


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1    Identifying and quantifying dissimilarities among graphs is a fundamental and challenging problem of practical importa
2                          Yellow, orange, and red coloration is a fundamental aspect of avian diversity and serves as an i
3 the dialog between nociceptor neurons and the immune system is a fundamental aspect of inflammation, both acute and chron
4                                                    Foraging is a fundamental behavior, and many types of animals appear t
5 onship between activated neurons and hemodynamic responses, is a fundamental brain function that underlies hemodynamic-ba
6                                                   Autophagy is a fundamental cellular homeostatic mechanism, whereby cell
7 t regulate the transition from primary to metastatic cancer is a fundamental challenge.
8                                       The valuation of food is a fundamental component of our decision-making.
9                     Nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT) is a fundamental cytosolic biotransforming enzyme that cataly
10                                            Sexual selection is a fundamental evolutionary process but remains debated, pa
11                                                  Body shape is a fundamental expression of organismal biology, but its qu
12                                Identifying genomic variants is a fundamental first step toward the understanding of the r
13                                              However, there is a fundamental gap in our quantitative understanding of the
14  moles and diandric triploid in partial hydatidiform moles) is a fundamental genetic event leading to global alteration o
15                 Controlling motion at the microscopic scale is a fundamental goal in the development of biologically insp
16                                        Compartmentalization is a fundamental ingredient, central to the functioning of bi
17                     The folate-driven one-carbon (1C) cycle is a fundamental metabolic hub in cells that enables the synt
18                                            Hypoxia (low O2) is a fundamental microenvironmental determinant of bone marro
19                  Antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) is a fundamental mission of the clinical microbiology laborat
20                                            This interaction is a fundamental mnemonic operation that has thus far been la
21 d analyzing a large number of genome-scale metabolic models is a fundamental part of the integrated study of microbial co
22 heterogeneous cell mixture organizes into distinct tissues, is a fundamental patterning process in development.
23                      Lysine acetylation of histone proteins is a fundamental post-translational modification that regulat
24 g error-prone immunosequencing datasets into Ab repertoires is a fundamental problem in immunogenomics, and a prerequisit
25 nding the relationship between brain structure and function is a fundamental problem in network neuroscience.
26                            Allele-specific expression (ASE) is a fundamental problem in studying gene regulation and dipl
27               Asymmetric positioning of the mitotic spindle is a fundamental process responsible for creating sibling cel
28                                     Branching morphogenesis is a fundamental program for tissue patterning.
29            The ability to respond toward mechanical stimuli is a fundamental property of biological organisms at both the
30                                                 Although pH is a fundamental property of Earth's oceans, critical to our
31                                   Apicobasolateral polarity is a fundamental property of epithelial cells, and its loss i
32 gth scales than previously anticipated.Solid surface stress is a fundamental property of solid interfaces.
33 tivity.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Long-term synaptic plasticity is a fundamental property of the brain, causing persistent mo
34                                        The Josephson effect is a fundamental quantum phenomenon where a dissipationless s
35                 How sexually dimorphic gonads are generated is a fundamental question at the interface of developmental a
36 y language subsystems differ in their evolutionary dynamics is a fundamental question for historical and comparative ling
37 g the neural constraints on our capacity for sensory uptake is a fundamental question in neuroscience.
38                                                       Force is a fundamental regulatory mechanism of biomolecular interac
39                                                  Ergodicity is a fundamental requirement for a dynamical system to reach
40 ce and suggest that release from this suppressive mechanism is a fundamental requirement for subsequent initiation of ery
41 aperone-assisted eviction of linker histones and Shugoshins is a fundamental step in mammalian mitotic progression.
42                                          Genome segregation is a fundamental step in the life cycle of every cell.
43             Inferring the similarity between two given RNAs is a fundamental step to understand and interpret their funct
44 ed and there is a consensus that knowledge of such pathways is a fundamental step towards understanding the neural circui
45                                 Finding new phase of matter is a fundamental task in physics.
46                          In computational biology, modeling is a fundamental tool for formulating, analyzing and predicti
47 In this context, the generation of transient covalent bonds is a fundamental tool for nonequilibrium systems chemistry.
48                                          Orthology analysis is a fundamental tool in comparative genomics.
49                                              However, there is a fundamental tradeoff between the signal detection effici
50 w mitochondria escape this irreversible defect accumulation is a fundamental unsolved question.

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