


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sotopomer that shifts to 580.2794 in the 18O-isotopomer.
2 es C, indicating no isomerization to another isotopomer.
3 , which shifts to 672 cm(-1) in the Mn-(18)O isotopomer.
4 as determined for the Tc((16)O)(3)((17)O)(-) isotopomer.
5 is-3-3,4-d(2)) in 64% yield as the exclusive isotopomer.
6  of amino acids containing a pure (13)CHD(2) isotopomer.
7 topomer, and a zero-(2)H-exchanged/two-(13)C isotopomer.
8 ative amount of labelling in a predetermined isotopomer.
9 ere obtained from the results with the three isotopomers.
10 lcohol and its benzylic mono- and dideuterio isotopomers.
11 n is that between the d3-methyl enantiomeric isotopomers.
12 tivity of enzymes for the heavier or lighter isotopomers.
13 aterial and to determine abundances of these isotopomers.
14 the position specific labeling of subsets of isotopomers.
15 e (5'S)-[5'-(2)H(1)]- and (5'R)-[5'-(2)H(1)]-isotopomers.
16 arrageenan gels and the prochiral and chiral isotopomers.
17 ponding spectra of the mu-O(2)(13)C(13)CO(2) isotopomers.
18 ulations of (13)CHD(2) and (13)CH(2)D methyl isotopomers.
19 artate, citrulline and, thereby, [(15)N]urea isotopomers.
20 o the urea cycle, and the production of urea isotopomers.
21 tains experimental MS/MS data on hundreds of isotopomers.
22 l peak magnitudes of the deuterium-exchanged isotopomers.
23  to the distinct spectroscopic signatures of isotopomers.
24 bly selective, affording only the axial-d(1) isotopomers.
25 g mixtures of iCB[6] and its (13)C=O labeled isotopomer (13)C(12)-iCB[6].
26 , (190)Os, and (188)Os) and three unique 13C isotopomers (13C in ethylene, axial, and equatorial posi
27                                          The isotopomers [15N3]-2'-deoxycytidine and (methyl-d3,ring-
28 red rotational constants for the main osmium isotopomer ((192)Os) are A = 929.3256(6), B = 755.1707(3
29  (both isotopomers, ca. 100%) and C12 (minor isotopomer, 30-35%), that is, an approximately 2:1 mixtu
30 owed observation of transitions for the four isotopomers (63)Cu(12)C(14)N, (65)Cu(12)C(14)N, (63)Cu(1
31 entadiyne (6a), along with both monodeuterio isotopomers 6b and 6c, has been synthesized via a route
32 , an A + 2 peak is comprised of (among other isotopomers) a two-(2)H-exchanged/zero-(13)C isotopomer,
33 isotopomers) a two-(2)H-exchanged/zero-(13)C isotopomer, a one-(2)H-exchanged/one-(13)C isotopomer, a
34 acy and precision in the measurement of mass isotopomer abundances and kinetic parameters were compar
35 lent agreement between measured and expected isotopomer abundances for the different NMR experiments,
36 asuring protein kinetics by quantifying mass isotopomer abundances of mid-sized peptides from protein
37 pectrometric methods to those extracts, mass isotopomer abundances of seven major organic acids were
38 sotope ratios (i.e., less dependence of mass isotopomer abundances on the amount of material injected
39                                         Mass isotopomer abundances were determined by electrospray io
40  a labeling data set consisting of 155 (13)C isotopomer abundances.
41 ine residues with specific (13)CHD(2) methyl isotopomers against a deuterated background.
42 nbridge-(18)O(2), alphabeta-bridge-(18)O]GTP isotopomer allowed us to probe for positional isotope ex
43  to multiply labeled glutamate and succinate isotopomers, also consistent with the flux through the m
44        The data suggest that combining (13)C isotopomer analyses and dynamic hyperpolarized (13)C spe
45 using a combination of metabolomics and mass isotopomer analyses.
