


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ggesting that this protein is an adhesin and invasin.
2 clones, suggesting that TibA also acts as an invasin.
3 ntly as a result of increased proteolysis of invasin.
4 ggesting that this protein is an adhesin and invasin.
5 ectly suggesting that Tia may also act as an invasin.
6 tegrin alpha7beta1 and the bacterial protein invasin.
7 ated by the bacterial outer membrane protein invasin.
8 ntained near wild type levels of adhesion to invasin.
9 ion from the autoagglutinin Hra1 and the Tia invasin.
10 n cells is mediated by the bacterial protein invasin.
11 ts in transcription of inv and production of invasin.
12 ), is a highly specific protease and adhesin/invasin.
13 characterized bacterial adhesins intimin and invasin.
14 e Ia strain O90R, suggesting that SCPB is an invasin.
15 ed by the presence of additional C. albicans invasins.
16 Mxi-Spa) and its cognate set of secreted Ipa invasins.
17 roteins, previously recognized as gonococcal invasins.
18 charged residues has been described in other invasins.
19 Soluble alpha 3 beta1 integrin also bound to invasin, a bacterial surface protein, that mediates entr
20                                              Invasin allows efficient entry into mammalian cells by Y
21 l proteinases Sap4 and Sap5 and the proposed invasin Als3.
22                                          Two invasins, Als3 and Ssa1, induce epithelial cell endocyto
23 ently invade Peyer's patches with the aid of invasin, an outer member protein involved in the attachm
24 A is a transcriptional activator of Yersinia invasin, an outer membrane protein involved in bacterial
25 ether, these results indicate that Tia is an invasin and adhesin that binds a specific receptor on HC
26          Tia, a close homolog of Hra1, is an invasin and adhesin that has been described in enterotox
27  the integrin-binding domain of the Yersinia invasin and C-type lectin families.
28 ins, such as the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin and Escherichia coli intimin, are surface-expres
29             The integrin-binding surfaces of invasin and fibronectin include similarly located key re
30                            The structures of invasin and fibronectin provide an example of convergent
31                                              Invasin and YadA are two of the most extensively studied
32 ion is interaction of the bacterial adhesins invasin and YadA with host cell beta1 integrin, we compa
33 r membrane localization of the C-terminus of invasin and, conversely, the N-terminal 489 amino acids
34 erculosis mutants deficient for the adhesins invasin and/or YadA were injected intravenously into BAL
35                We have isolated a complex of invasins and LPS from water-extractable antigens of viru
36 -rich repeat (LRR) motifs found in bacterial invasins and other members of the LRR protein family.
37 ype V secretion systems as well as adhesins, invasins, and hemolysins were identified.
38 shown that the C-terminal 192 amino acids of invasin are essential for binding of beta1 integrin rece
39                  The mammalian receptors for invasin are five beta1 chain integrins.
40 ithelial and endothelial cells, adhesins and invasins are still unknown.
41 take, although the amount of surface-exposed invasin as well as the cell binding capacity of the reco
42             AmOmpA is both an adhesin and an invasin, as coating inert beads with it confers adhesive
43 o host cell receptors through trans-membrane invasins belonging to the thrombospondin-related anonymo
44  of attachment, which required high-affinity invasin-beta1 integrin association.
45 epiligrin, was only partially attenuated for invasin binding as well as invasin-mediated bacterial up
46  Yersinia pseudotuberculosis surface protein invasin binds to multiple beta1 integrins with high affi
47 ned that engagement of integrin receptors by invasin caused elevated levels of Rac1 self-association
48                                              Invasin completely displaced laminin-5 from the alpha 3
49                                 The Shigella invasin complex (Invaplex) is an effective mucosal vacci
50 ea pigs immunized intranasally with purified invasin complex (invaplex), without any additional adjuv
51 s not essential for Yersinia uptake, whereas invasin crucially triggers Rac1-mediated signals that en
52                                           An invasin-deficient mutant was significantly attenuated fo
53 d bacterial adherence to host cells, whereas invasin deletion had no effect.
