


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 ific but necessarily weak binding of tropomyosin to F-actin is required for effective thin filament function.
2 ata suggest that controlled but not constitutive activation is required for gonococcal infection in mice.
3                                     Thus, mTORC1 activation is required for fueling B cells prior to DZ proliferation rat
4 lar protein known to remain at the base of mature cilia and is required for intraflagellar transport trafficking.
5 Ls is an integral component of axon-glial communication and is required for the function and maturation of OLs to promote
6 out the need for collimated or polarised incident light, as is required for existing methods.
7        Finally, we found that ST8Sia-IV autopolysialylation is required for NRP-2 polysialylation and that ST8Sia-II auto
8 d DNA is determined by its ATPase domain, that this binding is required for processing protein substrates in nucleoprotei
9                                                        BPTF is required for anterior-posterior axis formation of the mous
10                                      Mechanistically, CD2AP is required for mechanosensitive ICAM-1 downstream signaling
11        We show that condensin II function at the centromere is required for new CENP-A deposition in human cells.
12    Here we show that the INO80 chromatin remodeling complex is required for oncogenic transcription and tumor growth in n
13  Only a reduced electronics with very low power consumption is required for the reading of the optical responses and data
14                                                      Copper is required for the activity of cytochrome c oxidase (COX), t
15 Qa, immediately upstream of the SNARE heptad-repeat domain, is required for normal fusion activity with HOPS.
16 fic ablation of eIF2alphaP and demonstrated that eIF2alphaP is required for induction of ATF4 protein synthesis in vivo i
17 mentation test results suggest that phosphorylation of EMS1 is required for its function in anther development.
18 unit of the mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling enzymes, is required for both myoblast proliferation and differentiati
19          Our results altogether suggest that MSRB8 function is required for ETI and containment of stress-induced cell de
20  for embryonic development, while maternally deposited gdf3 is required for mesendoderm formation and dorsal-ventral patt
21 the endothelium, and Mac-1 engagement of platelet GPIbalpha is required for injury responses in diverse disease models.
22     We also found that the extracellular domain of IL1RAPL1 is required for this effect, independently of the interaction
23     The induction of SMARCA2 in response to EZH2 inhibition is required for apoptosis, but not for growth arrest, through
24                                     Here, we show that IRF8 is required for Th9 differentiation in vitro and in vivo.
25 s not essential for H3-H4 tetrasome deposition in vitro, it is required for efficient DNA synthesis-coupled nucleosome as
26 ugh dispensable for homeostatic Th17 cell development, JunB is required for induction and maintenance of Th17 effector re
27 al recordings show that Sema-1a-dependent R axon lamination is required for preventing the spread of synaptic inhibition
28   Together, our data suggested that protein O-mannosylation is required for normal sensory feedback to control coordinate
29                            First, after DSB formation, Mer2 is required for pairing by mediating homolog spatial juxtapos
30            Coordination between osteoblasts and osteoclasts is required for bone health and homeostasis.
31 plexes transport nuclear-encoded proteins, whereas the Oxa1 is required for the insertion of mitochondria-encoded membran
32 namic induction of DLL4 transcription and that this pathway is required for DLL4 expression.
33                                                        PRC2 is required for chromatin reprogramming in the germline, and
34                                Positive transmural pressure is required for this suction, providing the energy required t
35 omal protein uS10 by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Hel2 (or RQT1) is required for RQC.
36     We show that signalling through the TrpA1 thermo-sensor is required for PMW, and that TrpA1 specifically impacts sies
37    Thus, we sought to determine if intrinsic MAVS signaling is required for participation of Tregs in anti-WNV immunity.
38 Here, we demonstrated that T-cell intrinsic MyD88 signaling is required for proliferation, protection from apoptosis and
39 esulting from multiple interdependent phosphorylation sites is required for a GC-A conformation capable of transmitting t
40 tective effect of aPC, demonstrating that Nlrp3 suppression is required for aPC-mediated protection from IRI.
41 activity of SWR, whereas an acidic region at the N-terminus is required for optimal SWR function.
42                                          Functionally, Tet3 is required for robust axon regeneration of DRG neurons and b
43  a C2B surface implicated in SNARE complex interaction that is required for rapid synchronization and Ca(2+) cooperativit
44 KL controls the expression of 3BP2, an adapter protein that is required for activation of SRC tyrosine kinase and simulta
45                                                        This is required for the induction of lipophagy, but not basal aut
46 chores mature through Ska complex recruitment and that this is required for improved load-bearing capacity and silencing
47          Our technique is useful when a large field-of-view is required, for example, in the case of weakly interacting b
48                  One such nuclear receptor is DAF-12, which is required for normal nematode development, including the al
49  coactivator with PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) expression, which is required for osteoblast proliferation and differentiation
50                 Together, these data demonstrate that H2A.Z is required for efficient pre-mRNA splicing and indicate a ro

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