


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inties; skins are shifted towards a lower Sr isotopic composition.
2 found that shales of all ages have a uniform isotopic composition.
3 w a clear alteration of their initial oxygen isotopic composition.
4 oduces a stoichiometric sampling in terms of isotopic composition.
5 with W metal and normalized to the nominal W isotopic composition.
6 cts sampled are characterized by a unique Hg isotopic composition.
7 atment effects on microbial biomass size and isotopic composition.
8 oon and Earth is required by their identical isotopic composition.
9 fluences on pteropod shell carbon and oxygen isotopic composition.
10 produces one or the other, depending only on isotopic composition.
11 lenged by the Moon's unexpectedly Earth-like isotopic composition.
12 s of past atmospheric GEM concentrations and isotopic composition.
13 ogeneous assortment of embryos with distinct isotopic compositions.
14 ne algae as palaeo-pH proxies based on boron isotopic compositions.
15 ite meteorites have almost indistinguishable isotopic compositions.
16 res of stars on the basis of their anomalous isotopic compositions.
17 ng silicate reservoirs with anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions.
18  Earth and Mars have broadly chondritic zinc isotopic compositions.
19 --and indirectly lipids--with characteristic isotopic compositions.
20 eservoir and the source of meteoritic oxygen isotopic compositions.
21 d similar concentrations (0.1-0.7 mug/L) and isotopic composition ((206)Pb/(207)Pb = 1.154-1.164).
22  Uranium concentrations and high precision U isotopic compositions ((238)U/(235)U) of these groundwat
23                                     The iron isotopic compositions (56Fe/54Fe) of late-stagemeltveins
24                          A large range of Sr isotopic compositions ((87)Sr/(86)Sr between 0.70706 and
25 nown but differing delta(13)C and delta(18)O isotopic composition allows standard uncertainties of 0.
26                                   We use the isotopic composition and concentration of molybdenum (Mo
27 , depending on factors such as powdered coal isotopic composition and efficiency of Hg removal from f
28 ations in various solid samples with natural isotopic composition and enriched with (10)B.
29 PTB, were investigated with respect to their isotopic composition and molar mass M(Si).
30 giant-impact scenarios to explain the Moon's isotopic composition and provides a new pathway to reach
31                       We have determined the isotopic composition and the carotenoid contents of 38 e
32 ork for understanding the differences in the isotopic composition and the triple isotope slopes betwe
33  zircon samples reflects the average uranium isotopic composition and variability of terrestrial zirc
34 to test analytical performance for different isotopic compositions and with quantities ranging from 1
35 een in the composition of inclusions, carbon isotopic composition, and nitrogen impurity content.
36 tion, organic matter content, organic carbon isotopic composition, and tracers of mineral matter flux
37 al saline fluids--especially their strontium isotopic compositions--and the timing of host diamond fo
38 aminant transport, degradation pathways, and isotopic composition are improving quantitative estimate
39 Pitcairn lavas contain sulfides whose sulfur isotopic compositions are affected by mass-independent f
40                      Mass-independent sulfur isotopic compositions are observed.
41 d show that Vesta contains the same hydrogen isotopic composition as that of carbonaceous chondrites.
42 ing this absence of a significant shift in U isotopic composition associated with desorption-adsorpti
43 determine Hg species specific (MMHg and IHg) isotopic composition associated with methylation and dem
44 iations in (18)O and site-specific (15)N N2O isotopic composition at remote sites with a temporal res
45 labeling studies, which reveal roughly equal isotopic compositions at the allylic and distal vinylic
46 cts," that is, deviations from elemental and isotopic compositions at thermodynamic equilibrium.
47 irectly by quantifying the difference in the isotopic composition between processed and unprocessed s
48 of methods including dependencies on solvent isotopic composition, buffer concentration, and pH.
