


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 D4+ cells in the HIV-negative (HIV-) brain-dead donor (BDD) is not known.
2 n lignocellulosic cell walls and fungal hyphae during decay is not known.
3 ng infection, but how the genome is organized and delivered is not known.
4 ulation is coordinated to ensure proper circuit development is not known.
5 ing or skew clonal recruitment and effector differentiation is not known.
6  traditional computed tomography criteria have mild disease is not known.
7                        The mechanism of the PHP-exonuclease is not known.
8 ssarily aged cells that have gradually lost CD19 expression is not known.
9 gulants among patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation is not known.
10 ing knob structure and the resulting movement in shear flow is not known.
11 strates of PRC2 that might also contribute to PRC2 function is not known.
12  brain at the resolution of individual neuronal cell groups is not known.
13 lovirus risk after hematopoietic-cell transplantation (HCT) is not known.
14 implified models because the actual neuronal implementation is not known.
15 ns associated with chromatin but its function in interphase is not known.
16                                                          It is not known exactly where amyloid-beta (Abeta) fibrils begin
17                                                          It is not known if the other major types of pyramidal neurons in
18                                                          It is not known whether coronary artery calcium (CAC) assessment
19                                                          It is not known whether elevated serum levels of endothelin-1 in
20                                                          It is not known whether the T- and B-cell defects caused by LRRC
21                                                          It is not known whether this "inaudible" rhythmic sound stream a
22 monly associated with allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), it is not known if they are mediated by shared or distinct signa
23                                                 Although it is not known when or where life on Earth began, some of the e
24 location must account for this frequency dependence, but it is not known how this might occur.
25 mate receptors are important for estradiol feedback, but it is not known where they fit in the circuitry.
26 atory mechanisms of p300 acetyltransferase activity, but it is not known whether CBP activity is controlled similarly.
27 lonization events are crucibles for rapid evolution, but it is not known whether evolutionary changes arise mainly after
28 e can be influenced by metabolite levels in culture, but it is not known whether physiological variations in metabolite l
29 TEFs) such as polymerase-associated factor 1 (Paf1), but it is not known whether TEFs have gene-specific functions.
30   This information relies on the same neural system, but it is not known whether the organisational principles governing
31 ty of sodium channels, and while it is highly conserved, it is not known whether the functional role of this splicing is
32                                                 However, it is not known whether endogenous IL-4 and IL-13 contribute to
33                                                 However, it is not known whether intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is of add
34                                                 However, it is not known whether neuroactive steroid levels are abnormal
35 s associated with physiological cardiac growth; however, it is not known whether or how physical activity-induced changes
36 utism, and sensitization to cocaine; however, the mechanism is not known.
37                 How these different activities are mediated is not known.
38 mine D4 receptor (hD4R) is maintained in synaptic membranes is not known.
39 n, whether vri is required for clock function and/or output is not known.
40 er membranes through the hydrophilic space of the periplasm is not known.
41 educed burden of dementia given the aging of the population is not known.
42 ) can indirectly reduce illness in unvaccinated populations is not known.
43 sis for the elevated perceptual noise in amblyopic primates is not known.
44  of cell behavior are coordinated through a single receptor is not known.
45 e of transcription, CTCF, and TERRA in telomere replication is not known.
46 ough the specific gasotransmitter for this biofilm response is not known, we find that addition of hydrogen sulfide gas t
47 m linking common variants in this region with coronary risk is not known.
48  protect by opsonophagocytic activity in the absence of SBA is not known.
49 ent of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the optimal strategy is not known.
50 resection for both patient selection and long-term survival is not known.

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