


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 multi-elemental (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Li, Sr) and isotopic ((13)C/(12)C, (18)O/(16)O) marker investigation
2                                The oxygen-18 isotopic ((18)O) composition in CO2 provides an importan
3 ow temperature NMR, UV-vis spectroscopy, and isotopic ((18)O) labeling experiments.
4 yses of calcined Si-SSZ-70 at natural (29)Si isotopic abundance (4.7%) establish the through-covalent
5                   This package estimates the isotopic abundance of the employed stable isotope (eithe
6 eadily be acquired on intact mAbs at natural isotopic abundance, and small changes in chemical enviro
7                               Indeed, barium-isotopic analyses of barites from the Paleoarchean Dress
8                   The nano-scale texture and isotopic analyses provide a partial record of the chemic
9 capture HONO for offline nitrogen and oxygen isotopic analysis (delta(15)N and delta(18)O) using the
10 venous blood samples were collected for iron isotopic analysis and measurement of iron status biomark
11 llections of ambient HONO (0.4-1.3 ppbv) for isotopic analysis and was found to be robust for low con
12 ral Europe for the Holocene, based on stable isotopic analysis of an ice core recovered from a cave i
13                                              Isotopic analysis of CH4 showed a dominance of acetoclas
14                                              Isotopic analysis of HONO may provide a tool for trackin
15              Here we show that accurate U-Pb isotopic analysis of nanoscale domains of baddeleyite ca
16                         We demonstrate rapid isotopic analysis of solid uranium oxide at a precision
17  tool that has been used in combination with isotopic analysis to define the nature of the active spe
18    The aim was to investigate the ability of isotopic analysis to trace the geographical origin of tr
19 uantitative Hg and MeHg determination and Hg isotopic analysis via cold vapor generation multicollect
20                                     Combined isotopic and chemical characteristics projected for thes
21 t end-members are required to explain the Hg isotopic and concentration variation observed in the Sou
22                    In contrast, radiometric, isotopic and elemental records of anthropogenic activity
23                 High-resolution geochemical, isotopic, and (14)C analyses of a sedimentary core from
24  production areas were sampled for chemical, isotopic, and groundwater-age tracers to investigate the
25 heric methane increase, thus reconciling the isotopic- and ethane-based results.
26 ch ion microprobe analyses revealed hydrogen isotopic anomalies at a submicrometric spatial resolutio
27 tremely negative Shunga-Francevillian carbon isotopic anomaly.
28 chanisms in intertidal sediments using novel isotopic approaches and microsensors in flow-through inc
29 ition of each species' niche in at least one isotopic axis.
30            After updating both the total and isotopic budgets for atmospheric methane with these revi
31  the one hand, dissolved loads have peculiar isotopic characteristics and carry mainly limestone-deri
32                 This study demonstrates that isotopic characterization of multiple tracers is necessa
33 ssibility of cysteine thiols by differential isotopic chemical footprinting.
34                                 The nitrogen isotopic composition (delta(15)N) of NOx (NO + NO2) was
35 riations of atmospheric water vapour and its isotopic composition (delta(18) OV ) influence water and
36 ave developed a new method for measuring the isotopic composition (delta(18)O and deltaD) of differen
37            As such, variations in the sulfur isotopic composition (delta(34)S) of sedimentary sulfate
38 nown but differing delta(13)C and delta(18)O isotopic composition allows standard uncertainties of 0.
39                       We have determined the isotopic composition and the carotenoid contents of 38 e
40                                          The isotopic composition data are collected independently in
41           This is the first case study of Sr isotopic composition determination in such ancient decid
42 pths (200-1,300 m), contrasting with heavier isotopic composition in deep waters.
43 to sort out all particles according to their isotopic composition in one analysis.
44  study suggests that the variability in iron isotopic composition in planetary objects cannot be due
45 bits large and enigmatic departures from the isotopic composition of abiogenic calcite, known as vita
46                                          The isotopic composition of all standards was value assigned
47          In order to characterize the stable isotopic composition of aragonitic pteropod shells and t
48                                  The initial isotopic composition of atmospheric Xe remains unknown,
49 cycle that are independent of changes to the isotopic composition of carbon input.
