


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                      cytotoxic chemotherapy, ionizing radiation).
2 hought to be responsible for the bulk of the ionizing radiation.
3 ds from plants exposed to elevated levels of ionizing radiation.
4 ess and a major cause of oxidative stress is ionizing radiation.
5 ge compared to control in cells treated with ionizing radiation.
6 r resistance to cytotoxic chemotherapies and ionizing radiation.
7 as well as increases sensitivity of cells to ionizing radiation.
8 l role in modulating biological responses to ionizing radiation.
9 ic species are known for their resistance to ionizing radiation.
10 ulated but later is strongly up-regulated by ionizing radiation.
11 ch recombination (CSR) and DSBs generated by ionizing radiation.
12 rnatives to current agents that emit harmful ionizing radiation.
13 s normal tissues while sensitizing tumors to ionizing radiation.
14 treatment with the ATR inhibitor AZD6738 and ionizing radiation.
15 gents that increase oxidative damage such as ionizing radiation.
16 tize prostate cancer cells to the effects of ionizing radiation.
17 ect strand break formation in RNA exposed to ionizing radiation.
18 -electrophiles, reactive oxygen species, and ionizing radiation.
19 ent stays, and increased patient exposure to ionizing radiation.
20 to develop molecules that sensitize cells to ionizing radiation.
21 n, and phosphorylation in response to UV and ionizing radiation.
22  of gammaH2AX accumulation was studied after ionizing radiation.
23 ically induced double strand breaks, UVB and ionizing radiation.
24 d negates PIDDosome-mediated apoptosis after ionizing radiation.
25 efined substrates and cellular resistance to ionizing radiation.
26  genomic instability and hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation.
27 aging of body without the use of any harmful ionizing radiation.
28 on of H2AX and cell viability in response to ionizing radiation.
29 ensitivity of the developing embryo/fetus to ionizing radiation.
30  HR and an increased cellular sensitivity to ionizing radiation.
31 tly exposed to imaging examinations that use ionizing radiation.
32 ur center are exposed to very high levels of ionizing radiation.
33 egative consequences of repeated exposure to ionizing radiation.
34  telangiectasia are exquisitely sensitive to ionizing radiation.
35 s and environmental oxidative stress such as ionizing radiation.
36 e, significantly sensitizing cancer cells to ionizing radiation.
37 ions because it does not involve exposure to ionizing radiation.
38 es at relatively low cost without the use of ionizing radiation.
39 ogenitors also are more resistant to H2O2 or ionizing radiation.
40 endoplasmic reticulum stress and exposure to ionizing radiation.
41  (IGF-1R) enhances tumor cell sensitivity to ionizing radiation.
42 s such as that caused by exposure to chronic ionizing radiation.
43 /CT-as it requires exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation.
44 ention of gammaH2AX and Rad51 foci following ionizing radiation.
45 effects arising from environmental gases and ionizing radiation.
46  ( 1.40 eV) on samples previously exposed to ionizing radiation.
47 nic RAS and reduced tissue inflammation upon ionizing radiation.
48 ection of the direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation.
49 1 associates with gamma-H2A.X in response to ionizing radiation.
50 repair pathways and increases sensitivity to ionizing radiation.
51 tors of GSC quiescence following exposure to ionizing radiation.
52 y, with high diagnostic accuracy and without ionizing radiation.
53 hibitor hydroxyurea, but not the DSB inducer ionizing radiation.
54 for dosimetry, including high sensitivity to ionizing radiation (20 times that of Al2O3:C, under the
55                                 Among these, ionizing radiation, a non-thermal process, has gained co
56 t (perhaps all) anticancer drugs, as well as ionizing radiation, affect autophagy.
57 o exhibit significantly enhanced survival of ionizing radiation and bleomycin treatment, agents that
58 sponse to double-strand DNA breaks caused by ionizing radiation and chemotherapeutic agents.