54 spite the similarity of BipA to intimins and invasins, deletion of this protein from B. bronchiseptic
55                               We report here invasin-dependent and invasin-independent mechanisms in
56                                          The invasin-dependent route is clearly discernible in mice d
57 inant-interfering effect of a non-functional invasin derivative are consistent with the presence of a
58 rminal-truncated Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin derivative.
59 ne were identified with gene fusions to this invasin derivative.
60                 Mutants expressing defective invasin derivatives were unable to promote efficient tra
61 e internalization of latex beads coated with invasin derivatives, an additional domain of invasin was
62 er set) that amplifies a region spanning the invasin E and A genes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typ
63 ocess versus either E. coli cells expressing invasin(ent) or the invasin(pstb) derivatives deleted fo
64                                              Invasin(ent) was shown to be unable to promote self-inte
65 mpared to that of Y. enterocolitica invasin (invasin(ent)), which lacks the D2 self-association domai
66 gested that SCPB is one of several potential invasins essential for GBS colonization of damaged epith
67 d that both showed a significant decrease in invasin expression but are hypermotile when grown at 23
68 It was determined that E. coli sspA restored invasin expression in both the uvrC mutant and the sspA
69                                              Invasin expression inhibited colonization of the liver a
70    The 2.3 angstrom crystal structure of the invasin extracellular region reveals five domains that f
71  (Ilp), similar to the Gram-negative intimin/invasin family of surface proteins.
72               Ail, an outer membrane adhesin/invasin from Yersinia enterocolitica, was detected in pu
73                        We have characterized invasin from Yersinia pseudotuburculosis as an output mo
74 of Salmonella enterica regulator HilA and of invasin from Yersinia spp., yet previous publications su
75 ed proteins that are similar to adhesins and invasins from prokaryotic and eukaryotic pathogens (Esch
76  Transfer of the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin gene into E.coli DH10B asd(-) rendered it compet
77 nscribe shRNAs from a plasmid containing the invasin gene Inv and the listeriolysin O gene HlyA, whic
78 f hilA-homologue eilA and predicted Yersinia invasin homologue gene eaeX.
79           FadA is a unique bacterial adhesin/invasin in that it utilizes its own two forms for both s
80 ons and may serve as an important adhesin or invasin in ulcerative keratitis caused by S. aureus.
81                  The unique presence of CotH invasins in all invasive Mucorales, and the correlation
82 EG7, binding affinity for both laminin-5 and invasin increased by about 10-fold, whereas the affinity
83 vealing an alternate uptake pathway that was invasin independent.
84         We report here invasin-dependent and invasin-independent mechanisms in which the enteropathog
85 and Gly-163 are not critical for adhesion to invasin, indicating that laminin-5 and invasin may use d
86 s a novel member of the virulence-associated invasin/intimin family (IIF) of Gram-negative bacteria.
87 pe III secretion apparatus (TTSA) to deliver invasins into human cells.
88 ssembly, respectively, map downstream of the invasin (inv) gene but are transcribed in the opposite (
89  and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and invasin (Inv) of Yersinia spp.
90  regulates expression of the invasion factor invasin (inv), which mediates translocation across the i
91 on receptors detecting the bacterial adhesin invasin (Inv).
92 )) was compared to that of Y. enterocolitica invasin (invasin(ent)), which lacks the D2 self-associat
93 cer region is a domain called D2 that allows invasin-invasin interaction.
94                                          The invasin IpaA is essential for S. flexneri pathogenesis a
95  SipB functions as an analog of the Shigella invasin IpaB.
96 ed N-terminal to the cell adhesion domain of invasin is able to self-associate.
97                Although the C. albicans Als3 invasin is critical for invasion and damage of endotheli
98                                              Invasin is encoded by inv, which is positively regulated
99 due superdomain of the Y. pseudotuberculosis invasin is necessary and sufficient for integrin recogni
100                                              Invasin is the primary invasion factor encoded by the in
101  invasion factor of Yersinia enterocolitica, invasin, is encoded by inv.
