


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 t delays to a PCI-capable facility (incurred ischemia time).
2 ), particularly in regards to decreased warm ischemia time.
3 rs can be made without unduly increasing the ischemia time.
4 h donor BMI >30 (P=0.06) and increasing cold-ischemia time.
5 nors (n = 14) matched for age, BMI, and cold ischemia time.
6 n mismatch, pretransplant dialysis, and cold ischemia time.
7 m closure and hemostasis with a limited warm ischemia time.
8 or type, HLA mismatches, donor age, and cold ischemia time.
9 onor, PRA as a continuous variable, and cold ischemia time.
10 CD14 mRNA correlated with the length of cold ischemia time.
11 t have significantly altered expression with ischemia time.
12 -term graft survival despite increasing cold ischemia time.
13 zed patients in spite of similar length cold ischemia time.
14 alent in cadaveric allografts with long cold ischemia time.
15 aminase, UNOS status, donor gender, and warm ischemia time.
16 ables included age, weight, gender, and cold ischemia time.
17  terms of recipient sex, race, age, and cold ischemia time.
18 xamined for age, sex, and pretransplantation ischemia time.
19 on, use of anti-lymphocyte agents, and graft ischemia time.
20  enriched in DCD donors after the first warm ischemia time.
21 ty of life, shorter operating time, and warm ischemia time.
22 at cardiac allografts subjected to prolonged ischemia time.
23  the larger/deeper the tumor, the longer the ischemia time.
24 iversity of Wisconsin solution and 6-hr cold ischemia time.
25 en group but nonsignificantly different warm ischemia times.
26 der, more mismatched donors with longer cold ischemia times.
27 ospital stay, immunosuppressive regimen, and ischemia times.
28  in grafts from older donors and longer cold ischemia times.
29 ytokines appear to require extended visceral ischemia times.
30 ssive injury patterns associated with longer ischemia times.
31 = .04) and warm (46 vs 41 minutes; P < .001) ischemia times.
32 eys, which is susceptible to changes in warm ischemia times.
33 and significantly decreased with longer warm ischemia times.
34 f delayed graft function (38% vs. 26%), cold ischemia times (12.9 vs. 13.5 hr), and graft survival wa
35 T was 8 out of 73 transplants (11%).The cold ischemia time (14.3 +/- 3.03 hr) in this group was signi
36 rations of perfusion (1 and 24 hr), and warm ischemia times (15 and 45 min).
37 ean, 159 vs. 188 min; P<0.001), shorter warm ischemia time (2 vs. 5 min; P<0.001) and a lower intraop
38 er circulatory death (DCD, n = 36, mean warm ischemia time = 2 min) and donation after brain death (D
39 time (571 vs. 471 days, P<0.01), longer cold ischemia time (22 vs. 20 hr, P<0.01), and donor and reci
40  are as follows: operative time 4.5 hr, warm ischemia time 25 min, and blood transfused (packed red b
41 th recipients of kidneys with a shorter cold ischemia time (3.2%).
42 stimated blood loss 344.2 +/- 690.3 mL, warm ischemia time 4.9 +/- 3.4 minutes, and donor length of s
43               We found that a prolonged cold ischemia time (6-12 hr) alone did not induce IE.
44 er transplant, 4) medical urgency status, 5) ischemia time, 6) indication for transplantation, and 7)
45 iver Disease score was 15 (IQR, 11-21); cold ischemia time, 8.0 hours (IQR, 6.4-9.7 hours); MEAF, 4 (
46 r remaining in situ for 120 min (30-min warm ischemia time, 90-min cold ischemia time), the second ki
47 s of panel-reactive antibodies, shorter cold ischemia times, a lower incidence of delayed graft funct
48                 Increased donor age and cold ischemia time additionally decreased graft survival, whe
49  donor organ was subjected to 1 hour of warm ischemia time after circulatory cessation, then flushed
50                                              Ischemia times along with other tumor/recipient variable
51 th DDK with non-DGF after adjusting for cold ischemia time (alpha=0.001).
