


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 pulation of human melanopsin-ir RGCs, which most likely are involved in different functions.
2    In addition to TCR signaling, costimulatory pathways are involved in T cell activation.
3 ically different side chains, whose break-down products are involved in stress response against herbivores, pathogens, an
4                                          Three of those are involved in glucosinolate (Gl) biosynthesis, glycosylated sul
5  We find that both the N- and C-terminal domains of TTP are involved in an interaction with CNOT9.
6 lop inhibitors targeting the DUBs USP7 and USP10, which are involved in regulating levels of p53 and MDM2.
7 tices (PMd and PMv, respectively) are two specialized areas involved in the control of hand movements in primates.
8 f-righting, SR), suggesting that other miRNAs might also be involved in behavioral control.
9                       Our data suggest that SERPINA3 may be involved in the pathogenesis and the progression of prion dis
10  ligand stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1 are known to be involved in inflammation.
11                       This genetic duet was indicated to be involved in the aggressiveness of PTC, but its prognostic val
12 iating integrin activation, has been previously shown to be involved in the regulation of T cell proliferation and functi
13 y to NMDG(+) but also to spermidine, a large natural cation involved in ion channel modulation, revealing a previously un
14                      Basophils are important effector cells involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin diseases in
15 wn to reduce cortical dopamine release, which is critically involved in the reinforcing effect of tobacco smoking.
16                                      Thus, S1 is critically involved in updating the memory about the perturbation that i
17 apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 is a DNA repair enzyme involved in genome stability and expression of genes involved
18 Redox-active tyrosines (Ys) play essential roles in enzymes involved in primary metabolism including energy transduction
19                    Therefore, microglia are not essentially involved in RGC degeneration or axonal regeneration after acu
20                                            Critical factors involved in invasion have been identified using biochemical a
21 tive genes were assigned annotations, and 936 and 220 genes involved in salt response in roots and leaves, respectively.
22                           Recently, an array of eight genes involved in the biotransformation of benzalkonium chlorides (
23                                 With the exception of genes involved in information processing, particularly translation,
24 enzyme involved in genome stability and expression of genes involved in oxidative stress responses, tumor progression and
25 er calcium/phosphorus levels and affect expression of genes involved in phosphate homeostasis.
26                         In the atria, MEF2A regulated genes involved in fibrosis and adhesion, whereas in the ventricles,
27 EM9-LIKE [IRX9L]) encodes a family GT43 glycosyltransferase involved in xylan backbone biosynthesis, while UPEX1 encodes
28                                       However, is Mena(INV) involved in TMEM assembly and function?
29 as ventromedial prefrontal cortex in humans; vmPFC/mOFC) is involved in constraining the decision to the relevant options
30 y of p300-HDAC2-Sin3A in the chromatin remodeling system is involved in HIF-1alpha degradation at the ASS1 promoter.
31                    Our model illustrates many of the issues involved in testing and validating urban simulation models in
32 hile UPEX1 encodes a family GT31 glycosyltransferase likely involved in galactosylation of arabinogalactan proteins.
33  is an attempt to illustrate the dynamin-related mechanisms involved in the above-mentioned disorders and to help medicin
34 expressed genes was used to reconstruct regulatory networks involved in differentiation.
35 ted candidates from two sets of plant-associated genes: one involved in plant colonization, and the other serving in micr
36 eticulospinal tract is one of the descending motor pathways involved in recovery of hand function after injury.
37                   Three genes were identified, two possibly involved in biogenesis of the membrane-bound photosynthetic a
38 icated in the regulation of MAP kinase-controlled processes involved in mating, filamentous growth and biofilm formation,
39                       Understanding in detail the processes involved in HCMV replication is important for developing nove
40 ial dynamics and characterize situations in which processes involved in cell turnover become uncoupled, including pharmac
41 tral to understanding geometric control of genetic programs involved in cellular homeostasis and the associated diseases.
42 in is not required for Syk recruitment but is progressively involved in the recruitment of LAT and PLCgamma1.
43 nase with thrombospondin motifs-4) is a secreted proteinase involved in inflammation and matrix degradation.
44 tudies over almost 2 decades have revealed some 30 proteins involved in the synthesis of cellular [2Fe-2S] and [4Fe-4S] c
45 s required for cellular entry, as well as tegument proteins involved in regulating lytic replication, but lacked capsid p
46                            RNA molecules cause the proteins involved in the formation of germ granules to coalesce into l
47 s and activation of the heavily glycosylated Notch receptor involved in normal and malignant development.
48 f the CEA-DA path; and (3) striatal subregions specifically involved in CEA-DA-striatal loops.
49 tegories can be grouped according to the predominant system involved in addition to the neuropathy, for example, cardiomy
50  biomolecules, carbohydrates and glycoconjugates are widely involved in numerous biological functions.

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