46 with 13C-labeled substrates using 13C/1H-NMR isotopomer analysis after 30 minutes of low-flow ischemi
47                                         Both isotopomer analysis and activity assays suggest that cit
48 es of the 3 pathways were identified by mass isotopomer analysis and metabolomics.
49                                        (13)C-Isotopomer analysis and tandem mass spectrometry measure
50  of the combination of metabolomics and mass isotopomer analysis for pathway discovery.
51                      Mass spectrometric (MS) isotopomer analysis has become a standard tool for inves
52 sitive mass spectrometry techniques for mass isotopomer analysis has extended the reach of metabolic
53           QCLAS enables high-precision N(2)O isotopomer analysis in real time.
54  used to convert relative rates derived from isotopomer analysis into quantitative fluxes.
55                                      13C NMR isotopomer analysis is a powerful method for measuring m
56                                    This mass isotopomer analysis is referred to as time and relative
57                                         Mass isotopomer analysis of C(4) and C(5) ketone bodies and o
58                                        A 13C isotopomer analysis of glutamate isolated from these cel
59 enome annotation and the transcript profile, isotopomer analysis of key metabolites clarifies ambigui
60 ucted a study coupling metabolomics and mass isotopomer analysis of liver gluconeogenesis and citric
61                                              Isotopomer analysis of liver glutamate confirmed that an
62  the use of J-resolved HSQC (J-HSQC) for 13C isotopomer analysis of tissue samples.
63 bolites were then extracted and subjected to isotopomer analysis to determine relative rates of pathw
64     To examine this question, we applied 13C-isotopomer analysis to quantify flux through three anapl
65 ere, we combined (13)C hyperpolarization and isotopomer analysis to quantify multiple fates of pyruva
66 of 13C NMR spectroscopy makes application of isotopomer analysis to small tissue samples (mouse tissu
67     Here we used stable isotope labeling and isotopomer analysis to trace sterol flux through the two
68                                   Using mass isotopomer analysis we determined the enrichments of ace
69 ability, and accuracy of this method for the isotopomer analysis were validated.
70 inated from deacetylated APAP), through mass isotopomer analysis, accurate mass measurement, tandem m
71  of genetically modified animal models, mass isotopomer analysis, and metabolomics provides a powerfu
72 strate that FT-ICR MS is a powerful tool for isotopomer analysis, overcoming the problems with both G
73 od of numerical bias estimation regarding MS isotopomer analysis.
74 using a combination of metabolomics and mass isotopomer analysis.
75 1)H and (13)C relaxation rates of (13)CHD(2) isotopomers and (2)H (D) relaxation rates of (13)CH(2)D
76 eport separation of isotopic ions, including isotopomers and isobars, using ion mobility spectrometry
77 leucine and glucose for both highly enriched isotopomers and labeled isotopomers present in low abund
78                                          The isotopomers and their 50:50 mixtures formed helical dime
79 e isotopes but is blind to isotopic isomers (isotopomers) and, except at very high resolution, specie
80 C isotopomer, a one-(2)H-exchanged/one-(13)C isotopomer, and a zero-(2)H-exchanged/two-(13)C isotopom
81 verse datasets including genomic, proteomic, isotopomer, and DNA sequence variation are becoming avai
82  to detect 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine and its isotopomer, and ions of m/z 112 and 115 were used to det
83         Model reactions gave (16)O and (18)O isotopomers, and base-promoted hydrolysis of an O(2),2'-
84                                     The pABA isotopomers are ethyl esterified, isolated on C18 resin,
85 uterated media, invariably all possible (2)H isotopomers are obtained.
86  Following normal-phase HPLC separation, the isotopomers are silylated to their tBDMS derivatives.
87 g cytidylyl-(3',5')-cytidine phosphoramidite isotopomers as the common synthetic intermediates, with
88 rate) was measured competitively for various isotopomers at 103 degrees C.
