


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oduced, and this was confirmed by the use of isotopically (13)C-labeled CO.
2                             We have prepared isotopically (13)C/(15)N labeled AbetaM01-42 fibrils in
3 etaproteomic strategy, using in vitro stable isotopically ((15)N) labeled microbiota as a spike-in re
4                                              Isotopically anomalous carbonaceous grains in extraterre
5 ican kestrels (Falco sparverius) were fed an isotopically characterized diet and patterns in delta(15
6 th methods provided that a consistent set of isotopically characterized reference materials is used.
7 tio of 16:0 to 18:2n-6; P = 0.03), which was isotopically confirmed by DNL(Meas) (increased 2.5-fold;
8 ve used the redshifts and line shapes of the isotopically decoupled IR oxygen-deuterium (O-D) stretch
9 m ashes collected in these power plants were isotopically depleted in the heavy isotopes relative to
10                                              Isotopically depleted material turns over at an apparent
11 cally enriched, modern DOC cocycling with an isotopically depleted older fraction in the upper ocean.
12  from oil wells were enriched in alkanes and isotopically depleted relative to natural gas wells.
13 zed, REE-rich fluids, derived from external, isotopically depleted sources, metasomatized the granite
14 g with TN and TP, were positively related to isotopically derived E/I estimates.
15 The method treats explicitly the cleavage of isotopically different C-Cl bonds and thus considers, si
16 riments were analyzed and calibrated against isotopically different reference standards for both CCl4
17 zymes are discussed using the concept of the isotopically different TRS conformations.
18 tion samples collected in Crystal River were isotopically distinct and displayed large negative delta
19     The dominant influence of mixing between isotopically distinct Cd end-members was confirmed by a
20                                   Fruits are isotopically distinct compared with other staple foods,
21 d used, drinking water delta(18)OPO4 appears isotopically distinct from a number of other phosphorus
22 es that the regional background Hg source is isotopically distinct in both Delta(199)Hg and delta(202
23 emisphere lakes show a coherent signal of an isotopically distinct source of N to ecosystems beginnin
24 e show that the subducted flux of uranium is isotopically distinct, with high (238)U/(235)U ratios, a
25 rom flue gas, Hg deposited near CFUBs can be isotopically distinct.
26 ter in aquaculture feed stocks because it is isotopically district to marine organic matter.
27  a simultaneous treatment of three different isotopically edited alkynyl metabolic reporters.
28 oyed to construct (13)C horizontal line(18)O isotopically edited amides to permit direct observation
29 ed from multiple sets of site-specific (13)C isotopically edited infrared (IR) and circular dichroism
30                                              Isotopically edited infrared (IR) spectroscopy has emerg
31 e-specific thermal unfolding probed by (13)C isotopically edited IR is likewise consistent with prima
32                           We have used (13)C isotopically edited IR spectroscopy to investigate the s
33     Here we present a new strategy that uses isotopically encoded labeling reagents to measure labeli
34 an ensemble of electron and nuclear spins in isotopically engineered, phosphorus-doped silicon.
35     We have illustrated a novel way of using isotopically enhanced two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy t
36 erentially labeled RT was reconstituted from isotopically enriched ((15)N-labeled) p51 and unlabeled
37 ystalline lepidocrocite were reacted with an isotopically enriched (57)Fe(II) solution (0.1 or 1.0 mM
38                                     Tracking isotopically enriched (65)Cu(II)(atsm) confirmed the inc
39   This work presents results on synthesis of isotopically enriched (99% (65)Cu) copper oxide nanopart
40 n studies using flow injection analysis with isotopically enriched (99)Ru as a carrier with ICP-MS de
41          After spiking the blood sample with isotopically enriched analogues of the analytes ((199)Hg
42 GSSG measurement, the sample was spiked with isotopically enriched analogues of the analytes ((310)GS
43                                        Using isotopically enriched ATP, 23 sites of intravirion kinas
44              Cross-over experiments using an isotopically enriched bromide source support intramolecu
45  thermally activated delayed fluorescence of isotopically enriched carbon-13 fullerene C(70) ((13)C(7
46      Algal cells differentially labeled with isotopically enriched CH3Hg(+) or Hg(2+) were added simu
47 ied out by the chlorination of biphenyl with isotopically enriched chlorine gas, generated by the dir
48                                              Isotopically enriched compounds change their isotopic di
49 ired and a single spike IDMS procedure using isotopically enriched Cr(VI) provided accurate results.