52 s of kidneys with less than 12 hours of cold ischemia time and 74,997 dollars for those with more tha
53 donors, and is associated with a longer cold ischemia time and a potentially higher rejection rate.
54  factors for reduced graft survival are cold ischemia time and donor age.
55 l as clinical factors, such as cold and warm ischemia time and HLA mismatch.
56                                              Ischemia time and its components (transport time and sur
57 e reallocated without delay to minimize cold ischemia time and maximize the utility of the graft.
58 s showed no significant differences for warm ischemia time and other donor outcomes, delayed graft fu
59  intrahepatic strictures, and prolonged cold ischemia time and rejection were associated with stone o
60          When results were adjusted for cold ischemia time and sex, iNO significantly decreased hospi
61                   PST is not correlated with ischemia time and should not be used as a surrogate of p
62   Non-treated allogeneic grafts without cold ischemia time and syngeneic grafts did not develop any T
63                     The short tolerable cold ischemia time and the importance of other risk factors h
64 ective cross-match as a means to reduce cold ischemia time and the incidence of delayed graft functio
65                               Prolonged cold ischemia time and use of a whole graft with recipient he
66     SLD grafts also had significantly longer ischemia times and a higher incidence of graft loss owin
67 llocation variance designed to minimize cold ischemia times and encourage adoption of DCD protocols a
68 VI, whereas there was no association between ischemia times and HCC recurrence in patients with no VI
69 tion was found between prolonged total graft ischemia times and primary graft failure or survival fol
70  It abolishes ex vivo benching and prolonged ischemia times and provides two optimal grafts with hemo
71 ocused on graft damage due to prolonged cold ischemia times and rewarming during the long benching pr
72 y allograft dysfunction with increasing cold ischemia times and should be transplanted within 12 hr.
73               We herein investigate critical ischemia times and the effect of novel preservation solu
74 by incorporating duration of symptoms (fixed ischemia time) and anticipated transport delays to a PCI
75  with early transplant stressors (e.g., cold ischemia time) and donor aging.
76 body titer, extent of HLA matching, and cold-ischemia time), and post-transplantation variables (pres
77 gnificant factors such as HLA mismatch, cold ischemia time, and African-American or diabetic recipien
78 l sepsis) and donor factors (donor age, cold ischemia time, and donor cytomegalovirus status), modes
79 an leukocyte antigen-B and DR mismatch, cold ischemia time, and double or en bloc transplant.
80 l demographics included operative time, warm ischemia time, and estimated blood loss.
81 lanted, increment of insulin secretion, cold ischemia time, and exocrine tissue volume transplanted,
82 , age of donor kidney, damage caused by cold ischemia time, and mode of donor death all had substanti
83 score, patient age, pretransplant bilirubin, ischemia time, and operative blood loss were not signifi
84 t survival is affected by donor gender, warm ischemia time, and pretransplant patient condition.
85 include both nonimmunologic (donor age, cold ischemia time, and recipient race) and immunologic facto
86 recipient and donor race and donor age, cold ischemia time, and the pretransplantation use of either
87 hat received a liver graft with a 16-hr cold ischemia time, and the survival rate was 83% after 5 day
88 fects of this system on graft survival, cold ischemia time, and the transplantation of highly sensiti
89 , use of anti-lymphocyte preparations, graft ischemia time, and year of transplant were evenly distri
90 cute rejection; and donor age and race, cold ischemia time, and year of transplant.
91 vel, donor length of hospital stay, and warm ischemia time approached significance.
92                           Bilirubin and cold ischemia time are crucial for graft outcome post-LT.
93                          Efforts to minimize ischemia time are important for long-term renal function
94                 Amount of kidney excised and ischemia time are inseparably interlinked; the larger/de
95 othermia should be considered if longer warm ischemia times are anticipated (i.e. >25 min).
96 se retrieved from cadaver donors, where cold ischemia times are significantly longer.
97 orm this type of anastomosis may reduce warm ischemia time as well.