89 C labeling of proteinogenic amino acids, and isotopomer balancing all indicated a large increase in t
90 paration is difficult and a major hurdle for isotopomer-based flux analysis of mixed cultures.
91 This study provides the foundation to extend isotopomer-based flux analysis to study metabolism of in
92                                              Isotopomer-based flux analysis typically relies on hydro
93 ild-type (WT) and PGC-1alpha(-/-) mice using isotopomer-based NMR with complementary gene expression
94 on accurate and precise measurements of mass isotopomers by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
95 frared absorption spectra of five deuterated isotopomers, C(6)D(5), p-C(6)H(4)D, p-C(6)HD(4), o-C(6)H
96 tions (patchoulol numbering system) C5 (both isotopomers, ca. 100%) and C12 (minor isotopomer, 30-35%
97     Besides, we show that (2)H-(13)C enantio-isotopomers can be distinguished using 2D NMR in chiral
98                                   While such isotopomers can be obtained in proteins overexpressed in
99 s of [PO(3)](-)/or [H(2)PO(4)](-) ions, mass isotopomers can be quantified directly from the intensit
100              The MS/MS spectra of additional isotopomers can then be computationally generated and in
101                          Given that isobaric isotopomers cannot be separated chromatographically or b
102           Spectra of [2-(13)C] and [3-(13)C] isotopomers contained signals arising from labeled carbo
103                            ISA uses all mass isotopomers, correctly identified imposed gradients of p
104 zene, where H-/D-isotopic labelling finds no isotopomer cross-over and the non-reactivity of a nitren
105      Powerful modeling frameworks balancing 'isotopomers', 'cumomers', or 'elementary modeling units'
106 ay upon use of a perdeuteromethyl TMG(3)tren isotopomer, d(36)-1 (KIE = 24 at 25 degrees C).
107  evaluate the accuracy and precision of mass isotopomer data for each fragment.
108 umor metabolic fluxes from (13)C NMR kinetic isotopomer data has been developed and validated with pe
109  a novel LC-MS/MS workflow, acquisition, and isotopomer deconvolution method for MFA that takes advan
110                Previous experiments with GTP isotopomers demonstrated that the ribose C3' hydrogen at
111  In vivo metabolism of (13)C-labeled glucose isotopomers demonstrates that C-3-C-6 of glucose become
112 ll result in a combinatorial distribution of isotopomers depending on the enrichment and number of "l
113                                Notably, such isotopomers differ slightly in mass as a result of the a
114                                         mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) and isotopomer s
115  agreed closely with models obtained by mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) and were consist
116                                         Mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) is a stable isot
117                              The use of mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) to quantify plas
118  = 8) or [2-(13)C] glycerol (n = 6) and mass isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA), or 2H2O (n = 6)
119                                         Mass isotopomer distribution analysis allows measurement of t
120             Gluconeogenesis measured by mass isotopomer distribution analysis provided 31 +/- 4, 41 +
121                                         Mass isotopomer distribution analysis was used to measure the
122 althy subjects were studied and DNL (by mass-isotopomer distribution analysis), lipolysis (by dilutio
123 nfusion of [1-(13)C] sodium acetate and mass isotopomer distribution analysis.
124 c tools were used to analyze changes in mass isotopomer distribution and changes in glucose and gluta
125 each metabolite pool by determining the mass isotopomer distribution for all labeled compounds.
126 ionization to rapidly measure the amino acid isotopomer distribution in a biomass hydrolysate of the
127 rate to an organism and then determining the isotopomer distribution in amino acids in proteins.
128 sotopoic enrichment due to their low natural isotopomer distribution in negative chemical ionization
129 es not affect E. coli growth kinetics or the isotopomer distribution in nine key metabolites.
130 n of (15)N amino acids results in a new mass isotopomer distribution in protein, which is approximate
131 ound by MS, for which high accuracy mass and isotopomer distribution measurements are critical.