50 imation of enzymatic activity of CA from the isotopic composition of CO2.
51                            We present the Sr isotopic composition of enamel of the most ancient decid
52 erefore strongly influence the elemental and isotopic composition of hams.
53 is method enables future work to utilize the isotopic composition of HONO for studying HONO chemical
54 ternative controls on the sedimentary sulfur isotopic composition of marine pyrite by examining a 300
55    Variation across climate gradients in the isotopic composition of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) in f
56 ect and simultaneous analysis of the age and isotopic composition of nuclear material at the particle
57 levated temperatures alters the chemical and isotopic composition of oceanic crust.
58         Volatilization causes changes in the isotopic composition of organic compounds as a result of
59 ds, and estimates of the last glacial oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation based on global ci
60                     We measured the titanium isotopic composition of shales to constrain the chemical
61                                              Isotopic composition of sharks sampled in reef and seagr
62 plied to ensure accurate measurements of the isotopic composition of the CO2 in ultradry air, express
63 ta(13)C-CH4 and deltaD-CH4 correspond to the isotopic composition of the gas reservoir.
64   (iii) We account for changes in the oxygen isotopic composition of the ice sheet by using isotope-e
65 tz (Barberton, South Africa) that reveal the isotopic composition of the paleo-atmosphere at approxim
66     Analysis of the THg concentration and Hg isotopic composition of these environmental samples indi
67                   This variability in stable isotopic composition of tissues is likely to be a result
68 u spectroscopic measurements of the evolving isotopic composition of water vapor during cirrus format
69                                    The xenon isotopic composition shows deficits in heavy xenon isoto
70 mpactor that formed the Moon probably had an isotopic composition similar to that of the Earth, hence
71                   Comparison of shell oxygen isotopic composition to depth changes in the calculated
72  with different mole fractions but identical isotopic composition was demonstrated to be highly accur
73 fluences on pteropod shell carbon and oxygen isotopic composition.
74 produces one or the other, depending only on isotopic composition.
75 found that shales of all ages have a uniform isotopic composition.
76 w a clear alteration of their initial oxygen isotopic composition.
77                                     Here, Cd isotopic compositions (delta(114/110)Cd) of archived fer
78 cts," that is, deviations from elemental and isotopic compositions at thermodynamic equilibrium.
79                         Depth profiles of Hg isotopic compositions for bottomfish (excludung C. ignob
80                      Lead concentrations and isotopic compositions measured in the sediments of the h
81                     Boron concentrations and isotopic compositions of atmospheric dust and dissolved
82 ere, we combine analysis of biomolecular and isotopic compositions of lipids preserved in prehistoric
83               Our modelling implies that the isotopic compositions of magnesium, silicon and iron, an
84 en inferred from bulk analyses of the carbon isotopic compositions of pre-2,500 Ma kerogens, these in
85 h recent indications from lunar carbon and S isotopic compositions of primitive lunar materials.
86                                          The isotopic compositions of the main constituents of planet
87                                          The isotopic compositions of the total water evolved from a
88  of the SRS environment, revealing plutonium isotopic compositions, e.g., (244)Pu, that reflect the u
89 ogeneous assortment of embryos with distinct isotopic compositions.
90 ite meteorites have almost indistinguishable isotopic compositions.
91 the membrane, (ii ) control of the protein's isotopic constitution, and (iii ) control over the lipid
92 e astrochronologic calibration of the Oxygen isotopic curves, and to assess the calibrations of (40)A
93 ent a synthesis of ammonite biostratigraphy, isotopic data and high precision U-Pb zircon dates from
94                            We used tree-ring isotopic data and structural equation modeling to examin
95 ved and particulate multi-element and barium-isotopic data from Lake Superior that evidence pelagic b
96 ce of contrasting terrestrial signals in the isotopic data implies that factors other than local land
97 diometric) age, indicating the usefulness of isotopic data in retaining information on Pb sources and
98                                 The tungsten isotopic data negatively correlate with (3)He/(4)He.
99 graphic variations (>76 per thousand) in the isotopic data reported here are among the largest ever o
100 ironmental and physiological controls on the isotopic data.