50            The crystals are reacted with the isotopically enriched dienophiles maleic anhydride and a
51                                              Isotopically enriched diethyl phenylphosphonates (P hori
52   Furthermore, crossover experiments with an isotopically enriched exogenous copper source illustrate
53 x vivo tumor extracts, after infusion, using isotopically enriched glucose.
54                                      We used isotopically enriched Hg stable isotope tracers in sedim
55 e isotopes in natural isotopic abundance and isotopically enriched human urine.
56 oscopy, electrospray mass spectrometry using isotopically enriched hydrogen peroxide, and density fun
57                             The influence of isotopically enriched magnesium on the creatine kinase c
58  NMR and MS, including a (13)C-(13)C COSY of isotopically enriched material, degradation, derivatives
59 amine precursors for melanization to produce isotopically enriched pigment "ghosts" and applied 2D (1
60                                              Isotopically enriched snails were subsequently exposed t
61                                          The isotopically enriched snails were then exposed to benthi
62 in) via the (63)Cu(p,n)(63)Zn reaction using isotopically enriched solutions of (63)Cu-copper nitrate
63                  Quantitation entails use of isotopically enriched standards (N(18)O(2)(-) and (15)NO
64 nd metal ligand vibrations (identified using isotopically enriched substrates) allow in situ identifi
65 g experiments in biology usually make use of isotopically enriched substrates, with the two most comm
66                                         Zinc isotopically enriched to 99.5% in (68)Zn ((68)Zn-E) was
67                After which, one set received isotopically enriched water whereas the other set receiv
68 enzothiophene-2-boronic acid, which was also isotopically enriched with (11)B, as (10)B is a known ne
69 ore requires the application of purpose-made isotopically enriched ZnO nanoparticles.
70                   We confirm the presence of isotopically enriched, modern DOC cocycling with an isot
71       We use solid-state NMR spectroscopy of isotopically enriched, restacked nanosheets as a tool to
72 ed by proton irradiation of electrodeposited isotopically-enriched (54)Fe targets.
73         Laboratory-scale brewing trials with isotopically-enriched (77)Se wheat, sampled from UK fiel
74 embrane components, if CO2 was assumed to be isotopically equilibrated with cytosolic water, and the
75       Seventy-five to 95% of the bound water isotopically exchanged with the mobile water phase.
76 is sufficiently volatile such that it may be isotopically fractionated during incomplete condensation
77 ours of use show that the Hg they contain is isotopically fractionated in a unique pattern during nor
78  the Trinity device were chemically, but not isotopically, fractionated by condensation.
79 l-era Hg pollution, in contrast, is distinct isotopically from preindustrial emissions, suggesting th
80  (South Africa), which reveals a smaller and isotopically heavier flux of dissolved iron to seawater
81 and show that all differentiated bodies have isotopically heavier magnesium compositions than chondri
82 atio determines whether coccolith calcite is isotopically heavier or lighter than abiogenic calcite,
83    The delta(82/76)Se of water-soluble Se is isotopically heavier than delta(82/76)Se of adsorbed Se,
84 otopes were markedly fractionated: straw was isotopically heavier than roots (Delta(114/110)Cdstraw-r
85              The Ca(NO3)2-extractable Cd was isotopically heavier than the Cd in the bulk A horizon (
86 thermore, synglacial sedimentary nitrogen is isotopically heavier than the modern atmosphere, requiri
87 achates due to root-induced mobilization was isotopically heavier than the Zn released in the absence
88 shifts of +/- 0.3 per thousand, resulting in isotopically heavier values of +0.05 +/- 0.18 per thousa
89 more than 10,000 petagrams)-and, on average, isotopically heavier-carbon source than considered previ
90 ta(26)Mg values suggest the incorporation of isotopically heavy Mg from the subducted slab.
91 ransformations of Hg phases and suggest that isotopically heavy secondary Hg phases were formed in th
92 cal isotope fractionation cannot explain the isotopically heavy Tl in the Lengerich topsoils and the
93 igands we found preferential partitioning of isotopically heavy zinc in the complexed form, and the e
94  the most mobile and bioavailable, should be isotopically heavy, as light Hg isotopes are preferentia
95  iron within the surface mixed layer becomes isotopically heavy, reflecting the dominance of biologic
96 reduction to drive the residual Se oxyanions isotopically heavy.