59  caspase-3 in oral cancer cells treated with ionizing radiation and chemotherapeutic drug, paclitaxel
60 essed in cancer cells, confers resistance to ionizing radiation and chemotherapy agents, and promotes
61 the diversity of tumour cellular response to ionizing radiation and establish multiple lines of evide
62        Melanin pigments protect against both ionizing radiation and free radicals and have potential
63  Thymidine radical cation (1) is produced by ionizing radiation and has been invoked as an intermedia
64                               The absence of ionizing radiation and high resolution MRI, along with t
65 ession of abscopal tumours in the context of ionizing radiation and immune checkpoint blockade in viv
66 ely formed when triglycerides are exposed to ionizing radiation and is being widely used as marker si
67 s the advantages of real-time imaging and no ionizing radiation and may obviate the need for the pati
68 letion leads to the increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhi
69 nd ATP production observed after exposure to ionizing radiation and reduced DNA repair.
70 n laboratory mice after parental exposure to ionizing radiation and show irradiation markedly alters
71 own to differ for exposures like smoking and ionizing radiation and simple cumulative exposure does n
72 ool to map the amount of the body exposed to ionizing radiation and the location of exposure, which a
73 ed, of which 408 (22%) involved considerable ionizing radiation and were the focus of investigation.
74 this patient showed increased sensitivity to ionizing radiations and phleomycin, attesting to a proba
75  mutants however display hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation, and combination of rpa1c and rpa1e r
76 ection, increases HR and cell survival after ionizing radiation, and prevents cellular senescence.
77 ization and activation in cells treated with ionizing radiation, and that loss of Mdm2 Ser394 phospho
78   Oxidative and genotoxic stresses caused by ionizing radiation are detrimental to healthy tissues bu
79 ave irradiation, mechano-chemistry or highly ionizing radiations are employed.
80 adiation absorption of tumors, high doses of ionizing radiations are often needed during RT, leading
81 ease, associated with exposures to high-dose ionizing radiation, are well known.
82  ascorbate enhances the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation as seen by decreased cell viability a
83  the knowledge of the effects of exposure to ionizing radiation as well as questions related to respo
84   Currently, therapies aimed at ameliorating ionizing radiation-associated toxicities are limited.
85 es alters patterns of DNA damage repair from ionizing radiation at a gene locus-specific and genome-w
86                               In response to ionizing radiation, ATM phosphorylates FBXW7 at serine 2
87 ized neuronal progenitors to apoptosis after ionizing radiation because of excessive DNA damage.
88  cores are known to emit very high levels of ionizing radiation, becoming visible over intergalactic
89  of medical imaging which involve the use of ionizing radiation but not for ultrasonography.
90 hat could only be formed through exposure to ionizing radiation, but not by any other means of physic
91 n increase the ability of E. coli to survive ionizing radiation by a factor of 1000.
92 ant fraction of mammalian cells treated with ionizing radiation can survive despite caspase-3 activat
93                                              Ionizing radiation comes from a variety of sources, incl
94 irectly from a human population, that MF non-ionizing radiation could have adverse biological impacts
95 ) and 5,6-dihydrothymidine (dHT), formed via ionizing radiation damage to 2'-deoxycytidine and thymid
96 6-dihydro-2'-deoxyuridine (dHdU), formed via ionizing radiation damage to cytosine under anoxic condi
97 rafts, pharmacologic ascorbate combined with ionizing radiation decreased tumor growth and increased
98 with the combination of an AKT inhibitor and ionizing radiation decreased tumor size in a p53-deficie
99                  High-linear energy transfer ionizing radiation, derived from high charge (Z) and ene
100 ganic materials have been mainly proposed as ionizing radiation detectors in the indirect conversion
101 ile opening the door to new possibilities in ionizing-radiation detectors.
102                    NEK1 is essential for the ionizing radiation DNA damage response and priming of th
103 the notion that survival after high doses of ionizing radiation does not depend on a single mechanism
104 es were subjected, for a week, to cumulative ionizing radiation doses, as used during cancer treatmen
105 opoietic dysfunction results from a range of ionizing radiation doses.