101 ross scales by analyzing the stable nitrogen isotopic (delta(15)N) values of the scleractinian coral
102  distribution and lack clear osteological or isotopic differentiation between populations.
103 ivity pump-probe anisotropy measurements and isotopic dilution clearly reveal that the decay of the d
104 oncentrations by using liquid chromatography isotopic dilution tandem mass spectrometry in a cross-se
105 ients in foliar N isotope (delta(15)N) and C isotopic discrimination (Delta(13)C) measured in 755 spe
106  an increase has occurred in the (13)C/(12)C isotopic discrimination of land photosynthesis.
107 ffer gases, deuterium incorporation pattern (isotopic distribution), deuterium incorporation pattern
108 al heterogeneity was also assessed by HDX MS isotopic distribution.
109 s critical for correctly interpreting stable isotopic distributions and for predicting the fate of me
110 e fact that MS isotopic patterns reflect the isotopic distributions.
111 tested substance was (13)C labeled, and this isotopic effect also can be corrected automatically, if
112 ism and yields dynamic curves for positional isotopic enrichment and spin-spin multiplets.
113                                              Isotopic enrichment of carbon substrates and intracellul
114 ld improvement in polariton lifetime through isotopic enrichment of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN).
115 for many factors, including patterns of leaf isotopic enrichment, the maintenance of mesophyll water
116 alytically to obtain concise expressions for isotopic enrichments, with focus on mass-independent iso
117                                              Isotopic entrainment has shown the observed catalyst-sub
118 and accuracy that is present in each peptide isotopic envelope measurement.
119                               The consequent isotopic envelopes in mass spectra can reveal the ion st
120 dent of the Zn:ligand ratio used, indicating isotopic equilibrium and that the results were not signi
121 e probably driven by incomplete chemical and isotopic equilibrium between CO2 and bicarbonate under t
122 esponse to WAIS loss is in opposition to the isotopic evidence at 128 ka.
123 evitation with aerosol optical tweezers with isotopic exchange (D2O/H2O) to measure the water diffusi
124                              This shows that isotopic exchange (the addition of only one neutron) may
125  (18)O/(16)O isotope ratios during oxygen-18 isotopic exchange between (12)C(16)O(16)O and H2(18)O of
126                          Rate studies of the isotopic exchange of benzene and monosubstituted arenes
127 erences produced by VOCs in natural samples, isotopic exchange with structural oxygen, etc.) are disc
128 me enclosed in and isolated from any further isotopic exchange.
129                 Both the temperature and the isotopic excursion are well-documented by terrestrial an
130 association with the extreme positive carbon isotopic excursion known as the Lomagundi Event.
131 (2) in a microbial electrochemical cell, and isotopic experiments supported AOM-EET to the anode.
132 ify ion adducts, duplicate peak reports, and isotopic features of the main monoisotopic metabolites.
133  with primary amine groups were reacted with isotopic formaldehydes to synthesize ISs and standards.
134 64)Zn ratios, from which the three different isotopic forms of Zn were quantified.
135 ls (iron precipitates, Feppt), with distinct isotopic fractionation (epsilon(56)Fe) values determined
136                                     However, isotopic fractionation between liquid and vapour, follow
137                  However, the extent of iron isotopic fractionation between molten metal and silicate
138 the mechanisms involved in its depletion and isotopic fractionation compared with other reservoirs in
139                                              Isotopic fractionation during MoS4(2-) transformation wi
140                               The calculated isotopic fractionation factors of epsilonC = 3 and epsil
141                                              Isotopic fractionation of 1,2-DCA (epsilonbulk(C) and ep
142 a sensitive technique for the measurement of isotopic fractionation of protonated carbons at natural
143                                 However, the isotopic fractionation produced by adsorption may compli
144 ortant insight into the variation of rate in isotopic fractionation reaction regulated by carbonic an
145  CO2 with increments of CA activities during isotopic fractionation reaction.
146 ing a simple procedure and without observing isotopic fractionation.
147 ystem shows complete capture of HONO without isotopic fractionation.
148 gical reactions that have distinctive stable isotopic fractionations.
149 ielding a catalyst with reduced activity for isotopic H/D exchange reactions.
