sion were present at the areas of epithelial invagination and adjacent to osteonecrotic bone.
62  epithelia and leads to multiple attempts at invagination and an expanded enamel organ.
63  and a requirement for myosin VI in membrane invagination and coated pit formation in enterocytes.
64  was a result of the speeding up of membrane invagination and fission.
65 brane assembly at the cell periphery; (2) PM invagination and formation of a perinuclear pre-DMS; (3)
66 n to represent the final stage in a membrane invagination and growth process, originating with small
67  is regulated spatiotemporally during tissue invagination and how this cellular process contributes t
68 This coordination links PG synthesis with OM invagination and imparts a unique mode of bifunctional P
69 ously untested minimal conditions for tissue invagination and is devoid of specificity needed to accu
70 protein syndapin III is crucial for caveolar invagination and KO rendered the cells sensitive to memb
71  new support for an actin requirement in the invagination and late stages of CME.
72 that connects cell wall elongation to septal invagination and may be the reason ZipA is essential in
73 polymerization-rate values provide effective invagination and obtain correct predictions for the effe
74 sition of outward membrane tension minimized invagination and PtdSer endocytosis.
75  transmitted to the plasma membrane to drive invagination and scission.
76 d have been suggested to facilitate membrane invagination and scission.
77  these rearrangements, particularly membrane invagination and spherule formation, remain essentially
78         A loss of KDM4B results in defective invagination and striking morphological changes in the o
79  that Rock activity is required for lens pit invagination and that RhoA activity is required for Shro
80  is to help generate the force that leads to invagination and then fission of clathrin-coated pits.
81  to the plasma membrane, leading to membrane invagination and vesicle budding.
82 ed with ESCRT-III-filament-mediated membrane invagination and vesicle formation.
83  by classical endocytosis involving membrane invagination and vesicle reformation; (b) kiss-and-run,
84  filament assembly drives endocytic membrane invagination and vesicle scission.
85 ed ExM to characterize the shapes of nuclear invaginations and channels, and to visualize cytoskeleta
86 mposed by the N-BAR proteins results in deep invaginations and endocytic vesicular bud-like deformati
87 al tumor corresponding to surface epithelial invaginations and papillomatosis frequently found in pos
88 hila CAP mutants exhibit aberrant junctional invaginations and perturbation of the cytoskeletal organ
89 cytic site before formation of deep membrane invaginations and scission.
90 aracterized by sparse transverse tubule (TT) invaginations and slow intracellular Ca2+ propagation bu
91 nuclease digestion by virus-induced membrane invaginations and that spherules play an important role
92 ed in which actin filaments bind Vps1 during invagination, and this interaction is important to trans
93    The mechanisms driving stratification and invagination are poorly understood.
94       The initial steps of atrial primordium invagination are similar to otic placode invagination, b
95 tion, distinct subdomains along the membrane invagination are specified by different proteins, which
96                           Tissue folding and invagination are thought to be facilitated by apical con
97                        Near-spherical single invaginations are also observed, still attached to the C
98                                              Invaginations are stabilized by phosphatidylinositol 3-p
99     We found that both mesoderm and endoderm invaginations are synchronous with the onset of GBE.
100 eorientation, junction formation, and active invagination, are directed by coordinated release of spe
101         Using Drosophila salivary gland (SG) invagination as a model, we show that regulation of fold
102 is constant volume is sufficient to generate invagination as a passive response to apical constrictio
103 ry and sufficient for stratification but not invagination as such.
104 s, including polarized root-hair tip growth, invagination associated with bacterial infection, and th
105 multiprotein structures that generate linear invaginations at the plasma membrane of yeast cells.
106    Finally, we find that Bzz1, acting at the invagination base, stabilizes endocytic sites and functi
107 plain the cell shape changes observed during invagination both in normal embryos and in embryos treat
108 not determine the membrane morphology of the invagination but rather modulates the progression of end
109 ium invagination are similar to otic placode invagination, but a placode-derived vesicle is never obs
110 lies seen in paediatric patients are basilar invagination, C1-C2 instability, atlantoaxial rotatory s
111 at is the primary component of cell membrane invaginations called caveolae.