106  allows for precise and instant detection of ionizing radiations down to the level of 10(-4) Gy, repr
107 n this article, we show that DSBs induced by ionizing radiation, etoposide, or bleomycin suppress Rag
108              Substantial evidence has linked ionizing radiation exposure (RE) to oncogenesis.
109  on whether the linear no-threshold model of ionizing radiation exposure accurately predicts the subs
110                     Accidental or deliberate ionizing radiation exposure can be fatal due to widespre
111               However, recent concerns about ionizing radiation exposure have led to a search for alt
112 egeneration and increases survival following ionizing radiation exposure in mice.
113  signatures of somatic mutation characterize ionizing radiation exposure irrespective of tumour type.
114 raphy may have harms resulting from low-dose ionizing radiation exposure or identification of extraco
115                             The knowledge of ionizing radiation exposure risks among the medical staf
116                          Although MRE avoids ionizing radiation exposure, it remains costly.
117           These findings, plus an absence of ionizing radiation exposure, mean that CMR should be mor
118 )J recombination and sensitizes the cells to ionizing radiation exposure.
119 hat AIM2 may be a new therapeutic target for ionizing radiation exposure.
120 dren and adolescents from potential risks of ionizing radiation exposure.
121 uted tomography (CT) owing to concerns about ionizing radiation exposure.
122 eutics aimed at mitigating the toxicities of ionizing radiation exposure.
123 nt new method with high accuracy and without ionizing radiation exposure.
124 imaging, however, comes with risk related to ionizing radiation exposure.
125 man lymphocytes proportional to TP53 status (ionizing radiation exposure: patients with LFS, 2.71% [9
126                        Nuclear medicine uses ionizing radiation for both in vivo diagnosis and therap
127  galaxies probably facilitated the escape of ionizing radiation from galaxies when the Universe was a
128 imaging of both radionuclide- and beam-based ionizing radiation from high-energy photons and charged
129                                        Thus, ionizing radiation generates distinctive mutational sign
130 he genetic consequences of human exposure to ionizing radiation has been a long-standing goal of huma
131                                              Ionizing radiation has been shown to produce negative ef
132  human tissues following in vivo exposure to ionizing radiation have not been documented.
133 antly more susceptible to strand scission by ionizing radiation (hydroxyl radical) than is DNA.
134 date novel epigenetic rheostats that promote ionizing radiation hypersensitivity in various normal st
135                                As with other ionizing radiation imaging modalities, CBCT imaging shou
136          Here, we searched for signatures of ionizing radiation in 12 radiation-associated second mal
137 eptible to cataract induction by exposure to ionizing radiation in early postnatal age, when lens epi
138 sms acting to buffer the negative effects of ionizing radiation in natural populations.
139  methanol-based - interstellar model ices to ionizing radiation in the form of energetic electrons.
140 ssociated gene (ATDC) mediated resistance to ionizing radiation in vitro and in vivo in mouse xenogra
141 ions about its role in DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation, in which low-energy electrons are kn
142 llow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings to low dose ionizing radiation increased genetic damage to their per
143                         Herein, we show that ionizing radiation increases high mannose-type N-glycans
144                                  Exposure to ionizing radiation increases the risk of chronic metabol
145 ficient to repress the apoptotic response to ionizing radiation independent of developmental signalin
146  and persistence of gammaH2AX foci following ionizing radiation, indicating a defect in DNA double-st
147                                High doses of ionizing radiation induce acute damage to epithelial cel
148 induced DNA damage, and RAD51 recruitment to ionizing radiation induced foci (IRIF), which requires e
149                                    Moreover, ionizing radiation induced macrophage morphological alte
150                        We found that cranial ionizing radiation induced robust and durable PMT in tum
151 1 overexpression suppresses the formation of ionizing radiation-induced 53BP1 and BRCA1 but not RNF16
152 thosterol 5-desaturase, then UVR accelerates ionizing radiation-induced BCC carcinogenesis.
153 , chronic topical application of D3 inhibits ionizing radiation-induced BCC tumorigenesis.
154 Bs, which in normal cells is responsible for ionizing radiation-induced cell senescence and protectio
155 X functions together with XLF in response to ionizing radiation-induced complex DSBs, whereas they fu
156 en implicated the yejH gene in the repair of ionizing radiation-induced damage.