97 e magma reservoirs by repeated injections of isotopically heterogeneous magma batches and short pre-e
98        We find that ferroan anorthosites are isotopically heterogeneous, with some samples exhibiting
99 at larger spatial scales, than analyzing the isotopically highly heterogeneous tailing piles typicall
100 l reduction of most sulfur compounds to form isotopically homogeneous sulfide.
101 industrial Hg emissions may be distinguished isotopically in lake sediment cores.
102       When biosynthetic methods were used to isotopically label iron in food, achlorhydric patients w
103 O; deuterium oxide) continuously for 6 wk to isotopically label newly synthesized skeletal muscle pro
104 ted by the cyclotron and has the capacity to isotopically label peptides of choice for positron emiss
105                                              Isotopically labeled (13)C and (12)C propionic acid expe
106 tric detection of H2(18)O formed from H2 and isotopically labeled (18)O2.
107 the waterborne uptake and efflux kinetics of isotopically labeled (68)ZnO NPs (7.8 +/- 1.2 nm), in co
108 trix-matched calibration standards and using isotopically labeled (IL) analogues as internal standard
109 rent intravenous (i.v.) microdosing a stable isotopically labeled (SIL) drug was developed and valida
110                                       Stable isotopically labeled (SIL) tryptic peptides, cleavable S
111                  In the present work, we use isotopically labeled 9-mercaptodethiobiotin and enzyme t
112           We demonstrate this approach using isotopically labeled [1,6-(13)C]glucose and in four diff
113                       Pulse-chase studies of isotopically labeled AChE molecules show that the enzyme
114 luoro-2-propanol, we synthesized a series of isotopically labeled alpha-d-glucopyranosyl fluorides.
115 ounts of starting material with incorporated isotopically labeled amino acids during cell culture.
116                             Incorporation of isotopically labeled amino acids into proteins from both
117 roposed APG pathway was confirmed by feeding isotopically labeled amino acids.
118 s sampling bag, where it is homogenized with isotopically labeled analogue internal standards and sam
119 ns expressed by a eukaryotic organism can be isotopically labeled and produced with a quality and qua
120 vestigation of a reaction mixture containing isotopically labeled and unlabeled reactants with differ
121                                              Isotopically labeled atoms from substrates, such as [(13
122                                        Using isotopically labeled ATP, we identified specific marker
123 orms with (15)N,(13)C by providing them with isotopically labeled bacteria.
124 s by hydrolyzing peptidoglycan isolated from isotopically labeled bacterial biomass and used them as
125 ated from (13)COgen, the corresponding (13)C-isotopically labeled beta-ketonitriles were obtained, an
126          A mass-related symmetry breaking in isotopically labeled bilayer graphene (2LG) was investig
127           We demonstrate this approach using isotopically labeled Caenorhabditis elegans mixtures.
128 thways, the lack of a commercially available isotopically labeled CoA limits the development of rigor
129 e (SILEC) was recently developed to generate isotopically labeled coenzyme A (CoA) and short-chain ac
130                                   The use of isotopically labeled compounds assisted in correcting an
131                                   Studies of isotopically labeled compounds have been fundamental to
132 ectrometry experiments using (17)O and (18)O isotopically labeled compounds prove that this compound
133 ifies isotopologue groups that correspond to isotopically labeled compounds.
134 re directly correlated with the ratio of the isotopically labeled content of the medium.
135                                   The use of isotopically labeled diazomethane enabled the distinctio
136                         Amino acids that are isotopically labeled during metabolism result in labeled
137                                              Isotopically labeled enzymes (denoted as "heavy" or "Bor
138                            The use of stable isotopically labeled fatty acids demonstrated FATP2a is
139    They consumed a maize meal fortified with isotopically labeled ferrous sulfate (FeSO4; study 1) or
140                                              Isotopically labeled flavin is a powerful tool for study
141 ents evaluating the suitability of different isotopically labeled fluorinated depuration compounds (D
142 The isolated phosphoproteins were eluted and isotopically labeled for relative and absolute quantitat
143 evidence that MOB facultatively incorporated isotopically labeled glucose into their cells, and MOB u
144 al by direct and quantitative measurement of isotopically labeled glutathione introduced exogenously
145 nMS for the identification of differentially isotopically labeled heteroconjugates against a complex
146                          The incubation with isotopically labeled Hg species ((199)Hgi and Me(201)Hg)
147              Enzymatic addition of GalNAc to isotopically labeled IFNalpha2a produced in Escherichia
148 the methodology is the selection of a stable isotopically labeled internal standard (SIL-IS) for an L
149 have tested different methods of applying an isotopically labeled internal standard for MALDI IMS ana
150                                By spiking an isotopically labeled internal standard into the plasma s
151                                           An isotopically labeled internal standard mix was incorpora
152 action of the extract, quantitation using an isotopically labeled internal standard, and a short inst
153 on (</=10%) has been achieved while using an isotopically labeled internal standard.