49 al bead was used for determination of the Pu isotopic composition by thermal ionization mass spectrom
50 ent Hg speciation (monomethyl-Hg) and stable isotopic composition (C, N, Hg) of 53 Alaskan ringed sea
51 ird Hg source is not discernible, and the Hg isotopic composition can be largely explained by the mix
52        Online, spectroscopic analysis of N2O isotopic composition can provide continuous measurements
53 components, were used for delineating the Pb isotopic composition corresponding to the anthropogenic
54                                          The isotopic composition data are collected independently in
55 urements of methane concentration and stable isotopic composition (delta(13)C(CH4)) would greatly imp
56                            The carbon stable isotopic composition (delta(13)C) embedded in the methyl
57  groundwater methane (CH4) concentration and isotopic composition (delta(13)C-CH4), groundwater triti
58                                 The nitrogen isotopic composition (delta(15)N) of newly fixed N is cu
59                                 The nitrogen isotopic composition (delta(15)N) of NOx (NO + NO2) was
60 riations of atmospheric water vapour and its isotopic composition (delta(18) OV ) influence water and
61 ave developed a new method for measuring the isotopic composition (delta(18)O and deltaD) of differen
62                     Greenland ice core water isotopic composition (delta(18)O) provides detailed evid
63 6 to 60.1 mug/g) sediments had a distinct Hg isotopic composition (delta(202)Hg of 0.02 +/- 0.15 per
64            As such, variations in the sulfur isotopic composition (delta(34)S) of sedimentary sulfate
65 id (pHcf); the latter was derived from boron isotopic compositions (delta(11)B) of the coral skeleton
66                                     Here, Cd isotopic compositions (delta(114/110)Cd) of archived fer
67 oxies such as concentration and conventional isotopic compositions (delta(13)C and delta(18)O) are no
68  This work aimed to explore the variation of isotopic compositions (delta(13)C, delta(18)O) of extra-
69 ort a shift from negative to positive copper isotopic compositions (delta(65)CuERM-AE633) in organic
70 uous negative trend is found in the nitrogen isotopic composition (delta15N) of nitrate over the indu
71 00 y based on the stable hydrogen and carbon isotopic compositions (deltaD and delta(13)C, respective
72 b, Zn, V, Ni, Cu, Cr, Co, Cd, and Hg) and Pb isotopic composition denote two main eras of pre- and po
73  alternate method for total boron as well as isotopic composition determination in boron based solid
74           This is the first case study of Sr isotopic composition determination in such ancient decid
75 ted by presence of a blank, with an apparent isotopic composition different from that of the sample.
76  contain a recycled component, their uranium isotopic compositions do not differ from those of the bu
77 hem in terms of processes known to alter the isotopic composition during transformation of the initia
78 ctively, examining hydrocarbon abundance and isotopic compositions (e.g., C2H6/CH4, delta(13)C-CH4) a
79  of the SRS environment, revealing plutonium isotopic compositions, e.g., (244)Pu, that reflect the u
80                       Comparison between the isotopic composition estimated here for the industrial P
81                                       The Pb isotopic compositions for 51 spots of melt glass in 11 s
82                         Depth profiles of Hg isotopic compositions for bottomfish (excludung C. ignob
83                      Here we report Mg and O isotopic compositions for ultrahigh pressure metamorphic
84 ying degrees by improving material purity or isotopic composition, for example, or active error corre
85             Two weeks of measurements of N2O isotopic composition from Cambridge, MA, in May 2013 are
86 nalyzed for total Hg concentration (THg) and isotopic composition from streams and rivers in the vici
87   We present a reconstruction of deep-sea Fe isotopic compositions from a Pacific Fe-Mn crust spannin
88           Uniform, terrestrial-mantle-like W isotopic compositions have been reported among crystalli
89   Trinitite glass yields a large range of Pb isotopic compositions (i.e., (206)Pb/(204)Pb = 17.08-19.
90 ever, contaminant-induced variability of the isotopic composition in biota is poorly understood.
91 pths (200-1,300 m), contrasting with heavier isotopic composition in deep waters.
92 reviously been constrained only by the water isotopic composition in ice cores, without an absolute t
93 e also measured leaf gas exchange and carbon isotopic composition in L. dalmatica and the dominant na
94 to sort out all particles according to their isotopic composition in one analysis.
95  study suggests that the variability in iron isotopic composition in planetary objects cannot be due
96 curate determination of Os concentration and isotopic composition in seawater samples.
97                                  The average isotopic composition in studied sphalerites (delta(202)H
98 hways are likely to be influencing the final isotopic composition in the ethanol.