150                                        These isotopic heterogeneities, usually referred to as hot and
151 yde) and requires no postlabeling cleanup or isotopic impurity corrections.
152  iron absorption), assessed by measuring the isotopic label abundance in erythrocytes 14 days after a
153 ns were subsequently validated through (13)C isotopic labeling and metabolic flux analysis in stored
154                               Here we employ isotopic labeling combined with hyperspectral, quantitat
155  - in vivo research reports important stable isotopic labeling enrichment differences into the DNA nu
156                                          The isotopic labeling increases the vibrational lifetime abo
157 ity biotinylation in combination with stable isotopic labeling of amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)
158                                    We couple isotopic labeling of cyanobacterially derived dissolved
159 skites is demonstrated through the effect of isotopic labeling of the methylammonium (MA) component o
160 revious studies leads to the conclusion that isotopic labeling of the protein may have different effe
161 ent the first direct LC-MS/MS study (without isotopic labeling or hydrolysis) of primary oxidation si
162                       Segmental and specific isotopic labeling reduce degeneracy, but experiments to
163 sitivity, we combined specific and segmental isotopic labeling schemes with dynamic nuclear polarizat
164                                     However, isotopic labeling simultaneously shifts the absorption t
165                        Here, we introduce an isotopic labeling strategy in the gram-positive bacteriu
166                               (18)O and (2)H isotopic labeling studies confirm the transfer of atoms
167  conclusions were substantiated by EPR data, isotopic labeling studies, and the use of radical scaven
168        In this work, we use a combination of isotopic labeling studies, mechanistic probes, and DFT c
169 olyelectrolyte complex, PEC, using sensitive isotopic labeling techniques.
170 nt method for alkyl and aryl carboxylic acid isotopic labeling using a single reagent.
171           By combining in situ gas analysis, isotopic labeling, and a surface carbonate titration, we
172 e by a combination of in situ spectroscopic, isotopic labeling, and mass spectroscopic investigations
173   In this work, a novel strategy integrating isotopic labeling, chemical enrichment and multiplexed p
174 te pools, which can be distinguished through isotopic labeling, have not been considered in past synt
175 philes were conducted using a combination of isotopic labeling, NMR spectroscopy, kinetic modeling, s
176  elucidated unambiguously by (13)C and (15)N isotopic labeling.
177 2 fixation rates directly without a proxy or isotopic labeling.
178  Coccomyxa subellipsoidea C169, using stable isotopic labeling.
179 resonance Raman spectroscopy and verified by isotopic labeling.
180 ids in the biological extract with no use of isotopic labeling.
181 n demonstrated previously by Balaban through isotopic labeling.
182 bon cosolvent (hexane versus toluene) and to isotopic labeling.
183                                              Isotopic labelling confirms that the carbon and oxygen a
184 promotes extrusion of azobenzene, where H-/D-isotopic labelling finds no isotopomer cross-over and th
185 bridge-donor 'fork' system: asymmetric (13)C isotopic labelling of one of the two -C identical withC-
186 arison of the N-terminome, by terminal amine isotopic labelling of substrates between wild type and A
187  etiolated seedlings, we used terminal amine isotopic labelling of substrates with tandem mass tags (
188                                              Isotopic labelling studies support a mechanism where the
189  containing differential proximal and distal isotopic labels and measuring USP7 binding by nuclear ma
190 on-native and rigidifying structural motifs, isotopic labels, and a variety of bioorthogonal handles
191 n compared erythrocyte incorporation of iron isotopic labels, changes in body composition, iron statu
192 multaneously resolves both the geometric and isotopic makeup of an object.
193                                    Increased isotopic mass in F159Y PNP causes more efficient transit
194 ree of chlorination, CPs have highly complex isotopic mass patterns that often overlap, even when app
195 e elucidation tools such as diagnostic ions, isotopic matches, and collision cross sections were appl
196                                     Based on isotopic measurements of potential baseline sources, amb
197                                              Isotopic measurements on junipers growing in southern Ca
198                                    Nd and Sr isotopic measurements suggest that a distinct source may
199 cesses on Earth and other planets from water isotopic measurements.