98 .9) and warm (>50 minutes; P=0.003; HR=2.84) ischemia times as independent risk factors for HCC recur
99   Outcomes evaluated were operative and warm ischemia times, blood loss, donor complications, length
100 mplications, conversions, operative and warm ischemia times, blood loss, length of hospital stay, pai
101           The HGM Program resulted in longer ischemia times, but graft survival was not affected.
102 rectomy group had shorter operative and warm ischemia times by 52 minutes (P < 0.001) and 102 seconds
103 iver Disease score, and longer warm and cold ischemia times (C statistic, 0.75).
104 rs, whereas donor age, gender and race, cold ischemia time, cadaveric versus living donor, delay in i
105 t this risk was limited to kidneys with cold ischemia time (CIT) >12 hours.
106  non-AA donor (HR 1.66, P < 0.001), and cold ischemia time (CIT) (HR 1.03 per hour >8 hours, P = 0.03
107 ) and kidneys with longer than 30 hr of cold ischemia time (CIT) (OR, 0.95; per 5% increment; 95% CI,
108                               Prolonged cold ischemia time (CIT) affected BT rate significantly (CIT>
109   Cadaveric kidneys experiencing longer cold ischemia time (CIT) are associated with higher levels of
110                                 We used cold ischemia time (CIT) as an instrument to test the hypothe
111 mulative recurrence curves according to cold ischemia time (CIT) at 2-hour intervals and warm ischemi
112                               Prolonged cold ischemia time (CIT) is associated with a significant ris
113 zing "modifiable risk factors," such as cold ischemia time (CIT) recipient warm ischemia time (WIT) a
114            The effect of this policy on cold ischemia time (CIT), delayed graft function (DGF), and t
115 iates in both groups, while donor race, cold ischemia time (CIT), female to male transplants, and rec
116           Imported pancreata accumulate cold ischemia time (CIT), limiting utilization and worsening
117 ated in addition to causes of prolonged cold ischemia time (CIT).
118 e, donor warm ischemia time (DWIT), and cold ischemia time (CIT).
119  criteria and the requirement for short cold-ischemia time (CIT).
120 entage of transplanted ECD kidneys with cold ischemia times (CIT) <12 hr increased significantly; the
121          Concerns remain over prolonged cold ischemia times (CIT) associated with shipping kidneys lo
122 r short (3 hr; control) or long (18 hr) cold ischemia times (CIT).
123 omena, such as donor death and possibly cold ischemia time, contributed to differences in complement
124 hereas moderate-to-severe macrosteatosis and ischemia time decreased.
125 hereas moderate-to-severe macrosteatosis and ischemia time decreased.
126 used to measure the relationships among cold ischemia time, delayed graft function, acute rejection,
127          Primary outcomes were discard, cold-ischemia time, delayed graft function, and 1-year graft
128 dy more than 0%, cytomegalovirus D+/R-, cold ischemia time, delayed graft function, induction with an
129                                              Ischemia time-dependently decreased cardiac BH(4) conten
130 antation model grafts subjected to long cold ischemia time developed severe TV with intimal hyperplas
131 es, including donor brain death, longer cold ischemia time, diabetogenic immunosuppression, and auto-
132                             Longer (120 min) ischemia times did not affect the number of apoptotic ce
133 o significant differences in donor age, cold ischemia time, digestion time, or weight of the pancreas
134 nel-reactive antibody level, HLA match, cold ischemia time, donor age, and expanded criteria donation
135                                         Cold ischemia times, donor age, and preoperative eGFR for tho
136 us at transplantation, donor age, donor warm ischemia time (DWIT), and cold ischemia time (CIT).
137        Cadaveric transplants, prolonged cold ischemia time, elevated panel reactive antibody, and rec
138 panded criteria donor kidney (15%), and cold ischemia time exceeding 24 hr (27%).
139 rating room time (207 vs. 200 min.), or cold ischemia time (excluding pancreas).