154                         In the present work, isotopically labeled internal standards are applied to t
155     Chlorinated and brominated standards and isotopically labeled internal standards were synthesized
156  chromatography, a diastereomeric mixture of isotopically labeled internal standards, and multiple re
157                                              Isotopically labeled internal standards, Paraquat-D6 and
158                         Using DART-MS/MS and isotopically labeled internal standards, we achieved det
159 tes using authentic metabolite standards and isotopically labeled internal standards, whereas the cor
160 cedures, such as matrix-matched standards or isotopically labeled internal standards.
161 charide (HMO) structures employing LC/MS and isotopically labeled internal standards.
162 mediated disorder-order transitions using 17 isotopically labeled isoleucine methyl groups and three
163                                        Using isotopically labeled LctA analogues with engineered lact
164  central nervous system proteins with stable isotopically labeled leucine was performed, and kinetics
165 of SFG allowed for independent monitoring of isotopically labeled lipid bilayer leaflets as a functio
166                             We have employed isotopically labeled low density lipoproteins containing
167 n, on 2 consecutive days, we fed all infants isotopically labeled maize porridge and MNP test meals c
168                          We have designed an isotopically labeled metabolic bioprobe of free cytosoli
169 tly, LC/MS-based untargeted metabolomics and isotopically labeled metabolites have been used to facil
170 tabolomic technologies to track the fates of isotopically labeled metabolites in a global, unbiased m
171                    The performed analysis of isotopically labeled microbial cells with SERS-SIRM and
172                             NMR studies with isotopically labeled molecules confirm that acid-base pa
173                                These include isotopically labeled molecules.
174    Mass spectrometry of the reaction between isotopically labeled mu-(16)O(bridging-oxo) 1A(+) and (1
175 was used to follow the trafficking of stable isotopically labeled n-3 fatty acids into phosphatidylch
176 ammonium-free media, and fail to incorporate isotopically labeled N2 gas into biomass in multiple ind
177                                  A series of isotopically labeled natural substrate analogues (phenyl
178                  We investigated the fate of isotopically labeled nitrogen fertilizers in a three-dec
179               In combination with feeding of isotopically labeled nucleosides, we were able to trace
180 incubated for a fixed amount of time with an isotopically labeled nutrient that was incorporated into
181  line panel by tracking metabolic flux using isotopically labeled nutrients.
182 tual replacement of radiotracers with stable isotopically labeled ones, even for adult clinical inves
183  in situ infrared (IR) spectroscopy and with isotopically labeled oxygen ((18)O), appears to be criti
184                                  Then, using isotopically labeled oxygen (O2) as an oxidant in the pr
185 can generate both thioamides and amides with isotopically labeled oxygen atoms.
186                            Toward this goal, isotopically labeled p-((13)C(15)N-cyano)phenylalanine w
187         Mass tracing experiments showed that isotopically labeled palmitic, myristic, and lauric acid
188                                       Stable isotopically labeled peptides with flanking amino acids
189                                              Isotopically labeled PFAMs were used to validate the pro
190 3)C and (15)N solid-state NMR experiments on isotopically labeled PLP aldimines formed by lyophilizat
191 ported by slowed catalytic site chemistry in isotopically labeled PNP (13C, 15N, and 2H).
192  the conversion investigated by (13)C NMR of isotopically labeled polymers.
193                                 Using stable isotopically labeled precursors and liquid chromatograph
194                     Feeding experiments with isotopically labeled precursors clearly supported a poly
195             We added an exogenously prepared isotopically labeled protein to deuterated lysates, rend
196 requires little protein, avoids the need for isotopically labeled protein, and has no protein molecul
197 lar NOEs between unlabeled phenylalanine and isotopically labeled protein.