132 he uptake of the acetate tracer and the mass isotopomer distribution of acetyl-CoA.
133 ngle highly expressed protein to analyze the isotopomer distribution of amino acids from one organism
134 beling measurements to quantify the complete isotopomer distribution of aspartate by least-squares re
135 thod for determining the complete positional isotopomer distribution of aspartate carbon atoms by gas
136                                     The mass isotopomer distribution of intermediates reveals the rev
137  or [5-(13)C]glutamine and analyzed the mass isotopomer distribution of key metabolites using models
138 lyl derivatization, and analysis of the mass isotopomer distribution of malonate.
139 ometry assays for the concentration and mass isotopomer distribution of malonyl-CoA in tissues.
140                                     The mass isotopomer distribution of malonyl-CoA was compared with
141  two companion articles, we compare the mass isotopomer distribution of metabolites of liver gluconeo
142                                          The isotopomer distribution of peptides after labeling can b
143 ometry assays for the concentration and mass isotopomer distribution of propionyl-CoA, methylmalonyl-
144 d EryI), a pathway fully consistent with the isotopomer distribution of the erythrose-4-phosphate-der
145 of key metabolites using models that fit the isotopomer distribution to fluxes.
146           The accurate determination of mass isotopomer distributions (MID) is of great significance
147 pe labeling experiments and analysis of mass isotopomer distributions (MID) of cellular metabolites i
148  based on the combinatorial analyses of mass isotopomer distributions (MIDs) of fatty acids and stero
149 scan types that maximizes the number of mass isotopomer distributions (MIDs) that can be acquired in
150 intracellular intermediate and cofactor mass isotopomer distributions (MIDs),1 it was found that a to
151 imulations, it was observed that carbon mass isotopomer distributions and measurement noise can be de
152                Metabolite profiles and their isotopomer distributions can be studied noninvasively in
153 cids but higher signal for nucleotides, mass isotopomer distributions from sorted cells were generall
154  without any fitting parameters, of the mass isotopomer distributions of fatty acids from cells grown
155                                     The mass isotopomer distributions of propionyl-CoA, methylmalonyl
156 o demonstrate this method, we determined the isotopomer distributions of samples of 13C-labeled leuci
157                       At each step, the mass isotopomer distributions of the samples were analyzed by
158 ver, commonly used techniques to measure the isotopomer distributions require derivatization prior to
159                                         Mass isotopomer distributions were quantified precisely by LC
160 or inorganic phosphate and altered phosphate isotopomer distributions, consistent with increased phos
161 ctional lipogenesis calculated from the mass isotopomer distributions.
162 bined information is then utilized to derive isotopomer distributions.
163 termined by least-squares regression of mass isotopomer distributions.
164 cribed to differential H-bonding for the two isotopomers due to zero point energy differences.
165 ed an accurate GC/MS measurement for the low isotopomer enrichment assay of formic acid, acetic acid,
166 cidence measurements carried out on methanol isotopomers, ethylene glycol, and acetone.
167 2) shows rapid formation of all of the other isotopomers except 1.
168 stribution and available experimental (e.g., isotopomer) flux data.
169 imulated the expected abundance at each mass isotopomer for the GSNEM ion at various values for N, wa
170 of ATP hydrolyzed and the sum of new acetone isotopomers formed.
171 asured and allowed the identification of all isotopomers formed.
172 h precision for isotopologue and tandem mass isotopomer fractions representing >10% of total abundanc
173 e identification of isotopologues as well as isotopomers from biological samples and provides a platf
174               Spectroscopic data for triplet isotopomers H-C-C-C-H, H-(13)C-C-C-H, and H-C-(13)C-C-H
175 oron quadrupole coupling strengths for three isotopomers, H(6)C(4)(11)B(14)N, H(6)C(4)(10)B(14)N, and
176 thods; data for the deuterium and barium 137 isotopomers have been measured as well.