102 e DraD subunit, previously implicated as an "invasin," is not required for beta(1) integrin recruitme
103  Mg2+, alpha 3 beta 1's binding affinity for invasin (Kd = 3.1 nM) was substantially greater than its
104      There is also a significant decrease in invasin levels in bacteria recovered from mice infected
105 , a clpB null mutant, BY1v, had no effect on invasin levels or motility.
106                                     However, invasin levels were reduced for strains that harbored fl
107 ica mutant (JB1A8v) that shows a decrease in invasin levels yet is hypermotile when grown at 23 degre
108 ion but did not have a significant effect on invasin levels.
109 obile elements, encode predicted adhesin and invasin-like functions, and are required for full virule
110 9,042-bp chromosomal gene (YPO3944), intimin/invasin-like protein (Ilp), similar to the Gram-negative
111                                              Invasin may cluster integrin heterodimers extracellularl
112 on to invasin, indicating that laminin-5 and invasin may use different recognition mechanisms, and th
113                          The signals linking invasin-mediated adhesion to Rac1 activation are not cle
114  but did not require YopD, pore formation or invasin-mediated adhesion.
115 RhoG significantly reduced the efficiency of invasin-mediated bacterial internalization.
116 ly attenuated for invasin binding as well as invasin-mediated bacterial uptake.
117                                              Invasin-mediated invasion of host cells by the pathogen
118                                              Invasin-mediated uptake requires high affinity binding o
119 uirement for focal adhesion kinase (FAK) for invasin-mediated uptake.
120 vasin self-interaction for the efficiency of invasin-mediated uptake.
121 le of a HAD family phosphatase and reveal an invasin of an important periodontal pathogen.
122  interaction that is also seen with the IpaA invasin of the intracellular pathogen Shigella, where bi
123     Recent studies indicate that FimH is the invasin of UPEC as its attachment to the urothelial surf
124 omain of Clostridium acetobutylicum, and the invasin of Yersinia pestis.
125 elial cells and lacks the major adhesins and invasins of its enteropathogenic relatives Yersinia ente
126  extended regions, homologous to adhesins or invasins of the immunoglobulin superfamily.
127 n epithelial cells and the inv gene product (invasin) on the surface of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
128                 Attachment to host cells via invasin or YadA is necessary for the cell death phenotyp
129 ologous protein, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin, or to maltose-binding protein.
130 an example of convergent evolution, in which invasin presents an optimized surface for integrin bindi
131  of six alanine substitutions in a region of invasin previously shown to be important for bacterial i
132 onstructed and determined to be deficient in invasin production and nonmotile when grown at 23 degree
133 plicated in cell adhesion, was competent for invasin-promoted adhesion events and appeared to encode
134 argeted Rac1 derivative restored significant invasin-promoted bacterial uptake in a PBR-dependent man
135 ge factors specificity switch mutant blocked invasin-promoted uptake as well as Cdc42-dependent uptak
136  with the proposition that Rac1(W56F) blocks invasin-promoted uptake by preventing RhoGDI from inacti
137  for interaction, is necessary for efficient invasin-promoted uptake of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis b
138 ng the involvement of a Src-family kinase in invasin-promoted uptake.
139  further examined the role of this region in invasin-promoted uptake.
140             Disruption in each case impaired invasin-promoted uptake.
141 uption of this cross-talk can interfere with invasin-promoted uptake.
142 mbrane protein A, another A. phagocytophilum invasin, pronouncedly reduced infection relative to trea
143  entry mediated by the Y. pseudotuberculosis invasin protein (invasin(pstb)) was compared to that of
144 cognition of the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein and natural substrates requires identica
145 or escape from vacuoles and synthesizing the invasin protein from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis to enha
146 n, we have demonstrated that a region of the invasin protein located N-terminal to the cell adhesion
147  work demonstrated that AdpC is an important invasin protein of P. intermedia 17.
