


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eaction with the active-site serine using an ion selective electrode.
2 interference, which was overcome by specific ion selective electrode.
3 lymeric mixed-matrix membrane and used as an ion-selective electrode.
4 embrane, which was then used to fabricate an ion-selective electrode.
5  epithelial cell monolayer monitored with an ion-selective electrode.
6 s turnover by P4H, is detected by a fluoride ion-selective electrode.
7  and Ca2+ flux adjacent to the membrane with ion-selective electrodes.
8 candidate for the fabrication of implantable ion-selective electrodes.
9  poly(vinyl chloride) and decyl methacrylate ion-selective electrodes.
10 re synthesized as ion-selective reagents for ion-selective electrodes.
11 ogy has a profound effect on the behavior of ion-selective electrodes.
12 ctive for mass production of all-solid state ion-selective electrodes.
13 , there is still a lack in the production of ion-selective electrodes.
14 urposely different from common practice with ion-selective electrodes.
15 tammetry, and free Cu(2+) was measured using ion-selective electrodes.
16 termine unbiased selectivity coefficients of ion-selective electrodes.
17 so far not found their way into the field of ion-selective electrodes.
18  which are then used as a substrate to build ion-selective electrodes.
19 bon nanotubes to yield transducer layers for ion-selective electrodes.
20 ed as a material for clinical containers and ion-selective electrodes.
21 t obtained for the more conventional type of ion-selective-electrodes.
22              In a first example, a potassium ion-selective electrode acts as the reference electrode
23 emical microscope with an amperometric Ag(+) ion-selective electrode (Ag(+)-ISE) and the respiration
24 assay uses a low-volume solid-contact silver ion-selective electrode (Ag(+)-ISE) to monitor the deple
25 d at the lower/sensitive end of the ammonium ion selective electrode (AISE) with O-ring and then elec
26 red by CLE-SPE with those measured by copper-ion-selective electrode and voltammetry demonstrates tha
27  that bridge the detection windows of copper-ion-selective electrode and voltammetry measurements.
28 me and memory effects of low-detection-limit ion-selective electrodes and for other membrane electrod
29 agreement with titration data obtained using ion-selective electrodes and mobility data obtained usin
30    The traditional cation exchangers used in ion-selective electrodes and optodes are tetraphenylbora
31  of the ion activity, in complete analogy to ion-selective electrodes, and multiple such waves are ob
32                           Polymeric membrane ion-selective electrodes are normally interrogated by ze
33                                  Solid-state ion-selective electrodes are used as scanning electroche
34 tramethyl ammonium (TMA), each with specific ion-selective electrodes, as well as by measurement of e
35 o polyvinyl chloride membranes and tested as ion selective electrodes at pH 6.6, whereas near-equal s
36 d as active components of nucleotide-sensing ion-selective electrodes at pH 6.6.
37 nophores in the development of solid-contact ion-selective electrodes based on conducting polymer pol
38 e instrumental control of polymeric membrane ion-selective electrodes based on electrochemically indu
39  with the upper detection limit observed for ion-selective electrodes based on the ionophores valinom
40 ith membranes incorporated into conventional ion-selective electrode bodies or cast onto microfabrica
41 e development of highly sensitive and robust ion selective electrodes capable of in situ measurements
42 al and imaging techniques, such as vibrating ion-selective electrodes, carbon fiber amperometry, and
43 ansistor (ISFET) pH electrodes, and Chloride-Ion Selective Electrodes (Cl-ISE) directly exposed to th
44 onal poly(vinyl chloride) and poly(urethane) ion-selective electrode coatings.
45                             Polymer membrane ion-selective electrodes containing lipophilic ionophore
46 valently attaching heparin on the surface of ion-selective electrodes, electrodes with improved blood
47 polymers or plasticizers are implemented for ion-selective electrode fabrication.
48 l characterization and validation of a novel ion-selective electrode for the highly sensitive and sel
49 ently been introduced to replace traditional ion-selective electrodes for a number of applications.
50  development of miniaturized all-solid-state ion-selective electrodes for in situ measurements.
51 e) (PVC) with plasticizers have been used in ion-selective electrodes for many years.
52                                        While ion-selective electrodes for the polycation protamine ha
53 ective optodes (ISOs), the optical analog of ion-selective electrodes, have played an increasingly im
54                                              Ion-selective electrodes ideally operate on the basis of
55 ditioning refers to the equilibration of the ion-selective electrode in an aqueous solution before th
56 ium (NH4+), measured as NH4-N loads using an ion-selective electrode installed at the inlet of a sewa
57 new family of passive/active all-solid-state ion selective electrodes interrogated by a current pulse
58 , the surface of calcium-selective polymeric ion-selective electrodes is coated with polyelectrolyte
59 novel solid contact type for all-solid-state ion-selective electrodes is introduced, yielding high st
60                    The membrane potential of ion-selective electrodes is measured at zero current in
61 mic model of the phase boundary potential of ion-selective electrodes is presented.
62                                          The ion selective electrode (ISE) membranes with tren-based
63 Sophisticated laboratory grade tools such as ion selective electrodes (ISE) and portable spectrophoto
64 creen-printing can be used for solid contact ion selective electrodes (ISE) realization; these, howev
65  It is well known that the selectivity of an ion-selective electrode (ISE) depends on the stoichiomet
66 dent potential response of a polymeric-based ion-selective electrode (ISE) is presented.
67 hibit excellent selectivity for silver ions, ion-selective electrode (ISE) membranes were optimized a
68                         A new and convenient ion-selective electrode (ISE) method was used to assay N
69 y(3-octylthiophene) (POT) solid-contact (SC) ion-selective electrode (ISE) polymeric membrane has bee
70                    A recent new direction in ion-selective electrode (ISE) research utilizes a stir e
71 ibited, thereby reducing the response of the ion-selective electrode (ISE).