140            Earlier transplantations, shorter ischemia times, female, older, hepatitis C virus positiv
141                                The mean cold ischemia time for both groups was 11 +/-3 hr.
142 art of surgery (25 vs. 77 min), shorter cold ischemia time for recovered pancreases (355 vs. 630 min)
143 s (range, 1.0-50.0 years), and the mean cold ischemia time for the cadaveric kidneys was 27.0+/-9.4 h
144 group was significantly longer than the cold ischemia time for those without HAT (11.7 +/- 3.94 hr) (
145 nd-stage liver disease score, steatosis, and ischemia times for the peak or terminal serum sodium gro
146      In patients with embolization, the warm ischemia time (from embolization to removal of the graft
147  donor body mass index >30 and pancreas cold ischemia time greater than 12 hr.
148              Recipients of kidneys with cold ischemia time greater than 24 hr also had a higher throm
149        For CAD kidney recipients, organ cold ischemia time greater than 24 hr increased the risk for
150  (HLA) mismatches, increased donor age, cold ischemia time greater than 24 hr, African American recip
151 ts, retransplant recipients, donor age, warm ischemia time greater than 30 minutes and cold ischemic
152 t, donor age greater than 55 years, and cold ischemia time greater than 550 minutes were significant
153 race, Kidney Donor Profile Index > 50%, cold ischemia time &gt; 24 hours) and low-risk (not having any r
154 reactive, donation after cardiac death, cold ischemia time &gt;12 hours, ICU stay >5 days, 3 or more pre
155                 DGF was associated with cold ischemia time &gt;24 hr (P = 0.0003) and Rej (P = 0.06).
156           Donor age >50 years, BMI >30, warm ischemia time &gt;25 minutes, ITU stay >7 days and ALT >/=
157 nor age >55 yr, non-heartbeating donor, cold ischemia time &gt;36 h, and donor hypertension or diabetes
158  <60 mL/min/1.73m, PELD >25 points, and warm ischemia time &gt;60 minutes.
159  years), donor hospital stay (>5 days), cold ischemia time (&gt;10 hours), and warm ischemia time (>40 m
160  3 months posttransplant were prolonged cold ischemia time (&gt;36 hours, odds ratio [OR]=3.38 vs. 0-36
161 s), cold ischemia time (>10 hours), and warm ischemia time (&gt;40 minutes).
162 re common in patients with extended visceral ischemia times (&gt;40 mins).
163 f sensitization, retransplantation, and cold ischemia time; however, EBK recipients were somewhat bet
164  correlation between apoptosis rate and cold ischemia time in CAD (r=0.86, P<0.001) renal allografts.
165 hat received a liver graft with a 16-hr cold ischemia time in Euro-Collins solution survived for more
166  5 years with a nearly 50% reduction of warm ischemia time in experienced hands.
167 reservation and baseline renal function over ischemia time in impacting post-partial nephrectomy func
168 4.6 years (range: 0.7-50), and the mean cold ischemia time in the cadaveric cases was 26.5+/-8.8 hr.
169                                              Ischemia times in vascularized composite allotransplanta
170       Older recipient age and prolonged cold ischemia time increase the risk of graft failure.
171                             The median total ischemia time increased from 171 min (interquartile rang
172                              Increased total ischemia time induced greater IL-8 expression during rep
173 cute ischemia predicted by the acute cardiac ischemia time-insensitive predictive instrument (ACI-TIP
174  ischemia were enrolled in the Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument Clinical
175 k for Organ Sharing (UNOS) status, cold/warm ischemia time, intraoperative blood loss, and occurrence
176                                              Ischemia time is a risk factor for mortality after heart
177           In the clinic, donor cardiac graft ischemia time is limited to within a few hours and corre
178 ality are surgically nonmodifiable; however, ischemia time is.