177 is- and trans-ethylene-d2 generates 1-hexene isotopomers having terminal CDH groups, with an isotope
178 e method accurately and precisely determined isotopomer identity and abundance in the labeled materia
179 ction of the pentose cycle on the M2 glucose isotopomer in the liver.
180           Measurement of the distribution of isotopomers in a labeled compound or mixture of labeled
181 ed and (13)C=(18)O-Leu/(15)N-Gly bis-labeled isotopomers in CDCl(3).
182  users to combine MS/MS spectra from various isotopomers in different ratios to obtain a theoretical
183 mulation of the steady state distribution of isotopomers in intermediates of the glycolysis/OPPP netw
184  provides a new means of quantifying glucose isotopomers in metabolic studies.
185                   The distribution of sterol isotopomers in plasma mirrored that of liver.
186          Enrichments of M(+1) and M(+2) mass isotopomers in the CK-peptide were measurable but low (c
187 me as the integrated intensity of all of the isotopomers in the isotope distribution.
188 atorial analysis of the distribution of mass isotopomers in triacylglyceride glycerol.
189    This approach enables rapid generation of isotopomers in which carbon and hydrogen can be replaced
190 etection of (2)H-(13)C isotopomeric isomers (isotopomers) in natural abundance (1.7 x 10(-4)%) both i
191 via indirect detection of 13C providing that isotopomer information can be preserved.
192 tabolite coverage, while also providing rich isotopomer information for a significant number of key m
193  biotechnological samples, while tandem mass isotopomer information is also accessible for a large nu
194  HOD in the jet reveal the formation of only isotopomers involving deuterium in the secondary hydroge
195 ng that the molecular orientation of glycine isotopomers is the same.
196        In addition, the distribution of mass isotopomers is used to study the biosynthesis of diacylg
197 D exchange using D2, and that five different isotopomers/isotopologues of the sigma-alkane complex re
198 IV)(CH(3))(2)D (1-d(1)()) with its scrambled isotopomer, kappa(3)-Tp(Me)2Pt(IV)(CH(3))(CH(2)D)H (1-d(
199                     Methyldiazene (HN=N-CH3) isotopomers labeled with 15N at the terminal or internal
200                                 Further, the isotopomer labeling patterns of amino acids derived from
201  A novel MS/MS-based analysis strategy using isotopomer labels, referred to as "tandem mass tags" (TM
202  of maps to be automatically translated into isotopomer mass-balance equations.
203 fluxes that are typically computed from mass isotopomer measurements is increased.
204         Approximately 1,400 independent mass isotopomer measurements obtained from analysis of 37 met
205 methodology for flux determination from mass isotopomer measurements of biomass hydrolysates, while t
206                                      The two-isotopomer method did not identify gradients of precurso
207 the samples were analyzed by ISA and the two-isotopomer method to determine whether each method could
208 , did not agree with a simpler algebraic two-isotopomer method.
209 sulin secretion, we have adapted 13C NMR and isotopomer methods to measure influx of metabolic fuels
210                  We show that J-HSQC reports isotopomer multiplet patterns identical to those reporte
211                                              Isotopomer network compartmental analysis (INCA) is the
212 d myc(-/-) and myc(+/+) fibroblasts by (13)C isotopomer NMR analysis.
213              Here, we show that a positional isotopomer NMR tracer analysis (PINTA) method can be use
214    A doublet peak pattern for the (16)O(18)O isotopomer of 2 in mixed-isotope Raman experiments stron
215 s monitored by the appearance of a plasma M1 isotopomer of glucose, which is produced by the action o
216                                     Using an isotopomer of tyrosine to evaluate artifactual productio
217 IE) for the interconversion of the two chair isotopomers of 1-trideutero-1,3,3-trimethylcyclohexane w
218 titative evaluation of 13C distribution into isotopomers of 13C-labeled aldoses and ketoses, and the
219                    Trapable yields for three isotopomers of 2 range from 72% to 86%.
220 h the use of singly and doubly (13)C-labeled isotopomers of 2.