157 ofluorescent detection of repair proteins at ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage foci that Wwox exp
158                                              Ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB
159 ese two proteins and variably contributes to ionizing radiation-induced DSB repair in human and chick
160 sensitive technique to monitor external-beam ionizing radiation-induced DSBs in peripheral blood lymp
161 (TIRR) that specifically associates with the ionizing radiation-induced foci formation region of 53BP
162 tem cells exhibit reduced ATM activation and ionizing radiation-induced foci, they display apoptotic
163 opment of therapeutics capable of mitigating ionizing radiation-induced hematopoietic toxicity could
164 nucleosome (50-500 bp) scale, obtained using ionizing radiation-induced spatially correlated cleavage
165 irst, Plk3 and CtIP enhance the formation of ionizing radiation-induced translocations; second, they
166       Consequently, NHEJ-dependent repair of ionizing-radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks is c
167                            Acute exposure to ionizing radiation induces massive cell death and severe
168 ecombination (HR) factors BRCA1 and RAD51 at ionizing radiation (IR) -induced foci.
169 ocyst perturbation resulted in resistance to ionizing radiation (IR) and accelerated resolution of DN
170 eaks are the major lethal lesions induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and can be efficiently repaired
171  mediate ATM kinase signaling in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and chromatin changes, respectiv
172  we challenged Plk1-overexpressing mice with ionizing radiation (IR) and found that Plk1-overexpressi
173 ency enhances accumulation of p53 induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and sensitizes mice to IR-induce
174 ivation and repression events in response to ionizing radiation (IR) and synthetic p53 activation.
175 r responses to genotoxic stresses, including ionizing radiation (IR) and topoisomerase inhibitors.
176                   Induction of DNA damage by ionizing radiation (IR) and/or cytotoxic chemotherapy is
177 s (GSCs) to survive exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation (IR) as a model of adult stem cell in
178                               Treatment with ionizing radiation (IR) can lead to the accumulation of
179                                              Ionizing radiation (IR) causes not only acute tissue dam
180 mal thyroid function is disturbed because of ionizing radiation (IR) exposure, deleterious effects ca
181                               In response to ionizing radiation (IR) induced DNA damage, cancer cells
182      Exposure of murine and human tissues to ionizing radiation (IR) induces the expression of p16(IN
183                        Nonlethal exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) is a public concern due to its k
184                                              Ionizing radiation (IR) is also an immune modulator and
185                                              Ionizing radiation (IR) is commonly used in cancer thera
186                     We studied the effect of ionizing radiation (IR) on continuous growth of seven hE
187                      However, the effects of ionizing radiation (IR) on HKG expression is unclear.
188 ogaster germline and midgut are resistant to ionizing radiation (IR) or chemically induced apoptosis
189         Elderly cancer patients treated with ionizing radiation (IR) or chemotherapy experience more
190 discrete foci in response to DSBs induced by ionizing radiation (IR) or radiomimetic drugs, including
191 l of cancer cells mediated by high levels of ionizing radiation (IR) reduces the effectiveness of rad
192 forts to understand the complex phenotype of ionizing radiation (IR) resistance, a genome sequence ca
193 melanogaster larvae irradiated with doses of ionizing radiation (IR) that kill about half of the cell
194 s typically insulted during chemotherapy and ionizing radiation (IR) therapy and disposed to mucositi
195          Concern over potential exposures of ionizing radiation (IR) to large populations has emphasi
196 lved in sensitizing radioresistant tumors to ionizing radiation (IR) treatments while minimizing inju
197 isite sensitivity of mitotic cancer cells to ionizing radiation (IR) underlies an important rationale
198 h-MYCN/Trp53(KI/KI) tumors were resistant to ionizing radiation (IR), as expected.
199                               In response to ionizing radiation (IR), cells activate a DNA damage res
200 ses of HuR in oral cancer cells treated with ionizing radiation (IR), determined that HuR cleavage pr
201 ed cell survival after DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation (IR), expression of BRCA1 K898E prove
202 uction of NADPH, such that after exposure to ionizing radiation (IR), there were higher levels of rea
203 cterial cells to survive extreme exposure to ionizing radiation (IR), we broadly screened nonessentia
204 es mediating the response of glioblastoma to ionizing radiation (IR), we used polysome profiling to d
205 e, we show that clinically relevant doses of ionizing radiation (IR)-induce cellular invasion of ErbB
206 g pharmacological strategies for controlling ionizing radiation (IR)-induced cell death is important
207  genomic instability and cell sensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR)-induced death.