72 d gives new insights into the functioning of ion-selective electrodes (ISE's).
73 A new kind of potentiometric chip sensor for ion-selective electrodes (ISE) based on a solvent polyme
74                                      We used ion selective electrodes (ISEs) to directly characterize
75  of carbonate detection using ultrasensitive ion selective electrodes (ISEs).
76       The PEDOT-C14-based solid contact (SC) ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) (H(+), K(+), and Na(+))
77                            Measurements with ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are performed relative t
78  Selectivities of solvent polymeric membrane ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are quantitatively relat
79                                  Paper-based ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are simple, flexible, an
80                                              Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) are widely used tools fo
81 optimization of the lower detection limit of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) can be assessed with an
82                                              Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) containing neutral ionop
83 ) system based on an array of potentiometric ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) for the discrimination o
84                          Papers published on ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) generally report on the
85                          The applications of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have been broadened thro
86     The selectivity coefficients, KIJpot, of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have been fundamentally
87 rent ion fluxes through polymer membranes of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) may lead to biased endpo
88                               Preparation of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) often requires long and
89 ducting polymer-based solid contact (SC) for ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) that could become the ul
90                                Solid contact ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) typically have an interm
91 ) carbon solid contacts on the properties of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) were examined.
92 y(vinyl chloride)-based membranes to develop ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) with enhanced blood comp
93                                              Ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) with fluorous anion-exch
94 hilic salen derivatives were used to prepare ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) with ionophore-doped flu
95  for the development of a range of polymeric ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) with low detection limit
96 ulsed galvanostatic technique to interrogate ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) with no intrinsic ion-ex
97 ic membranes have been the main reason early ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) without added ion exchan
98 -based (PEDOT(PSS)-based) solid contact (SC) ion-selective electrodes (ISEs), the surfaces of Pt, Au,
99 tool to follow the kinetics of biofouling of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs).
100 ate and clean a multi-probe of solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (ISEs).
101 embrane matrixes were used to prepare silver ion-selective electrodes (ISEs).
102  increases the selectivity and robustness of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs).
103                                              Ion-selective electrodes measured plasma ionized magnesi
104                               Ultrasensitive ion-selective electrode measurements based on stripping
105                        This was confirmed in ion-selective electrode membranes containing no calcium
106 per detection limit of polar ionophore-based ion-selective electrode membranes is predicted by utiliz
107 amples using a classical LaF3-based fluoride ion-selective electrode method.
108 analyzers measure electrolytes via different ion-selective electrode methodology, that is, direct and
109 se slopes in complete analogy to established ion-selective electrode methodology.
110  adjustment equation to correct between both ion-selective electrode methods.
111                                      We used ion-selective electrodes, nuclear magnetic resonance spe
112 experimental results and contrasts to common ion-selective electrode practice, where a salt of the an
113                                The resulting ion-selective electrodes presented near-Nernstian respon
114                                              Ion-selective electrode recordings showed that each even
115  an effect that has become very important in ion-selective electrode research in recent years.
116 de methodology, that is, direct and indirect ion-selective electrodes, respectively.
117                  A new type of solid-contact ion-selective electrode (SC-ISE) has been developed that
118 (E degrees ) of potentiometric solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISE) is described.
119 signal transduction concerning solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISE) with a conducting poly
120 mmonly used in solid-contact and coated-wire ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISEs and CWEs) was quantifi
121 s in lakes with potentiometric solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISEs) and a data processing
122                      Solid contact polymeric ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISEs) have been fabricated
123 ibility of the emf response of solid contact ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISEs) requires a precise co
124 esented as a novel approach to solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (SC-ISEs).
125 ucting substrates to construct solid-contact ion-selective electrodes (SCISEs).
126 The ionophore was incorporated into a planar ion-selective electrode sensor format and the selectivit
127         Vesicle anion transport assays using ion-selective electrodes show that this class of compoun
128                                The resulting ion-selective electrodes showed Nernstian response slope
129     A new type of potentiometric solid-state ion-selective electrode (SS-ISE) has been fabricated wit
130 ured in extracts from brain regions by using ion selective electrode technique.
131                                           An ion-selective electrode technique was used to measure fl
132 opment of a chronopotentiometric readout for ion-selective electrodes that allows one to record trans
133                               In contrast to ion-selective electrodes, the pulstrodes do not require
134 all the current challenges in inkjet-printed ion-selective electrodes, this different fabrication app
135        A novel, solid-supported voltammetric ion-selective electrode to detect anticoagulant/antithro
136 d the novel approach based on a voltammetric ion-selective electrode to enable the electrochemical de
137 chelates shift the potential of the fluoride ion-selective electrode to more positive stable potentia
138 s with low detection limits and voltammetric ion-selective electrodes, to increase operational lifeti
139 ility of potential readings of the resulting ion-selective electrodes together with good reproducibil
140 lts were compared with classical solid-state ion selective electrodes using carbon nanotubes as trans
141  first time, a single-piece, all-solid-state ion-selective electrode was fabricated with carbon black
142                               The fabricated ion-selective electrodes were used to determine Pb(2+) c
143  potassium, calcium, hydrogen, and carbonate ion-selective electrodes, which all exhibit the high sel
144 f solid-contact galvanostatically controlled ion-selective electrodes with a conducting polymer as a
145  ionophore used in PVC or decyl methacrylate ion-selective electrodes, with minor adjustments to acco
146  to perform rapid localized pH titrations at ion-selective electrodes without the need for volumetric

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