99 ng the 24h of the time-course experiments Hg isotopic composition in the produced MMHg becomes signif
100 d patterns of black spruce growth and carbon isotopic composition in tree rings in response to climat
101           The combined helium-, lead- and Nd-isotopic compositions in Baffin Island and West Greenlan
102 er may change not only Pb but also Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in both dissolved and suspended lo
103 resent measurements of Pb concentrations and isotopic compositions in seawater and surface sediments
104 rcury (MMHg) concentrations and mercury (Hg) isotopic compositions in sediment and aquatic organisms
105 itic classes possess mass-independent sulfur isotopic compositions in sulfide and organic phases.
106 gen (delta(18) O) and nitrogen (delta(15) N) isotopic compositions in tissue from herbarium specimens
107 ropane, and n-butane, along with the methane isotopic composition, indicate that the emitted methane
108 ethod, a more robust inventory of NOx source isotopic composition is possible, which has implications
109                                        The N isotopic composition is the same as that of Jupiter.
110 ow significant short-term variability in N2O isotopic composition larger than the measurement precisi
111 in food webs and might play a role in the Hg isotopic composition measured in sediments and organisms
112                      Lead concentrations and isotopic compositions measured in the sediments of the h
113                                 The unique O-isotopic composition mechanistically describes the atmos
114                      The mass independent Hg isotopic compositions (MIF; Delta(199)Hg) of the sedimen
115  of tropical orchids, we sampled leaf carbon isotopic composition of 1,103 species native to Panama a
116 bits large and enigmatic departures from the isotopic composition of abiogenic calcite, known as vita
117 que approximately 10 year record of the lead isotopic composition of airborne insoluble particulate m
118                                          The isotopic composition of all standards was value assigned
119 ratures without independent knowledge of the isotopic composition of ambient waters.
120          In order to characterize the stable isotopic composition of aragonitic pteropod shells and t
121   Here, we report measurements of the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric CH4 ((13)C/(12)C and
122 he goal of measuring seasonal changes in the isotopic composition of atmospheric CH4 on Earth and eve
123                                   The oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO(2) can be used to
124                                  The initial isotopic composition of atmospheric Xe remains unknown,
125 eous and nondestructive determination of the isotopic composition of boron ((10)B/(11)B atom ratio) a
126                                          The isotopic composition of boron in natural and enriched sa
127                                          The isotopic composition of bulk Se and component Se pools r
128 rse" trend in the stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of C1 to C4 hydrocarbons is compati
129                                          The isotopic composition of carbon dioxide provides a powerf
130 gh-resolution deglacial record of the stable isotopic composition of carbon in CO2(delta(13)C-CO2) in
131 cycle that are independent of changes to the isotopic composition of carbon input.
132 thousand), short-lived negative spike in the isotopic composition of carbonate carbon.
133 the MAVEN mission and further studies of the isotopic composition of carbonate in the Martian rock re
134 ass spectrometry (MS) to assess the nitrogen isotopic composition of cell material when the strains w
135 nd, the present study suggests that chlorine isotopic composition of chloroform might be used to disc
136 served in lake sediments matches closely the isotopic composition of cinnabar from the Peruvian Andes
137                                          The isotopic composition of CO2 (delta(13)C(spiked_sample))
138                             Thus, the stable isotopic composition of CO2 can reveal much about the hi
139 imation of enzymatic activity of CA from the isotopic composition of CO2.
140 CO2) concentration, major ion concentration, isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (delt
141              Model results indicate that the isotopic composition of East Antarctic ice is less sensi
142 lection and preparation have on the measured isotopic composition of egg components.
143                     Subtle variations in the isotopic composition of elements carry unique informatio
144                            We present the Sr isotopic composition of enamel of the most ancient decid
145  used to define a protocol for analyzing the isotopic composition of EVOOs in order to certify their
146 ds indicates that intraannual changes in the isotopic composition of feces reflect shifts in diet.
147 esent new temperature data, derived from the isotopic composition of fossil brachiopods.
148 that Earth's temperature (estimated from the isotopic composition of fossil shells) may have been ind
149 en several measurements made of the nitrogen isotopic composition of gaseous NOx (NOx = NO + NO2) fro
150 lanetary differentiation may also modify the isotopic composition of geochemical reservoirs.