221                  The microwave spectra of 10 isotopomers of 8 and 5 isotopomers of 9 were obtained us
222 crowave spectra of 10 isotopomers of 8 and 5 isotopomers of 9 were obtained using a pulsed nozzle Fou
223  atom fragmentations to fully resolve all 16 isotopomers of aspartate.
224 ly labeled with nondeuterated and deuterated isotopomers of CPM, respectively.
225 insic spectra and relative abundances of all isotopomers of ergosterol whose carbon atoms in the 5,7-
226 articular, metabolic flux analysis uses mass isotopomers of metabolic products typically formed from
227             In order to elucidate positional isotopomers of nucleosides from RNA and DNA, we screened
228 technical limitations, we failed to separate isotopomers of phosphorylated sugars.
229                   Our results establish that isotopomers of plant archives contain metabolic informat
230 laser spectra have been compiled for several isotopomers of small (dimer through hexamer) water clust
231                  Rotational spectra of seven isotopomers of tetracarbonylethyleneosmium, Os(CO)4(eta2
232 R data are reported for the (15)N and (64)Ni isotopomers of the cofactor, both in the intact enzyme a
233                                      Several isotopomers of the complex were generated, and the IR sp
234                                              Isotopomers of the ribosomal P-site substrate, the trinu
235 developed protocol is suited to measure mass isotopomers of these alpha-keto acids in tracer studies
236 nitio procedure is demonstrated for the main isotopomers of water.
237                                         Mass isotopomers of whole glucose from medium or glycogen and
238 amolecular deuterium distribution (deuterium isotopomers) of photosynthetic C3 glucose contains a sig
239 actions were quantified for each cycloalkane isotopomer on each surface.
240 H- and (13)C-substituted 2-deoxyribofuranose isotopomer on which to investigate this potential effect
241 ion of perhydrido and perdeutero cycloalkane isotopomers on the hexagonally close-packed Ru(001) and
242 ion framework for designing a set of protein isotopomers, or labeling schedules, to reduce the conges
243 the activation barriers for each cycloalkane isotopomer pair, and also by comparison with other relev
244  the single carbon source, in order that the isotopomer pattern of all metabolites would mirror the l
245 calculated by combinatorial analysis of mass isotopomer patterns in peptides correlate very closely w
246 e- and two-carbon elongation mechanisms: (a) isotopomer patterns in terminal carbon atom pairs of bra
247                                          The isotopomer patterns of proteinogenic amino acids reveale
248                                     The mass isotopomer patterns of the synthetic peptides were analy
249 ass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis of mass isotopomer patterns to measure protein turnover.
250 matic errors unique for each individual mass isotopomer peak.
251 brated back to the imide A-py slowly, as the isotopomer (PNP)Sc(ND[DIPP])(eta(2)-NC(5)H(4)) (2-d(1))
252 both highly enriched isotopomers and labeled isotopomers present in low abundance against a natural i
253 fore, the hormonal regulation of [(15)N]urea isotopomer production depends upon the coordinate action
254 , Rb(+), NH(4)(+)), and produced mixtures of isotopomers, ranging from singly exchanged H(1)D(5)- to
255 predicted, the less thermodynamically stable isotopomer rearranges at cryogenic temperatures in the d
256 revious HDX MS methods did not resolve these isotopomers, requiring a natural-abundance-only (before
257 ed to detect 2'-deoxycytidine and its stable isotopomer, respectively.
258 nt evidence from enzyme activity assays, the isotopomer results from both gas chromatography-mass spe
259 vatives, thus diminishing the possibility of isotopomer scrambling during GC analysis.