198 tended for the analysis of experiments using isotopically labeled reference peptides for absolute qua
199            Critical considerations for using isotopically labeled rhGH as the internal standard are d
200  BLUF domain (AppA(BLUF)) reconstituted with isotopically labeled riboflavin (Rf) and flavin adenine
201 ains is achieved using a stalling motif, and isotopically labeled RNCs are produced at high yield usi
202      Here, we present a strategy to generate isotopically labeled RNCs in Escherichia coli that are s
203  large quantities (>/=10 mg) of homogeneous, isotopically labeled RNCs.
204                       Differential HDX-MS of isotopically labeled RT in the presence of the non-nucle
205 nce (ENDOR) measurements with (13)C and (2)H isotopically labeled SAMCA support a pi-complex between
206 py spin-lattice relaxation experiments using isotopically labeled samples and with the analysis of va
207  presence of native lipids, we have prepared isotopically labeled samples of precipitated DsbB (WT an
208 ptides that were obtained from unlabeled and isotopically labeled soybean embryos and Escherichia col
209                         In this approach, an isotopically labeled standard is added to the nano-DESI
210 by reproducible and uniform deposition of an isotopically labeled standard peptide from a target prot
211 e corresponding transitions from the applied isotopically labeled standard peptides.
212 otein contents were characterized against an isotopically labeled standard.
213 ling by mass spectrometry generally requires isotopically labeled standards chemically representative
214 ward the second medium island, containing an isotopically labeled substrate ((13)C(6)-glucose).
215 a previously reported catalytic system using isotopically labeled substrates are consistent with the
216 tition experiments as well as reactions with isotopically labeled substrates.
217 ies on commercial cross-linkers that bear an isotopically labeled tag and N-hydroxysuccinimid-ester (
218 , (ii) nanotoxicology, and (iii) metabolism (isotopically labeled tissue).
219 c clamp procedure in conjunction with stable isotopically labeled tracer infusions to measure glucose
220                      We have synthesized two isotopically labeled variants of the beta-amyloid bindin
221 ified by 9.5 and 140 GHz EPR spectroscopy on isotopically labeled varieties of the protein to be a th
222 beled tyrosine substrates, the cyanides were isotopically labeled via a recently developed in vitro m
223                   The same antibody that was isotopically labeled was used as an internal standard.
224 arbon-hydrogen bonds in a single step, using isotopically labeled water (D2O or T2O) as the source of
225 temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) with isotopically labeled water and oxygen species, reactive
226          The rR experiments carried out with isotopically labeled water identified the symmetric and
227                  Experiments involving (18)O isotopically labeled water indicated that the mechanism
228 surements, maltose binding protein (MBP) was isotopically labeled with (13)C and (15)N, permitting dy
229 sic flavin mononucleotide (FMN) cofactor are isotopically labeled with (2)H, (15)N, and (13)C.
230 tion of aqueous solutions of ferrous sulfate isotopically labeled with (5)(4)Fe, (5)(7)Fe, or (5)(8)F
231 otocol, control and experimental samples are isotopically labeled with 95 and 5% (13)C, and the two s
232                                     "Heavy" (isotopically labeled) enzyme isotope effects offer a dir
233 ed, hydroxylated), and labeled (fluorinated, isotopically labeled) side chains to be added to a commo
234 l can be applied to any organism that can be isotopically labeled, making it a powerful new tool in a
235 e other one with only the C-terminal segment isotopically labeled.
236 igned to identify metabolites that have been isotopically labeled.
237 rial are needed and kinetic measurements for isotopically "labeled" and "unlabeled" species are acqui
238                               By selectively isotopically labeling the residual surface Li2CO3, which
239 nation on an UPLC/ESI-MS system by using its isotopically labelled analogue as internal standard, all
240 resent the first report using broad-spectrum isotopically labelled standards for quantitative charact
241                      In these approaches, an isotopically labelled substrate, with an artificially hi
242                          The products become isotopically labelled, and can be measured using a combi
243 tly from a particular production pathway (by isotopically labelling host substrates).
244               The Nuvvuagittuq rocks contain isotopically light carbon in carbonate and carbonaceous
245 h system, where rapid and massive release of isotopically light carbon led to a major perturbation in
246  with previous studies, but an enrichment of isotopically light Cu, suggesting a reduction of Cu(II)
247                                          The isotopically light dissolved iron pool likely results fr
248  vents in the North Atlantic are a source of isotopically light iron, which travels thousands of kilo
249 ounterbalancing changes in the weathering of isotopically light organic carbon.
250 these excursions involve remineralization of isotopically light organic matter and imply strong enhan
251 m, dissolved iron within the mixed layer was isotopically light relative to particulate iron.