151                                              Isotopic composition of H2O and NO3(-) suggested that sn
152 erefore strongly influence the elemental and isotopic composition of hams.
153 ify the sources of environmental Hg, but the isotopic composition of Hg from CFL is not yet known.
154  Hg species (MeHg, inorganic Hg), and stable isotopic composition of Hg were determined at different
155 is method enables future work to utilize the isotopic composition of HONO for studying HONO chemical
156   Here we report in situ measurements of the isotopic composition of hydrogen dissolved in primitive
157 omass, microbial community structure and the isotopic composition of individual microbial membrane [p
158 omega-(o-alkylphenyl)alkanoic acids, and the isotopic composition of individual n-alkanoic acids clea
159 o-climatic factors may affect the amount and isotopic composition of iron entering the ocean.
160 most significant large-scale drivers for the isotopic composition of Italian EVOOs.
161                           If a change in the isotopic composition of marine dissolved inorganic carbo
162 ternative controls on the sedimentary sulfur isotopic composition of marine pyrite by examining a 300
163                                          The isotopic composition of meteoric water and the dietary a
164  data reveal evidence for a shift to lighter isotopic composition of meteoric waters in glacial times
165 prime tool to characterize the molecular and isotopic composition of microbial cells.
166  Understanding the controls of the Hg stable isotopic composition of microbially produced MeHg is imp
167                                          The isotopic composition of MMHg in the Yuba River food web
168                                          The isotopic composition of molybdenum in five samples of gl
169                     In contrast, the uranium isotopic composition of MORB requires the convective sti
170                            Variations in the isotopic composition of nitrate may affect the interpret
171    Variation across climate gradients in the isotopic composition of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) in f
172 sents the first measurements of the nitrogen isotopic composition of NO(x) (delta(15)N-NO(x)) emitted
173 n this study, large differences exist in the isotopic composition of NO(x) emitted with and without S
174 at the crystallization age together with the isotopic composition of nonradiogenic noble gases trappe
175 te or efficient capture of NOx such that the isotopic composition of NOx remains unaltered during col
176 ect and simultaneous analysis of the age and isotopic composition of nuclear material at the particle
177 levated temperatures alters the chemical and isotopic composition of oceanic crust.
178         Volatilization causes changes in the isotopic composition of organic compounds as a result of
179  attractive option to determine the hydrogen isotopic composition of organic materials where the utmo
180                                          The isotopic composition of our Solar System reflects the bl
181 ical processes on P cycling, we analyzed the isotopic composition of oxygen in phosphate (delta(18)O-
182 ition for the past millenium recorded by the isotopic composition of Pb in all three peat bogs is rem
183                                          The isotopic composition of Pb was determined in Finnish pea
184 ndex (LAI), carbon and nitrogen content, and isotopic composition of plant tissues for five to eight
185 ing models incorporated uncertainties in the isotopic composition of potential nitrate sources and re
186 with and without SCRs and SNCRs; further the isotopic composition of power plant NO(x) is higher than
187 ds, and estimates of the last glacial oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation based on global ci
188          We use the strontium-neodymium-lead isotopic composition of proglacial sediment discharged f
189                                          The isotopic composition of Pu and uranium (U) and the amoun
190         Here, we demonstrate that the oxygen isotopic composition of resin-extractable inorganic phos
191  been large and systematic changes in the Fe isotopic composition of seawater over the Cenozoic that
192 be a new method for analysis of the nitrogen isotopic composition of sedimentary porphyrins.
193 sent a framework for interpreting the carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary rocks, which in turn
194                        For that purpose, the isotopic composition of selected SiF4 samples was determ
195 nt a new method for analyzing the delta(13)C isotopic composition of several oxygenated volatile orga
196                     We measured the titanium isotopic composition of shales to constrain the chemical
197                                              Isotopic composition of sharks sampled in reef and seagr
198                       We measured the oxygen isotopic composition of solar wind captured and returned
199                                          The isotopic composition of some of the meteoritic keto acid
200 22-y (1980-2002) record of the oxygen-triple isotopic composition of sulfate (SO4) aerosols retrieved
201                          Measurements of the isotopic composition of sulfate and sulfide have been es
202 was the dominant cause of seasonality in the isotopic composition of sulfate relative to SO2.