112  host mitochondria to form numerous membrane invaginations, called spherules, that are approximately
113 cell level, a complex network of sarcolemmal invaginations, called the transverse-axial tubular syste
114 scaffolding protein found in plasma membrane invaginations (caveolae).
115                          We detected nuclear invagination channels at late prophase and telophase, po
116 ic factors and show that constriction of the invaginations correlates with translocation of membrane-
117                   Here, we show that placode invagination depends on horizontal contraction of superf
118 microscopy reveals a significant increase in invagination depth, further supporting a role for the Vp
119  a protein that localizes to plasma membrane invaginations designated as eisosomes.
120 s epithelial folding, while neighboring cell invagination determines the final depth of an epithelial
121 o identify a two-step mechanism for endoderm invagination during ascidian gastrulation.
122 de that DipM is required for normal envelope invagination during division and to maintain a sacculus
123  daughter cell separation and outer membrane invagination during division.
124 eation in yeast and is required for membrane invagination during endocytosis.
125 o resulted in the formation of deep membrane invaginations during meiosis, suggesting an effect on co
126 esicular endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane invaginations, each induced by many copies of viral repl
127 to endocytic factors and facilitates vesicle invagination, elevating neuritogenic Rac1 activity and e
128    During Step 1, which immediately precedes invagination, endoderm cells constrict their apices beca
129 own to induce narrow tubular plasma membrane invaginations enriched with sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1)
130 tractile cell-shaping mechanism, as mesoderm invagination fails in Rab35 compromised embryos and Rab3
131                                          The invagination flattens to create the proximal surface of
132  the division machinery and directs envelope invagination for bacterial cytokinesis.
133 ay be necessary for the formation of similar invaginations for the synthesis of dsRNA precursors of h
134 nding toward virions sequestered deep inside invaginations formed on the DC membrane.
135 n promoting factors (NPFs) in the process of invagination from the cell surface through endocytosis.
136  injured membrane through caveolae, membrane invaginations from lipid rafts.
137  challenges, including large plasma membrane invaginations generated by rapid cell shrinkage.
138 uirement of placode formation for subsequent invagination has not been tested.
139                          Previous studies of invagination have focused on the role of actomyosin-depe
140                  Caveolae are small membrane invaginations important for transendothelial albumin upt
141 n of Rho1 suppresses apical constriction and invagination in APC null cells.
142 ckdown embryos, and causes archenteron hyper-invagination in control embryos.
143 tebrates and vertebrates, including mesoderm invagination in Drosophila, neural crest migration in ve
144  be a general mechanism to achieve efficient invagination in embryos.
145 sms needed to reproduce the formation of the invagination in silico.
146 enes are expressed and required for mesoderm invagination in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster bu
147 phosphate was enriched at sites of cell wall invaginations in both the sur7 and pil1 lsp1 cells, indi
148 es (t-tubules) are uniquely-adapted membrane invaginations in cardiac myocytes that facilitate the sy
149                                              Invaginations in the membranes of embryonic cells appear
150              PBs exhibited striking membrane invaginations in the o7-ref allele and a severe number r
151  transverse tubules are a system of membrane invaginations in ventricular cardiomyocytes which allow
152 ) regulate several events involving membrane invagination, including multivesicular body (MVB) biogen
153 y curved endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane invaginations induced by multifunctional BMV protein 1a.
154 al RdRPs occurs inside vesicle-like membrane invaginations induced by the recruitment of the viral Rd
155 ctomyosin ring (cytokinetic actomyosin ring) invagination; instead, it split into a double ring that
156 g direct transformation of broad and shallow invaginations into detached vesicles in BAR mutant yeast
157 ization of LEM domain proteins and extensive invaginations into the nuclear interior, but also impair
158  of multivesicular bodies where, by membrane invagination, intraluminal microvesicles carrying membra
159                                   Epithelial invagination is a common feature of embryogenesis.
160                                   Epithelial invagination is a fundamental morphogenetic behavior tha
161 ll elongation gradient remains when mesoderm invagination is blocked but is abolished in the absence
162                                              Invagination is blocked by inhibition of actin polymeriz
163 se contact, and have retracted by E11.5 when invagination is complete.