200 n optics scheme leads to cloaks that possess isotopic media, thus provides a prospective way to facil
201                                  Rather, our isotopic methane budget points to a marked increase in f
202                 Here, we present dual stable isotopic methane records [delta(13)CH4 and deltaD(CH4)]
203 recipitated in an intracellular chemical and isotopic microenvironment, coccolith calcite exhibits la
204                       The Pb, Sr, Nd, and Hf isotopic mixing arrays show that the Archean EM I materi
205                         Thousands of tons of isotopic mixtures are processed annually for heavy-water
206 nities for metal can be used to decipher the isotopic nature of the Earth's accreting material throug
207                                          The isotopic nature of these bodies is unknown.
208 hesis and to examine the correlation between isotopic niche breadth and morphology.
209                               I examined the isotopic niche dynamics of four common sympatric desert
210                              We investigated isotopic niche width in a small radiation of South Ameri
211 on between the widths of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic niches (which estimate breadth of elevational r
212 range) and widths of the carbon and nitrogen isotopic niches (which estimates the diversity of resour
213 o found a positive correlation between broad isotopic niches and wing morphology.
214 Hg values in SIBER enabled us to estimate Hg isotopic niches, successfully discriminating several pop
215 ruits showed a typical range for one or more isotopic parameters that can be used to verify the authe
216                                          The isotopic partitioning of soil Cd sources in this system
217 function and newly developed search function Isotopic Pattern Algorithm (IPA).
218                         Using accurate mass, isotopic pattern and MS/MS fragmentation, 167 precursors
219  derivatives, on the basis of accurate mass, isotopic pattern and MS/MS fragmentation.
220 s the effect of a single atom on the overall isotopic pattern grows smaller.
221                    Common approaches use the isotopic pattern of a compound measured using mass spect
222 ft time coefficients of variation < 1.0% and isotopic pattern root-mean-square deviations of 0.5-1.5%
223 pecific molecular formula to an experimental isotopic pattern.
224                                      Because isotopic patterns cannot definitively distinguish these
225  package, a tool able to extract and analyze isotopic patterns from liquid chromatography-mass spectr
226 ossible route is to exploit the fact that MS isotopic patterns reflect the isotopic distributions.
227 ucts based on accurate masses, (35)Cl/(37)Cl isotopic patterns, and MS/MS spectra.
228 aining accurate m/z values, retention times, isotopic patterns, full MS, and MS/MS spectra.
229       Importantly, common adduct species and isotopic peaks are accounted for and are shown to play a
230                                              Isotopic peaks of the selected precursor can be removed,
231 .e., accuracy in measuring the abundances of isotopic peaks, remains less studied.
232 tokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy and isotopic perfusion experiments.
233                                              Isotopic perturbation of equilibrium NMR studies along w
234                 L. ambigua shows a different isotopic profile than all other Laccaria species.
235                                              Isotopic purification has enabled quantum coherence time
236 carboxylic acids, with complete retention of isotopic purity from the [(13)CN]-NCTS used.
237                                         Lead isotopic ratio analysis ((206)Pb/(207)Pb) suggested a po
238                        The potential for the isotopic ratio analysis of cattle tail hair in determini
239 le representatives of the atmospheric carbon isotopic ratio and can, therefore, be used to date archa
240   Both the measured Zn concentration and its isotopic ratio are correctly described using a thermodyn
241 It was also observed that both hair and milk isotopic ratio correlations exhibited separation between
242                        The accuracy of using isotopic ratio in determining geographical discriminatio
243  competitive alternative to state-of-the-art isotopic ratio mass spectrometry techniques.
244 m Isernia was probably local, given that the isotopic ratio of the enamel falls within the local rang
245  (18-20 Ma) corals exhibit the same nitrogen isotopic ratio offset identified in modern corals.
246                      Finally, the delta(18)O isotopic ratio was studied.
247 and Iceland, can host rare, high (3)He/(4)He isotopic ratios (up to 50 times the present atmospheric
248 vides direct and precise measurements of the isotopic ratios delta(17)O and delta(18)O in CO2.