179 d operative time, islet isolation time, warm ischemia time, islet equivalent (IE) counts, estimated b
180 specific antibody, negative crossmatch, warm ischemia time less than 60 min, absence of recipient spl
181 es, human leukocyte antigen antibodies, cold ischemia time, living donor, and preemptive transplantat
182 nefits of sustained euglycemia, shorter cold ischemia times, lower rates of sensitization, and early
183                                     Reducing ischemia time may be a useful strategy to decrease HCC r
184       There was no difference regarding cold ischemia time, model for end-stage liver disease score,
185 I 1.23-2.02, P<0.001), and kidneys with cold ischemia time more than 24 hr (HR 1.31, 95% CI 1.04-1.65
186 CI 1.20-1.30, P=0.002) and kidneys with cold ischemia time more than 24 hr (HR 1.44, 95% CI 1.04-2.00
187 onation after brain death (DBD, n = 76, warm ischemia time = none) were collected.
188 ed recipient BMI (P = 0.046), recipient warm ischemia time (odds ratio, OR, 1.032; 95% CI, 1.008-1.05
189 n estimated blood loss of 85.7 mL and a warm ischemia time of 116.0 seconds.
190 sed using this technique after a median cold ischemia time of 13 h 19 min.
191 kidney from extended criteria donors, a cold ischemia time of more than 30 hr, time of surgical proce
192                                     The cold-ischemia time of the donor hand was 310 minutes.
193                                    Mean warm ischemia time of the pancreas graft was 34 min.
194                     Groups were divided into ischemia times of 45, 55, and 65min; each group was furt
195 ncluding those of cadaveric grafts with cold ischemia times of as long as 41 hr.
196 not spatial learning with increasing hypoxia-ischemia time on P10 in this model system.
197 associated with an increase (P>0.3) in total ischemia time, operative time, and packed red blood cell
198 unassociated with 0Pre biopsy findings, cold ischemia time, or peak PT values.
199   There was no difference in donor age, cold ischemia time, or recipient United Network for Organ Sha
200 s in recipient demographics, donor age, cold ischemia time, or total number of doses of Thymoglobulin
201 eduction in use of donors with extended cold ischemia time (p = 0.04) and private pay recipients (p =
202 ry complications (P = 0.04), and short total ischemia time (P = 0.05).
203                 Bilirubin (P=0.006) and cold ischemia time (P=0.002) were predictive of graft loss at
204 for recipient age, sex, race, diabetes, cold ischemia time, panel cross-reactivity, pretransplant blo
205 e associated with shorter operative and warm ischemia times, patients undergoing laparoscopic nephrec
206 pancreata have not been used because of long ischemia times postprocurement.
207 for planning surgery and also decreases cold ischemia time, potentially translating into a higher suc
208 reas after kidney recipients, prolonged cold-ischemia time, prolonged donor hypotension, non-heart-be
209 uate differential gene expression because of ischemia time, prostate samples were divided into five t
210 negative association to DeltaCP/GCr was cold ischemia time (r=-0.330, P<0.001).
211                                         Sex, ischemia time, race, previous transplant, donor type, ne
212 ble models, each controlling for donor type, ischemia time, recipient age, use of antilymphocyte agen
213 al origin of procurement team, pancreas cold ischemia time, recipient cerebrovascular disease.
214 ffered in age, pretransplantation diagnosis, ischemia time, renal function, donor Toxoplasma serology
215 al anastomosis; use of ureteral stent; total ischemia time; serum creatinine on discharge; and need f
216                                              Ischemia time should be considered in organ allocation a
217 he paucity of suitable recipients, prolonged ischemia time should not preclude transplantation.
218 bility and thereby increase donor organ cold ischemia time that might then result in increased risk o
219 e U.S. study had a significantly longer cold ischemia time (the time elapsed between procurement of t
220  min (30-min warm ischemia time, 90-min cold ischemia time), the second kidney was removed (NHBD), fl
221 panel-reactive antibodies, and cold and warm ischemia time, the odds of oliguria were 1.60 (1.14 to 2
222                   Assuming no change is cold ischemia time, the potential number of 0 CREG, 0 DR mm,
223 of 0-MM kidneys significantly increased cold ischemia time, the risk of graft loss was significantly
224  control groups were similar with respect to ischemia time, the size of the area at risk, and the eje
225 ctive antibody, delayed graft function, cold ischemia time, time since start of dialysis, etiology of
226 grafts were transplanted with a shorter cold ischemia time to more poorly HLA-matched recipients.