164 tected until fetal week 22 when bipolar cell invagination is present in the cone pedicle.
165 that apical constriction leading to endoderm invagination is the source of the extrinsic force contri
166                 This suggested that endoderm invagination is the source of the tensile force.
167               Our data suggest that endoderm invagination itself occurs during Step 2, without furthe
168 rives the formation of flask-shaped membrane invaginations known as caveolae that participate in sign
169 caffolding protein caveolin to form membrane invaginations known as caveolae.
170 embrane of cardiac myocytes presents complex invaginations known as the transverse-axial tubular syst
171 ptosis, and a delay in ventral optic vesicle invagination leading to the formation of small and abnor
172 ereas inhibiting PBP3 (which aborts divisome invagination) led to the creation of PBP5 rings at posit
173 oligomers at sites of initiation of membrane invagination; LhaA associates with RCs, bacteriochloroph
174 actility in the cell contour, characteristic invaginations lined by actin bundles form between adjace
175           Caveolae are 50- to 80-nm membrane invaginations lined by cage-like polygonal structures [7
176                                An example of invagination morphogenesis occurs during development of
177      Actin can also support the processes of invagination of a membrane segment into the cytoplasm, e
178         We find that apical constriction and invagination of APC null tissue are independent of DE-ca
179 l expression, which controls the coordinated invagination of approximately 1,000 mesoderm cells durin
180 ctivation of the small GTPase Rap1 restricts invagination of both dorsal folds in an alpha-catenin-de
181                                              Invagination of epithelium into the surrounding mesenchy
182                 In the absence of BG, inward invagination of GCP persists but is uncoupled from the f
183 s of the pituitary gland are derived from an invagination of oral ectoderm that forms Rathke's pouch.
184  shape change linked to folding, bending and invagination of polarized epithelia.
185 mation of double-membraned liposomes via the invagination of single-membraned liposomes.
186 rom an ingression of individual cells to the invagination of the blastoderm epithelium.
187  diverse set of proteins that coordinate the invagination of the cell membrane and synthesis of cell
188                        The magnetosome is an invagination of the cell membrane that contains a specif
189   During division of Gram-negative bacteria, invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane and inward grow
190  determine how pulses are coordinated during invagination of the Drosophila ventral furrow.
191                Thickening and the subsequent invagination of the epithelium are an important initial
192 ived cAMP from pigment cells to control late invagination of the hindgut.
193                   The divisome regulates the invagination of the inner membrane, cell wall synthesis,
194 on of lens epithelial cells that accompanies invagination of the lens placode is dependent on Shroom3
195 nd fog expression foreshadow the coordinated invagination of the mesoderm at the onset of gastrulatio
196                                          The invagination of the mesoderm in the Drosophila melanogas
197 Gram-negative organisms requires coordinated invagination of the multilayered cell envelope such that
198 f the developing nasal cavity, which retards invagination of the nasal cavity, and thus appears to co
199  disease, originated from the failure in the invagination of the optic vesicle during the fetal perio
200 d from Rathke's pouch, a pocket formed by an invagination of the oral ectoderm.
201 his turgor pressure, however, may oppose the invagination of the plasma membrane needed for endocytos
202 dstage wild-type mouse MKs in a well-defined invagination of the plasma membrane reminiscent of the i
203 pore-less sensilla of the sacculus, a unique invagination of the third antennal segment.
204  with often redundant but important roles in invagination of the three cell envelope layers.
205                                              Invagination of these rings produced improperly oriented
206  required for transport (ESCRTs) promote the invagination of vesicles into the lumen of endosomes, th
207 r follicle placode "budding" is initiated by invagination of Wnt-induced epithelium into the underlyi
208 meres in the perinuclear region and abnormal invaginations of nuclei were found ultrastructurally.
