


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ed by replacement of external Cl- by SCN- or isethionate.
2 ng this enzyme negatively affects the use of isethionate and taurine as sulfur sources by S. cerevisi
3 ized, with the best natural substrates being isethionate and taurocholate.
4    After replacing external NaCl with sodium isethionate, E(rev) for the second component shifted to
5 roximately proprionate (Prop-) approximately isethionate (Ise-) approximately F- approximately PO4-.
6 -) is a sacrificial anion such as glycolate, isethionate, or nitrate.
7 h-clamp studies employing symmetrical sodium isethionate solutions.
8 evelopment of a new oral form of pentamidine isethionate VLX103, led to investigations of the effecti
9     Of the various drugs tested, pentamidine isethionate was most effective against amebas (ca. 90% i

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