227  perioperative characteristics, such as warm ischemia time, to levels comparable to open surgery.
228  adjusting for recipient and donor age, cold ischemia time, urine output, and Scr.
229                    Within this range of cold ischemia time, UW and HTK demonstrate similar efficacy i
230 hyma (influenced by surgical technique), and ischemia time (warm or cold) determines the ultimate fun
231                             Mean kidney cold ischemia time was 10 +/- 3 and 50 +/- 15 hours, for grou
232                              The median cold ischemia time was 12 h 30 min (range 5 h 25 min-18 h 22
233 ntigen (HLA) match was one; and average cold ischemia time was 12 hours.
234 asystole was 15.9+/-1.9 min and overall warm ischemia time was 12.5+/-1.0 min.
235 the marginal group, the cutoff value of cold ischemia time was 12.6 hr.
236 an hospital stay was 3.2 days, and mean warm ischemia time was 123.3 seconds.
237                                    Mean warm ischemia time was 14.7 minutes (range, 7-40 minutes).
238                                     The warm ischemia time was 21 minutes, and the cold ischemia was
239                                    Mean cold ischemia time was 26.9+/-8.6 hr.
240           In cadaveric grafts, the mean cold ischemia time was 29.0 hours +/- 6.9 in those with TRAS
241                                    Mean warm ischemia time was 3 minutes after laparoscopic harvest.
242                                The mean cold ischemia time was 30.5+/-9.2 hr.
243 solation time was 185 (37) minutes, and warm ischemia time was 51 (62) minutes.
244 reatic excision was 34 minutes, whereas cold ischemia time was 6 hours and 40 minutes.
245                                 Average warm ischemia time was 76 minutes.
246                                    Mean cold ischemia time was 8.5 hr.
247                                         Cold ischemia time was a predictor of DGF independently of th
248                                    Length of ischemia time was correlated with early and sustained pr
249 ventional group, although operative time and ischemia time was higher in minimally invasive group, th
250                                         Cold ischemia time was longer in those with recurrent stenosi
251                                         Cold ischemia time was not found to be an important factor in
252  vs. 3.0+/-0.7 hours, P <0.04), whereas warm ischemia time was shorter (3:55+/-1:47 vs. 4:55+/-0:55 m
253 xpressing either P-selectin or vWF, the cold ischemia time was significantly longer (885 +/- 123 min
254 rienced early acute rejection, the mean cold ischemia time was significantly longer than in allograft
255                                         Cold ischemia time was strongly associated with DGF, with a 2
256                  Per minute increase in warm ischemia time was the only significant risk factor for B
257 ifference, donor gender, donor type, or cold ischemia time were comparable.
258 ent) when the potential costs of longer cold ischemia time were considered.
259  because the additional costs of longer cold ischemia time were greater than the advantages of optimi
260 talization at time of OLT, and cold and warm ischemia time were independent predictors of survival.
261     Lactated Ringer's solution and 3-hr cold ischemia time were used for mechanistic investigations,
262                           Mean cold and warm ischemia times were 9:08 +/- 2:57 hr and 51 +/- 9 min.
263                                    Mean cold ischemia times were less than 20 hr.
264                                         Mean ischemia times were significantly longer in the Celsior
265 e (PT), retransplantation, and warm and cold ischemia times, were applied to the UNOS database.
266  among the groups with the exception of cold ischemia time, which was longer in the MP group compared
267 proving renal cooling or shortening the warm ischemia time will expand its indications further.
268 h as cold ischemia time (CIT) recipient warm ischemia time (WIT) and the use of thrombolytic flush at
269 emia time (CIT) at 2-hour intervals and warm ischemia time (WIT) at 10-minute intervals showed that C
270     In the HCV+ cohort, recipient race, warm ischemia time (WIT), and diabetes also independently pre

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