209                              These spherular invaginations of outer mitochondrial membranes are packe
210           Caveolae are abundant flask-shaped invaginations of plasma membranes that buffer membrane t
211 tes in the meninges, which was pronounced in invaginations of the brain surface (sulci) and possibly
212 tes, caveolin is located predominantly along invaginations of the cell membrane known as t-tubules.
213                In addition to distinguishing invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane (CM) and inter
214 ular membranous vesicles that originate from invaginations of the cytoplasmic membrane.
215  hundreds of independent spherules that were invaginations of the ER membranes into the lumen.
216               Tubular cristae are formed via invaginations of the inner boundary membrane by a pathwa
217           Crista junctions (CJs) are tubular invaginations of the inner membrane of mitochondria that
218 nct from the large negative curvature of the invaginations of the inner mitochondrial membrane where
219 xpressing them in Cos7 cells, we could image invaginations of the nuclear membrane, vimentin fibrils,
220  a structural protein component of caveolae, invaginations of the plasma membrane involved in signal
221 in found in caveolae, which are cell surface invaginations of the plasma membrane that act as signali
222 t these channels localise to small vesicular invaginations of the plasma membrane, known as caveolae,
223 r signaling complexes present in perinuclear invaginations of the plasma membrane.
224                                 Caveolae are invaginations of the plasma membrane.
225  (VCCs), which largely consist of convoluted invaginations of the PM.
226           The recruitment to plasma membrane invaginations of the protein endophilin is a temporally
227 tic novel phenotype consisting of sheet-like invaginations of the sarcolemma.
228 t-system remodeling, particularly sheet-like invaginations of the sarcolemma.
229 e the amphidial channel and terminate within invaginations of the sheath cell.
230 ubules of mammalian ventricular myocytes are invaginations of the surface membrane.
231 smembrane helices and a decameric c-ring and invaginations on either side of the membrane indicate th
232                   Evidence of the epithelial invaginations on the cement glands supports the involvem
233 h signalling is necessary for, and promotes, invagination once suprabasal tissue is generated.
234 ton is thought to provide force for membrane invagination or vesicle scission, but how this force is
235 e cytoplasm in the absence of outer membrane invagination or visible cell wall ingrowth.
236 induces lamellipodial protrusions instead of invaginations or filopodia-like structures.
237 tically dead mutant of KDM4B, rescue the ear invagination phenotype caused by KDM4B knockdown.
238 D) and impaired the formation of prophase NE invaginations (PNEIs), similar to microtubule depolymeri
239           The meso-scale model breaks up the invagination process into three stages: 1) initiation, w
240 ngolipids directly take part in the membrane invagination process.
241 nsion, implying an active involvement in the invagination process.
242                   During Drosophila mesoderm invagination, pulsed actomyosin meshwork contractions an
243 esis of these organs and of why they lead to invagination rather than simple tissue thickening.
244    The mechanism that controls the extent of invagination remains unknown.
245 R (F-BAR) proteins generate tubular membrane invaginations reminiscent of the megakaryocyte (MK) dema
246                                 Already this invagination requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1p and
247                       The formation of these invaginations requires the function of Cdc42, and their
248 ensive brush border and basolateral membrane invaginations resembling those observed in vivo.
249  recruitment to the necks of clathrin-coated invaginations resulting in impaired vesicle budding.
250  propose that surface detachment of membrane invaginations results from an ability of CADs to interfe
251 ects in transsynaptic adhesion, Schwann cell invagination/retraction, vesicle accumulation and acetyl
252  dependent, we hypothesized that during lens invagination, RhoA, Rock and a RhoA guanine nucleotide e
253 egment into the cytoplasm, elongation of the invagination, scission of the new vesicle from the plasm
254 c actin assembly, which facilitates membrane invagination/scission.