203 s a constraint over the last 390 Ma from the isotopic composition of sulfur in coal.
204 silicate differentiation, we show that the W isotopic composition of terrestrial samples provides the
205 l separates, suggesting homogeneity in the U isotopic composition of the angrite parent body.
206 d Delta(199)Hg of the lake trout equaled the isotopic composition of the bloater after 6 months, refl
207 plied to ensure accurate measurements of the isotopic composition of the CO2 in ultradry air, express
208                         The knowledge of the isotopic composition of the enriched silicon material is
209                               Changes in the isotopic composition of the fine-root population over tw
210 months, reflecting reequilibration of the Hg isotopic composition of the fish to new food sources and
211 ta(13)C-CH4 and deltaD-CH4 correspond to the isotopic composition of the gas reservoir.
212 n processes likely affected the chemical and isotopic composition of the gases, making it difficult t
213   (iii) We account for changes in the oxygen isotopic composition of the ice sheet by using isotope-e
214                                          The isotopic composition of the injected CO(2) (delta(13)C -
215  been invoked to explain the nonsolar oxygen isotopic composition of the inner solar system.
216  of better information, one assumes that the isotopic composition of the input sulfate to the oceans
217 similar values and were very close to the Sr isotopic composition of the local river where they were
218  report in situ measurements of the hydrogen isotopic composition of the mineral apatite in eucrite m
219 solution as nitrate to evaluate the nitrogen isotopic composition of the NOx (delta(15)N-NOx).
220 tz (Barberton, South Africa) that reveal the isotopic composition of the paleo-atmosphere at approxim
221                     Within uncertainties the isotopic composition of the produced particles is in agr
222  We argue that anthropogenic Mo modifies the isotopic composition of the recent sediments, and we det
223  the solar photosphere preserves the average isotopic composition of the solar system for elements he
224                                          The isotopic composition of the substrates was designed to o
225  (Delta(14)C) and stable carbon (delta(13)C) isotopic composition of the UCM solvent-extracted from c
226     Analysis of the THg concentration and Hg isotopic composition of these environmental samples indi
227                   This variability in stable isotopic composition of tissues is likely to be a result
228 e paleothermometers, is independent from the isotopic composition of water from which the mineral for
229                                          The isotopic composition of water in hydrated minerals, such
230 u spectroscopic measurements of the evolving isotopic composition of water vapor during cirrus format
231                                       The Hg isotopic composition of Yuba Fan sediment (delta(202)Hg
232                                   The oxygen isotopic composition of zircons, for which uranium-lead
233 Philippot et al. interpreted multiple-sulfur isotopic compositions of approximately 3.5-billion-year-
234                     Boron concentrations and isotopic compositions of atmospheric dust and dissolved
235  of B, Rb, Sr, Ba, Fe, Mn and Zn, as well as isotopic compositions of B and Sr.
236                                              Isotopic compositions of boron in the range of 0.247-2.0
237               The bulk hydrogen and nitrogen isotopic compositions of CI chondrites suggest that they
238 eal-time dependence of the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of CO(2) and H(2)O in terms of mos
239 aluate the feasibility of using chemical and isotopic compositions of coffee beans to identify their
240                     We determined the stable isotopic compositions of cyanide-carbon (CCN) and cyanid
241    This study examined the water quality and isotopic compositions of discharged effluents, surface w
242                                    The Hf-Nd isotopic compositions of dust in the North Pacific centr
243                           The C, N, O, and S isotopic compositions of egg components from 7 different
244                             We show that the isotopic compositions of elements spanning a large mass
245 hat it is feasible to determine the U and Pu isotopic compositions of historic nuclear devices from t
246                                     Hydrogen isotopic compositions of hydrous minerals and organic ma
247 ere, we combine analysis of biomolecular and isotopic compositions of lipids preserved in prehistoric
248  for water that are consistent with measured isotopic compositions of lunar samples.