260 o those of the para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) isotopomers; second, substituting an NH2 solid phase ext
261 plished by Raman analysis of 11 different fd isotopomers selectively incorporating deuterium at speci
262 of the 1((15)N) (50% Fe identical with(15)N) isotopomer shows a resonance at 1016 ppm (vs externally
263                              By tracing this isotopomer signal in herbarium samples of natural C3 vas
264                              N2O isotope and isotopomer signatures, as well as molecular genetic resu
265  + 2 profile example above, deconvolving the isotopomer species resulting from deuterium incorporatio
266        On the basis of batch experiments, an isotopomer-specific kinetic model, and density functiona
267                From these experimental MS/MS isotopomer spectra, precursor atoms can be mapped to fra
268  isotopomer distribution analysis (MIDA) and isotopomer spectral analysis (ISA) represent such method
269 imates of fractional synthesis calculated by isotopomer spectral analysis (ISA), a nonlinear regressi
270 l was decreased by progestins as measured by isotopomer spectral analysis, whereas newly synthesized
271 ts with D2 to afford [D1D](0), but not mixed isotopomers such as [H1D](0).
272        The synthesis and characterization of isotopomer tandem nucleic acid mass tag-peptide nucleic
273 over the range 10-45 degrees C for the three isotopomers Tc((16)O)(4)(-), Tc((16)O)(3)((18)O)(-), and
274 strong ion at an m/z of 576.2703 for the 16O-isotopomer that shifts to 580.2794 in the 18O-isotopomer
275 olyzed biomass and increases the coverage of isotopomers that can be quantified, making it a promisin
276 cm(-)(1); a monotonic sensitivity to cyanide isotopomers that indicates the Fe-CN adduct has a linear
277 ntly consisting of highly and fully labelled isotopomers; the total plant material contained more tha
278 was made along with its doubly (15)N-labeled isotopomer to explore bonding interactions at each imida
279 o-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-diphosphate provides an isotopomer to perturb EPR spectra in a predictable manne
280 e rotational/vibrational states of the ozone isotopomer, together with an analysis of the competition
281  the R132H-isobolome by using targeted (13)C isotopomer tracer fate analysis to trace the metabolic f
282            No difference was detected in the isotopomer trends between beet sugar samples covering th
283                      In examples shown here, isotopomer uncertainties were calculated with relative s
284  and (2)H (D) relaxation rates of (13)CH(2)D isotopomers using a single sample.
285 ial to represent any and all combinations of isotopomer variations of that material and to determine
286  of the labeled siderophore, analysis of the isotopomers was conducted via one-dimensional (1)H and (
287 es were identified, and the isotope ratio of isotopomers was quantified.
288 e tracer, [1, 2-13C(2)]glucose (a M2 glucose isotopomer), was administered at 1mg/g body weight to 4-
289 , the calculated EIEs for the monodeuterated isotopomers were analyzed.
290 sis as well as the production of [(15)N]urea isotopomers were determined using gas chromatography-mas
291                    ESI-cleavable peptide TNT isotopomers were introduced into PNA oligonucleotide seq
292 s, monodeuterated 1,5-dimethylsemibullvalene isotopomers were prepared and investigated by IR spectro
293         Aqueous solutions of the three (13)C isotopomers were studied by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectrosc
294                                        These isotopomers were synthesized by coupling cytidylyl-(3',5
295 e with 93% (13)C isotopic purity, and 55% of isotopomers were uniformly labelled.
296 typically involve measurements on (13)CHD(2) isotopomers, where the (13)C relaxation mechanism is par
297  population of the desired (13)CHD(2) methyl isotopomer, which is ideal for (1)H and (13)C spin relax
298 ange of trans beta-carotene (tbeta-carotene) isotopomers with a peak enrichment at molecular mass plu
299 oacetyl derivatives of ethyl-esterified pABA isotopomers with heptafluorobutyl derivatives, which are
300 ow here that fragmentation of glutamate mass isotopomers yields additional mass spectral data that si

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