255  C.riparius is sufficient to invoke mesoderm invagination similar to D.melanogaster.
256 approximately 50-nm, virus-induced spherular invaginations similar to RNA replication-linked spherule
257 n contrast, the sur7 mutant formed cell wall invaginations similar to those for the pil1 lsp1 mutant
258 , ICM vesicles (chromatophores) and membrane invagination sites were isolated by rate-zone sedimentat
259 tral counts in the RC-LH1 band from membrane invagination sites, which together with the appearance o
260 alis derives from vsx positive placodal-like invagination sites.
261 feature is the presence of numerous membrane invaginations (spherules) and accumulation of viral nons
262  Inhibiting the formation and release of the invaginations strongly interfered with bleb formation, c
263 actomyosin network connections during tissue invagination, suggesting that Myo-II pulses are required
264  domains establishes the site for the upward invagination that initiates fission.
265 ads to segregation, apical constriction, and invagination that result from transcriptional activation
266 ansion of the protrusion depends on membrane invaginations that are localized preferentially at the c
267                        Caveolae are membrane invaginations that can sequester various signaling prote
268  frequently includes deep, branching tubular invaginations that form a dynamic nucleoplasmic reticulu
269 Initially, vacuoles shrink and generate deep invaginations that leave behind tubular structures in th
270 t the base of the crypts of Lieberkuhn, tiny invaginations that line the mucosal surface all along th
271 onent of caveolae, which are plasma membrane invaginations that participate in vesicular trafficking
272 at lines the colonic crypt, test-tube shaped invaginations that punctuate the lining of the intestine
273 ted DCs sequester HIV in pocketlike membrane invaginations that remain open to the cell surface, and
274 in assembly at the interface center, a large invagination, the actin-supported interface periphery as
275 placodes are ubiquitous precursors of tissue invagination, the mechanism of placode formation has not
276 s a unique morphology characterized by large invaginations, the mitochondrial cristae, and the inner
277 the BAR domain protein Pil1, generates these invaginations through direct binding to lipids including
278 gers a rapid shape transition from a shallow invagination to a highly invaginated tubular structure.
279 y accounting for post-stratification placode invagination to bud stage.
280  embryonic day (E)10.5 stage of lens placode invagination to E12.5 lens primary fiber cell differenti
281 strulation, a higher number of cells undergo invagination to form the deep posterior dorsal fold, whe
282  nanoparticles that are enclosed by membrane invaginations to form magnetosomes so they are able to s
283 he necks of cargo-containing plasma membrane invaginations to radii at which the opposing segments sp
284 cell types develop extensive plasma membrane invaginations to serve a specific physiological function
285  cell envelope biosynthesis, causes membrane invaginations together with delocalisation of the cell w
286 he exocyst complex, induces tubular membrane invaginations toward the lumen of synthetic vesicles in
287  membrane adjacent to the outer membrane and invaginations toward the matrix, called cristae.
288 embryonic lens either at the time of placode invagination using the Le-Cre line or after initial lens
289  outlined basic structural features of these invaginations, very little is known about the mechanism
290  transformations of the cell membrane, i.e., invagination, vesicle fusion, and fission, whose precise
291  KDM4B play a critical role during inner ear invagination via modulating histone methylation of the d
292 some components, (vi) initiation of envelope invagination, (vii) recruitment of polar markers and cyt
293          Chloroplast envelope inner membrane invaginations were frequently found in close association
294 -) DCs showed decreased numbers of endocytic invaginations, whereas dynamin-inhibited cells showed ac
295 owth starts from the periphery as a membrane invagination, which grows radially inward like the shutt
296 of the ciliary plasma membrane indicating an invagination, which is likely a first step in disk forma
297                      It consists of membrane invaginations, which are decorated with various proteins
298 positive-strand RNA viruses form on membrane invaginations, which result from negative membrane curva
299 tion is located at the base of the endocytic invagination, with the growing ends of filaments pointin
300  myocardial crypts (ie, narrow, blood-filled invaginations within the LV wall) have been recognized i

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