249                                              Isotopic ratios of (226)Ra(/228)Ra and (87)Sr(/86)Sr ide
250               In this work the H, C, N and O isotopic ratios of 190 samples of different soft fruits
251 ining the mitochondrial genome diversity and isotopic ratios of 74 ancient remains in conjunction wit
252                     U, Cs, Ba, Rb, K, and Ca isotopic ratios were determined on three CsMPs (3.79-780
253 ses only high-purity, relatively inexpensive isotopic reagents ((18)O water and deuterated formaldehy
254 ally resolved, uranium/thorium-dated, oxygen isotopic record for much of the past 45,000 years, obtai
255                 Even more significantly, the isotopic record of Pb pollution proves to be an unparall
256  of marine sulfate, any change in the sulfur isotopic record preserved in pyrite (delta(34)Spyr) nece
257                               Site-selective isotopic reinforcement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (P
258  The Moon bears a striking compositional and isotopic resemblance to the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) fo
259 ites and the Earth were formed from the same isotopic reservoir but they diverged in their chemical e
260 ing water isotopes, we show instead that the isotopic response to WAIS loss is in opposition to the i
261 icle examines the retention of elemental and isotopic sedimentary signatures in an industrialized est
262  of remote sensing applications that require isotopic sensitivity.
263 andidate core-forming light elements, as the isotopic shifts associated with such alloying are small.
264     The resulting multidimensional matrix of isotopic shifts is specific to isomers, providing a fund
265 and shift from C-H, SCRS also reveal several isotopic shifts of the phenylalanine band, of which the
266                                 The measured isotopic signal in central London (-45.7 +/-0.5 per thou
267 's College London, enabled assessment of the isotopic signal of the source mix in central London.
268 hondrites and their components have a unique isotopic signature extending from an inner Solar System
269           We compared these data with the Sr isotopic signature of local micro-mammals, the broadest
270 m the wreck location were shifted toward the isotopic signature of the sediment and, thus, the submar
271                                       The Sr isotopic signature was an excellent marker when Italian
272 ion rates, as well as sequential sampling of isotopic signatures (delta(13) C, Delta(14) C), microbia
273 dal marine carbonate outcrops present carbon isotopic signatures consistent with mineral-sourced auto
274                            Comparison to the isotopic signatures of fish feed-derived PLFAs indicates
275  determined by functional feeding groups and isotopic signatures of nitrogen (delta(15)N), indicating
276                                         This isotopic similarity indicates that the material accreted
277 formulas were identified and confirmed using isotopic simulation and MS-MS fragmentation spectra.
278  experiment, we increase the coverage of the isotopic space that can be probed by obtaining the compl
279 ed by obtaining the complete distribution of isotopic species for the first two carbons of amino acid
280 atic under representation of heavier natural isotopic species, especially for high molecular weight m
281 nd filament-induced laser ablation molecular isotopic spectrometry.
282  in response to sea-level rise during Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 13.
283                                              Isotopic studies have shown that many of the world's coa
284                           Results from these isotopic systems identified individuals within species t
285 pot chemical labeling strategy for attaching isotopic tags to both the N- and C-termini of tryptic pe
286  challenging at the length scales of current isotopic techniques.
287  central equatorial Pacific, based on oxygen isotopic time series from Taiwan tree cellulose that spa
288                                    Recent Fe isotopic tracer experiments have shown that goethite und
289 nd equilibrating the sample with appropriate isotopic tracers before the onset of the separation proc
290                                   Delivering isotopic tracers for metabolic studies in rodents withou
291 le protein kinetic rates were measured using isotopic tracers.
292 transform infrared spectroscopy/steady-state isotopic transient kinetic analysis) experiments demonst
293 was more than 2 per thousand higher than the isotopic value calculated using emission inventories and
294  not sampling an intermediate, syn-excursion isotopic value.
295                                           Hg isotopic values also provided insight on Hg contaminatio
296 ethane and carbon dioxide mole fraction, and isotopic values at King's College London, enabled assess
297                                              Isotopic values for the separate peaks are calculated by
298        delta(13)C, delta(2)H, and delta(18)O isotopic values were also measured.
299 ing the product of the water amounts and its isotopic values, after correcting for background.
300 thers of 12 species of Cinclodes to test the isotopic version of the resource breadth hypothesis and

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