252 s are the geogenic background, as defined by isotopically light soils at depth (epsilon(205)Tl approx
253                                              Isotopically light Zn (delta(66)Zn = -13.7 per thousand)
254 iments on mare basalt 14053 demonstrate that isotopically light Zn condensates also occur on some mar
255 her hydrologic activity a higher wash out of isotopically lighter nitrate formed by bacterial nitrifi
256 8 +/- 0.6 per thousand) due to the inflow of isotopically lighter oil (-27 +/- 0.2 per thousand).
257 pth indicating the preferential migration of isotopically lighter Se downward through the soil profil
258 f -0.15 per thousand with the adsorbed U(VI) isotopically lighter than coexisting aqueous U(VI).
259 ntial dissolved flux to the oceans, which is isotopically lighter than the crust, and so may be disti
260                  The organically bound Se is isotopically lighter than water-soluble Se and correlate
261 ns, the Cu flowing out of the wetland became isotopically lighter, indicating the mobilization of red
262 se has not been validated by comparison with isotopically measured de novo lipogenesis (DNL(Meas)).
263  matrix to determine precisely the ratios of isotopically methylated peptides.
264                                 Here we used isotopically modified copper oxide ((65)CuO) NPs to char
265 ll those elements point to material that was isotopically most similar to enstatite meteorites.
266 13)C record, and consequent contributions of isotopically negative terrestrial organic matter to the
267 oth steady-state metabolic flux analysis and isotopically non-stationary metabolic flux analysis.
268                                              Isotopically nonstationary metabolic flux analysis (INST
269 een aqueous Fe(2+) and magnetite by reacting isotopically "normal" magnetite with (57)Fe-enriched aqu
270 spectrometry to image antibodies tagged with isotopically pure elemental metal reporters.
271 tron and nuclear spins of donor ensembles in isotopically pure silicon experience a vacuum-like envir
272 r long coherence times, exceeding seconds in isotopically purified bulk silicon.
273 of a nitrogen-vacancy color center within an isotopically purified diamond crystal.
274  be attainable for singlet-triplet qubits in isotopically purified Si, and for hybrid qubits in natur
275 e ion-neutral collision cross section of the isotopically replaced species is observed.
276 onized ICR cell, i.e., ParaCell, for mapping isotopically resolved intact proteins up to about 17 kDa
277  transfer to the LTQ Orbitrap XL instrument, isotopically resolved mass spectra could be acquired.
278                                    They show isotopically resolved molecular ion peaks in mass spectr
279 ion of metal cations and ligands can also be isotopically resolved with the ultrahigh mass resolution
280  in these ratios indicates specialisation on isotopically restricted resources, which may drive the s
281  This phenomenon becomes more pronounced for isotopically rich compounds, such as those containing su
282 nene are assessed in light of the results of isotopically sensitive branching experiments with the H3
283 ity to perform not only elementally but also isotopically sensitive detection and analysis at standof
284                               We demonstrate isotopically sensitive real-time standoff detection of u
285 tion of the thymine leaving group during the isotopically sensitive step.
286 +/- 5.7 J mol(-1) K(-1)) to a species 3 with isotopically sensitive stretches at nuO-O(Delta(18)O) =
287 connectivity, but could arise if species use isotopically similar resources at different locations.
288 udies has gradually expanded to include both isotopically steady-state and transient labeling experim
289                                   Eight such isotopically substituted bacteriochlorins were prepared
290                               A hierarchy of isotopically substituted recombination reactions is form
291 ange neutron diffraction measurements of H/D isotopically substituted solutions of decyltrimethylammo
292                               Heavy enzymes (isotopically substituted) provide an experimental tool f
293 how how multidimensional NMR spectroscopy of isotopically tagged molecules enables structure characte
294 h chronic gastritis had excess fecal loss of isotopically tagged plasma iron.
295 titative chemoproteomic platform, which uses isotopically tagged, photocleavable azido-biotin reagent
296       Because subducted uranium was probably isotopically unfractionated before full oceanic oxidatio
297                      Unroasted ore waste was isotopically uniform with delta(202)Hg values from -0.09
298 e tracer was mixed with different amounts of isotopically unmodified flumazenil (4, 20, 100, or 400 m
299 d on the assumption that metabolic pools are isotopically well mixed and in equilibrium with dietary
300 ical artifacts contain cinnabar that matches isotopically with cinnabar ores from Huancavelica, Peru,

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