


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                Preeclampsia is a complex and common human-specific pregnancy syndrome ass
2                                                    Melanoma is a complex and genomically diverse malignancy, and new gene
3                                          The gut microbiome is a complex and metabolically active community that directly
4               We conclude that pneumococcal phase variation is a complex and multifactorial process leading to strain-spe
5                                                       Aging is a complex biological process regulated by multiple cellula
6                                                  Metastasis is a complex biological process that has been difficult to de
7                                                       Honey is a complex biological substance, consisting mainly of sugar
8                                                         FPW is a complex chemical mixture consisting of trace metals, org
9                                           Their active site is a complex cofactor consisting of a unique [2Fe] subcluster
10                                    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a complex disease affecting almost every tissue and organ
11                                                   Psoriasis is a complex disease of skin with a prevalence of about 2%.
12 , the most common primary glomerular disorder causing ESRD, is a complex disease that is only partially understood.
13                                 Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a complex disorder that manifests with an array of phenoty
14                              The default mode network (DMN) is a complex dynamic network that is critical for understandi
15                                    Escherichia coli CusCFBA is a complex efflux system, responsible for transferring Cu(I
16                                           Jaw morphogenesis is a complex event mediated by inductive signals that establi
17 ndria are a bona fide target of Coxiella effectors and MceA is a complex-forming effector at the mitochondrial outer memb
18                                Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a complex gene-environmental disease affecting close to 10
19                            Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal disorder characterized by reproductive,
20                                                The ribosome is a complex macromolecular machine composed of RNA and prote
21                Plant response to their environment stresses is a complex mechanism involving secondary metabolites.
22                                       Because tumorigenesis is a complex mechanism, the regulatory architecture of the im
23 diffusion but act simultaneously, so the observed diffusion is a complex mixture of diffusive behaviors (directed, Browni
24                                                Angiogenesis is a complex, multicellular process that is critical for bone
25 g genetic variants from the multitude of candidate variants is a complex, multidimensional task.
26                                                        CRPC is a complex, multifaceted and heterogeneous malady with limi
27                                               Dental plaque is a complex multispecies biofilm, and is a direct precursor
28                                              Tfp biogenesis is a complex multistep process, which relies on macromolecula
29                         The vacuolar H(+) ATPase (V-ATPase) is a complex multisubunit machine that regulates important ce
30                                      The actin cytoskeleton is a complex network controlled by a vast array of intricatel
31                                  The A. fumigatus cell wall is a complex network of polysaccharides among them galactofur
32                                       Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder presenting with danger
33 roteins of class I are trimers in which the protomeric unit is a complex of a surface subunit (SU) and a fusion active tr
34                          Rather, baseline skin pigmentation is a complex, polygenic trait in the KhoeSan.
35                            Virus aggregation-disaggregation is a complex process and predicting the behavior of any indiv
36                                      Muscle differentiation is a complex process in which muscle progenitor cells undergo
37                                             Protein folding is a complex process that can lead to disease when it fails.
38                                    Craniofacial development is a complex process that involves sequential growth and fusi
39  Regulation of skeletal muscle development and organization is a complex process that is not fully understood.
40                                      Prostate organogenesis is a complex process that is primarily mediated by the presen
41                                        Alternative splicing is a complex process that provides a high diversity of protei
42                                               Cell division is a complex process that requires precise duplication of gen
43                                                Bone healing is a complex process with closely linked phases of inflammati
44 onsisting of multiple parts, each with a specific function, is a complex process.
45             Heavy chain-Hyaluronan/Pentraxin 3 (HC-HA/PTX3) is a complex purified from human amniotic membrane (AM) and k
46                                                      Asthma is a complex respiratory disorder characterized by marked het
47                                          Heart failure (HF) is a complex syndrome associated with a maladaptive innate im
48                                                    The Crab is a complex system consisting of a central pulsar, a diffuse
49    Achieving confidence in the causality of a disease locus is a complex task that often requires supporting data from bo
50                                 Management of pediatric VTE is a complex undertaking, considering that the vast majority

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