208                                              Ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA double-strand breaks
209 broblasts (MEFs) showed defects in repairing ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DNA double-strand breaks
210 religate transformed linear plasmids, repair ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DSBs in nonreplicating c
211 RC5A contributes significantly to preventing ionizing radiation (IR)-induced lung tumorigenesis.
212 ent study, we report for the first time that ionizing radiation (IR)-induced MMP-9 enhances SDC1 shed
213 scarce and the mutational processes defining ionizing radiation (IR)-induced mutagenesis in vivo are
214 s accumulate more alkylator-induced, but not ionizing radiation (IR)-induced, mutations than similarl
215           In this study, we demonstrate that ionizing radiation (IR)-induces ATM-dependent phosphoryl
216 k, in cells treated with small molecules and ionizing radiation (IR).
217  drugs have been found to sensitize cells to ionizing radiation (IR).
218 the ability to alter cellular sensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR).
219 o a hyperphosphorylated state in response to ionizing radiation (IR).
220 tance to radiotherapy limits the efficacy of ionizing radiation (IR).
221 t in exposure to potentially lethal doses of ionizing radiation (IR).
222 complex new phenotype, extreme resistance to ionizing radiation (IR).
223  (EGFR) can enhance the cytotoxic effects of ionizing radiation (IR).
224 rvival following cytotoxic stress induced by ionizing radiation (IR).
225 ry response elicited in mouse macrophages by ionizing radiation (IR).
226 sence sensitizes the bacterium to killing by ionizing radiation (IR).
227 e hypersensitive to genotoxic stress such as ionizing radiation (IR).
228 tion to the severity of dystrophy induced by ionizing radiation (IR).
229 emination in adjacent brain parenchyma after ionizing radiation (IR).
230 bility to repair DNA in the cells exposed to ionizing radiation (IR).
231                                              Ionizing radiation is a common therapeutic modality and
232                                              Ionizing radiation is a potent carcinogen, inducing canc
233                                              Ionizing radiation is a well known human carcinogen.
234 ing the consequences of exposure to low dose ionizing radiation is an important public health concern
235 ortance of nontargeted (systemic) effects of ionizing radiation is attracting increasing attention.
236                                              Ionizing radiation is frequently used to kill tumor cell
237 minimizing exposure to alkylating agents and ionizing radiation is important for optimizing survival
238                                              Ionizing radiation is one of the most common cancer trea
239 l method for imaging mineral content without ionizing radiation is proposed.
240                      Magnetic field (MF) non-ionizing radiation is widespread and everyone is exposed
241 ren may be more vulnerable to the effects of ionizing radiation, it is necessary to develop methods t
242 llographic and Raman analysis indicates that ionizing radiation kick-starts both peroxide decompositi
243                       The burden of low-dose ionizing radiation (LDIR) exposure from medical procedur
244 re exposed to increasing amounts of low-dose ionizing radiation (LDIR) from cardiac procedures.
245 eas around Chernobyl differing in background ionizing radiation levels and one control study site in
246 ormation and an increase of metal depletion, ionizing radiations, marine eutrophication, and particul
247  stem cells (HSCs) are highly susceptible to ionizing radiation-mediated death via induction of ROS,
248                                              Ionizing radiation-mediated tumor regression depends on
249 factor XLF result in extreme sensitivity for ionizing radiation, microcephaly, and growth retardation
250  the cellular response of tumours exposed to ionizing radiation, modelling the alteration of oxygen p
251 he long-term risk of cancer from exposure to ionizing radiation, most participants reported that thei
252 main clinical mainstays, optical readouts of ionizing radiation offer numerous benefits and complemen
253 nding that cancer chemotherapeutic drugs and ionizing radiation often promote autophagy has provided
254                  Particularly, the effect of ionizing radiation on macrophages, using therapeutically
255 , we test for the consequence of exposure to ionizing radiation on plant development.