249               Our modelling implies that the isotopic compositions of magnesium, silicon and iron, an
250 nding paradigm assumes that the chemical and isotopic compositions of many elements in the bulk silic
251                                 The distinct isotopic compositions of marine and terrestrial N2O sour
252                       The concentrations and isotopic compositions of mercury (Hg) in surface sedimen
253 icrobial methanogenesis was indicated by the isotopic compositions of methane and carbon dioxide, bio
254                                     Although isotopic compositions of methane have traditionally aide
255 by analysis in terrestrial laboratories: the isotopic compositions of O, N, and noble gases differ in
256 urement quality and reliability for hydrogen isotopic compositions of organic substances (Cr-EA metho
257 en inferred from bulk analyses of the carbon isotopic compositions of pre-2,500 Ma kerogens, these in
258 h recent indications from lunar carbon and S isotopic compositions of primitive lunar materials.
259                         The anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions of refractory mineral phases may r
260                         The clay-sized Hf-Nd isotopic compositions of the desert samples from the Sin
261  the strontium, radium, oxygen, and hydrogen isotopic compositions of the effluents reflect the compo
262                                              Isotopic compositions of the extracts indicate that a gr
263                                          The isotopic compositions of the main constituents of planet
264                                       The Pb-isotopic compositions of the Samoan lavas reveal several
265                                          The isotopic compositions of the total water evolved from a
266 rth is best explained by assuming that the W isotopic compositions of the two bodies were identical i
267               We systematically document the isotopic compositions of three major constituents: sulfu
268                                        The U isotopic compositions of trinitite glass, produced subse
269  In this study, we measured the chemical and isotopic compositions of water samples from MTM-impacted
270               These measurements revealed Zn isotopic compositions (of delta(66/64)Zn = +0.28 to -0.3
271 oth mass-dependent and mass-anomalous sulfur-isotopic composition over length scales of even a few hu
272 ges in particle dimensions, aggregation, and isotopic composition over time.
273                              Lead fluxes and isotopic composition point to national/regional petrol-P
274              The pressure dependence of iron isotopic composition provides an independent constraint
275 ting pH from biogenic carbonates using boron isotopic compositions relies on the assumption that only
276 nvironments, but its influence on natural Hg isotopic composition remains to be ascertained.
277 akes is dominantly of natural origin, having isotopic composition resembling that measured for indige
278 e young (< 1.3 Ga), the spread of whole rock isotopic compositions results from crystallization of a
279                                    The xenon isotopic composition shows deficits in heavy xenon isoto
280 mpactor that formed the Moon probably had an isotopic composition similar to that of the Earth, hence
281        The spinel from the white rind has an isotopic composition suggesting that it was part of a ca
282 demonstrate that lunar magmatic water has an isotopic composition that is indistinguishable from that
283    Meteorites contain a wide range of oxygen isotopic compositions that are interpreted as heterogene
284 ver been observed to host the primitive lead-isotopic compositions that are required for an early (ro
285 the CAI margin, approaching a planetary-like isotopic composition, then shifts to extremely (16)O-ric
286                   Comparison of shell oxygen isotopic composition to depth changes in the calculated
287  report calibration data linking single-cell isotopic compositions to the corresponding bulk isotopic
288 rgrown with the metal that show them to have isotopic compositions unlike any terrestrial minerals an
289 os measured on in-house standards of unknown isotopic composition using the (12)C(15)N(-)/(12)C(14)N(
290  an isotopic reference material with known B isotopic composition was added.
291  with different mole fractions but identical isotopic composition was demonstrated to be highly accur
292                          Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions were calculated by numerical integ
293               Large spatial variations in Hg isotopic compositions were observed in the SCS (delta(20
294                        Nonnatural molybdenum isotopic compositions were observed, reflecting an input
295  not cause a measurable change in the carbon isotopic composition, whereas for pure-phase evaporation
296  in oxidized multiporphyrin arrays of normal isotopic composition, wherein (1)H and (14)N serve as th
297  (142)Nd anomalies, all have a homogeneous W isotopic composition, which is approximately 2epsilon-un
298  evidence for the effect of pressure on iron isotopic composition, which we found to vary according t
299                                 By combining isotopic composition with (1)H NMR data using a multivar
300  that there is a more positive radiogenic Hf isotopic composition with clay-sized fractions than the

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