148              Like inv, the gene encoding the invasin protein of Y. enterocolitica, hreP is located in
149 The gene encoding the outer membrane adhesin/invasin protein OpcA was previously described in the gen
150              The Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein promotes bacterial entry by binding to h
151              The Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein promotes bacterial uptake into normally
152 is strain that expressed an uptake-defective invasin protein retaining considerable receptor binding
153  cells requires the binding of the bacterial invasin protein to beta1 integrin receptors and the acti
154 , p40, reveal similarities to the needle-tip invasin proteins SipD and IpaD of Gram-negative bacteria
155 sative agent of bacillary dysentery, injects invasin proteins through a type III secretion apparatus
156 eudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica invasin proteins to beta(1) integrin receptors allows in
157 king studies of purified and surface-exposed invasin proteins, and the dominant-interfering effect of
158 significantly less proficient than wild-type invasin(pstb) at promoting uptake, although the amount o
159 E. coli cells expressing invasin(ent) or the invasin(pstb) derivatives deleted for D2, further demons
160  assays showed that E. coli cells expressing invasin(pstb) had a significant advantage in the interna
161 rame deletion mutations that removed D2 from invasin(pstb) were significantly less proficient than wi
162 y the Y. pseudotuberculosis invasin protein (invasin(pstb)) was compared to that of Y. enterocolitica
163 olitica and upregulates the expression of an invasin (Rck) and a putative T3SS effector (SrgE).
164 t cell contact-induced secretion of a set of invasins, referred to as Ipas.
165                                 A 51-aa-long invasin region in the AipA passenger domain was required
166 omprises a silent chaperone gene, usher, and invasin reminiscent of Dr family fimbrial clusters.
167 hereas one strain, mutated the gene encoding invasin, replicated as well as wild-type bacteria in the
168  the presence of an undefined adhesin(s) and invasin(s).
169  D2, further demonstrating the importance of invasin self-interaction for the efficiency of invasin-m
170 domain of lambda repressor as a reporter for invasin self-interaction, we have demonstrated that a re
171 containing multiple alanine substitutions in invasin showed uptake defects that were additive, with t
172  Inv-Spa type III secretion apparatus target invasin SipB is necessary and sufficient for the inducti
173 etion system, as well as strains lacking the invasins SipB, SipC, and SipD, were impaired in iNOS ind
174 f Escherichia coli engineered to express the invasin surface receptor from Yersinia, which enables up
175  domain that is located within the region of invasin that enhances bacterial uptake.
176                Thus, A. fumigatus CalA is an invasin that interacts with integrin alpha5beta1 on host
177 ha C protein (ACP) has been identified as an invasin that plays a role in internalization and translo
178 ta indicate that CotH3 and CotH2 function as invasins that interact with host cell GRP78 to mediate p
179 anscription factors, regulates expression of invasin, the major adhesion and invasion factor in Yersi
180  mediated by a set of translocated bacterial invasins, the Ipa proteins, and its dedicated type III s
181 cation binding domains depressed adhesion to invasin to a significant extent.
182 ls is the result of high-affinity binding of invasin to beta1 chain integrins.
183 ion, D811A, resulted in depressed ability of invasin to bind purified alpha5beta1 and to promote bact
184 ted uptake requires high affinity binding of invasin to multiple beta1 chain integrin receptors on th
185 he 192-amino acid integrin binding domain of invasin was performed to identify regions, in addition t
186 invasin derivatives, an additional domain of invasin was shown to be required for efficient bacterial
187 onversely, the N-terminal 489 amino acids of invasin were sufficient to promote the localization of t
188  experiments indicated that all three of the invasins were required for induction of iNOS expression.
189 ivated in response to integrin engagement by invasin, whereas Rac1 and Arp 2/3 were found to be inten
190 inv gene encodes the primary invasion factor invasin, which has been previously shown to be critical
191                                  inv encodes invasin, which is the primary invasion factor of Yersini
192     Enteropathogenic Yersinia species encode invasin, which promotes uptake into host cells by bindin
193  be mediated primarily by the interaction of invasin with cell surface beta1 integrins.
194  conclude that interaction of homomultimeric invasin with multiple integrins establishes tight adhere
195 ersinia pestis strains examined, the adhesin/invasin yadA gene is a pseudogene, yet Y. pestis is inva
196           To this end, mutants defective for invasin, YadA, or pH 6 antigen were tested for movement

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