256 d that independently assessed the effects of ionizing radiation on transcription and post-transcripti
257 ts normal cells from DNA damage induction by ionizing radiation or chemotherapeutics, whereas cancer
258  that arises spontaneously or secondarily to ionizing radiation or chronic lymphoedema.
259 specific environmental mutagen, specifically ionizing radiation or cigarette smoking.
260 ere we report that treatment of tumours with ionizing radiation or genotoxic drugs drives p21-activat
261 ic CRAF inhibitor sensitizes tumour cells to ionizing radiation or genotoxic drugs.
262 inflammatory challenges, such as exposure to ionizing radiation or to bacterial lipopolysaccharides.
263 e induced by a variety of stimuli, including ionizing radiation, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
264  is concerning owing to the cancer risk from ionizing radiation, particularly in children younger tha
265  molecular probes sensitive to byproducts of ionizing radiation (primarily reactive oxygen species, o
266                                              Ionizing radiation produces clustered damage to DNA whic
267                                      Whereas ionizing radiation promoted autophagy in all tumor cell
268 lpha-imaging systems: an alpha-camera and an ionizing-radiation quantum imaging detector (iQID) camer
269 he common access to imaging methods based on ionizing radiation requires also radiation protection.
270 ouse B-cell line, and dispensable for normal ionizing radiation resistance in both G1-arrested and cy
271 dividuals with PPM1D truncating mutations to ionizing radiation resulted in normal p53 activation, su
272 r studying biological effects under low-dose ionizing radiation, safety control in medical radiation
273  NHEJ and sensitizes nonreplicating cells to ionizing radiation, selective ablation of the ligase act
274               Importantly, LRF loss restores ionizing radiation sensitivity to p53 null cells, making
275                                              Ionizing radiation significantly increased PS exposure o
276                             Furthermore, for ionizing radiation sources that cannot be imaged using t
277 of melanized fungi to cosmic and terrestrial ionizing radiation suggests that melanin also plays a pi
278 lasts from these pigs were more sensitive to ionizing radiation than non-SCID piglets, eliminating th
279 r carcinogenic effect compared with sparsely ionizing radiation that is prevalent on earth.
280  damage caused by exogenous sources, such as ionizing radiation, the tumour suppressor p53 mediates c
281                          As it is altered by ionizing radiation, the vascular network is considered a
282            Increasing evidence suggests that ionizing radiation therapy (RT) in combination with chec
283 n the precisely guided delivery of high-dose ionizing radiation to an intracranial target.
284 nction and show that SNP309G cooperates with ionizing radiation to exacerbate tumor development.
285 dy to E-cadherin, works synergistically with ionizing radiation to promote the epidermal damage.
286  therapy and precisely deliver high doses of ionizing radiation to small deep-seated target volumes.
287                 We find that UVR exposure of ionizing radiation-treated Ptch1(+/-) mice accelerates B
288 ed the function of miR-24 in NPC cells after ionizing radiation treatment, resulting in increased apo
289  chemical agents that increase DNA damage by ionizing radiation under O2-deficient conditions.
290 h yejH and radA hypersensitized the cells to ionizing radiation, UV and ciprofloxacin damage, indicat
291 s to agents that cause double-strand breaks (ionizing radiation, UV radiation, ciprofloxacin).
292 BSGI on the basis of the Biologic Effects of Ionizing Radiation VII report, the benefit-to-radiation
293 ch of the Committee on Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation VII.
294                                  Exposure to ionizing radiation was estimated to be 14.5 mSv for one
295 udy, stimulation by doxorubicin, hypoxia and ionizing radiation was used to induce MDR in HCC cells.
296  and dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA), induced by ionizing radiation, was investigated.
297  N109D) mutant RUNX1 conferred resistance to ionizing radiation when overexpressed in Ba/F3 cells und
298                                      Densely ionizing radiation, which is present in the space radiat
299                        The galaxy is leaking ionizing radiation with an escape fraction of about 8 pe
300         There are well-known associations of ionizing radiation with female breast cancer, and emergi

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