


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 0 km altitude before connecting to the lower ionosphere.
2 understorm or meteor effects on the D-region ionosphere.
3 ion with streamer initiation in the D-region ionosphere.
4 he solar wind into Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere.
5  in situ and through TEC measurements in the ionosphere.
6 le, create an auroral footprint in Jupiter's ionosphere.
7 net negative charge of 17-23 C to the lower ionosphere.
8 waves propagating from the atmosphere to the ionosphere.
9 ; the remaining ions and electrons form Io's ionosphere.
10  rings, allowing in situ measurements of the ionosphere.
11 e that lightning can interact with the lower ionosphere.
12 contact between a thundercloud and the lower ionosphere.
13 und 1 million amperes down through Jupiter's ionosphere.
14 on densities measured by Voyager in Triton's ionosphere.
15  the source is not associated with the Venus ionosphere.
16 from the solar wind to the magnetosphere and ionosphere.
17 ol relative to those encountered outside the ionosphere.
18 ectrically connect the troposphere and lower ionosphere.
19 ls dissipation of the energy released in the ionosphere?
20 erived from water from the ring-plane to the ionosphere, an influx on a global scale, flooding betwee
21 caused by enhanced currents flowing into the ionosphere and increased radiation in the near-Earth env
22 MIS spacecraft, we investigated simultaneous ionosphere and magnetosphere observations of the plasmas
23 What are the physical processes coupling the ionosphere and magnetosphere?
24 ical currents flowing within and between the ionosphere and magnetotail.
25 re above the surface, and thus well into the ionosphere and the exosphere.
26 d by electrical currents flowing between the ionosphere and the magnetosphere which accelerate energe
27 e measurements of the Mars upper atmosphere, ionosphere, and interactions with the Sun and solar wind
28                                The torus and ionosphere are also depleted by three time-variable proc
29  of excited H3+ molecular ions in the jovian ionosphere, as seen from Earth.
30 tons, thus demonstrating the existence of an ionosphere associated with the A ring.
31 rom thunderstorm cloud tops to the bottom of ionosphere at 90 km altitude and electrically connect t
32 strument detected a cold, dense, and dynamic ionosphere at Saturn that interacts with the rings.
33 , and produced not in the quiet mid-latitude ionosphere, but in the midst of a pulsating natural auro
34 ive measurements of martian thermosphere and ionosphere composition, structure, and variability at al
35                                      Such an ionosphere could be produced by solar photoionization an
36        Sprites initiate near the base of the ionosphere, develop very rapidly downwards at speeds whi
37  relatively high electron density in the mid-ionosphere E layer, which significantly affect radio-wav
38           The solar wind, magnetosphere, and ionosphere form a single system driven by the transfer o
39 oduce gravity waves that propagate up to the ionosphere generating disturbed electron densities in th
40   A connection between thunderstorms and the ionosphere has been hypothesized since the mid-1920s.
41 bserved electron density of the low-latitude ionosphere, however, is lower and its temperature higher
42 viously proposed, Triton could have the only ionosphere in the solar system not controlled by solar r
43          Over the A and B rings, we found an ionosphere in which O2+ and O+ are dominant, which sugge
44 aking campaign took the spacecraft below the ionosphere into the very weakly electrically conducting
45                                          The ionosphere is identified by a dense plasma that is at re
46                                     Saturn's ionosphere is produced when the otherwise neutral atmosp
47 rgy transfer to planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres is controlled by magnetic reconnection, a pr
48 nsional, time-dependent coupled thermosphere-ionosphere model and properly include cooling by H3+ ion
49 d VARION (Variometric Approach for Real-Time Ionosphere Observation), and estimate slant TEC (sTEC) v
50 aft unexpectedly passed directly through the ionosphere of Io.
51   We report the first radar soundings of the ionosphere of Mars with the MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar
52 ares, causing up to 200% enhancements to the ionosphere of Mars, as recorded by the Mars Global Surve
53                  If the upper atmosphere and ionosphere of Triton are controlled by precipitation of
54 ms are widely observed in the ISM and in the ionospheres of planets and moons.
55 ultations revealed the presence of a tenuous ionosphere on Europa, with an average maximum electron d
56 r energy from the site of lightning into the ionosphere, or vertical electrical discharge, or by a co
57 th hot atomic or ionized constituents in the ionosphere, plasmasphere or magnetosphere.
58 nteraction between Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere produces an asymmetry consistent with observe
59 ized upper layer of Saturn's atmosphere, its ionosphere, provides a closure of currents mediated by t
60 RSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) instrument on board the orbiting Ma
61 ape processes controlled by thermosphere and ionosphere structure and variability.
62 tion powered by the solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere (SW-M-I) interaction.
63        Here we report observations of Venus' ionosphere that reveal strong, circularly polarized, ele
64 cent through Jupiter's atmosphere, under the ionosphere, the lightning and radio emission detector me
65       The dayside proton auroral spot in the ionosphere--the remote signature of high-latitude magnet
66  reflection from the horizontally stratified ionosphere to a wide variety of oblique and diffuse echo
67    Because all planetary atmospheres possess ionospheres, we anticipate that the mechanisms identifie
68 and contains ions from both Io and Jupiter's ionosphere with intense bursts of H(+) and H(+)(3).

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